Step Sister Corruption Part 114 – Day 75 Pet Shave (fiction, M/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


A female voice spoke, “I’m sorry Mistress you want this pet to do what?”

I had both boxes open, “Get in one of the boxes.”

Morgan trembled her lips but obeyed without hesitation as her clothing was removed and was neatly placed on the table.  Each piece of clothing was removed meticulously in order starting with her heavy coat.  Then her coat.  Then her heavy long sleeve shirt.  Then her bra.  Then her pants.  And finally her socks.

The only thing that remained was her chastity belt that she had on for so long.

I looked at her, “At least I’m giving you a choice on how you want to be tortured.”

Gabe laughed, “No offense Summer but you’re torturing your pet too much.”

Morgan looked at Gabe like she wanted to agree but didn’t say anything.

I walked up to the belted girl and placed her key in her hand, “Choose.”

Morgan nodded and put the key into the locking mechanism that was around her waist unsnapping the lock and quickly removed the piece of hardware that covered her special place to the world.

I stopped my pet, “Hold it pet.”

She froze like she had done something wrong.

I walked up and looked down at the rough patch of fur that had grown from lack of maintenance.

I looked at her as she looked down at her own fluff.

I spoke, “No pet of mine will have such an unruly patch of hair.  Go shave that off.”

Morgan bowed, “Yes Mistress.”

I had completely forgotten I had locked my *PET* in her confines long enough for her natural hair to grow out and because of *MY* forced obstruction it was hard for the girl to maintain her lower self with my express conditions of remaining hairfree.  I needed to remedy this.

I looked at Gabe and Kelly, “If Sabrina shows up please entertain her.”

I looked at Morgan, “Let’s go clean you up.  Remember shaving only.”

Morgan blushed but bowed, “Yes Mistress.”  

And I followed her into the bathroom in Kelly’s room.

We walked into the bathroom as I started the water so Morgan can shave.

Morgan stood in place as I walked around grabbing this and that.  I grabbed an electric razor.  Then I grabbed my shaving butter that I switched to recently, the foam didn’t get me smooth enough long enough.  And finally I switched the blades on my razor for Morgan.

I handed her the items and said, “Be quick.”

Morgan nodded and walked into the shower to shave off her hair as I heard the electric razor turn on and watched her trim off the majority of the fluff before she got wet.  With the majority of the hair gone she gently set the razor down on the ground at the entrance of the shower before closing the door and getting wet.

At least she was smart enough to trim off everything before destroying the blades with her thick down there hair.

I sat there waiting trying to remain calm though I had a million ideas and naughty things to try out.

While I waited Kelly poked her head in, “Sabrina just showed up.”

I smiled at Kelly, “Thanks.”

Kelly was about to leave but I stopped her, “Kelly.”

Kelly poked her head back in, “Yes?”

I smiled at her, “Offer Sabrina a drink with some Lilith’s in it.”

Kelly got a wicked smile on her and nodded.

I spoke again, “Oh and Kelly.”

Kelly looked at me.

I spoke, “You can’t join in while Sabrina’s here.”

Kelly frowned, “I know.”

I looked at her, “So that means you’ll be doing a show tonight while I’m dealing with Sabrina.”

Kelly frowned, “Do I have to?”

I nodded and spoke, “This will be a perfect time for you to work on your appreciation talks.”

Kelly huffed, “Fine.”

And left.

I heard her groan as she walked out of her room but I smiled.

I looked at the shower, “Hurry up.”

Morgan spoke timidly, “Yes Mistress.  Almost done.”

I sat and waited fighting the urge to join her in the shower to help her shave.  Didn’t want to rush her and I didn’t want to nick anything.  I have a hard enough time shaving my own areas let alone someone else’s.

Normally I go to one of the massage parlors with Gabe or Kelly for a full treatment.  Meaning they do the shaving for me along with getting all sorts of relaxation through the steam rooms, mud baths, and hot stone massages.

I waited and waited getting more and more antsy as Morgan shaved herself.

Eventually Gabe poked his head into the bathroom, “What did you tell Kelly to do?”

I looked at Gabe, “Just offer her a drink with a little extra…..why?”

Gabe spoke, “You might want to come out here then.”

I nodded and yelled at Morgan, “You done yet?”

Morgan timidly answered, “Just washing off Mistress.”

I sighed as Gabe heard everything.  Gabe just looked at me, “Need me to do anything?  I’m hiding in Kelly’s room until you come out.”

I raised my eyebrow at him, “That bad?”

Gabe nodded, “Yeah.”

I groaned thinking that this wasn’t what I was expecting.

I sighed and looked at Gabe, “Just get Kelly ready for a video show.”

Gabe nodded, “You got it.”  He stopped and looked at me, “Wait how do you want her prepared?”

I looked at him, “Bind her wrists to her ankles on her stomach.  Position the cameras close up and at her face.”

Gabe nodded, “Consider it done.”

I heard Kelly in the background, “Fuck really?”

I laughed at the same time as Gabe spoke, “You heard her.”

Just then Morgan stepped out of the shower completely soaked and smooth.  She looked at me, “Is this good Mistress?”

I looked her up and down before I mused, “Not bad.”

I stood up, “Alright.  Dry yourself off while I go check on my other guest.  Assist Gabe with Kelly until I call you out.”

Morgan dipped her head in acknowledgement, “As you wish Mistress.”

I walked out of Kelly’s bathroom to see Kelly was positioned on her bed already had her right wrist bound to her left ankle as Gabe was binding her left wrist.

I spoke, “Make sure the laptop is near so Kelly can read out to the user’s who *donate*.”

Gabe looked at me and nodded.

Kelly just looked over her shoulder, “How long will I be doing this?”

I shrugged, “Until you get to the point where being gracious is part of your charm honey.”

Kelly growled, “Damn it.”

I smiled as I walked out of Kelly’s room and was welcomed to a sight I wasn’t expecting…..Sabrina on the couch…..moaning.




  1. damn i’m sad i caught up :( this is so good i’ll just read your others lol

  2. Man I can’t wait for the next one and the one after and the one after that and so on and so forth

  3. For those of as that have followed you from the beginning you are slow walking us. Somebody needs to get fucked in detail or I’m done.

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