First post MF

Every town has that one food that all the locals swear they do the best. Where I grew up it was doughnuts at the local convenience store. I haven’t been home in years and I still crave their maple bars. No, I didn’t write this to inform you of my pastry desires. I am retelling this to share with you an experience I hope to never forget. So, this is mainly for me actually.

I moved away from home for college three years ago and the holiday season was coming quick. I was ready for a break of dull classes and dorm rooms. To help fill the void I was scrolling through Instagram and saw a post with the aforementioned maple bar in the hands of an old friend Jennifer. Both looked super tantalizing. I hit like and DMed her.

“Hey! You made it back home. Now tell me the truth. Was getting doughnuts your first stop?”

That was the fifth draft of an opening message. I was in the same circle as Jennifer in high school but honestly, she kind of intimidated me with her confidence in a place where it seemed like every teen was scared shitless of themselves.

“LOL you caught me. To be fair it was on the way back to my parents’ house. Are you going to be making the trek back home also?”

It took her less than a minute to respond.

“Yeah, I will be back in a week. After I do my doughnut pilgrimage we should hang out.”

Could I have played it a bit cooler? Sure, but you know it worked out or you wouldn’t be reading this. So, jokes on you. We texted for the week leading up to me getting back home. I learned how the east coast was and I told her about life in the southwest. I won’t bore you with the details. We flirted a bit.

I landed in the afternoon and had a buddy, Brian, who stayed to go to the local university pick me up. Yes, our first stop was to get doughnuts and beer. It felt patriotic to get them both after breakfast but before proper alcohol buying hours.

I texted Jennifer to let her know I made it safely. She was busy hanging with her mom at home, so we made plans to meet at the local bar that night. Brian noticed my smirk.

“What do you have cooking up?”

Brian was my destructo-buddy in high school, so he knows well when I am thinking deviously. Is being excited about the prospect of sharing a drink with Jennifer devious though? I guess my lips would say yes.

“Oh, I was just texting Jennifer. We are going to meet up at the Spiral later.”

“Hahaha that didn’t take you long.”

“Whatever bro. Don’t act like you haven’t had this time marked to play the wise local to the rest of us prodigal sons and daughters.”

He hit me a shrug not willing to admit it, but he also dropped the subject. We continued down the road with truck blaring some old hits from high school days. We were both steeped in nostalgia, I think.

That night a bunch of the guys met up at Brian’s parent’s place to share the beers we all collected earlier. We had a group text going before the holidays, so we didn’t have to be caught up on every detail of each other’s lives. Instead, we kept the vibe of nostalgia going with sharing stories of our not distant but rose-colored past.

The one worth bringing back up that ties into this tale was told by Derek.

“Dude, you remember when we went to go see Harry Potter? You and Hailey couldn’t have had your eyes on the screen for more than 20 minutes!”

I let everyone have their laughs at my middle school self’s expense. I was just remembering how nervous I was. It was the time of group dates and having to be picked up by your parents after.

I wasn’t nervous because of the friends that flanked both side of us while we as Harry himself would put it “snogged”. I was nervous because I didn’t know what the hell I was doing. Was I using too much tongue? What do I do with my hands? Should the popcorn go on the floor? Was chewing on raisinettes beforehand a bad idea?

After the ball breaking and reminiscing was over, I let the gang know I was heading out and if they wanted to join, we can share an Uber.

I texted Jennifer to let her know I was on my way. The minivan was packed with guys looking to conquer their homeland. Everyone had the dream to go back out into the wild we called home and show how successful they have been away from it. I consider it a success no one was wearing Axe anymore.

When we arrived, we grabbed a table and a couple of pitchers of the local brew. Story telling commenced again. Jennifer wasn’t there yet so there was still an air of nervousness to me. The same kind I felt in the movie theatre with Hailey. At least this time I knew what to do with my hands. I filled my glass and let the alcohol dissolve my nerves.

Oh, my Lanta when Jennifer walked in. Of course, I scoured her socials, so I knew how she was looking but seeing her without the filters and in three dimensions were totally different. I stood up to meet her before the guys could make any shitty remarks about me with her in ear shot.

“You made it!” I may have been too loud even in a bar setting but she just smiled bigger as I came in for a hug.

“Of course, silly. I couldn’t pass up getting those drinks you owe me.” Oh, right. We also played Words With Friends for the week before I made it and we wagered each game. To be fair to me she was an English major.

After a chuckle we let go of a longer than usual hug and I asked her to pick her poison. Still being college, we didn’t have the most refined palette so none of you should be surprised that Jager was the choice.

The bar was full, so we were both left standing near it while we chatted. I am sure my eyes were looking as big as saucers. She had a shorter haircut than her latest posts and I absolutely loved it.

“Your hair! I really dig it.” Yeah, once again I was as smooth as ever. How I wasn’t voted the school Casanova is still a mystery.

“Oh, thanks. I didn’t want to come back looking the same you know?”

“I totally get it. This whole outfit is brand new. You might be able to still feel the residue on my pants where it had the size sticker on it.”

Her hand took it as an invitation to rub my thigh. I almost coughed out my beer right on her. I was lucky and sober enough to quickly gulp it down. Jenn was still as self-assured as ever. I could feel my own “confidence” rising also.

“Hey, let’s get another round and find a place to sit.”

As I was surveying the bar, I could see my friends all looking at me and doing this weird hang gesturing that they had space for us. I couldn’t let that happen. I turned us both around before she could see them dropping hints at their empty spots. There was a spot for us at the other corner of the bar.

There was a small table waiting for us. Just the two of us. I really enjoyed that we were having a private conversation in such a loud and lively place, so we had to speak a step louder than a private conversation. There was a feeling that what we wanted to share with each other was more important than keeping it down or caring if someone overheard what we had to say. After hearing about her day and telling her about my first day she asked me something.

“Do you remember Frankie?”

She was talking about a boy who courted her back in middle school. She knew I wasn’t a fan of his. She knew because I told her as much while they were dating.

“Um doesn’t ring a bell.” She chuckled at my bad attempt at a lie.

“Whatever, well I saw him a couple days ago. He was at the store and my goodness he hasn’t changed.”

“That doesn’t surprise me. I don’t think he has enough brain cells left to evolve past bro.”

“Don’t be rude. At least you know what he is thinking.”

“Are you trying to say I am mysterious?”

“I am saying you aren’t upfront.”

She had me there. I work more comfortably when I don’t have to show all my cards. That way I have wiggle room when what I say doesn’t land flatly back on me.

“Alright, you got me. What advice do you have? You have always struck me as a straight shooter.”

“For starters you can start to put together pieces and act on them. Like when an attractive woman rubs your thigh it means she doesn’t want to sit on the opposite side of the table if you.”

If my cheeks weren’t already flush from the cold beer and too warm bar they were then. I stood up and moved my chair next to her.

“Noted, any other wisdom you can give me?”

“That being witty, and texting funny gifs only gets you so far. Actions speak louder than DiCaprio memes.”

I am not sure why having the person you are flirting with right in front of you makes it harder to flirt but I think it is. Random thought.

Now I am telling you this before I tell you what happens next because it’s important. I am not the guy in the movies. I am the guy who sits in the movies and wishes to be in a movie.

I kissed her. And that same nervous energy hit me a quarter of second after our lips touched. I could almost hear the Harry Potter theme playing in the background. Luckily, she kissed me back and it was vaporizing my nervousness. This time I remembered what to do. I ran my fingers through her hair and rubbed my thumb against her cheek.

After we separated Jennifer said,” That is a Frankie move right there.”

We both laughed at our new inside joke and there was a bit more to it. It’s like we were laughing about finally doing it. The laughter was the breaking of a dam that has been there since we knew each other? The night continued with us talking, kissing, and unfortunately on my part dancing. I never took classes or practiced any moves so the feeling of being out of my element was back. Jennifer made up for it by looking so great next to me.

I have no idea how our parents and their parents before them managed to sneak in girls before cell phones became commonplace. The coordination I had to have with Janet for her getting out of her house and everyone being asleep in my own home was enough that I felt like a general setting up the next attack on foreign soil. My parents did teach me to be a gentleman, so I did the right thing sophomore year though and met her halfway. The small talk was as awkward as our cold hands laced together. My mind was rushed with hormones. We both knew that coming over with no permissions wasn’t to play the latest CoD. We were walking together at midnight because we just wanted some.

When the bar started to slow down Jennifer and I found ourselves outside with the smokers. The same small talk happening as we wondered what the next move was going to be. I remembered her advice and did what Frankie would do.

“Want to come back home with me?”

She nodded her head and put her cold hand in mine. With my free hand I did the gentlemanly thing and ordered the Uber. I was still feeling the rush of being on the dance floor with Jennifer when the car pulled up in front of the bar. As we made our way out of downtown, we stopped the small talk and used the faux private space in the backseat of the car and started kissing. I could still taste the Jager on her lips and I don’t think that drink has had the same meaning to me since that night.

I was feeling the same tingle of cold winter air on my hands as I placed them on her face. It wasn’t like my hands or lips didn’t feel comfortable here, but they weren’t expecting it. The sound of our seatbelts moving back and forth is something that I still find very funny. We had these natural restraints trying to keep us apart as we were fighting to get closer and closer. Her hand back on my thigh didn’t have my leg feeling any type of cold. There was an ember burning where her palm met my pants.

The car pulled up to my parent’s house and after thanking the driver we got out on the gravel driveway. Right here it really hit me that this is real. When we were at the bar it seemed more like fantasy that anything was happening but standing next to Jennifer outside my childhood home made it real. We were really going to cross the threshold of friendship and flirting. Before we could cross that threshold though I wanted to make sure my parents weren’t sitting in the living room. I don’t think they would be opposed to their adult son bringing home a girl but at the moment I was feeling closer to a boy than someone who could vote. Jennifer was feeling the same thing I think because I didn’t even have to explain to her why she should wait outside the door.

The coast was clear, and we made our way to my room. As we walked down the hall, I hoped I cleaned up at least a little before I left. I didn’t want to kill the mood by her not being able to see the floor of my room because dirty clothes and my sheets covered it. As I opened the door, I could exhale to see it was clean enough. We made our way to my bed. As we walked jackets were dropped and the heat in the room raised. By the time we landed on the springs of my bad we had shed everything besides underwear. Feeling her nails on my back was scratching an itch that had been waiting for years. I didn’t feel full relief yet as I lowered myself on top and between her. There was still so much my body had waited for.

The last barrier we kept between us was thin fabric. My lips were on her neck as I slithered my hand between her shoulder blades to release her bra. As the bra met the floor my lips traveled down to meet her breasts. The alcohol wasn’t acting on me anymore. This was all being fed by the fuel of lust. The exploration of her body wasn’t sating any of that lust. It was feeding it more. There was an overload of things I wanted to do. My hands, hips, and lips moved with no reason. If I could simply hoover up every sensation available to me, I would have. Instead, my mind turned simple and just reacted to every thought that flashed through it. Grip her ass. Nibble her ear. Tear off panties.

Jennifer must have been ready for more and nudged me onto my back. Flipping her hips from on top of mine to over my face. Seeing her clit hovering above me disconnected any verbal skills. If the words holy and fuck were tattooed on her ass, I couldn’t read them out loud. Any possibility of regaining the ability to speak was out the window when her tongue first went from the base of my cock to the tip. My only response was for my legs to buckle. Even though I couldn’t string together a simple sentence my lips and tongue still found use between her legs.

We both feasted on each other. Feeding the fire of our lust with each other’s bodies. This was giving selfish pleasure to each other. I wasn’t flicking my tongue between her wet lips to help her. I was doing it because the blaze would combust if I didn’t continue to lap up what tasted like liquid lust. We both groaned and chirped at each other in response to our work. The feedback didn’t matter. I wasn’t acting for Jennifer. I was acting on her. It became a flurry as she grinded herself on my face. I was starting to love that she was using me.

By the time senior year came around the environment changes in high school. Instead of feeling like the prey you start feeling like the hunter. You start using the energy that was spent on keeping out of sight to search out the spotlight. I don’t know if it is exactly like coming face to face with your adolescent end, but I felt like I had to make a mark before it was too late. You can see that there are stories to be made and last impressions imprinted. Your actions are to make a story. I remember going to the gym for the first time with my friends. We all found different workouts we thought we could out do the others in. Mine was doing squats. I wasn’t adding weights to improve myself. Just trying to outdo Greg.

That same feeling of wanting to prove something came around at this point. The fever of lust hadn’t subsided, but I could start to see a little through the haze of it. Getting my vocabulary back I purred deeply, “Get on all fours for me.”

I set myself behind her ass like I was walking up to the same squat rack. I was turning sex into sport. Hoping to hit a new PR of impressing. If there was chalk, I would have put them on my hands before I placed them on Jennifer’s hips. Her hand helped position my wet cock just against her lips. My thrusts started slowly. You don’t just start working out right at 100%. That’s how you pull something. It didn’t take long for the friction between us to hit the pace I knew I could sustain. I marked every slap of skin like one rep done. Jennifer’s murmurs were cheering me on.

My grip on her hips adjusted to her ass. My calves swung forward and back. I marked every twelfth swing with a firm slap. That would be one set. When the sweat started to drop from my face, I felt myself reaching the place of no equal. I would have told you right then I was the God of sex. Not because of Jennifer’s flushed face or the feelings being floated between us. It would be because of how long I was able to sustain myself deep inside her.

Every work out needs a rest period, and I was feeling mine was coming. It was Jennifer’s turn. When I laid on my back my lungs were gasping for air. The smell of my room acted as an intoxicant spurring me to rapidly get my second wind. Jennifer wasn’t moving the same as me. Her legs were planted solidly outside of me. While I could feel my chest thumping a million miles an hour there was a calmness when I gazed upon Jennifer. When her hands rested on my chest, I felt her connecting to me. The thumping started to slow and come to sync with her own rhythm.

As forceful as I was moments ago, she was more tempered riding me. I felt the shift from the aggressive gym feeling I was building shifting towards something more akin to a yoga session. Every dip and twist Jennifer did look as perfect as a pose you would see on the mat of a master. As she stretched herself up, I would work me up with her. That was the difference between before and now. When I was behind Jennifer fucking her, she was equipment for me to use. I didn’t feel like the yoga mat she was using for a better grip. I was her partner in her movement.

Her rises and falls mimicked the way an ocean would hit the beach. Every crash was slow, but the force changed the environment. It was just as hypnotizing too. The last walls between us eroded like rocks on the shore. I didn’t have to work anymore to know what she was feeling or wanting. Her fingers on my chest told me that the anxiety was evaporating. We were both no longer fearing losing this or messing it up. Together we started to reach a new feeling. I don’t know the word to describe it yet.

It started when I held her close. The blend of perfume, boozed breathe, and each other’s scent was filling my airspace. Slowly, I swung us to have her back against my sheets. Keeping her head close to my ear I whispered the things I have thought of her but could never muster to say out loud. Every word was in the flow of my hips gliding forward and back. I don’t know if my words were informing the flow of my body or if my body was informing the selection of words. That is what makes me believe this moment wasn’t something we decided anymore. I disconnected that part of your brain that filters the most truthful things you want to say or do out.

We both continued this kind of pillow talk as we slowly enjoyed the bubble, we built around ourselves. There was no rush for us to pop it and go to sleep. Instead, I enjoyed the purest company from Jennifer I could ever get. Both of us naked, slowly fucking, and sharing with honest but sweet words.

Seeing the morning light hit my old room reminded me of how much has changed. At first glance around I feared what Jennifer would think of my old My Chemical Romance poster. Then I remembered we would both listen to them on the way back from school. My past isn’t something separate from her but something that was built because of her. It was weird to see her marks as a friend in my past. I don’t know if we never kissed if I would have thought the same about her impact on me, but I think it would be disingenuous to discount it just because of that too.
“Hey there Mr. Man.” Jennifer had a great morning voice. It was low but sultry. I could eat every one of those words up and must lick my lips afterwards. They were each a drop of honey.

“Hey there Ms. Woman.” Not original but I didn’t have any coffee yet.

“Last night was ummm not what I was expecting.”

“Oh, I totally knew that was going to go that way. I think I actually texted my predicted play by play to Hank a week ago. I can pull up the proof if you want.” My exaggerated confidence got a chuckle, and I am pretty sure you would agree that is more than it deserved.

“Mhm, don’t like I didn’t teach you a couple things last night. If you want, I can send you the notes on it if you let me take the first shower.”

“Shake on it.”

We both took our turns washing away the night and getting more proper for public sight. While I was in the shower, I first thought it was a shame we couldn’t just stay in that room for the next week. Then I remembered what makes a great night great is that it can only be that night. If I ate lobster and the finest wine for every meal it wouldn’t be the finest wine anymore.

Continuing to be the consummate gentleman I warmed up the car so I could driver Jennifer back home. Before we jumped in, I was worried we would be breaking some sort of spatial spell. Like now that we have left the coziness of my family’s home along with my room, we would leave the memory of the night in there too. Or even worse the memory would come with us but not fit right. We wouldn’t be able to see each other as both the friends we were along with the intimate night we just had. That worry dissipated when I felt her hand on mine.

“What do you have going on today with the family?” Jennifer’s family is tight knit and likes to do activities together so it’s nice to hear what they have cooked up for family fun that day.

“Dad is having us all make some sort of appetizer and we are going to share that for dinner tonight.”

“That sounds like a lot of cooks in one kitchen. Do you have an idea of what you are going to attempt to make?”

“Yeah, I was going to go with a baked brie. It’s a bit classier than a cheese plate with still all the cheese of a cheese plate. And not as hard as it looks.”
I was laughing at the logic of it when my stomach started to growl. Talking about food when you haven’t eaten yet is a surefire way to get your body to tell you to eat. “Mind if we stop real quick and get something to chew on?”

“Go ahead. I could go for a drink too.”

We continued to drive a bit and Jennifer told me more about how the east coast is somehow so different while still being cold and by the ocean. We pulled up to a local convenience store and broke away to find what sounded best. Meeting back up at the cashier I told her firmly that I would love to pick up the tab. She allowed me and put her wallet back into a weathered leather purse.

“Just doughnuts and coffee for you both?”
