I remind my best friend of the time she watched me fuck my girlfriend, and get rewarded with a cumshot [Group]

The following is a follow-up to [Cuddling with my best friend and my girlfriend gets me horny, which I satisfy by orgasming while locked around my best friend’s body [Group]](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/du8bwy/cuddling_with_my_best_friend_and_my_girlfriend/). This happened two months ago, when my best friend Kaitlin and I were planning to go for a socially-distanced walk together. I’m going to try something new, and rather than write a narrative I’m just going to transcribe our texts. Quotes are Kaitlin, non-quotes are me.

So I just chitter-chattered with Emily.

And she says that you’re welcome any time (of course lol) do long as I get cleaning done before we go for a walk.

IDK how much time you have / want to spend with me.

> Oh how delightful would it be if you lived on the first floor and I could talk on the phone while watching you clean in a French maid’s outfit ?

> But back to reality

Bold of you to assume I’d want you to watch me on my hands and knees in any sort of outfit at all ?

> Ahaha is it actually so bold?

Oh, that came out wrong. The intention was to insinuate another option was for me to just not wear clothes…

> I can see it now ?

What can I say? I like to put on a show

And I know you like to watch ?

> I’m glad I could bring some spice to your morning

We must do a repeat of that time you watched Emily and I fuck in your apartment.

> Wait I don’t fully remember this but I’m glad you got some lovin’ in

You don’t?!?

> No seriously I don’t remember
> Remind me!


> Please!!!

Do you remember when Emily gave me a hand job in her sleep while you and I were chatting in my bed? And then we looked for a vibrator for you and failed and then we cuddled while i masterbated and had an orgasm?

> Yes but you said *your apartment* so I got confused
> I haven’t had an apartment in a while

Okay I’m just checking. But we also had a more intense experience at you place, that time we went to the barbacoa place I believe.

> Ok THAT I don’t remember

Oh boy

> I remember barbacoa
> Ofc
> There was a bomb mole situation
> But what happened after?
> Also let me remind you I was concussed at that point


> So don’t fault me too much for memory loss

Yes you were


Okay, so Emily fell asleep first because she always does

And you were in your bed and we were on the floor, I think on a second mattress

> I did have a second mattress

And Emily starts grinding into me in her sleep

> I guess Emily likes having me around ?

And I start feeling her up because what’s the point of a sexy girlfriend if you’re not going to touch her body?

> A lot of other things!!!

And she sticks my hand between her legs and gets me to start fingering her

> This is ringing some sexy bells

> Have you written stories about these two nights? If not, you totally should

The first but not yet the second


Okay, I’ll put this whole convo on reddit. So she starts giving me really sloppy head

> while sleeping still ?

> Or awake?

> Was **I** awake???

And you GIGGLE

She was asleep. You were awake!

I don’t know when you realize this was happening…

> Wow that’s wild

But the room is dead silent except for her slurping until you start giggling and break the silence

And I go “uhh hi”

And you responded in a sundry tone with “*hello* u/trans_girl_slut.”

> Wow wow wow
> That’s a lot

Oh it gets more

So I ask you if you’re doing all right, if you’re comfortable

And you say that you’re not, because your nightclothes (I think? IDR what you were wearing / if you typically wear things to bed) were too constricting

Which felt like a line straight out of a porno

> Ahahaha
> This is too good
> And then?

And then you ask me if I would mind if you masturbated. I told you it’s your home, do whatever you like.

[there’s a thud noise as what I assume was your nightclothes hit the floor]

Then I said: Kaitlyn, I love you and I’m very excited for whatever’s about to happen. But the only thing more important to me is that you don’t do anything you’ll regret. You’ll tell me if you feel uncomfortable or want to de escalate things?

You replied: u/trans_girl_slut you’re so wonderfully considerate. And yes, I will.

So I can’t see you at all. It’s late, and your bed is away from the window and covered in shadow. Emily and I are under the window and there’s some light from the streetlight illuminating us, but I have no idea what you can see or how much detail, but I can’t see you at all.

So I learn back and close my eyes and focus on the blowjob

And then Emily tries and fails to mount me, presumably because she’s asleep

> Lol

So I turn her around and enter her from behind, and the squelching is replaced by rhythmic slapping

There’s a buzzing noise and my brain goes “vibrator” a second before you start moaning

So now the room is filled with everyone’s moans, the sound of our bodies colliding, and the buzz of your vibrator

At some point I ask you if you want to come closer, but I don’t think you hear me because you don’t respond.

I orgasm first

Followed by you

(Also, I know you’ve told me you’re a screamer but DAMN)

And finally a short while later Emily

We are lying there in silence and you say something like “fuck that was hot”

And you tell me you love me and you’re so happy we are friends

And I concur

And we fall sleep

The next morning you jokingly ask Emily if she slept well and she says pretty well

And we start laughing

And explain what happened

This was the last night we were with you

And the follow up convo happened at the trolly station

Whatever your metro is called

Later she and I check in and she’s rather indifferent to the whole thing

More annoyed that she sleeps through exciting things than concerned about what had happened

So yeah that’s what happened.

I assume you’re mostly processing this news. If you have any concerns or anything let me know? I’m happy to talk about it

> Sorry I was making a smoothie

Oh lol

> Wow thank you for jogging my memory
> I’m gonna go enjoy this now
> Go clean so I can see you at 11:30
> Please please please

Enjoy away ;)

I’ve actually been cleaning as I wrote

So we are pretty much done

Whenever you, ahem, finish, you’re welcome to come over

> Ok wonderful
> My vibrator ran out of juice ?

Oh no ?

> And idk where the charger is!

Well, that’s what boyfriends are for is it not?

> And many other things!!!

Go tell Ari to attend to his manly duties!

Anyways, I’m glad you found the story hot enough to (attempt to) get off to. Go enjoy yourself and then come over so I can enjoy you! :)

15 minutes pass, and I get a photo Kaitlin’s face covered in cum, along with the message “see you in 5, hope you don’t mind if I don’t clean up ;)”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mxelgb/i_remind_my_best_friend_of_the_time_she_watched

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