Unexpected (M/M/F)

(A Reddit friend asked me to write this, then insisted I post it. It’s a rough draft, and the first time I’ve posted anything like this publicly, so I’m a bit nervous)

Pulling his laundry hamper up to his side, Mike walked down the dorm hallway, into the stairwell, and down into the laundry room in the basement. The stairwell always smelled of fabric softener and dryer sheets, with the low hum of the running washers and dryings barely audible over his footsteps. Swinging the door open, he saw Jay standing in front of the machines slowly stuffing his laundry in.

“Sup Mac,” said Jay.

“Yo, what’s up?” Mike responded. “I see you’re taking a page out of ‘Macs Big Book of Laundry Tips’ and getting here early.”

“You have a book? I didn’t think you could read…” Mike followed that comment up by grabbing a rolled up sock and winging it as Jay. “Chill, dude…I was only implying you were illiterate.”

“Hi-larious. There’s only two machines left so clearly I’m on to something.” He continued to empty his basket while Jay opened up the adjacent one and followed suit.

Suddenly the door swung open. In the doorway stood a young girl, Laura. Her curly dark hair in a frazzled mess on her head, wearing the standard issue basic training sweat pants and gray shirt, standing out against her dark brown skin. Living in such close quarters, they’ve run into each other plenty of times, enough to be familiar with each other. After a few drunk dorm room parties, the three of them became fast friends. She dropped the two laundry baskets she was holding in her arms to the ground.

“Fuck…are those the only two left?”

“Uh, yeah, sorry.” Mike responded.

“Fuck. I have a flight to catch in like 3 hours…I really need to get some of this done. Did you guys start them yet?”

Mike and Jay stood in silence, sharing glances. “No, not yet…why?”

“Look,” she took a deep breath, “any chance you’d be a perfect gentleman and let me jump ahead of you? You’d have no idea how much I would have no idea how much I would appreciate that.”

The boys stood silent, again sharing a glance.

“Well…,” Mike started. “Sure, I’d do it..”

“Sure, I guess,” Jay echoed.

“Great!” She exclaimed. “Grab your shit and head back to my dorm. E108.”

“Excuse me?” Jay said with an incredulous look.

“Just go chill in my room until I get back. It’s right around the corner. When I’m done, I’m not walking all the way back to your room to tell you its free.”

Mike and Jay reluctantly looked at each other before pulling their clothes out of their respective machines and walked out of the room back to the hallway.

Finding her dorm room, they swung the door open and were greeted with a near flawless room, which was typical for who the girl they knew. They placed their hampers down and found a place to sit; Jay on her small couch, Mike on her desk chair.

“What do you think she meant?”

“Not sure…maybe she’ll fuck us?” Mike joked.

Jay laughed. “I have picked up a sense of wanting it from one or both of us, especially since Trisvan’s party last week.”

“Yeah,” Mike agreed. “It’s probably nothing, though.”

They heard the hallway door open, followed by muffled footsteps on the carpet and the jingling of keys hanging off Laura’s neck. Mike and Jay look at each other and shift in their seats.

The door opened and Laura came back through, closing and locking it behind her. Ducking behind the wall that separates the main room from the kitchenette. After the sound of clothes being rustled, she appeared again, only wearing a tiny, red thong. After hitting the lights, she walks into the room.

“Well…” she said expectantly, “Let’s do this.”

Mike didn’t wait for a second invitation. Standing up, he walked over towards her, arms outstretched to grab and cup her supple breasts. She met him with a long, deep kiss, wrapping a leg around his body.

Jay stood up slower, trying to process the situation. He slowly walked behind her, pressing his body up against hers. Running his hands over her body, he pinches either side of her thong and slips it off before running his hands to her soaking, bald pussy. Stepping out of the now dropped underwear, she flings it aside with her feet before spreading them out to give Jay full access.

Reaching back, she grabs at his hard cock before reaching down his pants, finding the shaft and squeezing and stroking it gently. Mike begins to kiss down her body and nibbling and sucking on her nipples, while she leans back and accepts Jay’s tongue down her throat.

Breaking free of both of them, she gets on her knees, fingering her clit as Jay and Mike position themselves in front of her. One at a time, she pulls their pants down, freeing their now rock-hard cocks. Taking one deep down her throat while vigorously stroking the other. The saliva builds up on her mouth and transfers to each cock and she moves back and forth, she momentarily struggles for air before taking another one all the way down. After a few minutes, out of breath and dripping with spit, she leans forward onto her hands and knees, back perfectly arched to display her perfectly shaped ass.

Quickly, Jay moves around behind her while Mike gets on both knees and grabs a fistful of Laura’s hair. As Jay slides his lubricated cock deep into her pussy, her moans are muffled from Mike’s cock. Now the only sounds are her pleasured gags timed to the slapping of Mike’s balls and thighs on her ass.

“Tag out?” Mike jokingly says.

“If you’re cool with the thought of our cocks touching, go for it,” Jay said, his usual joking tone slightly out of place with the current situation.

Mike shrugged, pulled his cock out of Laura’s mouth, gave her cheek a little slap before standing up. Jay followed suit, spanking her slightly which prompted a moan to escape from her gasping mouth. Taking his position in front of her, she returns his cock into her mouth while Mike slides his cock into her now dripping pussy. Giving her ass a more firm spank, he gripped both of her cheeks and began thrusting deeper inside her. Her moans, still muffled on Jay’s cock, came louder and faster.

Both Jay and Mike began breathing harder, their moans coming out slightly louder. The sweat glistening off their bodies from the dim light peeking through the blinds, Mike couldn’t help but notice Jay’s body for the first time. While they had been shirtless around each other, never in this situation. He suddenly found himself following a bead of sweat down Jay’s body, down to his stomach, and pelvis before landing on the shaft of his well groomed cock. Glancing up, he caught Jay’s eye. Jay winked back slyly.

Between gulps, Laura moved Jay’s cock away from her mouth, taking large gups of air. Struggling to stand up, she looks at Jay and then back at Mike. Pushing Jay back towards her small couch, Jay took a seat, knowing what’s about to happen and positioning himself for it.

Turning around, Laura slowly lowers her ass onto Jay’s throbbing cock. Settling in comfortably, she leans back, hooking one leg over her adjacent bed while Mike holds up the other with one hand. Mike stood and walked to her, kissing her gently before getting on his knees and sliding his cock into her pussy.

She gasps in pleasure, before letting a high, long, moan out. Bracing herself on Jay’s body, he frees one leg off of the bed and hooks it over his shoulder. Unknowingly, Mike and Jay begin to time their thrusts together, using the momentum from each other to drive their cocks deeper and deeper into Laura’s petite body. Laura’s moaning has tapered off as her face is stuck in sheer pleasure and euphoria.

Jay leans forward, pressing her body against his, but ends up face to face with Mike. Without thinking, he took a chance and kissed him. He was expecting Mike to recoil in horror, but instead found a small smile on his face. He leaned in again, this time giving a more deliberate kiss. Mike reciprocated, holding Jay’s head with his free hand. Glancing over, she sees what’s happening.

“Holy fuck…”

They stopped. “Sorry,” Jay stammered. “Sorry…”

“Don’t apologize, dude…that’s hot as fuck.” Laura never lost a beat, still riding both of their cocks. Leaning in, she slides her tongue into the first open mouth that will accept hers, nibbling on Mike’s ear while he and Jay continue to passionately kiss.

“Want to keep going?” Mike asked Jay.

“Fuck it, let’s find some boundaries.” Jay stands up, pulling Laura and Mike up to their feet. Grabbing Laura by the hand, Mike leads her over to her bed, bending her over and sliding his cock back into her pussy. Looking back over his shoulder he gave Jay a knowing look. Jay took a deep breath, his hands trembling slightly. He positions himself behind Mike, aiming his cock at his ass, and slowly pushes forward. Mike gasps slightly, taking a long deep breath, before letting it out.

“Ho…ly…fuck. That feels amazing.” He eventually whispers. Eyes still closed, he begins thrusting his cock into Laura and his ass over Jay’s cock. Reaching back, he grabs Jay’s hand. Jay squeezes it back.

“Fuck…yeah it does. Holy shit…” Jay’s sentences trail off as his head drops back and eyes close. The feeling of his cock sliding into Mike’s ass is a sensation he never expected to be this addicted to.

“Shit,” he finally manages. “I’m gonna cum real soon…”

“Fuck me too,” Mike repeats. Pulling out of Laura’s dripping pussy, she slides turns around and gets on her knees, mouth agape expectantly and furiously fingering her own clit. Jay approaches her, stroking his cock along with Mike. Laura grabs both and strokes each to completion, blowing two huge loads of cum all over her face, dripping off her chin and down to her tits. Looking up, Mike and Jay are locked in yet another kiss, holding on to each other to stay upright from their massive, simultaneous orgasm. Laura reaches down one last time, and gives the last push she needed to climax, slightly falling to her side and bracing herself on her bed.

Jay and Mike both collapse on the bed and couch, leaving Laura in a heap on the floor. After a few minutes to catch their breath, Laura stands up, grabbing a towel and heading to her room’s shared shower. Looking back at Mike and Jay, she giggles.

“I’d say our friendship just took a turn.” She gives them one last smile before ducking into the bathroom and shutting the door, leaving Mike and Jay alone.

“So…that was intense,” Mike said, breaking the silence. Taking a deep breath.

“Yeah,” Jay replied. “So…what now?”

“Now? Now, we get dressed, and get our laundry done. Everything goes back to normal until Laura gets back.”

“What then?”

“Then,” Mike says with a happy tone, “then we do this again. Only next time, I get to fuck you.” He stands with a chuckle, stretching slightly and gathering his clothes. Walking by Jay, he wraps his hand around his cock, giving him one last long lingering kiss before spanking his tone ass. Getting dressed, he heads back out the door and down the hall, leaving a lasting memory of a surprising Saturday morning behind.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mzaogj/unexpected_mmf