Blackmail 20 – Boss Date Pt 4 (F, blackmail, fiction)

I sat down across the table from my *admirer* getting my first look at the man.

He wasn’t overly gorgeous as he looked, in my opinion, quite unremarkable. But some how I knew this man who tormented and teased me for so long held an element of power in his demeanor.

He had nice short curly brown hair that sat flatly on his head. He had a thick beard that made his jaw line stand out. His piercing green eyes stared at me with a look of hunger I was all too familiar with.

The man was wearing a nice suit. Didn’t look too flashy nor too horrible. I wasn’t sure if it expensive or not but I was assuming it was with all the money, if he was my *admirer*, he had been throwing at me.

He smiled his dazzling white teeth at me through his beard causing me to want to melt, “So glad we can finally meet Bella.”

I blushed but tried to remain focused, “And you must be my *admirer*.”

He started laughing at the very mention of me calling him my *admirer*. It was a better term than *tormentor* or *teaser*.

Mid chuckle he spoke, “Is that what you call me?”

I squinted at him, “Among the many names I have for you yes.”

That made him laugh more.

Once he got himself under control he looked at me, “Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Miles Beisos.”

I looked at him and flatly said, “Never heard of you.”

He looked at me suddenly with his piercing green eyes, “Nor should you.”

Just then a woman came up, “Hello my name is Serenity. I’ll be your server tonight can I start you off with any drinks?”

Miles, my *admirer* and new *boss*, addressed Serenity, “I’ll have a glass of water.”

He looked at me, “Don’t want to ruin the night with alcohol.”

I blushed but looked at the girl who I could tell was judging me for my ‘outfit’ though I ignored it, “I’ll have the same.”


I already had champagne in me and really didn’t want to mix alcohol and be hugging the porcelain gods the rest of the night.

As someone in college once told champagne is like perfume going down and sewage coming back up when mixed.

Really don’t want to test that claim other than confirming it was like perfume going down…..dry perfume at that.

Though I was really tempted to order wine right now.

Serenity frowned but continued, “Are you ready to order?”

Miles smiled, “could you give us a few minutes for my lovely date to review your menu?”

Serenity looked at me before looking at Miles and slightly bowing, “Of course. I’ll be back shortly with your water.”

I decided on quickly looking at the menu to find that it only had three options for ‘dinner’ as the entire menu dictates that it was a five course menu laying out what to expect.

My only options for the theme of the dinner selection was fish, beef, chicken or vegan.

With my only options pretty much narrowed I decided I beef as well as deciding that next week I’ll be on a strictly veggie diet and heavy work out regimen with tonight’s meal.

With that decision made I looked at my *admirer*, “So now that I’m here what do you plan on doing to me?”

Miles raised his eyebrow at me, “I’m surprised you don’t want to know how I know you or what to know more about me?”

I blushed but kept my head up, “Yes I want to know that too but with me in this revealing dress I’m more inclined to know what you have planned for me tonight?”

He smiled, “Well I was thinking I would feed you so we can get to know each other more then maybe take you back to a hotel for the weekend.”

Crap! I thought it was just tonight.

I didn’t pack any clothes.

I looked at him, “But I didn’t pack any clothes.”

He smiled, “That’s the point.”

I sighed.

Looks like he plans on having me nude the rest of the time.

I looked at him, “Why a hotel? Don’t you live here?”

He smiled, “I don’t think we’re at the point for you to see my place just yet. A hotel is fine.”

Damn. I was hoping to see his place.

I resigned to finding out what my *admirer* had in store for me and I’ll admit my excitement rose knowing that my weekend was going to be with him.

I looked at him, “Ok fine. How do you know about me?”

Just then Serenity decided to show back up with our water, “Have you two decided?”

Miles smiled at her, “I’ll go with the seafood option.”

Serenity smiled and wrote it down. She looked at him, “Would you like the oysters that come with it.”

Miles looked at me with a wolfish smile, “Of course.”

That made me blush.

Serenity noted his order and looked at me with obvious disdain, “And you?”

I realized she was careful with her words not calling me anything derogatory which was kind of refreshing but I knew in her mind she was calling me all sorts of names.

I ignored it as I addressed her, “Beef is fine.”

Serenity noted it and asked, “How do you typically like your beef?”

I looked at her, “Medium rare is fine.”

Serenity nodded and walked away without saying anything.

I looked at Miles, “Ok so how do you know me?”

Miles smiled as his eyes twinkled making me want to melt. Damn his eyes and that smile.

He spoke, “Remember a while back when your online account, along with a multitude of accounts, got hacked on your paid subscription site?”

I nodded vaguely remembering the hack.

The company that houses the site where girl’s strip, play, masturbate for ‘donations’ was hacked and a lot of females actual banking accounts were compromised due to the hack. Mine included.

When the hack happened and I was notified both by my back and the company I quickly changed my banking account information, mainly my password, and changed my online accounts password and switched to a pay site sort as a middle man between my online account and my banking account.

Which was good.

Plus I was kind of happy my bank was also vigilant and red flagged the transaction as whoever hacking the site tried to siphon over $9,000 from my bank. As they red flagged it they quickly notified me about the transaction to make sure it wasn’t an error when I told them I didn’t know anything about it they quickly red flagged it and sent me an email to change my password.

I heard through the news I wasn’t the only girl whose account was compromised as hundreds of thousands of dollars was gone in the blink of an eye.

I looked at him and nodded.

He continued, “Do you happen to remember what happened after that?”

I remember the news shortly after the announcement of the sites compromised information as the news stated that the company had hired an investigation into the hack and quickly found the individuals responsible for the hack and had arrested them through a series of arrests across multiple states and countries. Much of the detail was kept hush hush as the news was fairly vague in it’s description.

Once again I looked at Miles and nodded.

He smiled.

I looked at him, “Are you telling me that you were the hacker responsible for that?”

He laughed and waved his hands at me, “Nonsense.”

I looked at him incredulously, “So are you the investigator?”

He smiled and nodded.

I looked at him, “Then why target me?”

He looked at me, “Let’s just say I admired your work and when I found that you were one of the accounts that was compromised I decided to do some off the books investigation as it were.”

I looked at him, “But that’s an invasion of my privacy.”

He looked at me, “Is it? I thought you were sharing yourself for the all mighty dollar?”

I blushed, “But still.”

He shrugged like what he did was nothing wrong, “I haven’t done anything to compromise you in reality.”

I felt my anger flare though I knew not to make a scene, “Yes you have.”

He looked at me, “How so?”

I quickly answered but kept my voice low, “First you blackmail me into giving you a free show. Then you send me a teasing gift and shock my ass left and right whenever it pleases you. Then you demand that I increase my cell phone service just so you can tease me at the gym which almost gets me caught. Do I really have to go on how you’ve invaded my privacy?”

He smiled, “All you had to do was tell me to fuck off and you would have lived your life however you wanted. Besides I made sure you were protected at all times.”

I looked at him and scowled knowing that my blood was rising, “Oh bullshit. I did tell you to fuck off multiple times but you still dangled that carrot against me. AND that little bitch Amia almost fucking caught me no thanks to you.”

He smiled and nodded, “That’s true. But even if Amia almost caught you I would have made sure you were safe.”

I looked at him confused, “How so?”

He smiled before he pulled out his phone and tapped a couple of times before showing me his phone. On his phone was a female’s room…..I watched on the phone and saw Amia’s form walk into frame before sitting down obviously in front of her laptop for something.

I blushed when I saw the video before I looked up at Amia, “Did you?”

I dared not finish the question in the location I was at.

Miles simply nodded, “That’s just her laptop. I have access to her phone without her knowing it as well, along with her little friends. So if she WERE to catch you I would have simply made it disappear from her phone and devices.”

He looked at me before he smiled a wolfish smile, “Before I make a copy that is.”

I looked at him, “I can’t be here for this. This is too much.” I stood up and looked at him, “If what you are saying is true about me telling you to fuck off. Then this is me saying ‘FUCK OFF’,” and I turned to leave.

I got exactly two feet before the plug and egg in me started vibrating causing a low buzzing sound to be heard from my lower anatomy.

Miles spoke a clear demand, “Come back.”

I whispered as I saw more people taking photos of me, “Please don’t do this.”

Miles repeated his command, “Come.”

I hesitated but only for a moment before I turned and sat down. My face red from embarrassment….and frustration.

Miles smiled but didn’t say anything…..nor did he turn off the plug and egg creating an audible buzzing sound coming from the chair. I tried to remain calm but my body was slowly betraying me as I wanted more.

I looked at him with pleading eyes and whispered, “You made your point.”

Miles held up his cell phone showing me the app as he smiled showing the ‘WET’ signal coming from the outline pointing at the lower half of the figure and spoke in a low tone that only I could hear, “Remember you are mine to control. You agreed to this.” He pointed to the ‘WET’ notification, “And this tells me you are loving this.”

I watched in horror as his finger moved in slow motion for me towards the ‘SHOCK’ button resting next to my upper location on the app.

I felt a tear threatening to exit my eye as I whispered, “Please don’t do this.”

[Part 19](

[Master List](



  1. Another episode of an addictive missive…well done! Can’t wait to enjoy the next installments!

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