Mf naked surprises come when you least expect them.

Time goes slow when you are dealing with unfamiliar situations in familiar places. The past had moved on for me but everything around me still felt like it was so near. Everything still seemed to have her touch on it, the bed, the couch, every spot we made love on, every spot we argued, sometimes the first in quick succession after the latter. I had few ties and enough reasons to leave, so I picked up a teaching job somewhere far abroad. Despite the humble surroundings and the meagre pay there were many boons. We each got a room of our own in something that resembles a student dorm and we had many amenities that we shared. The rooms had no further amenities, but at least they were private and looked out over the mountains.

I was not looking for sex, I really wasn’t. I had just found myself alone and I had always desired to just make love in a relation alone. But I guess places like this were a refuge not only for me, but many other people still or again searching for something in life. The moment I arrived there one of the bathrooms was locked. I stood close to it and I could clearly make out the sounds of a girl moaning in there. I poked my head into the living room and asked a guy sitting there “is someone watching porn in there?”, he just merely shook his head. I dragged my stuff to my room, which luckily had an unoccupied and hopefully bodily juices free toilet right next to it.

Next to my room, the other side of it, there was a girl. slightly older than me, who spoke my language so it seemed like it would not be very hard to get along in a foreign country. Her hair was dark, her skin slightly olive, an unusual look for the country we came from, but her parents were born abroad, refugees of some war torn place. She was ‘exotic’ even though I probably ought not use the word, the conservative outward appearance often expected of girls from her culture was contrasted with the tight clothing she often wore which said something quite different. I am a man, and a recently single one at that, I cannot help but look as we strolled through the city together on one of our outings.

Some people consider you their best friend even though they say very little or fall quickly into dead moments in the conversation. Perhaps it is the presence of another person near which is just comforting, maybe they like listening. She was like that, sometimes she stopped while we walked, stared into the distance, then continued walking. At some point it did not faze me much anymore, but there was always a certain discomfort when I was around her. Strolling with her felt like a chore or a good deed, she would knock on my door at weird moments, yet I liked her, I wanted her to be well, wanted to see her as a friend too. Was I in love? Was it my lust? Was it a sort of goodness I wanted to convince myself I had? I am not sure, but I kept on hanging out with her, even though she would sometimes respond little to my rants about whatever. As time went by I just accepted the awkwardness. Even though I had made clear to everyone that I was still processing a separation and was not looking for a relation, talk about me and her was passing around.

One night I was just minding my own business, gaming on my room. Some people were making a buzz in the hallways. It was to be expected, people were young and had no prying eyes of the people back home on them. Some people were buzzed, I personally never drank. I went out to get some coffee from the machine and there on the table near it a group had settled around. To my amazement there she was, my neighbor, slightly tipsy, sitting around the table, talking aloud and without pause. Something must have changed in her, either it was the booze or perhaps there was a layer of shyness pricked in her mind that has allowed for her words to flow free. She laughed, she touched others. I sat on the table, people moved aside to make place for me. She sat across from me, while she spoke she slyly stole glances from me. There was little left of the timid girl that I normally strolled with. I chatted along, with her too, she joked with me, once leaning her hand over the table to touch my arm. Her leggings riding along the shape of her body as she had her legs crossed. I was surprised but took little further note of it, I was just happy she felt more at ease. I retired after a while, excusing myself because I had something else I had to do, which, in reality, was just playing video games.

That coffee earlier the evening of course had it’s end goal, nature at some moment later that night called and since my room has no bathroom I had to go to the one right next to me. While many would say that there is no bad moment for nudity, I would argue that having to take a piss as a guy is probably one of those moments in which it is not very handy. It is not impossible sure, but I prefer to have a whole shower for myself if I am going to try it, grazing the bowl of the toilet with the tip of my dick while pushing it in is not my style. There she was, her naked body half behind the door of the bathroom. Her legs standing a bit more apart that I could see the figure of her trimmed pussy. Her gorgeous breast pointing at me with her hard nipples while the other was pushed against the wood of the door. She looked at me with one eye, slyly smiling, just as she had done a couple hours before. The hallway was empty, but in the distance you could hear the sound of more people still drinking in another part of the building. I looked surprised, turned around, went back in my room. I did not go out for at least half an hour, no use trying to piss with a boner anyhow. I heard later on that she walked into the other people who were still drinking, butt naked too. The whole thing was odd, and I could not make sense of it, there was something with her, but I have no clue what. The next few days we avoided each other if our eyes crossed each other we would quickly avert the gaze. The last time I saw a woman like that, it was with another. Sure I had watched porn, but to see it up so close. It might sound lame, but it brings back memories, certainly if the memories are still so fresh. I am a sentimental man.

A couple days later I heard a knock on my door after a long day at work. “Yes” I replied. Nobody entered, instead I walked up towards my door, opening it. There she stood again, dressed this time mind you. “Hi” I only made out. “would you like to take a stroll?” she asked in a small voice. I overthought things. I had started to see her in a different light these past few days. There was some weirdness about it, in one way she had pushed her sexuality on me, but perhaps it was not for me, maybe she was just having ‘something’ I could not make sense of. Perhaps she was not waiting for me, but the way she looked at me made that hard to believe. She is a friend on one side, but vulnerable too perhaps. I did not want to be the catalyst to bring her further in despair, but at the same time she came to me. “Uh….” I responded, quickly she interjected me “you don’t have to if you don’t want to!” “Nono, it is fine, I have nothing to do anyhow.” And without much further thought I picked up my coat to go outside.

It’s already a bit large now, will see if I continue it later. Sorry for the spelling mistakes, I have not read it over. Just want to see if people are interested in reading the rest.
