Jaime’s Mexican Siesta – Part IV (F-F, MFF threesome)

IV – The More, The Merrier

Jamie and Lisa made it a habit to meet up several times over the next few days.  It wasn’t all sex, they did make a point of doing some “normal” touristy excursions together to strengthen their new friendship – scuba diving in the ocean, a lengthy shopping excursion into town among them.  However, the outings ended generally the same way – sharing drinks, getting plastered, and then exploring each other’s bodies before each of them were left a quivering, cum drenched mess.

Jamie’s favourite experience, aside from the initial mutual finger fucking they gave each other on the beach, was when Lisa allowed her to grind her dripping wet pussy on Lisa’s face.  Lisa used her mouth expertly to work Jamie’s throbbing clit, encircling it with her tongue, nibbling and sucking on it gently at first and then long and hard as Jamie’s moans became more impassioned.  Lisa then buried her tongue deep into Jamie’s pussy while grabbing forcefully at Jamie’s tits and ass, taking time to fondle and tweak Jamie’s erect nipples.  Jamie, somewhat concerned she was going to suffocate the poor girl, attempted to reciprocate the pleasure by reaching back to finger Lisa rapidly, but Lisa’s efforts with her mouth, tongue and hands soon ensured that it was all Jamie could do to lean forward and grip onto the pillows surrounding them.
Lisa’s tongue slid down Jamie’s slit and into her pussy, over and over again, and Jamie was so wet that it began to make sexy sloshing noises each time she grinded hard onto Lisa’s mouth.  Eventually Lisa stuck her tongue out much farther, deep into Jamie’s aching pussy and planted it firmly against Jamie’s G spot while she used her hands to grab Jamie’s ass and pull Jamie firmly against her.  Jamie threw her head back and practically yelled “FUCK!” at the top of her lungs while she gyrated and grinded her way to an earth-shattering orgasm all over Lisa’s face, which Lisa eagerly lapped up while Jamie rode the waves of sexual energy flowing through her body.
In the comedown from that one, Jamie stated raggedly “You do that so well, you must be a fucking lesbian.”

“I’m not but I’m definitely thinking I’m bisexual at this point” Lisa laughed, a broad smile crossing her cum soaked face.  Jamie kissed her passionately, “to help you clean up a bit” she told Lisa.

Lisa jumped into the shower to clean herself off fully while Jamie got redressed and waited patiently.  When she was finished, Lisa came out in her hotel bathrobe and her hair up in a towel.  “I’ve been meaning to tell you, the last couple times I’ve been down for lunch and supper there’s been a really fucking hot guy down there.  Looks like he’s by himself, and he’s not wearing a ring! AND I TOTALLY CAUGHT HIM CHECKING ME OUT.” Lisa beamed.

“You should jump all over that shit, nothing like a good holiday romance!” Jamie teased.

“Or a good holiday FUCK, right?” Lisa teased back.

“You fucking know it.” Jamie smiled.

“You wouldn’t fuck some random guy here though, right?” Lisa inquired.

“I dunno, I’m not sure.” Jamie sighed. “Now if he was hot and was blessed with a nice cock and could make me cum easily, with or without it…”

Lisa giggled, and then paused, clearly ruminating about something.  Jamie looked at her quizzically.  “What’s up?”

“Have you ever had…. a threesome?”

Now Jamie paused.  “No, I can’t say I have.  But…”

“You don’t want to here?” Lisa frowned.

“It’s not that.  I just…. don’t know how I’d feel about it.  Although if I were to ever hypothetically have one, it would definitely be of the MFF variety…” Jamie shrugged.

Lisa paused, obviously thinking hard about the whole situation.  Jamie just sat in awkward silence, waiting to see what Lisa would say next.  Dirty, forbidden thoughts raced through her mind, and her heart beat heavily in her chest.

“Tell you what, dinner is in a few hours.  Go back to your place to make an appearance with your family, do your hair, change into something really sexy like a cocktail dress and some killer heels, put on your best perfume and meet me back here.  You can be my wing-girl to talk to this guy and then we’ll see where things go from there?”

Jamie thought about it, uncertainty paralyzing her ability to say much at this point, her blood rushing in her ears and heart beating rapidly in her chest.  The idea WAS very intriguing, exciting even, but…

“Honestly if you are ever feeling uncomfortable, just make up some bullshit excuse and go back to your place,” Lisa continued, “Believe me, I’ll have no problem fucking this guy once I get a few drinks in me and I’m talking to him.  You’re just there to make sure I’m brave enough to do it!”

Jamie thought about it some more, taking a deep breath to calm herself before reluctantly replying “OK, sure. But the moment I feel out of place I’m fucking ditching so you can, well, fuck” Jamie smiled.

Lisa clapped her hands excitedly and gave Jamie a big hug.  “Thank you! Ooooh I’m so EXCITED!”
Jamie reached under her bathrobe suddenly to grope Lisa’s pussy.  “Sure feels that way already….”  Lisa gasped in response to Jamie’s advance, and soon leaned in to give Jamie a passionate kiss.

Abruptly, Lisa broke it off “NO! I need to save myself for this guy.  And…. hopefully someone else…” she said seductively, winking at Jamie.

Back at the villa, Jamie was stressing over her wardrobe like she would over a blind date.  She scolded herself for acting so ridiculous, she was just going to help her friend out she kept telling herself!  Unless….

She shook her head again “Unless I come back here to lay in the hammock while I pass out in a drunken stupor” she said to herself under her breath. Her resolve restored, she went back to worrying about what to wear.  She frowned while looking at the mess of clothes that now covered her bed, her suitcase having been completely emptied of its contents so she could make an informed decision.  She decided the only thing worth wearing was the dress she brought that she typically wore to close out her sales deals.  It was low cut to show off her impressive cleavage, and short enough that if…well, more like when she smiled to herself…she bent over her clients could have a nice view of her ass and the rear of her pussy as she often “forgot” to wear underwear.  This level of teasing, combined with a lap dance for both her client, and more importantly, her, had successfully sealed many deals for Jamie.  It was really quite amazing just how dirty minded her clients became, and the naughty things they practically yelled at her when she plunged her tongue into a random stripper’s mouth.  Her clients were never allowed to touch her though, of course, but fortunately Jamie was often allowed to touch the girls she was so graciously assigned…

The thoughts of strippers and kissing and grinding and touching made Jamie absentmindedly begin to grab at her bare breast with one hand, squeezing it gently and groping herself.  She snapped out of her daze when she became aware that she had begun to thoroughly soak her thong that she was wearing and had picked out specifically for tonight.  “Damn! That was my last clean one, I really should have packed more,” she cussed at herself.  She slipped it off and threw it into a corner of her room.  “I guess it’s just standard procedure for this dress, then” she smiled while holding it up against her, admiring herself in the mirror. 

She proceeded to slide on her sexy cocktail dress, adjusted her tits so they weren’t COMPLETLEY hanging out but still left little to the imagination, and did up the zipper in the back.  She ran her hands over the fabric, admiring her figure in the mirror again.  She bent over playfully to see just how much of her ass and pussy showed at different angles.  She noted that it didn’t take much for her dress to creep up enough to show off her ass, but she had to go almost perpendicular before her glistening, moist rear pussy was fully showing.  Seeing herself in this position in the mirror she began to feel immensely turned on again so she spanked her bare ass moderately hard to “punish” herself.  Of course, the stinging sensation only served to make her pussy even more wet, and her clit begin to throb slowly. She sighed deeply as she realized she was going to be ridiculously turned on tonight, which would probably be made worse by the alcohol.  She shook her head to attempt to clear the sexy thoughts, but it was no use.  Resigned to the fact her hormones had left her in a dangerous state, and that she didn’t have time to take care of her urges by herself right now, she finished preparing by quickly throwing her hair up and spraying on copious amounts of perfume before leaving for Lisa’s hotel.

“He’s over there!” Lisa practically squealed with excitement, pointing towards the far side of the bar without trying to be subtle at all.

Jamie tried to follow her friend’s exuberant display to see what the object of Lisa’s affection exactly looked like.  After all, the degree of “hotness” was definitely variable person to person, and Jamie suspected that Lisa’s opinions were strongly altered by the amount of alcohol she drank while at the bar.  Jamie marveled at how much this girl could put down without being put down herself – Jamie had to limit herself to now one-and-a-half pina colada’s so that she could maintain her wits about her, but still feel good.  Lisa, on the other hand, was busily slurping down her 4th of the young night and did not look any worse for wear. 

Lisa did look AMAZING though – Lisa had picked out a simple yet sexy red dress that tied up behind her neck.  Her busty chest was, at best, 75% covered in the front and Lisa was showing off some solid side boobs.  Her back was also fully exposed until just above her ass, and if Lisa leaned over too far the dress slid down far enough that the top of Lisa’s ass was visible to Jamie, “not that I’ve been stealing glances”, she smiled to herself.  Lisa had also gone the extra mile with her makeup and looked fucking gorgeous, her supple red lips glowed in the fading light of the day and every time she batted her long eyelashes Jamie couldn’t help but melt a little bit inside.  Finally, the sultry red dress ended about midway down Lisa’s toned thighs, not too short to be slutty but short enough to invite several stares from the gentlemen who sat nearby and had been gawking at the two of them for the past half hour.  It also helped that Lisa was wearing a set of thigh high stockings which were attached via garters to what Jamie had been told was a G-string thong.  It might have been the booze, but Jamie thought she looked like a fucking pornstar and it did her already raging libido no favours. 

Scanning the crowd near where Lisa was pointing, Jamie still couldn’t pick out this guy.  “You’re going to have to be more specific, what’s he wearing?” she inquired, teasingly.

“Light blue polo shirt with khakis, brown hair, rippling biceps…and a really nice ass…” Lisa trailed off, clearly the alcohol she had drank finally kicking in and consuming her thoughts.

Jamie giggled at her lusting friend, “I’m sure if I saw someone like that, I would…” and she trailed off because she suddenly saw him too, standing by the bar having a casual conversation with the bartender.  He was fucking HOT.  He was Caucasian, about 6’0 and athletic.  His brown hair was cropped short and he sported a rugged face speckled with stubble, highlighted by a strong jaw and glowing white teeth.  He laughed with the bartender over something and his smile took Jamie’s breath away. Lisa had not lied about his arms, they were deeply tanned, bulging, veiny and were barely contained by his polo shirt.  Jamie also noted his muscular chest straining against the fabric of his shirt and, when he turned around to say hi to what she assumed was a friend of his, his remarkably tight ass.  Jamie’s mouth hung open for so long that she suddenly became aware that she might be drooling.

“Holy. Shit.” Was all she could say to Lisa.

“Mmmmm” was all Lisa could reply, and they stared hopelessly at this prized male specimen for far too long.  Long enough that he eventually caught their stares, smiled back at them, and gave a polite wave.  Jamie sighed deeply as she melted again inside but Lisa panicked and turned away.

“YOU CAN’T DO THAT!” Jamie scolded playfully, “HE smiled at US!  We’ve got to go talk to him!” and with that she stood up quickly and took Lisa’s hand.

Lisa hesitated.  “B-b-b-but…” she stammered.

“Yes I noticed he has a FANTASTIC ass too.  You weren’t lying!” Jamie laughed and gently pulled on her friend to stand up with her.  Very reluctantly, Lisa got out of her chair and sheepishly accompanied Jamie to the bar.

As Jamie strode purposefully over to him, she coached Lisa by whispering “We’re only going to talk to him, OK? Make sure he’s not a rapist or a weirdo.  Don’t worry about yourself, you look fucking great!  And, don’t think you don’t have to fuck him right now, even though I know you want to!”  That got Lisa to laugh nervously, and Jamie smiled broadly, hoping she was doing her best to inspire some confidence in her friend.

They arrived at the bar, and Jamie introduced herself. “Hi!  My name is Jamie, and this is my friend Lisa!”
Lisa sheepishly replied “Hello…”, blushing deeply.
The man smiled broadly again and this time Jamie noted the effect this time was isolated between her thighs.  “Hello ladies!” he said in deep, sexy voice, “I’m Geoffrey with a G, but all my friends call me Geoff, also with a G.”  Jamie laughed at his lame joke and so did Lisa, although still noticeably more nervously.

“Now, Geoff with or without a G is a decidedly unsexy name, which I must say is the opposite when it comes to both of you ladies.”  He stared intently at them both, looking them up and down, his green eyes glowing in the twilight.  “Both of you look…great.”  He accentuated the “great” with what sounded, at least to Jamie, like a guttural purr.  The moistness between her thighs intensified and her libido threatened to spiral out of control as naughty thoughts raced through her mind.

“Why don’t you two join me for a few tequila shots?” He continued.

“Why the fuck not?” Jamie affirmed, assuming the lead for both her and Lisa, “I know I’ve got nothing better to do and you can’t go to Mexico without taking at least one shot of tequila.”  Lisa remained quiet but also affirmed his request by nodding and smiling shyly.

Geoff ordered up a round and began making small talk with Jamie first.  He revealed he was a businessman from the Midwest and was at the resort to attend a wedding.  This made Lisa’s ears perk up, as she explained that’s why she was here too, for a completely separate couple.  She also explained that as an event planner she too had coordinated many destination weddings.  She asked him a series of inane questions which he answered as best he could, eventually laughing and saying “I don’t know, I just came here to get tanned and drunk and meet pretty ladies”.  They all laughed in unison at this.  He also put his meaty right hand on Jamie’s knee which made her heart flutter in her chest, but common sense and her conscience overcame her before he could attempt to do or say anything else.

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t come over to talk to you for me, in fact I’m not even staying at this hotel.  I’m here vacationing with my family just down the beach in a villa we rented.”  She noticed his expression fall, and he promptly removed his hand, obviously feeling crestfallen that she was resisting his advances.

“BUT,” Jamie continued, “I did come to help my dear friend Lisa over here, she noticed you checking her out the other day and she wanted to get to know you.  And you should know she’s a GREAT kisser, if I do say so myself”

Lisa’s face immediately flushed and she quietly mouthed at Jamie “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”  Jamie just smiled at her reassuringly.

Jamie looked back at Geoff and the expression on his face was priceless, he was clearly taken aback by what he had just heard and was processing it in his mind.  “You…you mean to say…. that you…and her….”

“Oh yes!” Jamie smiled. “And more.  MUCH more…” and this time it was her who put the teasing emphasis and guttural purr on the last few syllables.  She laughed to herself as he was clearly beside himself, and she swore she saw his cock come to life underneath his khakis.  The dirty thought made her even more wet and awakened her clit, and now it throbbed slowly between her clenched thighs.

“I…I….” he stammered, searching for words before suddenly shouting “BARTENDER! Where are our shots?!”

Jamie laughed out loud because she knew he was extremely “bothered” by all of this.  She was a great tease and could read when people were into her, and she knew this Geoff guy was undressing and fucking her with his eyes every time she turned around to talk to Lisa.  Now her nipples strained against the thin fabric of her cocktail dress, they were so hard she was sure they were plainly noticeable even in the dim lighting the bar provided.  She secretly wished she could release them and have Lisa service them right then and now.

Finally, the shots of tequila arrived and they all toasted and threw back their shots at the same time.  The too-familiar burning sensation filled Jamie’s mouth, and she quipped “What the fuck, I thought this stuff was supposed to be somewhat fucking tolerable here?!  I still can’t stand this shit.”  More laughter ensued.

Lisa, finally feeling emboldened, demanded another round of shots from the bartender.  When asked, “Anything but tequila!” they all said in unison, causing them to erupt in laughter once more.

The time flew by as fast as the alcohol flowed.  They did a several more rounds of shots, and the more they did, the raunchier the conversation became.  Jamie, feeling quite tipsy herself, made a point of explaining in great detail how fun it was to have her fingers shoved deep into Lisa’s pussy while she grinded herself on Lisa’s fingers, which were pressed hard on her clit and G-spot.  Jamie didn’t even bother to attempt to contain her libido at this point, she had decided long ago that after she was done hooking these two up that she was going to find a quiet place and a phallic object to fuck herself with until she came hard, noisily and messily.  She even toyed with the idea of doing this in front of other strangers, underlining just how fucking horny she felt.  She pressed her thighs together hard in a regular rhythm, teasing her now rapidly throbbing clit which was lubricated quite well by her sopping wet pussy, whose juices were dangerously close to seeping onto the very chair she sat on.

She noticed Geoff had a raging boner at this point too – it was an unmistakable, quivering bulge in the front of his khakis.   He had moved to sit next to Lisa, one hand on her knee and one hand toyed with her hair.  Lisa had one arm wrapped around his waist and the other one rested atop his hand on her knee, kneading at his hand.  Jamie could tell Lisa was extremely turned on too, she saw it in her eyes when Lisa stole glances at both Jamie and at the aforementioned bulge in Geoff’s pants.  Lisa even had unknowingly parted her thighs a few times, giving Jamie, who was sitting across from her, a glimpse of the glorious g-string and garters Lisa was wearing.  Jamie thought about spreading her own thighs to give the same show for both Lisa and Geoff, or even spreading Lisa’s thighs wider before diving in to lap at her clit and pussy in front of Geoff.  Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest at this point as the racy thoughts piled on top of each other, each vying for her lustful attention.

Suddenly, mid conversation, Lisa leaned over and kissed Geoff on the cheek.  He turned to look at her, and as soon as they locked eyes they began to make out, gently, sensually.  Jamie’s hormones went through the roof and it was all she could do to not grope her tits or pussy while she watched.  This did not stop Geoff or Lisa though, and she watched him slide his hand up her thigh, quickly reaching her pussy.  Jamie watched him slide his fingers up and down what must be her soaking wet underwear, and Jamie bit her lip hard while she watched Lisa squirm.  Jamie also noticed Lisa’s hand migrate to the bulge in Geoff’s pants, and Jamie took a ragged breath when she saw Lisa begin to stroke his engorged cock through his pants.  Jamie uncrossed her legs and firmly squeezed her thighs.  She decided she had to take part.

Jamie stood up, and walked over to Lisa.  She took Lisa’s head in her hands, and forcefully broke their embrace.  Lisa looked up at her, looking slightly confused and hurt.  Geoff practically murdered Jamie with his icy stare. 

“No no no no, you’re doing it all wrong.  She doesn’t like to be kissed THAT way, please let me show you how it’s done.”  And with that Jamie forcefully kissed Lisa.  She felt Lisa fall into the embrace and they made out passionately and sloppily, tongues darting into each other’s mouths while pausing to suck and bite at each other’s lips, as they had recently learned that they both liked this.  Lisa moaned into Jamie’s open mouth as Jamie moved to kissing Lisa’s neck, sucking and biting gently while she ran her hand through her hair.  Jamie took her other hand and groped at Lisa’s tits, finding that they were as soft as ever and her nipples were so delightfully hard and fun to grab and tweak with her fingers. 

Jamie then moaned herself when Lisa reached under Jamie’s dress to finger her.  Discovering that Jamie was secretly commando, Lisa breathlessly moaned into Jamie’s ear “You…naughty…girl…” and proceeded to shove two fingers deep into Jamie’s soaked pussy, forgoing any sort of foreplay.  While Lisa fucked Lisa rapidly with her fingers, Jamie opened her eyes to look seductively at Lisa and noted how Lisa was pleasuring both her and Geoff, and that her once timid strokes of his cock had now become hard, pressing groping as she squeezed it through his pants.  Geoff sat back, his mouth agape, witnessing what Jamie thought he must only have imagined happening in porn as two hot girls made out and fingered each other while one stroked his cock. 
Suddenly they were rudely interrupted by voice of the bartender.  “EXCUSE ME SIR AND MISSES! You must leave IMMEDIATELY!  You are BOTHERING our other clients! DON’T MAKE ME REPORT YOU THREE!”

Jamie laughed, the alcohol already have stripped away most of her inhibitions and laughing seemed like the most appropriate response, at least to her drunk mind.  She looked at Lisa who looked absolutely mortified, though, and Geoff looked stone cold serious and equally embarrassed, his face flushed a solid shade of red.

“Awww it’s OK guys!” Jamie encouraged them, “We don’t need to be here anyways, especially when we could just go back to Lisa’s room…” she seductively let the thought sink in for both of the others, before Lisa simply shook her head yes and Geoff quietly muttered “I think that’s a great idea, show me the way ladies…”

They reached the elevator in the lobby of the hotel and Jamie pressed the button, looking back to stare at Lisa and Geoff.  They still could not keep their hands off of each other, and were busy stealing kisses and grabbing each other’s asses.  Jamie could watch them all day and fuck herself silly, but was much warming up to the fact that she might want to participate as well.  It wasn’t every day this sort of opportunity presented itself, she naughtily thought to herself.

The doors opened, and they stepped in.  They were the only ones in the elevator, and when the doors closed and gave them an illusion of privacy, they were all back at it again.  Lisa and Geoff made out, this time much more passionately.  Geoff had both of his hands under Lisa’s dress, grabbing firmly at her bare ass.  Lisa in turn had shoved both of her hands down Geoff’s pants and was stroking his hard cock furiously.  Jamie just slumped against a wall of the elevator, grabbed one of her tits with one hand while rubbing at her clit manically with the other.  She moaned loudly and almost came when the elevator stopped suddenly at their floor, causing her finger to slide deep into her pussy unexpectedly. 

The doors opened again, and they all stepped out into the hallway.  They were a wreck, but still managed to stumble down the hallway to Lisa’s room.  Lisa fumbled with her room key while Geoff groped her ass from behind and pressed his cock into her.  Jamie just continued to masturbate watching it all, her heart beating hard in her chest and her breathing was shallow and rapid.  Once inside, Geoff immediately made his way to the bed and started to undo his belt.

“Not so fast!” Jamie commanded to him, “Sit on the bed and wait for us.” Geoff looked up at her, puzzled, visibly slightly angry again, but he obeyed nonetheless.

Jamie pointed and then beckoned to Lisa, “Come here, let’s give him a show first.”
Lisa walked seductively over to Jamie and they wrapped their arms around each other.  They kissed passionately again.  Jamie ran her tongue over Lisa’s lips before biting her top lip.  Lisa groaned in appreciation.  Jamie then took her hands and undid the knot where the dress tied up behind Lisa’s neck.  She untied it tantalizingly slowly, and when it was loose she pulled each string to the side of Lisa’s body, letting them hang in the air before releasing them.  In one smooth motion the dress fell off Lisa’s toned body, falling in a pile on the floor, exposing her hard, perky tits, her red, lacy G-string, garters and stockings.  Lisa then reached around Jamie to undo the zipper on her cocktail dress.  Jamie lifted her arms in the air as Lisa abruptly pulled it down, exposing Jamie’s fully nude body, her tits hard and aching for attention, her bald pussy glistening in the dim light of the only lamp that had been left on in the room. 

Jamie pulled Lisa close, pressing their tits together.  The sensation of each other’s hard nipples brushing against each other made both of them moan softly.  Jamie reached around and made a point to grope Lisa’s ass, pulling her in close.  Lisa reached down and did the same to Jamie, sending a wave of pure sexual energy racing through Jamie’s body.  They kissed again, this time slowly, sensually, making a point to tease poor Geoff who Jamie noted was rubbing his cock through his pants.
Jamie stopped and said to Lisa, “Look at him, trying to service himself.  You can’t let that happen, can you?”

Lisa bit her lip hard, and just shook her head no.  She let go of Jamie and strode over to Geoff.  She pushed him down on the bed, and started to undo his belt slowly before ripping it off.  She then practically ripped his pants apart at the button and pulled them and his boxers down in one fast motion.   Geoff’s thick cock sprang up to meet Lisa, absolutely soaked in precum.  Lisa rubbed it with her hand quickly but wasted no time taking it into her mouth.  She worked the tip first, lolling it around with her tongue, before taking more and more of the shaft of his hard cock into her mouth, bobbing up and down slowly as she adjusted to his above average girth.   Her gag reflex kicked in unexpectedly as she attempted to fully deepthroat him, but both he and she did not let this bother them and she continued to work his cock with her mouth while cradling his balls with her free hand.  He moaned his approval several times, especially when she paused to look up at him directly in the eyes. 

Jamie, content to watch Lisa work, sat herself down in the easy chair adjacent to the bed, and spread her legs wide open, draping each one over the arms of the chair.  She grasped at her tits, groping and squeezing and playing with her hard nipples.  She encircled one of them with one finger while flicking the other one with her other hand.  She took one hand and pushed it south over her stomach to her wet, aching pussy.  She slid one finger down the full length of her slit and then brought her finger up to her mouth to taste herself.  Her finger freshly moistened, she reached down again and rubbed her clit gently, trying to match the rhythm which Lisa bobbed up and down on Geoff’s cock.  She pressed hard on her clit when Lisa paused to lick the massive head of Geoff’s cock, and she imagined how stretched her pussy would be if he was to fuck her tight pussy.  She pictured him fucking her long and hard, pressing his full girth against her g-spot, the pressure to cum mounting very fast before releasing all over him.  These fantasies made her lick the fingers on her other hand which had been squeezing her tits, and she promptly plunged them deep into her wet pussy.  She began to moan loudly as she worked her clit with one hand, rubbing, pressing and grabbing; and she fucked herself with her fingers on her other hand, plunging in and out, pressing her fingers hard into her g-spot, imagining they were his cock.  The familiar feelings of a building orgasm had begun to crest when she was suddenly interrupted.

“Hey!” Geoff protested, “If I wasn’t allowed to take care of myself, then neither should you!”

Lisa paused for a moment from worshipping his cock, but still rubbed it with her hand.  “He has a point, Jamie. Get over there, now.”

At this point, Jamie thought to herself that she could have been told to go fuck the bedpost and she wouldn’t have put up much of a fight, so having Geoff attend to her was a perfectly rational decision for her.  She rose from the chair and stood over Geoff. “Fine, but we do this how I want to do it.”

“No complaints from me…” he trailed off, Lisa still sucking on his cock like a champ.

Jamie didn’t say anything more, but proceeded to straddle his chest.  He began to reach up to fondle her tits but she brushed them away. “No touching.  Not yet.”  He laid his hands by his sides, obeying her direction.

Jamie positioned her pussy over his face.  He stared expectedly up at her, and the anticipation made her clit throb deeply.  She lowered herself agonizingly slowly towards his face.  “Stick out your tongue.” She commanded.  He obeyed by sticking it out as far as he could.  As she lowered further still, she could now feel his hot breath on her pussy, and it drove her wild.  Still, she wanted to tease him. 

“Don’t you dare move that tongue.  I want it to be my little fuck toy.” She commanded.  Geoff nodded silently, straining to stick it out as far as possible.
Jamie finally lowered herself enough so her aching clit brushed against it.  Her clit beat in appreciation, and a wave of sexual electricity coursed through her body.  She bit her lip and lowered herself more so that the meaty part of his tongue was firmly pressed against her throbbing clit.  She let it sit there for a moment, and she moaned softly through clenched teeth.  Then she slowly began to slide up and down, forward and back.  His tongue coursed over her clit several times and when she slid down further it penetrated her aching pussy.  She moaned loudly now, and picked up the pace until she was frenetically grinding all over his face.  Her pussy was gushing, soaking him and his tongue, and she could feel an orgasm building in her again.  She stopped, abruptly.  She practically heard him whimper, she thought, but she wasn’t going to finish alone.
“Lisa, sit on his fucking cock. Now.” She commanded.

Lisa stood up and straddled his quivering cock.  Using her hands, she guided it into her pussy slowly, no doubt aching for the penetration.  She gasped as he entered her, his girth stretching her young, tight pussy.  Eventually she was able to fit his whole length inside of her, and Jamie watched her bounce and grind first slowly, then faster up and down on his cock.  Lisa began to moan loudly, and threw back her head as she really picked up steam.  It was too much for Jamie to bear alone.

She leaned over to Geoff and whispered “Do you like fucking her?  Fucking my friend? Is her fucking pussy tight enough for your hard cock?”

“Yes…” he hissed back, clearly enjoying Lisa’s tight pussy.

“That’s great.  I know she wanted to fuck you the moment she saw you.  You made her pussy soaking wet just by smiling back at her.  And now she’s fucking riding you hard.  It must make you want to fucking explode and fill her with your hot cum.”

“Unnnnnhhh” he moaned

“But enough about fucking my hot friend.  Now, I want you fuck me again with your tongue, and this time PLEASE use your hands.  Grab my tits, finger my pussy, I don’t fucking care.  I just want to cum as hard as she will all over your fucking thick cock.”

Jamie then mounted him again, this time in a reverse cow-girl position. She sat squarely on his face and felt him immediately start to suck and lick at her pussy.  He paid extra attention to her throbbing clit, licking it in circles before sucking hard on it.  She groaned and moaned as he used his oral skills on her.  Jamie reached down and placed his hands forcefully on her aching tits, as they desperately needed attention while he tongue fucked her.  He grabbed and groped and fondled with them, firm yet rough, and Jamie was nearing the edge. 

Jamie looked down at Geoff’s cock absolutely pounding the shit out of Lisa’s pussy.  Jamie realized Lisa was also nearing a mind-blowing orgasm because her tits were so hard they could poke Jamie’s eyes out, something she noticed that happened right before Lisa came hard.  Jamie decided to help her friend by leaning over and taking Lisa’s tits into her mouth, sucking and grabbing at them.  Lisa responded by practically shrieking “FUCK! YES! FUCK! OOOOOHHHH!” before Jamie felt her tense up and cum hard all over Geoff’s thrusting cock.  Geoff was now fucking Jamie with his thick fingers while she grinded on him, and Lisa’s outburst sent her over the edge too.  “FUCK! ME! YES!” she exclaimed as Jamie fucking came hard all over Geoff, soaking his fingers, face and the bedsheets – it felt like it would never stop as wave after wave of pleasure rocked her body.  She gathered Geoff was also in the middle of an orgasm, as he pumped hard into Lisa’s still quivering body and Lisa gasped, likely feeling him fill her full of a hot load of cum.

Absolutely spent, they all collapsed onto the bed in different configurations.  Jamie and Lisa ended up face to face in fetal positions, riding out the remnants of their intense orgasms, while Geoff was laid out spread eagle beside them.  Jamie was the first to talk.

“Holy. Fucking. Shit.”

“Mmmmm.” Agreed Lisa.

Geoff just laid there, breathing heavily.  “I…can’t believe that just happened!” he said eventually.

They all laughed together at the remark. 

“I’d say let’s do it again, but I have to get back…” Jamie said.

“That’s OK Jamie, I’m not done with him yet…” cooed Lisa.

“Well then, I’d better get out of your way!” Jamie said jokingly, slipping on her dress again.  “Text me in the morning, when we are all too hungover to even want to think about this.”

With that, Jamie gave Lisa a passionate kiss and left the room.  She wasn’t even down the hallway before she heard them going at it again, and despite the fact she had just had one of the best orgasms of her life, she began to feel turned on again.  “Maybe I’ll need to find something phallic after all…” she thought naughtily to herself as she stepped into the elevator and into the night.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mx2jdq/jaimes_mexican_siesta_part_iv_ff_mff_threesome