Does it count as getting caught if you weren’t trying to hide it? [MF]

A year or two before I had hooked up with one of the women I was training in martial arts with; I’ll call her Michelle. We had gone to a conference together and had a really fun time. She disappeared from training for a while afterward — not sure if her husband found out about our little tryst, if life just got busy for her, or if she was in long recovery after having gotten a significant breast augmentation — but she had rejoined the school right before I had earned my black belt and it was great to train with her again. We normally traveled a few times a year to go study with other schools across the country and often times those events resulted in a lot of fun after hours. My first trip, for example, I had hooked up with one of my instructors and it was a completely mind blowing experience.

The next trip rolled around and everyone was pumped to go. Normally the group we traveled with ranged in size from 5 – 10 people, mostly black belts and instructors with a few students. This year it was about 20 of us and the crew that was going was awesome. I normally tried to get my own room so that I would have free reign to have fun after training was done, but I ended up splitting a room with one of the students; I’ll call him Dave. Dave was in his late 40s early 50s, really professional, his whole family trained at the school in the kids classes, and I liked hanging out with him even though I was 20+ years his junior.

The trip started off great; everyone was in a great mood. The first night of training was awesome, dinner afterward was full of laughs, there were good stories told, and there was some serious flirting going on. Michelle was sharing a room with two women that trip — one who I would have been down to join us and one that… well… not so much. I didn’t think anything was going to happen since I had someone in my room too and Michelle had the pick of the litter of all of the other guys to throw herself at. In fact, she had been targeting another student during the earlier part of the trip. She had been really handsy with him and I knew how powerful her flirting skills were. Apparently, he rejected her advances and she moved on to other things.

The next day of training was even better and so were the wind-down drinks and conversations we all had that evening. When the night was over Dave and I headed back to our room and struck up a conversation. He was happily married, but he was also horny for all of the hot martial arts women we had been working out with. We hit the hay after a while and started to drift off when suddenly my phone lit up. It was Michelle and she was asking if I was still up.

“Yeah, what’s going on?”

“Can I come over?”

“Sure, but Dave is here.” I realized I needed to add more detail to encourage her to still come by, “But he is asleep.”

“Okay, I’ll be there in one minute.”

I hopped up and opened the door to the hotel room and sure enough there she was walking down the hall. She was drunk, possibly high, and she had the best — naughtiest — smirk on her face. As she walked toward me she flashed me her tits (this was probably the 10th time she had done it) and then quickly snuck into the darkened hotel room, checked to make sure Dave was asleep, then hopped into my bed.

I shut the door and then confidently strode up to Michelle. She leaned forward and kissed me then grabbed for my T-shirt and peeled it right off of me. I did the same to her and then hopped in the bed and pulled the covers over us to make sure Dave wouldn’t get an eye full. Michelle pulled off her jeans in a flash and was suddenly completely nude. I reached for her tits to get a good feel of them and how they had changed since the last time she and I had been together and she took out my erection at the same time. She immediately took me into her mouth and I let out a moan. Dave moaned in turn and Michelle and I froze in place.

I looked over to him and he was fast asleep. He must have heard a sound and sleep talked in response. Satisfied we weren’t caught in flagrante we continued on, but moved to the floor on the opposite side of the bed pulling the sheets and some pillows with us for comfort’s sake. Michelle and I continued where we left off. She returned to sucking my cock while I ran my hands over her back and arms and occasionally reached down to feel her new breasts. I wanted to eat her pussy again so I stopped her and moved her around to where I needed her then parted her legs and began to lick away.

The last time we hooked up she had an enormous clit piercing, but this time there was nothing in my way. I had thought the jewelry had been interesting, but it totally detracted from the cunnilingus. This time I was master of the situation and — to quote Jay and Silent Bob — I was the Clit Commander. She responded to my tongue and fingers perfectly and started to let out the sexiest little moans as she writhed there on the floor. She told me to fuck her several times, but I told her I wouldn’t do it until I made her cum on my face. It took a while, but the effort was worth it and she let out a huge groan when she finally had her orgasm.

We heard Dave stir again, waited a moment, took a peek at him, and decided he was a heavy sleeper and there was nothing to worry about. Michelle got on her knees in front of me and put her face down into the pillows. I slid up behind her and used the wetness of her sex and my saliva to get my cock wet before I shoved it into her. Her pussy felt amazing and I loved that I was fucking her again. The last time had been a bit of a challenge for me — I felt a little guilty about having sex with a married woman — but times had changed for me over the years and I was far more familiar with the different kinks people had.

Michelle was the kind of lover that knew what she liked and how to get it. She started to fuck me back just as hard as I was fucking her. In short order she had pushed me onto my back and mounted me so she could grind her pussy into me. She bit my chest and put her hand around my throat while she bounced up and down on my cock. She made herself cum again and she celebrated it with a cry of “Yessss,” before telling me she wanted me to cum in her pussy.

Dave sat bolt upright in the bed and looked around. “What? What’s happening? Is everything okay?” We didn’t respond and just sat there quietly. “Okay, goodnight.” Dave lay his head back on the bed, and went right back to snoring.

As soon as we were satisfied Dave was asleep we continued. I wasn’t quite close yet after that, but I knew how to get there. I told her to get up and lay on the bed so she could spread her legs for me. She complied right away, despite Dave sleeping three feet away, and smiled up at me as I slipped into her again as I stood at the end of the bed. I started to slam my cock into her over and over. Pulling almost all the way out — so just the edge of the tip was still in her — then pounding back into her quickly. She had an incredibly dirty mouth and started to coax me into cumming for her. She knew that I was turned on by the talk and it was starting to work wonders. At some point she said something so incredibly naughty that my body responded by cumming then and there. I filled her up with cum — and there was a lot — while she ran her fingernails down my chest and pinched at my nipples hard.

“Fuuuuuckkkk…” I whispered as loudly as a person can whisper.

“That was so sexy.”

“It was incredible.”

Michelle stood up and kissed me while my cum dripped out of her pussy, down her legs, and onto the hotel room floor. “Have a great night.” She grabbed her clothes and ran into the bathroom to clean up and get dressed. I slipped on my basketball shorts and grabbed my T-shirt. As soon as the bathroom door closed, Dave sat up in bed with the biggest smile on his face that I had ever seen.

“That was fucking amazing!” He whispered to me while I sat there shocked. I smiled at him. “I can’t believe you just fucked her like that.” We heard Michelle opening the door and Dave pretended to go back to sleep. She waved goodbye to me and slipped out the door with a wink and a smile.

Dave sat back up and wanted to debrief the situation. He admitted he had been awake the whole time and wished that he had been able to join in. I told Michelle the next day and she made a point of it to partner with Dave during training and she beat him up a lot to make up for it. I also think she gave him some extra peeks at a few things and grazed his manhood a few times during the day too.

Our flight home was late that night so we had half a day to kill after the seminar was over. Our crew decided to go see a movie but the film that everyone preferred sounded incredibly lame to me. I wanted to see a comedy instead and Michelle said she wanted to do the same. I feel like all of the other people wanted to join us, but our head instructor was very influential and they all wanted to appease him so they went to see the boring drama. Lucky for Michelle and me, none of our crew joined.

We spent the entire movie laughing obnoxiously — probably annoying the living crap out of the five other people in the room — but mostly we were fingering or stroking one another in the otherwise empty theater. We sat next to each other on the flight home and put a blanket over our laps so that we could continue what we had started there. I was really hoping to join the Mile High Club, but there were far too many prying eyes.

When we got back home everything returned to normal, no issues sprung-up, and a few months later Michelle got her black belt too. She disappeared for a while, but would come back occasionally. I rationalized that it had nothing to do with the sex and that — as I had long thought — she and her husband just had an open marriage. I found out much later that they did not, she just liked sleeping around on him behind his back. Oh well.
