Can you imagine? You know who you are…..

Mimi and Michael had exchanged a few messages online – some texting, a few pictures, a few stories. It was pretty clear that they had much in common, and had a great connection. They were the same age, both married with kids, both had higher profile jobs, and both had long term dead bedrooms. They were frustrated, sometimes angry. They found in each other that burning fire they both craved. They each felt wanted, sexy, powerful, and it had been a LONG TIME since either felt that way. The learned quite a lot about each other very quickly and the chemistry was undeniable.

Michael had joked with Mimi that he would, pretty much any day, call out sick from work, drive the 3-4 hours to her area, meet her for like 30 minutes, then head back. Mimi brushed it off – after all, she was a beautiful woman and could have meaningless sexual encounters any day of the week. But the more she read his words, the more she thought about it. Maybe it would be fun. Maybe it would be a disaster. He has as much to lose as me, she thought, so I know he’d be discreet. Fuck it. I’m going to agree and see what happens. I’m worth it.

The two made their plans – Michael hatched a little scheme that would give her an easy out if she wanted it. It was to work like this:

She would send him a time and location for the following day. He would skip work, and make up some excuse to be out of touch with the world for the day. That was his problem, and she didn’t think about that too much.

At the designated time, he would be outside of whatever the location is. He let her know he’d be wearing a black button down shirt, jeans, and brown boots so she could recognize him, because pictures exchanged online aren’t always quite accurate. If she didn’t like what she saw, she could simply keep driving. He’d never know when she passed by. She would just text him “can’t do it” and he would take the signal and head back home. Other wise, she would stop, and he would get in and they would drive off together. It was a good plan…Mimi was looking forward to it.

The next day, Mimi, despite her anxiety, decided to head over to the location during her lunch break. It was about 10 minutes away, next to a local strip mall. She knew Michael would be dressed casually, so she did the same. Knee length black skirt, white button down blouse, black heels, and her long, light brown hair in loose waves falling just below her shoulders.

When she got to the spot, she saw him and immediately felt her stomach twist into knots. She wasn’t sure what to do, but remembered how kind he was in personal messages, and how, well, beautifully passionate his stories were. She wanted to let go for a bit – let somebody ELSE take control for a while. So she drove up to him, and stopped next to this man who she had only had bits of glimpses of in the two weeks prior. Holy shit, she thought to herself. This is just straight up nuts.

The door opened and Michael guided himself into the passenger seat, closing the door as he sat. He put his hand out to shake hers, and said with a smile “I’m Michael… I can’t tell you how happy I am to actually sit here with you. I’m glad you stopped for me.” She shook his hand, gave him a wink, and drove away.

The talked for a few minutes about his drive up and how insane they both were, then she asked “so, where am I going? I only have about 45 minutes”

“Well” Michael said. “That’s up to you”

“Please” she cut him off “I would really like it if you made the decisions, like in your stories.”

“Okay, then drive up here to the next intersection and turn right. Pull over onto the shoulder.”

She did as he asked … He said “I’m going to drive” and hopped out of the car on the side of the road. She did the same making sure to pass in front of the car as he did, letting him get a good look at her fully body for the first time.

As the passed, he grabbed her arm just below the elbow and let is slide through his grip, and kept going. His hands were a little rough, and Mimi kind of liked that. He turned and followed her, watched her sit, then closed the door behind her.

Michael got in, adjusted the seat, checked the mirrors, then started to drive. Mimi wasn’t sure what to do, so she sat, patiently waiting, knowing that time was ticking away. With each second that passed, she got more and more anxious for what may or may not come next.

Michael broke the silence…. “I don’t know these roads so you have to let me know if there’s somewhere I shouldn’t go so you won’t be seen.”

“Okay” Mimi responded, we’re not anywhere near anybody I know, so just keep heading the way you are.”

Michael put a hand on the top of her left thigh “are you sure?” he asked…

His touch sent shivers through her body.

“Mmhmm” she mumbled. Michael saw the hairs on her arm raise and decided to bring it up a little.

“Tell me… what part of any of my stories turned you on? What do I do or say that makes you wet?”

Mimi thought for a moment and told him “well just feeling your hand on my leg like that has me a little tingly”

“Are you wet?”


Michael turned to face her as he drove “show me” he demanded, “right now…put your seat back for me, and show me”

Mimi put her seat back, closed her eyes, and lifted her skirt enough to get a finger into herself. She pushed it in about half way, then pulled it back out and rubbed her clit a second, then put her finger back in… Michael rested his hand on top of hers, guiding her finger in a little deeper. She took a deep breath, just feeling his thick hand on top of hers, while she touched herself was already getting her close to cumming. “That’s good” he said “but what I’d really like is a taste..”

Mimi pulled her finger out of her pussy and he lifted her hand to his face, taking her finger into his mouth.

“More” he said… and she obeyed… she fingered herself right in the front seat of her own car, with his hand on top of hers. She rubbed her clit and fingered even deeper..then Michael joined her. The were both fingering her together. She couldn’t stand it…it was just too hot… she pulled her hand away and let him take over, but put her wet fingers into his mouth again, then into her own.

Her eyes were closed and she focused on his voice, responding to him each time he spoke

“Does that feel good?”


“Do you like when I finger your pussy?”


“Then tell me”

“I like when you finger my pussy, please don’t stop”

But he did stop. Did she not say the right words? Ugh, was he seriously gong to stop, she thought?

He pulled the car over to the side of the road and told her to get in the back. She, of course, did.

“Sit in the middle and put one knee up on each of the seats in front of you.

She did, and that left her sitting back with her legs up and her pussy exposed.

Michael turned and positioned himself with one knee on each of the front seats, facing her. He lowered himself down, as far as he could between the seats, pulled her panties to the side, and burried his face between her legs. He licked her clit, sucked on her lips, and fucked her with his tongue. Her clit was aching, and she was so close to cumming already. He started to finger her, sucking and licking… she couldn’t breathe… the sounds he was making…hearing herself moaning and whimpering… he sucked harder and faster, fingered her with two fingers, deeper with each thrust. Her hands wrapped around the back of his head, pulling him as close as she could. Her clit stopped throbbing and clinched up hard, she let out a deep breath and an YESSSSS as she came.

When she let go of his head, Michael sat up straight, smiled at her, wiped her wetness off of his face and sat back down.

“Come on back here, it’s your turn. I want to feel that cock in my mouth” Mimi said.

Then the biggest surprise of all…Michael said back to her “Nope, you have to get back to work. This was all about you. Maybe we can do it again someday soon, and maybe then…”
