Maybe I shouldn’t have given him that [vanilla] [cute] [toys]

“You sure that’s how you use it,” my boyfriend questioned as he tried to read the direction from the manual in the box.

“Yes bruh, it’s a vibrator, you just put the battery in and it runs,” I said annoyingly, yanking the box from his hand. My vibrator just came in that day and I was thrilled. It has a cutie little remote that controls it. It was pink and has a thick part to insert inside and a curve with another part massaging my clit. I thought it would be a fun gift for us to try out and it was on sale so i ordered one. It looks hella scary but I was more than excited to try it out.

Grabbing the remote control from him, I tried turning it on and the instant vibration shocked me like aunties in Bollywood movies. I gasped at the multiple speed my boyfriend could put it on with the app on his phone. We both looked at each other and laughed, it was gonna be hectic.

“So you wanna go to the dining hall now? Or are you not hungry” he asked after a while of me playing with my new toy.

“Yehh sure, but I am enjoying exploring this”, I pouted and spun the vibrator in my hands.

“I am not saying you can’t play with it more,” my boyfriend sighed and grabbed me by my shoulder. He pulled me down so I laid down at the spot where he was sitting and he crawled to the end of the bed. Having taken my toy from me, he gently went “Open up!”

I followed suit and pulled my legs up. I was chilling with him in my panties so he could easily slip it aside and take a look at my soft pussy. I knew he wouldn’t be able to get it in there because it was a big toy and my panties are so in the way. I guess he figured that too when he grabbed my waistband and pulled it down.

“You won’t need this anymore” he chuckled and stuffed it in his jacket hanging by the bed. Puzzled, I didn’t even get a chance to ask when he pushed my legs open and pushed the toy in between my moist folds. It was so uncomfortable at first but I thought I would get used to it after a while and he spent some time positioning the top part so it going to be on my clit nicely.

Then he jumped off and grabbed my dress from the floor, “Put this on and let’s go eat.”

But I didn’t get my panties back. I looked confused but still ran after him so we can get food. The walk to the hall was so uncomfortable, it started moving inside of me and I was so scared I was going to clench and push it out. That would be terribly awkward considering the amount of people in the dining hall. I concentrated my best on relaxing and crossed my heart, it stayed in place.

Once we got there, we split up to go get different food. But as I was waiting for my chicken, a guy approached me. I must have met him in one of my classes because he started asking about homework. Me being chatty as usual just started conversing and we were laughing it out on some random complaints. Suddenly, I felt a weird sensation and a shot of electricity ran through my body. I was wide eyed panicking and start looking around while squeezing my thighs together. The vibrator was started and it was on a pretty high speed as I could feel it rubbing against my G-spot making me wet. The clit part was shaking my swollen clit as I feel my pussy clenching, pushing the toy even deeper. I gripped the side of the table uncomfortably and started to bend down a little. The guy was looking at me weird but he went over to order his chicken. I couldn’t look at anyone and I kept looking for my boyfriend.

I was so worried he might have accidentally turned it on and I was in front of this random dude with my knees shaking. But no, I looked across the room and my boyfriend was looking straight at me, smirking just taking bites from his plates. “This bitch” I thought, instantly regretting giving him the remote. Luckily, the chef put out my food and I just grabbed my plate and waved to the guy, without even saying goodbye. Only when the vibration stopped. As I angrily set the plate down next to my boyfriend, all I could hear was “So who is this guyyy you talking to?”

We finished up fast and got up to go back. I was standing up very slowly, took a look at the behind of my dresses and the chair to make sure it’s not wet while my boyfriend watched with a huge grin on his face. I wasn’t happy the whole walk back, didn’t even want to hold his hand. I was too busy thinking about how to be mad at him, I didn’t realize he left my side and started to walk down to the campus pond where there were a couple of benches. I was mad but I didn’t want him to be far from me, it was like 9pm and it was very dark, especially by the pond.

As I ran down after him, I was getting more mad. “What are you doing here bruh?” I caught my breath, “It’s scary hours.”

“I just wanted to take a break, come sit with me.” He sat down in the middle of a bench. I was about to push him aside because he was taking up all the space when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his lap. He positioned me to sit on one leg while putting my hand on his other leg. I was angry so I didn’t want to be romantic. Hence, I tried to get off of his leg when I felt that sensation again. This time it was even stronger.

The toy hugged my throbbing pussy, hitting my G-spot and clit no matter how hard I move. My knees started shaking and lifted off the ground as I tried my best to squeeze my thigh together. I let out a loud gasp and started breathing heavily. My boyfriend grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back so I was leaning onto him as he whispered: “Don’t be loud, we dont want attention.”

He chuckled and reached into his coat pocket as I felt the speed being increased. I started squirming even more, my nipples perked through my dress fabric. As he kissed the back of my neck after pushing my hair to the side. It didn’t take him long to find my hard nipples begging for attention.

“Can’t forget the twins” he smiled and kissed my neck. Suddenly, I wasn’t so mad anymore. My legs are still shaking as the vibrator goes deep on all my nerves and I could feel myself dripping down my butt. He started fondling my breast and ran his index fingers on my nipples. He focused on them, going in little circles on my hard nipples as I leaned on his shoulder with my hand over my mouth. I was being so vocal I had to tried to make sure no one heard us. He continued by squeezing my nipples gently with his index and middle fingers while pulling it down slightly. He just kept massaging them while the toy was making me so close to climaxing.

With one hand gripping his leg and the other gripping his arm, I turned my head slightly and we kissed. It was hot and sloppy and I could release all my moans when he parted my lips open. I could hear him moaning slightly as his hard cock poked my lower back. He smiled, “Let’s wrap up and get back to our cozy room for your “dessert”, should we?” His hand wandered down under my dress and he grabbed the top part of the toy and pressed it against me. I felt my jaws tighten and I was losing feelings in my legs. After that, it was all a blur as I felt a stream of wetness coming out of my pussy and the feeling of wet silicone of the toys. My knees were clattering against each other as I struggled to catch my breath. He turned off the vibrator.

After a while of patting me on my back so I could breathe again, he propped me up and held me by my waist while staring at his sweatpants. I left a puddle and it made me so embarrassed but he was staring at it, and I was staring at the bulge poking out of his sweats.

“Well be better get going, busy night ;).” He stood up and gave me a kiss on my forehead. I don’t regret giving him the remote after all.
