The Price of a Naked Selfie [MF] [office sex] [boss-secretary]

I tapped my foot restlessly as I watched Dave clear out his desk for the day. We were the last two people in the office and I couldn’t wait for him to get out. I was trying not to be impatient, but the others had already left a while ago and Dave just had to take that one client call. I rolled my eyes.

“Alright then, see ya tomorrow,” he said, giving his desk one last sweeping look.

“Yep, see ya.” I replied. Short, to the point, I didn’t want to make room for any more banter. And with that, he left.

I waited one whole minute before getting out of my chair. I straightened my skirt and caught my reflection ahead on the tinted glass walls that made up my boss’ cabin. My heart was racing wildly now. I knew I was alone, but I still couldn’t help feel a bit freaked out. My biggest worry were the CCTV cameras of course. It had only been a week for me here in the new job, and though I’d heard that there were no cameras in Teri’s cabin, I wasn’t convinced. But what choice did I have. A dare was a dare after all.

So let me bring you guys upto speed. A few months ago, my boyfriend and I were having this conversation, trying to figure out how to spice up our sex lives. He was the only ever guy I’d been with and that’d been six years of my life. We’d always been very experimental in bed, but were now starting to run out of ideas. And that’s when he suggested that I start taking on these, well, “sexy” dares. Flashing in public, masturbating at a park, no panties and short skirt day, fucking at a parking lot… You get the gist. And while they may sound a bit silly and immature even, it had helped me discover a whole new wild, kinky side to myself which translated well in bed!

And that brings us to today. I had been assigned a new challenge. I was supposed to take a naked selfie on my boss, Teri’s, desk. As I walked across the room to Teri’s cabin, the click of my heels echoing across the floor, I felt bold. I knew the cameras could definitely see me at this point, but as his secretary, it was unlikely that anyone would question my motive for being here at this time, so I fearlessly turned the knob on his cabin and walked in. I switched on the lights in the room and it was empty as expected. The room was huge and his desk stood at one end of the room, right next to the floor length glass windows that ran across the whole side. The windows were tinted in such a way that I could see the tall buildings surrounding this tower, but no-one from the adjacent building could see what was going on inside.

“It’s a shame,” I said out loud to myself. “they are about to miss something huge.”

I took my phone, turned on the video recording and placed it across on the couch opposite Teri’s desk. I was feeling super sexed up at the thought of what I was about to do, and where I was about to do it. I walked across to the desk, sashaying my hips on purpose, and unbuttoning my blouse as I walked. I flicked my hair and slid on top of the desk. My white silk blouse was fully unbuttoned now, revealing the white lacy bra underneath it. The tiny pink bows on the bra added a hint of innocence and cuteness and I liked the thought of it. I slowly spread my legs, rolling the skirt to my waist as I did. As I touched myself between the legs and over my baby pink thong, I was surprised to find how wet I was. I pulled my bra down from my left boob and flicked my nipples, while I used my right hand to push my thong to one side and play with the wet piece of flesh down there. I moaned as I rubbed my clit harder, squeezing and tugging at my left boob now. A few seconds of rubbing my clit, and I could already feel an orgasm building up. Ah fuck, I couldn’t stop my moans from getting louder as I got rough with my clit.


All of sudden, I heard the door click open and I froze. Teri was standing in the doorway while I sat with my legs splayed, my right hand covering my vagina while my left cupped my breasts.

“I’m so…so…rry… Sorry..” I spluttered. Jumping off to my feet, I tried to straighten my skirt and pulled my bra up, trying hard to recover any sense of modesty while my head spun in all directions. What the fuck had I done!

“I’m really really sorry, sir… I didn’t mean to…” I started

“Didn’t mean to knock yourself out on my desk? Please explain yourself,” said Teri in his low thickset voice. At least he doesn’t look mad I thought.

“I… I have this dare.. my boyfriend and I we do this thing. And he dared me to take a naked selfie at your office and I just… I thought.. since noone was here, I thought I’ll take it one step further. I’m really sorry.”

Teri looked across the room to my phone mounted on the couch. “Is it still recording you?”

“Shoot! Yea I’ll just…” I quickly dashed across and stopped the recording.

“Bring it to me” commanded Teri.

I walked upto him and handed over the phone. My blouse was still unbuttoned and I watched Teri’s gaze linger over my breasts. I pulled my blouse closer and felt my pussy get wetter by the second.

I wished for the floor to crack open and swallow me whole as I watched Teri hit play on the video. Few seconds later, my moans were booming through the phone and I felt my face go red. Teri’s face meanwhile looked blank. I couldn’t make out if he was angry, upset or what. Eventually he hit stop on the phone and threw it across back on the couch. His eyes peered into mine. My head was spinning.

He walked upto me and held my hands with which I had wrapped my blouse tightly around me. He pushed it away and my blouse slipped open, exposing my bra. He was looking squarely at my breasts and I saw his lip curl into a smile. Finally! Some sign that he wasn’t angry, I thought. But was that better? I didn’t know.

He tugged at my bra and my boobs popped out; my nipples hard as ice! I tried to use my arm to cover it up, but he just pushed them away again.

“I hate that you didn’t get to cum on account of me coming in. I’m going to fix that” he said and squeezed my breasts. I let out a moan.

“You like that, yea?”

“No sir, please. I have a boyfriend”

“So?” He asked

“I’ve only ever been with him,” I said, biting my lip. I wanted this. I wanted this so bad. But at the same time I couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty.

“That’s about to change and I’m afraid that it’s not open for negotiation. Do you understand?” He asked. God, I loved the authority in his voice.

I nodded.

“Pull down your panties. Now”

I did as told and was about to throw them aside when he caught it and pocketed it.

“Lift up your skirt for me,” he commanded again and I did as told. He pushed his middle finger down my mouth before bringing it to my swollen lips down below.

“Fuccckk” I moaned, biting my lip.

“I didn’t know you had it in you. But we are going to have a lot of fun from hereon. Understand?” He asked.

I nodded.

“Good.” And he pushed his finger into me.

I clawed into his arm as I tried to steady myself. His finger still inside me, he pushed me towards his desk and lifted me up onto it.

His finger felt gentle as he moved it up and down my vagina slowly, like he was tasting me.

“You like that, yea?” He crooned.

“Uh huh,” I responded.

“Ask me to stop”

I shook my head.

“I said ask me to stop,” he repeated, his finger deep into my vagina now.

I shook my head again.

His lips curled and he lifted my left leg, helping it spread out even further. And this time he penetrated me with two fingers, all gentleness lost. As he finger fucked me wildly, his mouth found my breasts and nuzzled against it roughly.

“Fuckk” I cried out loud with pleasure.

His fingers were tirelessly rubbing against my clit and into my vagina, and my body was shaking. Few seconds later, my whole body trembling, I came crashing down with the loudest orgasm I had ever had in my life. He immediately pulled out his fingers but pushed them against my clit, lengthening my orgasm.

As I came back to my senses, I could see myself from a third perspective now. Lying on my boss’s desk with my legs splayed, my blouse unbuttoned, my breasts popping out of my bra, my skirt rolled upto my waist, while my vagina throbbed and it’s juices flowed down freely onto my boss’s fingers. This was… Something.

He gave me one last look before turning his back and heading over to the washroom.

“Tomorrow, I’ll fuck you with my dick. Wear something nice” he said before closing the door behind him.

Boy, was I in trouble.



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