Devoted Daughter and Sister: Part Two [Daddy/daughter/brother/incest]

I decide not to tell dad about the incident with Billy. But it doesn’t make things easier when my brother finally decides to come down to the kitchen.

“Where’s dad?”

“You just missed him.” I inform Billy and try to stay aloof. “One of his clients got arrested tonight, so he’s on his way to the police station.”

There’s no question that my brother still feels very self-conscious, hence the silence.

“And for what it’s worth, I just wanted to surprise you tonight.” I explain.

“It wasn’t your fault. I should’ve locked the door. But with you not around, nobody comes into my room.”

“Still, I should’ve knocked. Am I forgiven?”

Billy lets a soft smile crawl onto his lips. “Forgiven.” He never could stay mad at me too long.

“Now, can I get my hug?” I insist while stepping closer to him.

Within minutes, the tension is replaced with laughter and discussions about Europe. I tell Billy what I saw overseas, and he gives me the breakdown of what I missed at home. Apparently, I didn’t miss much.

“So, you’re still dating Wendy?” I ask as we move out of the kitchen and into the living room, where we can each lay down on a couch and fall asleep – a childhood tradition.

“Yes. Why do you sound so surprised?”

“Well, it’s just…I thought you’d be having sex by now.”

“And what makes you think I’m not?”

“Because you’re jerking off to porn instead of fucking your girlfriend.” I’m blunt with my observation, seeing as I don’t like Wendy very much. “What’s wrong? Does she want to get married first?”

“No. If you have to know, it’s me. I’m not putting out.”

“What?” I’m a little stunned. I thought guys jumped at the chance of getting laid. “Why?”

“I don’t want to talk about it, okay?”

“Come on, Billy. We’re already past the hard part. Just tell me what’s wrong.”

“You’re really going to keep asking, aren’t you?” My brother makes peace with my persistence. It’s something that has bothered him for years.

“I can go on all night, brother.”

I kick off my shoes and throw my feet on the couch to get more comfortable. Then I catch Billy peering at my legs as I stretch them out.

“I’m uncomfortable naked…in front of people…anyone.”

“That’s ridiculous. You don’t have any reason to be uncomfortable.”

“Easy for you to say. Everyone thinks you’re hot.”

“That’s not true.” I play down the attention I’m used to getting.

“Yes, it is. And you know it, Kate.”

“Then it means you think I’m hot too.” I trick him.

“That’s not what I meant. The point is you have reasons for being confident. I don’t.”

“Billy, from my point of view, you are quite the looker. You just need to get over yourself.” I do my best to encourage him. And I’m not even lying.

“You wouldn’t happen to have a guidebook on how that goes, would you?”

“It’s not that complicated. You just move out of your comfort zone. Put yourself out there, bit by bit.”

From the expression on Billy’s face, I can tell I’ve lost him. “I’ll give you an example. Take off your shirt.”

“Taking off my shirt is going to solve my issues of inadequacy? That’s a brilliant suggestion.” Billy mocks me.

“Well, will it make you uncomfortable not wearing a shirt around me?”

“Yes. It will.”

“Then trust me and do what I tell you.”

Once again, my brother surrenders to my power of persuasion and removes his t-shirt.

“Now what?”


I can see Billy twitching with discomfort.

“This is stupid.”

“No, it’s not. You’ll see.” I reassure him I know what I’m doing. “Have you chosen a college yet?”

I chose to start working instead of college. But I haven’t found anything permanent so far. A few temp jobs had kept me busy before the Europe trip, which daddy paid for. And I’ll probably start job hunting again pretty soon.

I’m not in a rush to move out.

“Not yet. I’m not sure if I want to live on campus.”

“What does dad think?”

“You know him. He’s encouraging me to stay local and away from crazy parties. But I think he’s mocking me.”

We all know Billy doesn’t party. That’s something I used to do. Until mom left, of course. Then my focused switched to taking care of my family.

Neither Billy nor my dad could understand the transformation I went through. One moment, I was a social butterfly that thrived on interaction and being everywhere at once. And the next thing they know, I’m making breakfast, I’m shopping for food, and set alarm clocks for everyone.

It’s like I instinctively took on the role my mother evacuated.

“And Wendy?” I inquire rather willfully.

“What about her?”

“Does she want you to stay local?”

“We’re not that serious.”

“But haven’t you been together for like…seven months now? For a girl, that’s pretty serious.”

“I think she’s going to break up with me anyway.”

“Why?” I emphasize my outrage. “Because you don’t want to have sex?”

“Probably. Or maybe she’s just getting bored.” Billy sounds more discouraged by the minute.

“Okay, take off your pants.” I switch gears.

“What? No. You’re taking this too far, Kate.”

“Well, you quickly got over not wearing a shirt, didn’t you?”

“That’s different. I’m not sitting here in my underwear.”

“I’d take off my clothes to show you how easy it is. But daddy can get back any minute.”

Billy gets this sly smile after my comment, but doesn’t say anything.

“You don’t think I’m serious?” I insist.

“Oh, I know you’re serious. But dad’s not coming back tonight. He’ll creep in early tomorrow morning.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s been seeing this woman, a consultant or something.”

“At eleven o’clock at night?” For some strange reason, the rage is building inside me.

“They’re not officially dating. I believe they refer to it as a booty-call.”

“I know what they call it, Billy.” I snap.

“Jeez! Have some mercy for the messenger please. What’s up with you?” He gets defensive.

“The least he could’ve done is told me. I mean, he had the whole night.”

“Sorry, sis. But I don’t think dad wants to discuss his sex life with you.”

I’m really not sure why I feel like exploding. Yet, these jealous sensations bubble to the surface.

“Why do you still have your pants on?” I turn my attention back to the matter at hand. Although, the thought of daddy fucking that other woman stays with me.

“Because I don’t feel comfortable, okay? This is weird.” Billy protests.

My patient approach towards helping my little brother is replaced with aggression. And I think it’s got something to do with daddy.

“Look, do you ever want to get laid?” I ask while I get up and dart in Billy’s direction.

“Of course. But-” He says with a puzzling expression.

“But nothing. If you want to get laid, you have to get naked.” I drop to my knees in front of Billy and grab his pants. “Being naked is not the end of the world.”

Then I start pulling.


“You might even like it.” I suggest with my fingers hooking into the band of his underwear, just as his pants starts coming off.

“Jesus, Kate! What’s gotten into you?”

I win the battle and manage to expose his cock, which is semi-hard by the way.

“You’ll thank me for this one day, little brother.”

My instincts kick in before Billy can pull his pants back in position. I shoot up, grab his dick with one hand, and push him into the couch with the other. His muscle reacts almost immediately underneath my grip, and it only takes two strokes to make him rock solid between my fingers.

“I believe they refer to this as a hand-job.” I say with a touch of sarcasm.

I keep Billy pinned back with my weight as I continue stroking.

At this point, he stops resisting. He just stares into my eyes and lets me stimulate his thick rod. In fact, I think he likes it already.

“See?” I use my patient voice again. “It’s not all bad being naked.”

With Billy relaxing and tensing up all at the same time, I get more comfortable on his lap. Like I pounced on daddy when I came home, I climb onto my brother. This is when I notice him glancing at my breasts.

He tries to hide his staring, naturally. But certain things are just too obvious when it comes to Billy.

“You want to take my top off?” I offer. “I don’t mind.”

Nervously, Billy nods a silent yes.

“Okay. Then go ahead.”

I lift my arms to the sky and wait for Billy to pull off my tank-top. Which he does with great care and admiration. Especially when my breasts pop out and bounce right in front of his eyes.

“Getting more comfortable yet?” I can’t help my cheeky smile before returning to my earlier task of stroking his cock.

“Yes. I think so.” Billy confesses.

Lovingly, I wrap my fingers around the distinct curves and veins. And I begin to use more generous strokes, making sure his foreskin pulls down all the way to expose a sensitive head. I also use light pressure to squeeze the pulsating muscle, roughly measuring how much it could hurt if he trusted it inside me right now.

“Want to touch my breasts, baby?”

Fuck knows why my maternal side takes over. Maybe it’s because I’m mad at daddy. Or, it could be that I’m incredibly horny where I’m grinding on Billy’s lap. But I’m really getting into this therapy session.

“You sure?”

“Go head, honey. You can even kiss them if you like.”

Billy doesn’t wait for a second invitation. But he’s hesitant too. It’s his first time touching and kissing a woman like this. His inexperience is almost too cute as his hands explore my stiff peaks. It gets even cuter when he leans in to kiss and lick them.

The experience is not *my* first, obviously. But I’m very conscious that it’s my brother sucking on my nipples. It’s my siblings cock in my hand, and his tongue on my skin. I’m aroused like I’ve never been aroused before, although I didn’t anticipate or plan it. My intentions were good and pure.

It was not supposed to turn out with his hot seed drenching my fingers, but that’s exactly what happens.

“Don’t hold back, baby. Let it all out for mommy.”

I squeeze a little tighter when I feel his rod contracting, making white ropes of sperm erupt from the head like a small volcano. Billy is still sucking on my nipples as he thrusts into my grip with excitement and release.

His heart is racing and his limbs are twitching.

It’s beautiful watching him cum.

“If you still feel uncomfortable in front of Wendy after this, then I can’t help you.”

I leave my brother on the couch and he doesn’t say anything. Not a single fucking word. But his flustered face tells me he’ll never forget tonight.

End of Part Two


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