Blackmail 19 – Boss Date Pt 3 (F, blackmail, fiction)

The separating glass rolled down as the driver spoke, “The gentleman who reserved this ride has requested you wear this,” as his hand reached back to show me a jewelry box.


Well that was definitely a clue but not much of one.

I moved the long distance from the back seat all the way to the front where the driver was and grabbed the box immediately feeling the velvet fuzzy feeling all jewelry boxes have.

I opened the box and what was inside immediately took my breath away.

Inside was a super sparkly necklace instantly making the inner female in me smile with glee.

The necklace looked like it was real white gold and in the center looked like a tear drop diamond surrounded by small diamonds surrounding it.

It was breathtaking and mesmerizing.

I took a closer look at the center piece and I could have sworn it was spinning it was that sparkling.

I moved to the back still mesmerized by the sparkling object deftly held in my hands.

Once I was in the back I pulled the necklace out and immediately put on the necklace before I lightly sipped on the champagne that I had opened some time back feeling complete.

I had stripped out of my original clothing long ago. Hell before we were a literal block away from the school I was nude and all my clothes were stuffed into my empty gym bag. Well it wasn’t entirely empty. I was able to install my egg and plug as well as put another layer of coconut oil on my pussy.

I tried on my new dress and just as I thought. Any movement threatened my boobs to pop out. As well if I bent over the dress rode up enough to where my ass and pussy was hanging out.

I sighed upon finding this discovery as there was nothing I could do about it.

I removed the dress and prepared putting on makeup. I started with a nice foundation and using a peach undertone on my cheeks.

For my eyes I went with the closest blue I had in my arsenal of makeup that would match the dress and shoes. I followed it up with a white line under my eyebrows.

On my lips I used a flat rose red with no gloss.

With my makeup complete I put my dress and shoes on.

That was four hours ago.

Yes it took me an hour to apply my makeup mainly because I’ve never applied makeup while on a moving vehicle so I wanted it to be perfect.

I may or may not have fucked up my makeup once or twice and had to start over after using my makeup removing foam and wet wipes before I had to start over.

Then an hour away I got bored….and thirsty as I opened the champagne.

I found the liquor a little off putting….and dry.


After developing my taste buds for wine and whiskey anything else didn’t exactly make me happy. But beggars can’t be choosers.

I settled on lightly sipping on the bland liquid just so I can keep my mouth wet.

We did have to make a stop once just so I could pee which the driver went into the gas station getting the key for the outside bathroom. Backed up as close to the outside restroom as he could and allowed me minimum exposure as I went to pee.

Then we were back on the road after I emptied my bladder.

Fast forward to the necklace and only being minutes away from meeting my *boss*.

The closer we got to my destination the more nervous I got.

We finally arrived at Gilly’s as I was mesmerized by the capitals lights and ambiance. The restaurant on the outside looked like a regular big restaurant chain to me with the sign ‘Gilly’s’ hanging out from the building.

We pulled up and driver got out to let me out.

Before I walked into the restaurant the driver addressed me, “I’ll be waiting here ma’am if you need me. Enjoy your dinner.”

I smiled at the man and walked into the restaurant.

The moment I walked in I felt my face heat up as my blood rushed to my cheeks as quite a few males looked at me with hungry eyes as they imagined me without my dress.

You would think me being in porn and showing off my body through different means I’d be used to showing my body.


I still felt embarrassment.

The only difference between me and a normal female is I kept my head up and looked each person in the face.

Though inside I wanted to die.

I stood there long enough for a couple of guy’s to pull out their phones and obviously snap a couple of photo’s of me.

This is what I was afraid of. It’ll only be mere moments before those photo’s were passed around to their friend’s and my face would be ALL over the Internet.

Still I kept my head up not letting it embarrass me.

A man who looked like they worked here immediately ran up and addressed me, “Are you Bella Stucky?”

I looked at him and nodded.

He smiled, “Please follow me your party is awaiting for you.”

And he walked off.

I of course followed him until the man stopped at a table where a man sat.

I blinked as I looked at the man and had two simultaneous thoughts.

One, I knew my *admirer* was a guy.


[Part 18](

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  1. Love your writing style and this developing story is addictive…gimme another hit!

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