Out of town Tinder hook-up [F/M] – Long

I was 1,000 miles from home for a job interview and got stuck for an additional night thanks to shitty weather back home. Instead of bemoaning the extra cost of staying an additional night, I decided to enjoy the (relatively) warm weather and use the additional time to explore the city. Around dinner time, I had the idea to hop on Tinder and see what kinds of guys this city had to offer and if any of them would be interested in grabbing a drink. I want to preface this by saying that I don’t do random hook-ups and my true intentions that night were to just meet someone for a drink, have some conversation, and learn more about the city to pass the time not just stuck in my hotel room. I’ve also been told previously that I’m very picky when it comes to guys, and I don’t consider this night any different. I swiped right on the ones I found appealing, matched with some and sent a few an initial “hey there!” messages. Ryan was the first to message me back, and I quickly let him know my temporary situation and asked him out for a drink. He said yes and we made plans to meet up after 8. Since he was from the city, I had him pick a place for us to meet. There was very minimal chatting over Tinder, something quite unusual for me before I meet someone, and we exchanged numbers before our meetup. I parked near the entrance to this random bar he picked and as I get out of my car I see him doing the same a little ways away.

Ryan is in his mid-twenties, around 6’2”, broad shouldered, and thin. His overall build reminds me of guys who played basketball in high school/college. Slender and fit with long limbs and fingers. His hair is buzzed so that its less than a quarter of an inch long and is a blonde-ish/light brown color. He has some sexy stubble going on and amazing blue eyes. Overall, I found him incredibly attractive physically, but generally that isn’t enough for me and I need more in the personality area to really get me interested. We quickly start talking and it becomes clear that he’s also incredibly funny, both in a dry sarcastic way and just a goofy way. As attractive as he was, I think what really got me was the goofy smile he would make after making a dumb joke. As we talked and joked around I definitely felt a spark, but still had plans of ending the night around 11 and heading home alone. As we laughed, I would occasionally touch his arm with my hand and the way our bar stools were positioned our knees were touching for the latter half of the night. Around 11 I went to the bathroom and I realized what time it was. I decided it was time to gather my stuff and head back to the hotel to get a good nights sleep before my travels the next day. I came out, gathered my stuff, and told Ryan I needed to leave for the night. He seemed a little taken aback by how abruptly I was ending the night, which I was doing because I felt myself getting sucked in and I didn’t want to make any choices I would regret. I hugged him goodbye and let him know that he had definitely made the city seem more appealing and interesting and that I hoped I would get a job there. He walked me to my car and I left for the hotel room. As I was driving to my hotel, I called a good friend and relayed the nights events to her. As I told her what we all talked about and how I felt, it became clearer to me how rare of an event this was and how connected I had felt with Ryan despite just meeting him. I hung up with her and, as I neared my hotel, I saw I had a text from Ryan.

R: Thanks again! You’re really fun. Hope you have a good flight. Are you sure you can’t stay one more day? Me: Are you trying to get me hooked on [city]? Or mostly just you? R: Mostly me. If I was smarter I would have done more to stay with you tonight seeing how its your only day here. But I’m not that smart. Me: Honestly, that’s totally not my style, but I was pretty tempted to invite you over for some cuddling. You worked some magic with your super non-murderous face. Ryan: That’s not really my style either. But tonight was completely new for me. Me: Me too. I guess I should do weird shit in strange cities more often. Me: Or just get a job here. Ryan: Yep, You’re good at it. Ryan: Or just invite me over for some cuddling AND get a job here.

At this point I was losing my resolve. Here was this guy that I was crazy attracted to and felt a strong connection with and may never see again because we live over a thousand miles apart. Why am I not spending more time with him? What am I saying no for? My crazy brain is reminding me that I don’t know him well yet and he could actually be a murderer, but I decide to live a bit dangerously for the night in order to see what happens when I throw my rules out the window.

Me: You convinced me. Want to come cuddle? Me: and I do mean just cuddle.

Although I had decided to be adventurous and invite him over, I was still concerned by the fact that I knew so little about him and I wanted to be safe, so I decided I would not be having sex with him. I was not willing to risk STIs or possible pregnancy on someone I did not know. I realize I’m very neurotic, but this is what makes this whole event more unusual for me.

Ryan: Let me change clothes and I’ll be right over.

By this time I was in my hotel room and already in my pajamas for the night. I quickly realized that I was not prepared in the least. My legs had a solid 3 days of stubble and I hadn’t even packed a razor since I was only supposed to be there for 24 hours. I briefly considered wearing leggings and then decided to just say fuck it. He’d feel the stubble if the leggings came off anyway and if that was a deal breaker for him he could just get the fuck out. I had already taken my hair down from the updo I had it in for my interview/drinks and it was a crazy mess. I’ll describe myself a bit so you can get an idea. I’m 5’7” with crazy curly red hair that is a little past my shoulders. I frequently call my hair my “mane” because it is large and in charge. I have very large blue eyes that get me a lot of compliments, despite how useless they are (I have horrible vision) and full lips. I am curvy with thick thighs and a round ass, and small c cup breasts. I run 5-6 miles 3-4 days a week and do yoga, so I’m fit, but my body is still soft and curvy with muscles underneath. Since I’m ready for bed, I’m wearing neon yellow mesh shorts that barely cover my ass and a plain white men’s undershirt.

While I wait for Ryan to get there I sit in bed and nervously switch through the channels. What was I thinking inviting him over? What if he gets here and we have nothing to talk about and realize that it was all a fluke? I switch to HBO and start watching the movie they have on when I hear a knock at the door. I go to open the door and let Ryan in the room. We say hi and make some lame small talk about finding the room while he takes his jacket off. I quickly sit back down in the bed under the blanket to watch the movie as Ryan takes his shoes off and goes around to the other side to join me. When he crawls in I make some dumb comment and show about how we’re “matching” because he has neon yellow on his basketball shorts that matches mine, pulling his shorts against mine to show it. As I do this, Ryan rubs his hand on my bare thigh, which I quickly take into my own hand and hold because I’m freaked out by how fast things are going and I have no idea what I’m doing. We sit like this for a little while, making small comments about the movie and holding hands, sometimes gently caressing each other’s hands and fingers. The way we’re positioned, I have to look back to see his face, so since I’m nervous and want him to make a move, but really confused by what I want I keep looking back at him until he finally asks me “what?” I don’t know what gets into me, but I just decide to go for it and lean in to kiss him.

Quickly we’re kissing, but somethings off. It was like we couldn’t get our rhythm and we were both turning the wrong ways. After a few awkward kisses I just burst out giggling and he laughs a little too. I think we were both nervous and just needed to laugh it out. When we got back to kissing it was much smoother, quickly getting into a natural rhythm. As we kissed, Ryan began touching my body, exploring my back and side and then reaching down further and pulling my leg over part of him and reaching up my shorts and grabbing my ass. Our kissing became more passionate as he began kissing my ears (which drives me crazy!) and moving down my neck to the area of my chest exposed by my v-neck t-shirt. His hands roamed further under my shorts, rubbing my pussy from the back through my underwear with those wonderfully long fingers, making me pant and moan. As he kissed around my chest, he got down as far as the shirt would allow and I swiftly decided the shirt had to come off. I took my shirt off and we began kissing again, as he positioned himself between my legs on top of me. As we kissed I felt up his arms and shoulders and then worked my way under his shirt to his stomach and back. I could feel that he was hard through his shorts as I ground on him while we made-out. His shirt came off and we moved more onto our sides for a little bit, repositioned since my head came dangerously close to smacking into the corner of the bedside table as I ground into him. My bra came off and he takes my breasts in his hands as we keep going, making out and grinding on each other, just enjoying how each other feels.

After a few minutes, Ryan moves to stand up next to the bed and pulls me up with him, standing facing each other with our bodies almost touching. He tells me that I’m “so sexy” as we stand close enough for me to feel him speak those words. He takes off his basketball shorts and then kisses me. He then reaches down and pulls my shorts down, letting them drop all the way to the ground. As my shorts come off I crawl back onto the bed, so incredibly turned on by this sexy man gently undressing me and terrified that he’ll try to take my underwear off and I won’t try to stop him.

We begin making out again, this time with only our underwear in between. Although I liked being able to feel more of him, I will say the cotton and lace of our respective underwear made for a worse grinding experience than the mesh shorts combo. There was a lot of friction, which was mostly pleasant, but also could be too much at times. I could feel how hard he was and how much he clearly wanted to just fuck me, as he pressed into me as we grinded, almost as though he hoped he could will his dick through two layers of fabric. He began kissing his way down my body. I moaned as he nuzzled my ears and neck as he made his way further down, gently kissing my breasts, then my stomach, then my hip bone, and starting to play with and move the band of my thong underwear to pull them down and continue down further. As much as I wanted him to keep going, my brain would not let me break my own promise and I gently pulled his face up to look at me and shook my head. He came back up to my mouth and we began kissing again and grinding some more. At this point its all getting to me and I cum while we’re grinding.

As we continue, Ryan lays on his back and I lay partially on top of him and begin to kiss all over his body. I’m feeling really fucking good from my orgasm and begin to question my resolve as I slowly kiss down his neck and chest, mirroring what he had done to me earlier. As I get to his underwear I run my finger along just under the band, gently teasing his skin with my touch. I then kiss along there, considering just taking the plunge, pulling his underwear down and continuing with my mouth on his cock, but I chicken out and instead make my way back up to his mouth, solidifying my position as a huge fucking tease.

Although I don’t go with my first impulse, I do grab his cock through his underwear and begin rubbing him. After a few strokes, Ryan pulls his dick out from his underwear and I continue on his bare cock. We do this for a little while, but stop after a few minutes of stroking, since a dry handjob is no way to go and I had no available forms of lubrication. We lay down and chat for a bit kissing playful and continuing conversations we had earlier.I mention to him how I’m starting to get stubble burn from kissing his face, but that its worth it because of how hot his stubble is. He tells me that he really likes my ass and playfully gives it a swat.

I doze off for a bit, but wake up to Ryan gently stroking my side and we begin making out again. As we’re making out he pauses for a moment and just stares at me from above. I’m feeling kind of self-conscious from how intensely he’s looking at me, so I begin biting my lip and running my hands up his arms and around his neck. As he looks at me he tells me, “You’re so beautiful” and leans down to kiss me. He then works his way down my body again and, like last time, as he reaches my underwear I pull at his head, shake my head no, and bring him back up to kiss me. This time I get on top of him and begin grinding on him, working myself up to a point where I’m unable to contain my moans as I nuzzle his ear.

With me on top, Ryan quickly grabs onto my breasts that are right in front of his face and then begins sucking my nipples. My nipples aren’t very sensitive, but it is so hot looking down and seeing him eagerly sucking on them that I’m quickly nearing another orgasm. As I’m moaning and panting because I’m super close, I quickly hear Ryan go, “Oh, fuck!…I didn’t expect that.” I slow down as I realize he just came while I was grinding on him, beating me to the punch. I get off of him and he goes to the bathroom to clean up.

When he comes back to the bed he playful kisses my exposed ass and we lay down together to cuddle and talk some more. I tell him again that this is not something I usually do and that I’ve never brought a first time Tinder date home with me before. He lets me know that technically this is our second date, since we changed clothes and it was a different day (it was after midnight by the time he got in my hotel room). He asks me if I sent a bunch of guys messages on Tinder that night and I skillfully handle it by letting him know that he was the only guy I got to the point of inviting for drinks. As we lay there chatting and gently touching each other, he tells me that he’s “never wanted to have sex with someone so badly.” I feel a bit guilty at this point and try some weird half apology for not having sex with him, but he brushes it off and tells me not to apologize.

We sleep for a few hours when we are awoken by my early alarm. Ryan quickly realizes it is far past the time he had set his alarm for because his phone died, so he is now officially late for his adult league basketball practice. He decides to skip practice to lay with me a little while yet. As we lay there spooning he begins running his hands along my side and stomach and kissing my neck and shoulder, giving me noticeable goosebumps. As he nuzzles my ear, my breath quickens and a small moan escapes me. He begins running his hand up my chest to my neck. Slowly stroking and circling around my breasts and back down my stomach. He begins rubbing my clit through my underwear and nuzzling my ears at the same time, leaving me putty in his hands. As his hands roam oven my body, I arch my back up to meet him, letting him know how much I want his touch. After rubbing me through my underwear for a little while he slips his hand underneath, touching my bare pussy for the first time. I’m a weak mess at this point and make a feeble attempt to reach for his hand, but end up just pushing his hand more onto myself in order to increase the contact with my clit. Between his hand on my pussy and his mouth on my ears and neck, I’m nearing an orgasm when my alarm goes off again, letting me know its time for me to hustle and pack up if I want to make my flight. I quickly get dressed and pack, wishing I had just 10 more minutes to spend with Ryan. He stays with me while I get ready and walks me out of the hotel. We kiss in the parking lot in the cold dark of an early winter morning. We thank each other for the night we had and I let him know I’ll tell him if I get the job.

I did, and I move to the city in 3 months. I can’t wait to see if we can have any more adventures!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/34skt2/out_of_town_tinder_hookup_fm_long


  1. >he could actually be a murderer Girls actually worry about this on every date?!

  2. Every tinder date I go on I ask myself "Is this actually a woman?"

  3. Your writing style is great, I really loved this. Hope to read more from you.

  4. Loved reading this, you took a lot of time to establish the tension and details and at the end I wished there was more. These are my favorite kind of GWS posts to read.

  5. > e weird half apology for not having sex with him, but he brushes it off and tells me not to apologize. Make some more hahah :D

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