A Story of DD/LG Harmony [MF] [DDLG] [Oral] [Spanking]

“It’s too much!” she says to herself, feeling the weight of everything crashing down on her suddenly. She just finished her presentation for work, the one she would have to present to her company’s largest client on Monday. This could be a huge windfall for her company…and her. Everything is riding on her. “Ugh, two more days.” she sighs, as she lays back against the pillows on her bed and looks out the window. It’s such a drab and dreary Saturday. The weather just seems to make everything feel heavier. She feels her anxiety beginning to well up inside. “I’m not going to make it till Monday” she thinks, “why am I like this?”

“Baby, what’s wrong?” she hears, as she notices him poking his head in the doorway.

“I feel like I’m never going to amount to anything. I can’t lead this thing at work. I’m not strong enough.” she blurts out.

“Oh, but you are.” he says as he enters the room, moving toward her on the bed. “You’ve got a great plan, your presentation is solid.” He takes her hand in reassurance. “You own this, and you know it. You can do this and so much more.”

“I just want it over already.” as tears begin to well up in her eyes.

“I see.” he says with a stern look suddenly appearing on his face. He walks around the bed and opens the closet door. She watches as he is searching through the clothes on their hangers. “What are your plans for today?”

“I’m probably going to kill myself.” she says half-jokingly.

“I see.” he says as he removes some clothes from the closet, then lays them out on the bed. It’s a frilly, pink dress he bought for her last summer, a pair of white knee-high stockings with lace at the top and her pink collar with “Princess” in silver glitter. “Put those on, put your hair in pigtails, and then meet me in the kitchen when you’re done.”

With that, he leaves the room. She lays on the bed, staring at the items. “Didn’t he hear anything I just said? He just doesn’t understand.” She thinks to herself. She doesn’t feel like getting up, but his words are pulling at her. She reluctantly rises from the bed, removes the clothes she was wearing, and proceeds to put on the outfit chosen for her. She hesitates on what undergarments to wear, as he did not lay any out. The pink dress is very light and nearly see through…it’s more of a beach dress meant for a bikini underneath, and very short. She finishes putting on the stockings, and then her collar. She looks at herself in the mirror as she puts her hair in pigtails, as directed. “I look like a little girl who got into her mother’s wardrobe.” she thinks, as she looks upon her reflection.

She enters the kitchen to find him busily preparing lunch. It wasn’t until this very moment that she realized that she was hungry. As she approached him, she placed her chin on his shoulder to see what he was making. He turned around to get a good look at her.

“Don’t you look adorable!” he says, placing his hands on her shoulders and looking her up and down. “Now, come sit…while I finish making us some lunch.” Taking her hand, he leads her to the table, pulls out a chair and motions for her to sit. She takes a seat at the table, and fidgets with her dress, trying to pull it down to better cover herself. She notices him watching in disapproval, and she shrugs. He returns to the stove to finish making lunch. “You are going to love what I’m making for you. You will feel better once you have some good food in your little tummy. You’ll see.” he exclaims.

After a few moments pass, he returns to the table and places plates and bowls on the table. She looks down to see he has made grilled cheese with ham and tomato, and tomato soup. She pauses when she realizes her sandwich has had the crust removed from the bread, cut up into small bites and placed on a plastic disney plate, while her soup is in a matching disney bowl. Next to these he has given her juice in a plastic cup with a bendy straw. He sits down next to her, in front of his food, all of which is on normal dishware.

He looks at her and smiles “Look, I even gave you your own special dishes, now doesn’t that make my princess happy?” She nods and a small smile forms on her lips. “Here, let me help you. Come a little closer, please.” He takes the bowl from her set and places it beside his plate. Dipping the spoon into the soup, he blows on it, being sure it is cool, then carefully moves it closer to her mouth. He watches the spoonful of soup glide in between her lips, and back out again, completely clean. “That’s my girl” He says with a smile. After a few spoonfuls, she began to feel soothed and his smile helped her mood brighten. “You have to try the sandwich too. It’s so yummy. I cut it up nice and small for you. You’re a big enough girl to do that on your own, aren’t you, little one?”

“Yes Daddy, I am…but I like when you feed me too. It makes me feel special.”

“You are the most special girl in the world. And I like feeding you too, but I have my own food to eat. So, show Daddy how much of a big girl you can be and eat your sandwich, okay?”

“Yes Daddy.” She begins to eat the pieces of sandwich he has so carefully crafted for her. They continue to eat their lunch, as he talks about some of the fun things he would like to do this summer, which is right around the corner. He talks about taking a day trip to the aquarium, which he knows is one of her favorite places. He speaks about taking her camping, which is one of his favorite things to do. While eating her sandwich, he periodically feeds her another spoonful or two of soup, and she could already feel the weight of the world and her anxiety lighten.

After lunch, she helps him clean up the kitchen. Once everything is washed and put away, he takes her by the hand and leads her to the living room.

“I thought it would be nice if you did some coloring and watched a movie, while Daddy does a bit of reading.” he says as they enter the room.There is a coloring book and colored pencils on the floor, and the television is paused on “The Little Mermaid”, right at the beginning of the movie. “Lay down and color, little one” he says, as he tosses some pillows on the floor before sitting down with his book. She lays down on the pillows, fidgeting with her dress in an attempt to cover her bare backside. After flipping through the pages of the coloring book to a picture she likes, she picks up a coloring pencil and begins to color.

She continues to color while watching the movie, but the thoughts of work keep creeping back into the forefront of her mind. She begins to feel her shoulders tighten from the weight returning. She feels restless, and fidgets with the dress. She feels too big for this dress.

“I want to change. I’m too fat for this dress.” she says while rising to her knees. He immediately motions for her to come to him, and pats his leg. As she draws near, he grabs her by the wrist, spins her, and forces her across his knees.

“Look at this naughty little bottom,” he comments as he starts to lightly tap her ass one cheek at a time. She whimpers a little. “Shhhh little one…I haven’t even started yet. Daddy was just admiring the cute jiggle that this adorable, bouncing, bare ass makes when he spanks it. I can’t wait to see how much your little ass bounces when I’m really spanking it.” He starts spanking harder, one cheek at a time. At times he lands a sharp spank across both cheeks at once. He especially pays attention to her lower bottom as that seems to give her ass the most bounce. He notices her hips starting to gyrate back and forth as the heat in her bottom grows. She moves her hand back to protect her ass, but he quickly catches her wrist and pins it to the small of her back. “Oh no you don’t you naughty little brat. Naughty little girls are not allowed to protect their backsides during a spanking.”


“Ouch!” she squeaks, and she feels his cock twitch under his jeans, beneath her. Her ass is jiggling and bouncing all over the place as his strong hand continues to assault her round globes.

“You will never, ever talk poorly about yourself again! Am I making myself clear, young lady?” His hand lands across both her cheeks at once. She squirms and kicks her legs, struggling to get away but knows it is impossible.


“I said..am…I…making…myself…clear?” He emphasizes each word with another wack, his voice low, giving her a clear warning.

“Yessss!” she manages to squeak as his hand continues to rain down on her reddening backside. “I wanted to redden your little ass when I saw your poor attitude earlier, but I let it go on long enough!” He spanks the fleshy mounds of her ass until they are a healthy shade of red.

“Pleeease…pleeeease stop!” she squeals through short breaths.

“I’m sorry what was that?” He slaps her ass a few more times. “How is a little girl supposed to address her Daddy during a spanking?”

“Please Daddy! Please Daddy stop!” she yelps. He finally stops and she is relieved when he starts massaging the sting out of her cheeks.

“That’s better.” He lifts her up and then has her sit on his lap. She winces a little as her backside touches the rough fabric of his jeans. One of his hands continues to massage the sting out of her butt as his other hand begins to massage her inner thigh. He pulls her head against his chest and strokes her hair. “I’m sorry I had to do that my little one, but you clearly needed some discipline.” She looks up into his eyes as he brushes some hair out of hers, then leans down to kiss her on her full lips.

“Daddy?” she whines, her head nuzzled in his neck.

“Yes, princess?”

“Can I have some of Daddy’s special kisses tonight?” she asks.

“Only good girls get special kisses.”

“I’ll be good. I’ll behave!”

“Oh yeah? When you’ve already been punished for being bad?”

“I’ll earn special kisses,” she says “Tell me what to do and I’ll be good and do it.”

“Finish coloring that picture. Promise me you will sit at the table and finish coloring.”

“Yes, Daddy…I promise.” she says with a sigh. She gathers her coloring pencils, and coloring book before heading to the kitchen table. As she begins coloring once again, she can hear him crawling under the table. Her pencil is scratching away at the page as he gently forces her knees apart a little farther and presses the whole of his tongue against her wet, swollen pussy. She gasps above him and presses her thighs closer reflexively, so he puts a hand up to steady her. He feeds off her hungrily, licking up her wetness and nibbling at the soft flesh of her thigh. She loves to feel his mouth on her…the lapping that makes her want to squirm in her seat and wrap her legs around his head. But she promised she would finish the picture. She tries to focus, but she is so distracted by the delicious feeling between her legs that she begins to color erratically. Meanwhile, he is still licking her, his tongue probing the folds of her flesh with his tongue. Suddenly he rams his tongue inside her and she squeaks, though she immediately melts and becomes pliable…eager for more. He grabs her leg, pinching her thigh as he explores her private places. The pleasure is building, unfurling and spreading to every corner of her body, washing over her with warmth. She drops the pencils and moans, digging her nails into his hand but he swats her away and continues unabated. He laps at her, sucking gently at her lips, sending bolts of pure pleasure through her body. He nips at her fleshy mound and licks broad strokes between her lips.

“You are so wet…and swollen…like a needy girl. Such a good girl.” He growls, as he now pushes his fingers inside her. His vocal approval of her…combined with that motion and the steady caress of his tongue against her, is too much. She squeezes her eyes together and clenches her legs, his head trapped between her thighs, petting and licking and sucking at her. He knows she is close to her peak and he increases his efforts. With a moan, she achieves her pleasure, grinding herself unconsciously against his mouth and tongue as the convulsions ripple through her body. She grasps the edge of the table as her belly and thighs shake. With a self-satisfied smile, knowing he has pleasured her, he pulls himself up from under the table, and leans in to kiss her.

“Do you taste yourself, little one?” he asks. She smiles and nods. He kisses her sweet mouth again and relishes in the sight of her in this relaxed state…her sleepy eyes, and her soft coos. He feels as though this is what he was put on this earth for. To be her center.

This is harmony.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mvcn2z/a_story_of_ddlg_harmony_mf_ddlg_oral_spanking