my stupid, slutty new year’s fuck!! [FM]

Like a lot of people, I started waiting tables to get through college. Anyone who’s worked in a restaurant knows there are the lifers, who will be working in restaurants forever, and then the tourists, who are working their way through college and will quit the instant they get a 9 to 5.

I was definitely a tourist, but also fascinated by the lifers. They lived in their own world where none of the same rules seemed to apply.

I was working New Year’s Eve. I was kind of bummed about missing the parties and such, but I was assured that I would make a shit ton of money and have the best NYE of my life.

We closed at ten. It had already been a busy night, but half the tables were still full. The last entrees went out about half an hour later. Nobody was leaving. They just kept ordering drinks, running up their bills. Apparently, this was normal. They would stay, ring in the New Year, tip obscenely, and stumble off into the night. This meant good money, but it also meant I wasn’t going to get to my friends’ party before midnight.

There was one older (50ish) lady at a table with a big party who kept ordering lemondrops and asking me increasingly personal questions. At the time, I thought she was just creepy as fuck, but in hindsight, I think she was just fucking with a dumb chick. Probably both. Anyway, she had me flustered and embarrassed and thinking about sex. More than usual, even.

Quarter to midnight, a guy at another table asks me how many people are working tonight. I think it was 8. He ordered five bottles of champagne, three for the table and two for the staff. I run around pouring champagne for everyone. Creepy lady asks if I’m going to kiss anyone at midnight. I say I’m at work. She says “And?”

And I’m in the kitchen, bringing the cooks and dishwashers their champagne. The countdown starts in the front.

“Marco” is thirties? Maybe forties? Old leathery dude who’s been grilling as long as I’ve been breathing. The guy you spend a lot of time trying to figure out what he’s got to be so cocky about. He grabs my hand. The rest of the kitchen staff has gone to watch the ball drop on the TV by the bar.

“Can I get a New Year’s kiss?” he says.

Why not? My boyfriend is on the other side of the country for Xmas break, and… you know, I’m curious.

So, five four three two one… Gulp champagne and I go to give him a little kiss, and he gives me a big kiss. It takes a few seconds for me to get on board, but then we’re making out. In a minute, he’s got his hands under my skirt, squeezing my ass.

Another minute and he’s pulling my panties down. I’d never had a guy come on that strong, that fast, that sure of me before. It clicked, and when he lifted me up on the prep table, I wrapped my legs around him. Working together, we got his dick out of his pants and balls deep in my pussy.

Which was when the headwaiter came in, calling for me. When he saw what was happening, he wasn’t even a little surprised. Just exasperated. Creepy lady’s table was ready to settle up. I told Marco to wait and he left his dick out, under his apron. I straightened my skirt out and rang up the bill.

The look on her face when I brought the bill was so fucking pleased with herself it nearly turned me off. The whole party had been having fun, but now they were falling all over themselves. Despite jelly legs, throbbing pussy and deep embarrassment, though, I managed to be polite and friendly as they settled up. Once I returned the credit card wallet for them to sign, though, I made a beeline back to the kitchen.

In a burst of discretion, “Marco” takes me to the dry storage room and bends me over a stack of boxes. Three? minutes later, I’m cumming so hard he put his hand over my mouth to stop me bringing the who restaurant in. He asks if I’m on the pill. In the moment, I didn’t think about why he was asking me if I was on the pill, I just said yes. And then he nutted.

The cherry on top of all this was that when I went back to start clearing creepy lady’s table, I found my panties on the floor. So I must have walked out of the kitchen to give them their bill with my panties around my ankle. They did tip really well, though.


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