I was studying for the bar exam and had a lot of built up tension [FM] [Part 3]

Ok, if you haven’t read [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mzxj63/i_was_studying_for_the_bar_exam_and_had_a_lot_of/) and [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/n0fkwk/i_was_studying_for_the_bar_exam_and_had_a_lot_of/), feel free if you want some juicy background. This is when it really gets good though.

After a week of ignoring each other, he finally invited me out with a group of his friends and this time I was determined to get into his bed. I wore a dress that was way too short and spent half an hour picking out a pair of lace underwear. I was on a mission.

I purposefully showed up late, just like he had done to me the week before, and when I walked in I watched his eyes sweep me up and down as he got up to greet me.

“You look hot,” he whispered as he gave me a little hug.

I met his eyes and said very casually, “Just so you know, I’m going home with you tonight.”

“Oh are you?” He chuckled. “We’ll see.”

“We certainly will,” is all I said as I went to the bar to order myself a drink.

I was sitting across from him in a booth, largely ignoring his gaze as I made smalltalk with his friends. I could sense him watching me though and made it a point to occasionally glance his way with a small, suggestive wink. When I fished the cherry on out of my drink and smiled at him as I held it in place with my teeth, he averted his eyes and I saw him mumble “Fuck” under his breath.

I laughed to myself as I announced I needed to go to the bathroom and asked to be let out of the booth. Moments later, my phone buzzed with a message from him asking, “So if you go home with me, what do you want to do?”

I didn’t hesitate in my response and texted back, “I want to get on my knees and worship your dick.” I saw my screen light up with three dots like he was trying to respond, but they quickly disappeared, reappeared, and then disappeared again.

Ok, I had him, and now it was time to close. I took off my underwear in the bathroom and returned to our table with it balled tightly in my fist.

When I got back to our booth, he avoided my eyes but I could tell he was trying not to smile and I saw him blushing when he stole a glance in my direction. Without saying a word, I found his hand under the booth and passed him my underwear.

He tilted his head in confusion for only a moment and then I watched his mouth fall open as he realized what I had done. His whole body stiffened as he quickly put it in his pocket and turned to face his friends with an expression of pure agony. I laughed a little as he squirmed in his seat for the next couple of minutes. I couldn’t help it, after weeks of torture the sight of him melting in my hands was far too satisfying.

“Do you want to go?” He asked suddenly while his friend was mid-sentence. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he waited for my reply.

“Absolutely,” I said, suddenly not caring who all knew we were leaving together.

Part 4 coming soon.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/n0fn9g/i_was_studying_for_the_bar_exam_and_had_a_lot_of


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