I hate tinder and I’m over trying to date. [MF]

I got to try dabs yesterday for the first time. That was cool but not worth the insane awkwardness I had to endure. I went over to this dude from tinders house and I told him beforehand I didn’t want to have sex and I just wanted to get to know him. He was all over me. It was like dab-awkward touch – dab – kiss – dab… it was fucking weird.

Voices are a dealbreaker for me and I HATED his voice. The more we smoked the more I wanted to punch him in the throat. Then he went on a fucking rant about the vaccine. So I left.

Ended up going to a bar around the corner and meeting up with this guy S who I’ve been friends with a while. He’s cool. I had a slight emotional breakdown but without the tears, so I didn’t look too pathetic which was nice.

After me ranting to S about everything we went outside to leave and he asked if he could go down on me in his back seat. I busted out laughing… I thought he was joking… he wasn’t. Ugh.

After the bar I ended up meeting up with another guy off tinder who I’ve been talking to for a while that I had planned to meet up with anyways eventually so I said fuck it, it can’t be worse than the rest of my day.

* narrator* She was wrong, it got worse.

So tinder # 2 lived in a fucking trailer. I felt so defeated by life at this point. We hung out for a little bit and smoked. I felt pretty comfortable, there were a lot of good vibes about him. He liked my feet. I let him fuck me. We didn’t even kiss. It was so emotionless, quick, and sad. Then he got a text from his sister who lived a couple trailers down to let him know the cops were at his trailer. I didn’t even freak out I just laid there naked like “yep, that’s the kind of day I’m having”

Turns out the cops were not there so I peaced the fuck out. He ended up finding out the cops were there before we got there but he’s not sure why.

So that was my Wednesday, how was yours?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/n19z4s/i_hate_tinder_and_im_over_trying_to_date_mf


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