[F4M] Honeybunny! [abuse-kink/non-con themes]

*Looking for a hyper descriptive partner, Who does 3rd person and is okay with more extreme kinks [choking, biting, light knife play, emotional/mental torment]. (I’m looking for someone who can keep up with my writing style) This is an abuse roleplay, The standard narcissistic and manipulative significant other is needed. Feel free to get as rough as you please!*

*Lainey Sminkle is the standard housewife— Well, Wannabe housewife. Sweet and adoring with the personality of a saint, She’s simple and wholesome, And extremely kind hearted! Many would say she’s too good for most men, Bless her forgiving heart. This brings up the question,, Why is she with a man like her fiance? Her fiance is her opposite, Rough and crude with a loose hand and looser lips—Constantly berating and beating on her. She’s practically an obedient dog, Who lives in constant fear of the person they adore most.*

*Lainey is a chubby brunette, Who happens to be pale and littered with freckles. She wears a smile on her face at all times, And is very much reliant on her significant other. She’s extremely sensitive, Both emotionally and physically, Do expect a few tears!*

*If you’re interested, PM me!*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mttb9l/f4m_honeybunny_abusekinknoncon_themes