[MF] How I [M, 20 at this time] got a horny, unexpected night with a before unknown girl [F, 18 at this time]

Hello community,

I’ve been reading your stories here for several months now.

So far I didn’t have an account, which made me more of a silent reader.

But now it is time to give something back to you, which is why I would like to share my stories with you now.

For the sake of clarity, I divided my story into four parts and the story happened for real.

So you can jump straight to the middle (3.) to just read the story.

**1. Personal introduction**

**2. Prehistory**

**3. Main story (for which you are probably here)**

**4. The usual closing words**


**1. Personal introduction**

For privacy reasons, I am not giving my real name here in public. Let’s just say Olaf to me.

I live in Germany, working in an office. I’m in my mid 30s.

In my free time I do sports.That’s why I would describe my body as sporty athletic.

Not extremely muscular, as I mainly prioritize endurance sports and own body weight training.

I am 1.90 cm (6.2 foot) tall and weigh around 80 kg (176 lbs).

You are welcome to write me a private message, then I will tell you a little more when i feel like.

I am very open to many topics.


**2. Prehistory**

I was 20 years old at the time of this story.

I had just finished my training.

I was in a clique that consisted of several people.

I knew most of them from my school days. So we were all about the same age.

Boys as well as girls.

No one was in a steady relationship at the time.

So we spent our weekend partying nearly accordingly. Most of the time it started on Friday evening.

Whether we were still up for it on Saturday evening, depended on the night before.

That time went on for about two years and was very, lets say, intense.

I was the only one in the clique who already had an apartment of my own.

The others still lived at home in their parents’ houses.

So where can you really party? Right, in my apartment.

There were no other people in this house i was living in. The only thing underneath was the neighbor’s garage.

So it didn’t bother anyone when it got louder.

We met regularly at my place at around 7 p.m.

Have had a few beers or other drinks, have mostly chatted, watched a movie or a sporting event on TV.

We usually set off between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m.

We had a local pub. The pub was about 5 minutes walk from my apartment at the time.

Due to the proximity to where we lived, we never had to worry about who was driving the car and therefore not allowed to drink anything.

Around 100 people fit into the bar. Most of the time there was rock music, which suited our taste.

As we were regular customers there, we knew the owner very well. Most of the time, seats were reserved for us.

Usually we didn’t have to order any drinks. We always drank the same thing. Havanna Club with coke and lime.

If the glass was empty, you got automatically a new one.

That is how you have to imagine it.


**3. Main story**

On one of the evenings, as always, we met in my apartment around 7 o’clock.

The first one who always came was my best buddy at the time. We were both 20.

Let’s just call him Stan.

You have to imagine him as follows. Approximately 1.75 cm (5.7 foot) tall and 120 kg (264 lbs) heavy.

He always took care of his appearance that he looks well-groomed etc.

But he just loved to eat anything fatty what was reflected in his physical figure.

But we were always there for each others and he was a really great person back then.

But this time everything was a little different.

He brought his sister with him. Like him, i had known his sister for a long time.

Many had already cast their eyes on her. For me she was just crazy and banned as she was my best mate’s sister.

That would probably have damaged our friendship in the long run.

But she does not play a role in this story what many of you may even have thought.

Which is why we don’t have to give her a name here.

She also brought a friend of hers with her.

Both have just turned 18 and are therefore considered adults in Germany.

So they were now allowed to come to our bar now. Entry was only allowed from 18 years of age.

It was probably their first official allowed party evening / night in their lifes.

The sister of my buddy introduced me to her friend.

We call her Marta in this story.

Marta was very shy. She didn’t fit into our clique at all.

Everyone in our clique was very extroverted and open minded.

She was about 165 cm (5.4 foot) tall, so pretty small. I don’t think she would have weighed more than 45 kg (100 lbs).

She had brown, shoulder-length hair, which she had tied up for that evening with a headband.

A sporty, tight black basic top ad tight blue jeans. She had a pretty small ass that was tight in her pants.

Her breasts were also small. I am not good at estimating breast sizes, which is why I will not give a more detailed description.

Her complete appearance immediately cast a spell over me. Outwardly, she was the kind of woman I prefer.

I didn’t know her before and have never seen her anywhere.

To this day I don’t know if she came from the same place at all.

She didn’t talk much that in that early evening.

While we were watching a sporting event and other people from the clique arrived in my apartment.

We drank various drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

However, at this early evening she looked at me very often and smiled shyly.

As soon as I looked into her eyes and smiled back, she turned her head very shyly with a little smile to the side.

At around 11 p.m. we started walking towards to the bar.

After a little chat with the doorman we went to take our seats and drink the first drinks there.

Even in the bar Marta was just as shy as before.

My best buddy Stan paid for his sister’s drinks, so I paid Marta’s.

And then everything took its course. Of course we had a lot to drink.

But everyone, as always, was still in control of their senses and conversations were still possible.

When we were drinking hard liquor, we lit the surface of the drinks.

Obviously Martha loved this, since she probably had never done anything like this before.

After several hours of good music and partying, we decided to leave the bar and head home at around 2 a.m.

Usually my buddy and I went back to my apartment to talk about all sorts of things and to end the night.

His sister was tired, which is why we and Marta brought his sister home.

Marta gave us to understand that the night had not yet run for her, which is why we went back to my apartment.

Me, my buddy an Marta. We heard music (we three preferred rock music) and had a drink.

We also played a little Blackjack on the screen in my living room using a projector.

A projector was extremely expensive at that time. No talk of Full HD or similar like that.

So it was somehow something special and out of the ordinary.

Then the mood slowly but surely got better. She wasn’t as shy as at the beginning of the evening.

Stan decided to go home, he was extremely tired and had fallen asleep on the couch a few times before.

Marta had given no signs that she wanted to go home too. She just stayed on the couch and watched me bring Stan to the door.

After Stand left, i asked her if she would be willing to do a little more and if we would continue to play Blackjack.

But this time the loser has to take off an item of clothing every turn.

In order to give her a certain advantage, i have also allowed her to see jewellery as an item of clothing, for example.

To my amazement she accepted immediately.

I had a couch, which consisted of 4 individual parts. Everyone could make themselves comfortable in one section.

So we started our game and Marta has lost almost every round. To say it right away, everything was fair.

We got to the point where Marta had to take off her bra. At that time I was still wearing everything except my socks.

She did it without hesitation.

For the first time I was able to admire all the splendor of the upper body.

She had smooth, slightly tanned skin, and her breasts, although relatively small, were beautiful.

You could really feel how much she felt comfortable in this situation but I don’t think she has did anything like this before.

Then i lost a couple of rounds. I just sat there in my boxer shorts.

She examined every square inch of my body.

Finally she lost her last round and had to take off her panties.

I thought she wouldn’t make it go too far. She hesitated a little and asked for a blanket because she was a little cold.

I also think that she didn’t want to show so much. By the way, that was perfectly fine for me.

I gave her a blanket and she wrapped it around her. Several seconds later I saw how she was moving under the blanket.

She stuck her panties out from under the covers and let them fall on the floor in front of her with a shy smile.

Immediately my cock was even harder as it was anyway.

She noticed this and looked at my hard cock for several seconds, which was still covered by my boxer shorts.

I got up to take her panties off the floor. When I walk up to her she was getting really nervous.

I took off her panties from the floor and put them next to her on the couch.

Her white panties were extremely warm and very wet.

Even if I didn’t have my face close to her panties, I could literally smell her pussy juice.

We talked to each other for a few minutes and looked at each other.

I think at this point no one dared to take the next step.

At that time i never got to see her pussy but the air around us smelled like pussy juice and precum already.

After a while we decided to get dressed again. It was her suggestion.

I asked her if I should accompany her home later.

She replied and said it was very late and she would like to stay here if I don’t mind.

I then told her that I had already tried several times to sleep on the couch, but this was not possible due to the 4 individual parts.

It just wasn’t possible to lie straight on the couch to find some sleep.

She told me that she wouldn’t mind, she would just lie in bed with me.

I only had a single bed which was just 80 cm (2.6 foot) wide. So just big enough for one person to sleep in it.

Before I had finished this sentence, she was already in my bed and made herself comfortable under the covers.

She was still fully dressed with her black, basic black top and jeans.

Out of respect i went to bed with all my clothes on too.

In this small bed it was only possible for two to sleep, for example if you hugged each other and brought your bodies as close as possible.

We both noticed that immediately and did so. At that moment it was just weird that we were both fully clothed in bed.

I was still so heaten up from that night that evening that I started kissing Marta’s neck and touching her body a little with my hands.

She did not hesitate and immediately did the same.

But you could feel here again that she was a shy and rather cautious person.

So i took her hand and placed it in the area of ​​my cock outside of my jeans.

She immediately started playing with my cock and rubbed her hand on it.

I did the same and placed my hand on the outside of her jeans in the area of her pussy and started to tease a little.

She moaned very softly and easily and enjoyed the situation very much, just like me.

I was on fire, so i opened the buttons of her jeans and let my hand slide to the outside of her panties.

Her Panties were soacking wet and every inch under the blanket smelled like pussy juice and precum.

She began to moan a little louder and i also opened the buttons of my jeans to guide her hand down to my boxers.

Everything got wilder, but then she stopped and said we weren’t going to have sex today because she wasn’t having sex with someone she barely knew.

That was ok for me too.

I continued played with her pussy, at some point also under her panties.

Her pussy was shaved and soacking wet but i never saw it or inserted a finger in it out of respect for her wishes and her shyness.
I can tell you that not taking the next step was very difficult.

Marta visibly came to her orgasm and she made loud moaning noises.

Her whole body was shaking and she just smiled for minutes.

Her hand also brought me to orgasm. I spread my load in my boxer shorts and over her hand.

She smiled and kissed me several times after that.

She went to the bathroom to wash her hands and after that we both slept the rest of the night (was around 5 a.m. at this time).

Furthermore, due to the small bed, close together.

The next morning we both overslept our appointments because the night / morning was very long and we hadn’t thought of providing an alarm clock.

So we both had to hurry.

We say goodbye and thanked us both for the good time we had together.

I knew that I would get her contact details through Stan’s sister.

Which is why I didn’t ask for it.

However, in the next few days, Stan’s sister left town to go to college. Thereupon she had no more contact with Marta.

She also told me later that she hadn’t known Marta long and well and that she wasn’t from town.

I don’t know why she was not getting in touch with me after that night.

Maybe she had a boyfriend or just crossed her own line because she was usually shy.

So after a while I stopped searching for her unsuccessfully.

Years later, by chance, I discovered messages from her on my old messenger account (she probably couldn’t find the current, active account), which she sent to me so shortly afterwards.

Nobody uses ICQ these days, so she never replied to my messages either. Her account had been unused for several years at the time.

But I would like to meet her again at any time.


**4. The usual closing words**

I hope you enjoyed the story.

I still think back to that time very often.

Feel free to comment. I am also looking forward to receive private messages from you.

For sure i will answer them.

However, please note that I am straight.

Let me know if you want to hear more stories.

There is still a lot to tell ;)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mv9vd6/mf_how_i_m_20_at_this_time_got_a_horny_unexpected