Another [F]un challenge update…

In my last post i promised i was going to be setting more challenges… and then i realised there was a bit of a problem… i cant really set challenges if i also know some people at college know about my posts and accounts online and see what ive been saying…

So ive changed how im going to do things and now im not going to be posting about what im going to be doing and instead im going to post about what ive done and how it went – and this is the first post where im going to do that.

Since my last post here are the things that i got up to:

* I had to give three boys my knickers (from the promise in my last post). The first two were really shy, and i went into the toilets to take them off, to then give them to them after. The last one was different; he asked me to take them off right there. I waited a moment until the corridor was qiute quiet and then slid them down over my legs and shoes and gave them to him there. He looked at me like he didnt believe i was actualy doing it.
* I had two spare pairs of knickers that i had to give away but didnt find a way to at school so i did something different – i left them on the bus. It was so exciting to know someone i might have never met now has a pair of my pants…
* I spent an entire day at college AND going into town to meet with friends while wearing only two pieces of clothing – a tight denim miniskirt that i had to keep pulling down constantly and a strapless white crop top. (Yes i wore shoes, but no socks). That means no underwear – no bra, no knickers, nothing. It was actually kinda boring at first because nobody really noticed anything was different, until we went to sit in the park together after college and my friends definitely all noticed i was really struggling to find a way to sit on the grass without showing them EVERYTHING.
* Another challenge that went over two days because it was really hard was this – i had to make myself cum in class. No special toys, no tricks, just i had to get myself over the edge in class. That was much harder than i thought it was going to ever be – when i was thinking about that one at home it was hard not to get really turned on and close my eyes and imagine doing it, but when i got to college and tried, it was really tricky. I didnt want to just sit and make it obvious (i dont want to get kicked out of class or college after all!) but at the same time being too subtle meant i couldnt ever get there. A few classes went by with me just really carefully hiding my hand under everything and trying to find the right spot, but having to be really quiet and subtle meant it never really worked. I promised myself that if i couldnt do it in class, i couldnt do it at all so had a terrible night where i kept myself hornier than i had ever been before but eventually, on the second day, there was a much busier and noisier class and with the help of a really hot guy sitting in a row in front to stare at i finally did it. Im not noisy when i cum, but i cant help tensing up and holding my breath, and shudder a little… i think maybe someone might have noticed what i did but possibly thought i had just sneezed or had slept and woken up suddenly.
* Then I got more brave, and the next one was actually a lot easier. I challenged myself to give someone a blowjob who ive never spoken to before that point in my life ever before. This one was like the universe knew what i was doing because the moment i walked into college that day, i walked past a guy id seen before and never really spoken to who was staring at me with a big smile. I bit my lip, turned, and walked up to him and started talking. We talked about some of the things we both like – strange pets, Netflix, Anime… and then i reached out and held his hand, and tried to look as innocent as i can, and said “can i ask a favour please?”. He said yeah sure no problem, and then i said “can i give you a blow job please?”, and did a silly puppy dog eyes thing. He was completely quiet, took his hand away from mine, and then laughed really loud, which made me laugh too. He said it was crazy and nobody just says that, and then asked if i was messing with him. I laughed with him and giggled, but then really openly said “Actually no i mean it – look, i woke up really horny today, you seem really nice, and im trying something new so yeah, id quiet like to suck your cock if that sounds good to you?”
He went SO QUIET and odd, and looked really pale, and then stammered and stumbled, and finally said “Um okay! What the fuck? This is so weird… okay!”. Long story short, we held hands and walked along, and didnt say anything because it was so weird and awkward to just say or do something like that, he looked like he had seen a ghost. We went into the guys toilets (i thought it would be less worrying for him than going into the girls – it looked like i had nearly given him a heart attack anyway), and found a cubicle and locked ourselves in it. We had the worlds MOST AWKWARD KISS, and he looked away and was a bit embarrassed, so i took charge. At first I undid the fly on his jeans and then realised that just wouldnt be enough so undid the button on his jeans (why do guys jeans always have buttons that are SO HARD TO UNDO?!), but eventually took his jeans down, his pants, and without any delay pulled his cock into my mouth. He was already surprisingly hard, and it didnt take long before he got to that familiar point of getting really quiet and tense… I will always remember the look in his eyes when his eyes opened really really wide and stared at me as I held on tight around his back and felt him cum in my mouth. His cum wasnt very big and definitely wasnt a great taste, but my head was swimming that I had just swallowed every last drop of someone id really only just met. Afterwards I stood up, kissed him on the cheek, and just walked out of the cubicle and the toilets. I heard him lock the cubicle behind me as we left, and i didnt see him afterwards so that was the last time I spoke to him.

And then… there was yesterday, where i think i might have crossed the line from “a girl who is exploring being a bit more fun and slutty” and into a whole new world… but that is time for another post…



  1. These all sound very fun and hot! But I’m also wondering how on earth you aren’t worried about getting an STD from some random guy you don’t know? Not judging at all, only curious, because that’s all I would think about.

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