Scott – The Beginning of His End [MF]

Scott plays parts in other stories. This story stems specifically from “My Friends Wife”. I am compiling a series if short stories based upon a group of people and with stories that weave into and out of each other’s lives. Enjoy!

Scott had to leave the party early. His wife was pissed that he had to go “in to work” again -the second time this week, but his best bud was there and he would keep her company. In truth he hoped that meant she wouldn’t be such a bitch to him when he come back home sometime in the morning. Like he needed THAT on top of all the other shit going on with him.

As he left he was all Mr. Guy Smiley, but as soon as he was on his way his demeanor turned to anger and frustration. He was shitting his pants over the predicament he had now found himself in. The events that had unfolded over the last 9 months seem like a dream turned into a nightmare. It all started that one night. That one God damned night when he should have had the good sense to make a better decision. But hey, when a young, sweet, recently come of age, sex pot that you have had your eye on for a little too long presents herself to you what are you going to do?

“Be a fucking man about it. That’s what I should have done.” He said under his breath as he started the drive to her place.

See Scott and his wife Ellen, had always been the fun couple in the neighborhood. They threw the big neighborhood parties. Everyone was always there. Whole families showed up and it was always the spot to be. Year round. Christmas was always cheery with them. New Years was a blowout every year. And poolside on the 4th of July… Legendary. But it was last Labor Day where he took the wrong turn instead of staying on the straight and narrow path.

He swallowed hard as he recounted what happened.

It was unseasonably hot that evening. Most of the guests had already gone home except for some of Ellen’s friends who were helping her clean up in the house. Scott had just taken a dip in the pool cooling off before heading in for the night. As he climbed out of the pool he noticed a light was on in the back bedroom of the pool/guest house. Was Ken crashing here tonight? He was completely smashed earlier, and this wouldn’t be the first time he slept it off here. But he thought his wife Amy had packed him up in the car.

“Ken?, you in here buddy?” he asked into the dark front room as he walked in through the sliding glass doors. He heard a small giggle and found that odd. As he made his way towards the back room he rounded the corner into the kitchenette and there she was.


The neighbor’s daughter. A real beauty. The good girl that was secretly a bit if a wild child…. Unless you were the across the way neighbor who liked to keep an eye on her you probably didn’t know it. She was the straight A student. A star on the swim, tennis and track teams. She was the one who was very courteous and always polite. She was always put together in how she dressed and acted. She was more mature than most the other girls her age. She was 18 and headed off to university.

She was also a big Help to Scott and Ellen, especially as she had gotten older. She walked their dogs, watered their plants and even did a little bit of gardening for them. The last summer post graduation she started cleaning their house to make some extra money. And she also got to use their pool from time to time with a couple of her friends. That is when Scott started noticing her a little more. His gaze was falling in her a little too long. His conversations a little past flirtatious.

But she was also very flirtatious with all of the husbands in the neighborhood. In that “I’m innocent, don’t you believe me?” sort of way. But only when the wives weren’t around. And the husbands weren’t going to let the wives in on it because they all enjoyed her attention and the go boost it gave them. And likely the erections and a happy thought to go along with it.

It was the last few months that Scott had really started taking notice of Laina. She was 18 now and it showed. In every way that would get the attention of a middle aged man starting to yearn for his glory days. She had the lithe fit body of a swimmer and track star. She had the confidence of a girl who knew everyone wanted her. And she had the body that pulled your eyes in her direction even if you knew that your wife was watching you.

Yeah. And now, there she was in the pool house standing before him in her dark maroon bikini. Small and tight against her tight little body. The humid summer air clinging to her. Her skin was moist from the heat. Her hair drawn up in a pony the way that drove Scott crazy for her.
And she had that look on her face that told him he was about to make a terrible decision.

“Hey Scott” she said with her voice giving it a little sing song lift as she said it. A sort of “Isn’t this a coincidence?” tone to it.

A dirty minded smile spread across his face. “And what is my favorite girl next door doing in my pool house?” He replied.

Thinking back to it this is where he went wrong. He should have patted her on the head and told her to head on home. Instead his eyes were all over her. and he wanted to see where she was willing to go with this.

“Oh I was just watching the hottest guy in the neighborhood take a dip in the pool” she said ending her statement with the tip of her tongue sticking out between her teeth and her lower lip and her gaze unashamedly fixed on the bulge in his speedo.

“Oh really? You think this old man is still in decent shape?”

She took a couple steps toward him still running her eyes over his body. “You have a few…. Shapes that I think look…. nice.” She walked around him eyeing him like an item she must have. She was used to getting what she wanted.

The look and suggestion sent blood rushing to his organ. Even now rethinking the scene he had ti shift in the drivers set. His pants becoming restrictive and tight.

“Scotty I know how you look at me. I know you stare at my body and what it does to you.” Her index finger was running along his swim suit. Tracing along the skin tight waistband around his side to just below his right hip bone. “I like to give you a good show. Do you like my body Scott?”

She is now standing just in front of him. Her other hand coming to rest on the other side of his tight covering just below his left hip. She is looking up at him, an exaggerated “I am so innocent” look. Her eyes wide, round, her lower lip caught between her teeth. her fingertips curled into the material barely covering him. And he is a puddle in her hand.

“I – uh – I” he was on his heels momentarily. This is the most resistance he had been able to muster.

“It’s ok Scott, I have wanted you fir a long time. You have been the object of my fantasies for a long time. And from I have picked up on, El hasn’t exactly been taking care of you”. Her thumbs were rubbing the area to the aides of his hardened member. Her fingers slowly pulling down on the top of his speedo exposing the domed top of his length.

“Let me help you Scotty. You know I want to. And I know you want to also”.

With that the material snapped over the head of his cock and her thumbs start to caress the sensitive area beneath the slit in the head. It had been leaking his desire for her.

“Oh fuck Laina… Maybe we shoul-“ he started.

She slid his suit down over his ass exposing his entire length and his full balls.

“Come in Scotty…. Oh Geez it is bigger than I thought!”

His thoughts back to reality as he almost careened off the road. She was so hot that night. He had no chance… His thoughts slipping back to her again.

Her lips were on his chest, kissing his chest muscles, flicking her tongue across his nipple before suckling at it. Her hand gripping his shaft slowly pumping him. Her thumb working his cock drool over and around his sensitive tip.

“I want to make you feel good Scott” She says to him. He swallows hard and tries to talk but his voice is stuck in his throat. “Do you want me to make you feel good?” She says to him. She presses the palm of her hand against his length now allowing her fingers to stretch out clutching his balls and gently massage them. Rolling them in her digits.

He didn’t even realize it. His hands are around her back. He is staring into her doe eyes. And he is moving his fingers up her back.

“I do. Yes…. Please” he says almost completely under her control. The smile she flashed up at him is that of a spoiled brat getting the latest plaything that she just had ti have.

He turned the car into the driveway leading to her place. An apartment on the other side if town. He parks the car and his memory finishes the scene.

She is taking one knee lowering herself before him. her hands pulling the tiny speedo dow his legs. His cock pressed against her cheek. It expands reflexively at the touch. His hands at the back of her head. The top view of her perky 18yr old firm tits framed in her bikini top. She reaches back with both hands undoing the clasp of her top as she turns her head and slips her lips just barely over the tip of his cock. Her top falls free of your shoulders. Her tongue teases the small hole in the tip. And her tits are free. Beautiful. He Presses forcefully but gently on the back on her head. And she takes him into her soft, warm, wet mouth.

He shakes his head shaking the memory as he makes his way up the stairs to her apartment. “God damnit” he says to himself knocking on the door. Footsteps. More than two. The door opens. Giggling. Greeting him are two sets of laughing eyes, big smiles, white teeth, barely clothed 19 year old female bodies.

In unison, almost mocking him, in that same sing song manner…

“Hi Scott!”
