I must say this was a blissful encounter.

I woke up on a Sunday afternoon barely wanting to get up but I had to buy the groceries. I usually go to the market with an oversized t-shirt paired with denim shorts. Bra is out of the question on a Sunday because I want to let them be free, bounce around when I walk. Gives me a sense of joy. The same thing happened this time around.

I wore the t-shirt and went to the market and bought all the necessary requirements. Just to note that the cotton t-shirt is not see-through so unless one takes their time observing my chest, it’s hard to notice I am hoping around braless. lol

when I left my house it was a bright Sunday afternoon and the thought of carrying my umbrella never popped in my head but after my shopping, the clouds had turned grey. There was nothing I could do about it, so I started brisk walking. On my way back home I met the postman who had also come out for some grocery shopping. ‘need a ride’ he asked. we flirted around for a bit and then I sat behind. It was better than getting wet in the rain.

After 2- 3 mins it’s started pouring down heavily, we took shelter at a nearby bus stop but by then both of us were completely drenched. My shirt was sticking around my chest clearly outlining my nipples and boobs. and thought of being seen like this had me completely horny. I sat on the bench oblivious as to how his eyes moved up and down from my eyes to my boobs.

he looked around for quite a long time before sitting next to me. Asking me if he could dry my t-shirt with his handkerchief. I nodded and the first thing he does is he trails the napkin along my neck slowly moving down near my chest, my cleavage, until he applies pressure on my nipple area, squeezing them and finally giving in as he looked at me with wild desire.

I slowly guided his head towards my boobs as he parted his lips with anticipation, latching on to them and sucking them dearly. his other finger kept circling around my nipple ring, pulling it over and over. had me grinding my pussy on the bench. I closed my eyes feeling his wet saliva on my drenched cloth, this went on for more than 5 minutes and so did my sounds.

I had this growing urge to remove the fabric and have him touch my bare skin, but what I saw before me was a 19-year-old recording our act. I was completely shocked, this was a route barely used by many and the bus stand was nothing more than a fallen apart stable. If word gets out about this, I couldn’t bear the shame I would have to go through. He looked scared as our eyes met, almost wanting to run away as he held the camera pointing at me.

I had too coarse him to stop recording and raising my voice would only make him run away. I Didn’t even know who this man was, so I popped out my right boob and squeezed it till his eyes followed my movements. ‘you can suck them if you stop recording’ i bit my lip seductively. I just hope he bought it. He fidgeted looking around and slowly took steps towards me.

the postman saw this and continued aggressively biting my boob. My moans increased, the man’s face was flushed as he slowly took baby steps and sat, clearly staring at my assets until his hand touched my nipple area. ‘yes just like that’ i guided him until his mouth was filled with my flesh. a weird thing to say but he completely gobbled up my boob over and over again like a starved child. we went for a few more minutes until the rain died down and I did get him to delete the video.

Although I wished I could have saved the recording for masturbation, it was risky. The 19-year-old was in fact 20 and said that he wanted us to meet up again. I just gave him my address and left clearly let him know I wasn’t into younger guys, not like I would expect him to bang my door the next morning.

But to my surprise, it did happen after 3 days.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mxf0rq/letting_2_people_suck_my_boobs_in_a_bus_stand_fmm


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