Alicia’s Magic Hands [MF] [long]

Previous story:

This story picks up just after the previous story linked to above.

I hadn’t ever begun a relationship with sex. Nor had Alicia. After making explosive love our first night together, things got a little awkward between us. After what seemed like a really amazing night together and a good talk about it the next morning, I thought we were off to the races. I was excited for my first real relationship since Kay had broken my heart.

But during the next few days, it seemed as if Alicia was avoiding me. And when I did catch her — in the hallway, on a quad, in the cafeteria — she would look my way only briefly before looking away and escaping. I was frustrated, but I sensed she was a little fragile, and I didn’t want to risk scaring her away, so I bided my time. It was the smartest damn decision I made during college.

Finally, five days after our first encounter, the dam broke.

I opened my door to head to dinner on a Friday night, only to find Alicia standing at my door. She looked at me with trepidation in her eyes. “Hey,” she said.

“Hey, yourself,” I replied. My heart began to hammer in my chest. I REALLY liked her, and wanted her, and didn’t want to mess this up.

“I was wondering if…maybe…you wanted a dinner buddy?” she asked. I jumped on it immediately. “I would love to have dinner with you,” I replied. “So long as you don’t mind chicken patty sandwiches from the surly grill cook. It’s his shift.”

She laughed. “Only if they have the stale sesame seed buns.” I laughed in return.

She grabbed my arm with both of her hands and leaned her head against my shoulder. “Let’s go,” she said.

As we walked, and then at dinner, she apologized for the awkwardness. I was her first lover at college, she confessed, and the intensity of our night together and her feelings for me had surprised and overwhelmed her. I told her I felt similarly — I had never intended to start our relationship with a bang (literally), but that I really liked her, and wanted to see if we could make something work together. She agreed.

We walked back to the dorm arm-in-arm, strolling slowly in the warm spring weather, enjoying all of the flowering trees and the sunset.

Arriving back at her door, we stopped. She looked at me and smiled. “Give me 15 minutes,” she said, “and come see me. I’ll make the last few days up to you.” I leaned in, kissed her, and looked into her big, brown eyes. “Deal,” I replied.

15 minutes later, I knocked at her door. “Come in,”
she said.

I pushed the door open, then closed it behind me. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, the sight before me stunned and aroused me.

The room was dark except for the shimmering light of a few candles on shelves in the room. The futon under Alicia’s loft bed was already pulled out to its bed form. Standing in front of it was Alicia.

She stood before me, naked from the waist up, long, brown hair brushed out and (nearly) covering her breasts. Below the waist, she wore a pair of pink low-rise panties and knee-high socks.

“Julie is away for the night again,” she said with a smile. “I have all night to take care of you.”

I didn’t manage to do anything other than stare open-mouthed at the vision before me. Alicia was a pretty girl, but I had assumed a certain Midwestern innocence with her. Apparently, I had assumed incorrectly. Not that I minded!

She walked up to me, pressed her body against mine, and kissed me deeply. ” I know. I’m nice, but not THAT nice,” she said. “Take off your clothes and lie on your back,” she said.

I did as directed, leaving my boxer briefs on. She walked over to me, climbed on the futon, and straddled me, her 36D breasts hanging in my face. “I’m going to make you explode,” she said, and began kissing all over my face and head. Her hands and lips roamed slowly across and down my body, caressing, massaging, leaving moist whispers of her lips all over my shoulders, arms, chest, and stomach. I felt myself hardening beneath her. I lifted my hands in turn, caressing her back and breasts as she caressed me.

As she kissed her way from my sternum to my belly button, she paused, looked up, and said, “I loved how it felt when you came inside of me the other night. But tonight, I want to see what it looks like.”

She kissed her way down to my boxer briefs and traced a finger down the length of my cock. I jumped at the sensation of her fingernail skating down my length, only a bit of cotton separating us. She looked up. “Not yet,” she said, and smiled. She continued down my body, caressing and massaging my thighs, my calves, my feet, then heading north again. She paused at my thigh and traced patterns on my skin, edging upward toward my cock, which jumped at every touch of her finger.

Then, she put her hands on either side of my cock, and rubbed it up and down through my briefs. “Mmmmm,” she said, “You feel so good.” With that, she hooked her fingers in the waistband of my boxer briefs and slowly slid them down the length of my body, my cock popping free as she did. She threw them on the floor, then slid back up my body, allowing her breasts to drag up my cock. “I’ll be right back,” she whispered, and then bounced away.

A moment later, she returned, a bottle of baby oil in hand. She poured a small amount onto her hands and rubbed them together, then looked down, and gently grasped my cock. She looked at me with seduction in her eyes, and said, “Let’s see if I can make him erupt.”

She wrapped the fingers of both hands around my cock and began to deliver the most amazing hand job I had ever yet felt…or would ever feel. With a gentle touch, she twisted her hands around my cock, moving slowly up and down. She sometimes paused to use a single finger or two to trace the outlines of a vein, or to trace around the head of my cock, enjoying the part of it that had recently pounded her into orgasm.

Her touch was light, only barely there, but there enough to send electricity shooting through my cock. It felt like it was not only growing more aroused, but was growing harder and larger with every twist and caress. Up and down, around and around, a little squeeze now and again, and soon I was nearly delirious with pleasure. I had never felt anything like what I was feeling now. “Dear God, Alicia,” I said, “How did you get so good at this?”

She grinned wickedly. “Some natural talent, and a little practice.”

She continued, and I grew harder and bigger and harder and bigger, until I felt I could not possibly grow anymore. My cock looked big in her hands, bigger than ever, and suddenly, it felt on the verge of erupting.

“Alicia, I’m gonna cum,” I said with urgency. “Let me see it,”, she said, “I wanna see it.” She began to move her hands faster and faster, and I felt it rising from within me. Suddenly, I erupted, and cum shot several feet into the air before splashing back down on my stomach. “Oh…God…oh…God…Ngggghhhhhh,” escaped my lips. I showered more cum into the air and back down onto my chest and stomach. It erupted again and again, seeming to go on forever. Finally, the last of the cum from my cock splashed down and settled on my chest. I panted to catch my breath.

“Alicia,” I panted, “that…was…amazing.”

“Oh,” she replied, “We’re not quite done.” With that, she began to lick and suck every bit of cum off my body. As she finished, she looked at me, smiled and said, “That was pretty amazing for me, too. But I want more. As soon as you are ready, I want to ride him.” She laid her head next to mine and pulled a blanket over us. “I’m going to wear you out tonight like you wore me out the other night.”

More to come.



  1. I have to say that I like your writing style most of the time and same goes for your plot. But there is something that you’ve done twice now. You did it in your last story and on this one. You hint at the fact that more happened yet you dont write about, leaving it with a very awkward cliff hanger, because it look like its going to get juicy but you finish the story. I only urge you to either finish your account of what happened or dont mention that anything else happened.

  2. I have to say that I like your writing style most of the time and same goes for your plot. But there is something that you’ve done twice now. You did it in your last story and on this one. You hint at the fact that more happened yet you dont write about, leaving it with a very awkward cliff hanger, because it look like its going to get juicy but you finish the story. I only urge you to either finish your account of what happened or dont mention that anything else happened.

  3. Thanks for the critique! I will take that into account for the next submission!

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