Hot Springs [MF/MMMF/Fantasy]

Swimming Hole

The drive to the swimming holes was quiet as usual. The trees swayed in a gentle breeze under the full moon’s light. There was an eerie glow under the canopy making everything feel supernatural. One could almost believe in ghosts. The gravel road was a bit bumpy and rutted out as this was spring and the rains had already started. Tonight was the vernal equinox. A special time in town but quiet down here.

Brittany came every equinox to swim at midnight in the hot springs. It was said that if you swam at Midnight on the equinox after throwing in a copper penny your wish would come true for a whole year. This was the first time she would actually be able to swim at midnight. The beauty of this particular hot springs was reserved for the farm that it was one. Privat Property…though she had been coming here long before she started work on the farm. She used to sneak in after parking on the side of the road. Now she worked here…her only reason for taking the job.

As she parked, she noticed the fog was very heavy over the hot springs. It had a strange bluish cast to it. Probably just a trick of the moonlight. She could barely see the water. No one was around so she slowly removed her clothes entranced by the fog and the beauty it cast on the hot springs. As she set them on a rock beside the springs, she reached into the pocket of her pants and pulled out a real copper penny. It was from long ago and had taken ages to track down. Closing her eyes, she tossed the penny in as she whispered, “I want to feel a love that lasts through the centuries.”

Her body was lit by a stray moon beam. She felt the light on her as if a spotlight had been shined on her. Her nipples went taunt and tight. She glistened for a minute before diving into the hot springs. As she came up, a hand encircled her waist and pulled her against him. She tried to shift but his embrace was too firm. His lips lingered on her neck and then bit her hard. As he sucked, she felt electricity zap through her.

He moved her towards a rock and murmured “Your wish is granted. A love that lasts through the centuries. You will be mine and I will be yours.” He placed her hands on the rock. “Be still, little one.” He began to caress her body…his hands leaving a trail of desire behind. He pulled and pinched her nipples and she let out a gasp of pain. As he twisted them, she began to tremble with need. “Do you like this little one?” he breathed. “No,” Brittany said. There was a sudden slap on her pussy. “Do you like this little one? Don’t lie because I know when you lie.” “Yes, she whispered. Another slap. “Yes, I do. I like it when you twist my nipples and slap me.” He smiled. His hands returned to kneading her breast as a slow moan escaped her.

His mouth trailed down her back to her ass. As he approached from the back, he began exploring her slit. His tongue reached out and licked her butt. She shifted and moved her hands. She turned to tell him she didn’t like that, but he was gone. Brittany blinked. Her body tingling and a hunger was deep inside her. She turned back around and placed her hands where he had said. Two roots sprang out of the ground trapping her there. Her feet were yanked wide apart and similarly tied. A different voice, “He said don’t move and you did. For that you are now mine.” The fog lifted and Brittany felt something rough spank her ass. It hurt and she howled. “Count” the voice commanded. “If you don’t, I will continue until you do.”

A sharp blow. “One” she whispered. “Louder.” “Two”, she yelled. “Good.” A slap landed on her other cheek. A 10 she was turned around and the slaps continued to her breasts and pussy. Her whole body stung. All she could see was the vine like whip hitting her. No one seemed to be there. When everything stopped. She could feel the vines let go. She sagged against the rock. Tears streaming down her face. In a broken whisper she said, “I am so sorry.”

Soft hands raised her head. She looked into his eyes. “Don’t do it again. You are mine now to command. This is our love story. It will be as pleasurable or painful as you make it.” With a nod, she found herself agreeing but inside she was trembling…she didn’t know if it was fear or lust. His eyes swallowed her protests and he told her to climb onto the rock on all 4s. She obeyed. He adjusted her legs so she was wide open to his viewing. A blush heated her cheeks.

He ran a slow finger from her slit to her clit which was swollen and then to her hole. There he stuck in one finger and another. He scissored his fingers and felt deep into her. She moaned and begged. “Please, oh fuck, please.” “What do you want little one?” I want you to love me.” She begged. “But I already do.” He chuckled. “You wished for me and I promised to love you for centuries.” “I want you to make me cum, I want you inside me,” she panted. “I will but not just yet.” He licked her puckered hole as his fingers continued to please her. She began to tense but he pinched her clit in warning with his other hand. She exploded and relaxed. His fingers and tongue continued to explore. He moved his fingers to her back hole. A moan seemed to rip from her throat even as her body tensed.

“Relax!” his voice a command. Her body responded to him. Her heart thumped hard as fear of the other ones returned filled her. “Good girl! Do not look back at me no matter what you hear or feel. This will hurt but I want you to take all of me in one go.” He didn’t wait for a response. He held her hip with one had and positioned himself to her opening. He thrust powerfully breaking through her virgin ass. She let out a howl. He joined her with a howl of his own. His body draped over her as his hips began to thrust after letting her adjust. His mouth was biting her neck. His teeth drawing blood. Every thrust had her release a moan. He answered with a howl. His fingers found her clit and she began to beg. “Please, oh please, so close.” He removed his cock from her, and she collapsed on the rock … bereft.

“Do you want me to stay with you forever?” He asked. “Answer carefully. If I join with you and we both cum together, our souls will combine, and I will be with you for this lifetime and the next.” Her need for this and her hunger had her nodding before her mind even knew what it was agreeing to. He rolled her over. Before she could even focus on his face, he had her legs pulled over to her shoulders and he plunged in. “Oh my God!” was all she moaned and he released into her causing her to explode. Shiny lights seemed to fill her mind and body. She felt as if she was floating.

He howled as his release hit him. He pulled out and sprayed her, marking her as his. As his semen painted her, it sank into her skin branding her. Her face light up with a joy and she glowed. He collapsed onto her and curled around her. “Sleep now.” He said. Her eyes closed.

The sun broke onto the couple finally. As Brittany woke, her eyes landed on the guy she was nestled into. Her head rose up and she found herself looking into chocolate brown eyes. Suddenly shy, she started to move away but remembered she was naked. The memories of what she had done with this stranger filled her. She tried to cover herself with her hands. He smirked at her and got up. He was magnificent in the morning light. He took her hands away and looked at her. “You are beautiful wife. Do you have a name?”

“Wife?” she gasped. “Yes, we mated and now you are mine forever.” He chuckled “Or don’t you remember?” Brittany shook her head and tried to move away but was trapped by his gaze. His smile deepened and he touched her. “Come, we are going home now, little one.” He took her hand and they dove under the water. He continued to pull her deeper and deeper into the hot springs to a rock wall. Then he pulled her through it. Suddenly they were on dry land. “Welcome to your new home.”

Brittany tried to go back but the rock was gone. She was naked in a strange place. As she looked at him, he seemed to have grown. He had to be at least 7 feet tall. Also, he was wearing clothes. Once again, she went to cover her nakedness. He chuckled and pulled her hands away. Keeping one in his, he pulled her towards a large house. Everyone stopped to look at her as she walked through the yard. She was blushing and red. A young man who was as tall as the stranger came up to them. “So Nick, you have found a wife.” He said as he embraced Nick. “Yes, Sebastian. Finally.” Nick grinned. “She is very little but I think she is worth it.”

Sebastian turned to Brittany. His eyes raked her body. Then he reached out and touched her breasts. She pulled back but Nick growled so she stopped. Sebastian moved to touch her again but this time he pinched her nipples and she groaned. Her voice made a light enter Sebastian’s eyes. He nodded to his brother. “Until tonight… I cannot wait for the bonding ceremony.”

“Your name is Nick? What is a bonding ceremony?” Brittany queried. “Well, little one. It is where we will join you with my family.” He strode away and she had nothing to do but follow. They entered the building. The ground floor was empty except for a set of racks. “This looks like an old-fashioned jail” Brittany commented. “No my little one. This is for the ceremony.” Brittany shook her head and tried to move away. He looked into her eyes. “Do not be afraid. I already love you. I know my clan will too.” Something shifted in Brittany. “You love me?” “Isn’t that what you wanted? Even now you may be pregnant with my child but tonight we will be bonded and to be sure you will definitely be pregnant by the end of the ceremony.” He turned towards an older lady. “Maman will help you prepare.” Then he was gone.

Maman was beautiful. Her hair glistened in the candlelight of the room. “Come child. We have very little time to prepare.” She led Brittany to a huge tub where she disrobed and then escorted Brittany into the water. She soaped her hands and began to scrub Brittany down. “I can wash myself” Brittany said forcefully. “Not here.” Was the only response. As Marman roughly scrubbed her, taking off skin and dirt alike, Brittany felt something shift again. Her body began to feel hot and then she felt a desire she did not know she was capable of begin to invade her. Watching her closely as she rinsed the soap off, Marman smiled. “Good.” Marman then led Brittany to a bed. Pushing her onto it, she placed a blindfold over her eyes. As Brittany reached to take it off, once again her hands were trapped. The vines wrapped around her arms and held them in place. Marman spread her legs and Brittany felt them being held in place. “Rest now.” A breeze began chilling her body but somehow Brittany felt more excited, more filled with desire, then cooled.

“Wife?” Nick’s voice woke her. Brittany went to move but was still trapped and blindfolded. “Yes? Can we take off the blindfold?” “No, what is your name?” With a sigh, she responded “Brittany.” Nick smiled. “We are going to start the bonding ceremony. You must obey and do everything I ask if you want this to be forever.” Brittany hesitated and then remembered her wish. Her nod was slow in coming. This was not how she envisioned it. But he had said the right words and he knew her wish even though no one was there. “Be quiet and do not fight as you are dressed for the event.” He commanded. She heard his footsteps walking away.

She felt hands on her body. They began separating the lips to her pussy. A clip was attached to her hood. She felt it pull her up and gave access to her clit. A breath of hot air fanned her clit and it hardened.

She felt two mouths on her breasts. Tongues licked her nipples as the hands squeezed her breasts. Suddenly there was pain as clamps were placed on her enlarged nipples.

She felt brush strokes across her stomach. It was soft and her skin began to tingle. Each stroke seemed to make her feel desire. Her body was in heat. She felt liquid coat her leg from her pussy. The more she was stroked the more desire she felt.

A mouth began to lick her juices. A moan escaped her. She felt something be inserted into her cunt and then into her ass. It tingled but the wetness was trapped. A mouth joined hers and a tongue forced itself into her mouth. She could taste herself. She moaned at the flavor as much as the skillful mouth.

Sebastian laughed. “Yes, I cannot wait for the bonding ceremony.” A blush covered her body as she heard his footsteps move away.

The vines released her as Marman helped her sit up. “Do not remove the blindfold. Nick asked that you remain blindfolded.” She gave Brittany a drink. It was good but it made her feel light- headed. “It is time to begin.” Nick said and he took her hand to lead her. “You look amazing.”

He led her to the first contraption. It was a stockade. He placed her head and hands through it and then locked the bar in place. As he looked at her, he realized she needed a step, so he placed a box under each foot but requiring her to keep her legs apart. He said be still. His hands began to massage her ass and nibble on her. Brittany could her people around her. She was blushing at the thought of who could be watching her. She felt like all she did was blush in this place. Nick noticed her distraction and added a set of ear plugs so now she couldn’t hear or see.

Sebastian, Marman and the rest of the family watched as Nick stroked her ass. Then he delivered 20 hard hits with a paddle. Brittany felt her nipples and clit be squeezed every time she jumped. If she managed not to move, then only her ass hurt. Tears streamed down her face as she yelled with each hit. Nick removed the earplugs and murmured “I love you. You are doing fine.” Then he removed the plug from her cunt. His fingers stroked her juices. He sucked them. “You taste amazing.” He signaled over Sebastian who came up and began licking her. She moaned and Nick looked at her. “You like this little one?” As Sebastian’s tongue invaded her hole, Brittany gasped. “Yes!” Nick kissed her. His mouth invading her. He felt more forceful, and she could sense his excitement. She heard the releasing of his pants. “Open our mouth. Do not bite.” Nick commanded.

He placed his cock into her mouth. Sebastian replaced the plug, but he turned it on and the one in her ass. Brittany moaned onto his cock. Nick groaned and he began to fuck her face. He went in hard and fast. Several times as Brittany struggled to breathe, she heard applause. After what seemed like forever, she felt him thicken in her throat and a hand slapped her ass. “Cum now!” and Nick exploded, and Brittany exploded. Brittany once again felt the floating feeling and saw the shiny lights. His cum dripped from her lips and down her chin. As he withdrew, he spoke, “Marman clean her and prepare her for the next part. Marman licked her clean and then removed the clamps and freed her from the stockade.

Her blindfold was removed, and the lights seemed to blind Brittany. Nick said “For this part of the ceremony, you will be joined to the family. You will please my two brothers as I watch.”

Brittany was about to say no when she caught his eyes. The words froze. Sebastian led her to an empty area. He laid down and pulled her onto his cock. It felt huge. He pulled her up and thrust into her a few more times. She was pushed forward, and she felt someone enter her asshole. He went in with one major thrust. A scream ripped through Brittany. The two brothers began to move. She tried to fight but once again she caught Nick’s eyes and froze. He looked into her eyes. “You have no idea how wonderful you look. You are making me hot again. Look at how hard I am.” As his brothers continued to use her body, a fire began to fill Brittany. She wanted Nick in her mouth. She wanted to feel his pleasure. “Please may I taste you again.” She asked. She didn’t notice the applause or the “You picked the right one.” Nick looked at her with pleasure in his eyes. He placed his cock in her mouth. All Britany focused on was pleasing Nick. Her hands stroked him as his brothers continued to move in and out of her body. She felt a strange joy in knowing that she was pleasing Nick. Almost as if planned, Sebastian exploded inside of her, then Nick’s other brother Mark exploded and lastly Nick exploded down her throat. As they were subsiding, Mark fingered her clit and a scream tore from Brittany’s throat and her body exploded.

“Forever” seemed to ring through her body and a ring appeared on her finger. She collapsed on to Sebastian, so exhausted that she was immediately asleep.

Brittany woke up naked on the rock by the hot springs. She thought she had dreamed the whole thing. Her body was sore. There was a ring on her finger and beside her lay Nick. “Good Morning Wife.” Nick said. He rolled onto her and began kissing her neck. Just as she was getting excited, he lifted her up and jumped into the hot springs. She came up laughing. Languidly, she floated towards him and she began kissing his chest. “I want you. I love you.” Brittany said.
