I get my first taste of dick [MM] [MFM]

In my early 20s, not having anything better to do, I moved to a resort area in the Caribbean. I meant to stay a couple months, but ended up being there several years. It was beautiful, the weather was fantastic after years of brutal New England winters, and the people I met were cool. And I was getting laid a lot.

When I first got there, one of the things I did to support myself was crew on charter sailboats and other boat-related work. I became a pretty good sailor in just a few months. It didn’t pay much, but I loved sailing and could get work doing this very easily.

A woman I knew asked me if I wanted to help her boyfriend with a job he’d been offered. Someone had bought a sailboat that was in pretty poor shape. It had been anchored in a bay on the next island over for a while and needed some clean-up before sailing it back to a boatyard. The new owner would pay us pretty well to take care of it. So Scott and I planned on taking the ferry over with the gear we’d need early one morning, spending the day cleaning the boat up, and then sailing it back the following day.

We’d arranged a dinghy to get ourselves and our stuff out to the boat. It was a small boat, about 25ft, with a simple cabin. When we got there, I put some goggles on and checked out the bottom. I discovered the rudder fittings were broken and in danger of coming off. Good thing we saw that, Scott said, if that thing woulda fallen off halfway back, we’d have been screwed. We got on the phone with the owner. Getting it towed would take too long for him and we thought we could fix it. We agreed he’d send the parts on the ferry, which would take a few days, we’d stay on the boat, do some other work till they arrived, then we’d sail it to the boatyard.

It’d been a hot, midsummer day, sun both beating down on us and reflecting off the water. The boat was anchored by itself in a corner of the bay. All other boats were near the beach and dock, which were quite a way off. We were both tired but in a good mood. Late in the afternoon, we ate something at a little beach bar, went back to the boat, and settled down in the cockpit, drinking beer and smoking weed. (For the non-sailors, that’s not a joke, it’s actually called the cockpit.) As the small cabin was still sweltering from the heat of the day, we planned to sleep on the long seats on each side for the breeze.

Scott and I actually were similar looking–a little taller than average, extremely fit from lots of physical work with a runner’s or swimmer’s build. I was 22yrs old at the time, he was a bit older. We’d only met the day before, but we got along quite well. We had nothing to do but sit there and talk about stuff as we got high and a little drunk. I don’t remember exactly how, but we started to talk about sex. I’d never done this with another man before, and both of us were a little reticent at first. But the setting and mood and beer and weed loosened us up.

I don’t remember most of the conversation, but at one point Scott said how great sex was with his girlfriend. She’s such a great fuck, he said, what I really like is that she’s not coy at all, she’s really up front about how much she likes sex, she gets kinda aggressive sometimes and it’s awesome. I knew what he meant, I said, I like that, too. The other day, he said, we had sex right outside a bar. She pushed me up against a tree, grabbed my cock and stuck the other hand between her legs, and told me she wanted to have sex before we went in. We had a quickie right there.

This was long enough ago that we were both wearing those small shorts people make fun of now. By this time there was just enough daylight for us both to notice that this story made both our dicks start to get hard. At that age, all it took to me get hard was a light breeze, so this was inevitable. Hahaha, he laughed nervously, not a lot of privacy around here to take care of this. I’ve never seen another guy’s cock hard, have you? he said. I shook my head no. Both our dicks slowly got harder as we sat there in silence. I kept sneaking looks at the outline of his dick and saw that he was doing the same to me.

We could suck each other’s cocks, he said suddenly, breaking the silence and making me flinch in surprise. My dick got all the way hard in seconds, my mouth went dry, and I was speechless. Before this, getting sexual with a man had never even crossed my mind, but I went from mildly aroused to super fucking horny almost instantly. My balls were tingling and my dick throbbed. Scott was now lightly stroking himself through his shorts and we were openly staring at each other’s dicks. If you take your cock out, I’ll go first, he said.

We looked each other in directly in the face for a long minute. Then I stood up, pulled off my shorts and tshirt, sat back down, leaned back, and spread my legs wide. Those few seconds of being high and naked, looking right at him, my legs spread and dick hard for him, badly wanting him to suck it, made me feel super slutty (it’s the only word I can think of) and super erotic, just unbelievably turned on. It was a great moment.

He got down in front of me, pushed my legs even further apart, and sucked my dick into deeply into his mouth. My hips and ass and abs convulsed with the sudden pleasure. He sucked on it, then stopped, squeezed it around the base with his fingers, and licked the underside and head repeatedly. Our eyes met. I knew he’d stopped sucking so I wouldn’t cum and I loved it. Oh yeah, I said, oh yeah. He alternated for a while between sucking, then licking to keep me from cumming, still squeezing it, using the other hand to knead my balls. Then he stopped squeezing so hard and started sucking seriously, all the way in and almost all the way out, still kneading my balls. When I was about to cum, he kept my dick in deeper, still sucking up and down. I built up and came long and deep, a spectacular orgasm, thrusting my hips as he sucked. He gagged a little from my cum, but kept sucking till I started to relax. This was one of the best and vividly memorable blowjobs I’ve ever had.

The next morning the sun woke me. I was naked. I turned my head and Scott was waking up, too, also naked, and that brought the night before right back. Remembering the feeling of that tremendous orgasm and especially that slutty moment made my dick stir as I laid there. Everything after that, though, was hazy. After he sucked my dick, we’d had more weed and I got really high. I remembered sucking his dick, but not in great detail. The long day, heat, beer, and weed had taken a toll. I couldn’t even remember for sure if he’d cum or not. It’s funny to recall, but I was worried that I’d not done as well for him as he had for me. Asking if I’d done a good job sucking his dick didn’t seem like a good idea. That was pretty cool last night, he said finally, I liked it a lot. I figured that meant I’d done OK, so I was relieved.

Now, though, as I laid there I was disappointed I could barely remember my turn. But the memory of my great slutty moment and his fantastic blowjob was making my dick get slowly hard. I stroked it lightly. His dick was semi-hard, too. All of a sudden, I wanted to suck his dick in the worst way. I stared right at it. I recall distinctly that my mouth was open and watering. I probably even licked my lips. Another slutty moment.

He saw this and his dick quickly got hard. Without a word, he sat up and pushed his hips forward. I got on my knees and sucked his dick into my mouth as he had mine, taking it in as far as I could, sucking hard on the way out, stroking with one hand, using the other on his balls. I sucked his balls into my mouth while I rubbed my saliva into his dick, looking up at him. Then I sucked his dick hard, stopping and sucking on the head, trying to make him cum. He started thrusting and moaning and his dick started swelling and pulsing in my mouth. He grunted and thrust harder and came as I sucked hard. I swallowed every drop and kept licking and sucking. I loved this, too. Oh wow, he said, that was great. I got up and sat back on my side. My dick was hard again and I held my balls as I stroked it. Scott watched for a minute, then got between my legs and gave me another great blowjob.

Guess we won’t be bored out here, I said. I felt great. We worked through the day, breaking for a nap in the midday heat, then worked till dinner at the beach bar. We sucked each other’s dicks again that night, this time completely relaxed and enjoying both sucking and being sucked, and did the same morning and evening the rest of the time we were there.

One afternoon another boat came in and anchored near ours. Three people got in a dinghy and motored off to the dock. We never saw them come back and forgot about them. When Scott and I sucked each other’s dicks the following morning, we got up on the deck and sat on the front of the cabin for a little more room. We worked through the day again and were back in the beach bar at dinnertime. A woman started chatting with us and bought us a couple beers. She was a typical long-time sailing woman, attractive in a skinny, wiry way, bleached out hair, skin starting to show the effects of way too much sun, Vuarnet sunglasses hanging around her neck, anywhere from 25 to 40yrs old. After she’d talked with us for an hour or so she tilted her head at us and said, Well, you guys aren’t gay. No, we said, why would you think we are? Only natural to think so after the show you two put on this morning, she said, that was something, it was fun watching.

Scott’s face went white and his eyes went big. Mine probably did, too. Neither of could speak. She’d come back by herself to that adjacent boat when we’d not been looking and her dinghy rode behind her boat where we couldn’t see it. Oh relax, she said, don’t sweat it. You’re just having a good time. Sailors have sucked each others dicks for centuries. I’ve never done this before, I said. Me, neither, said Scott. She asked how we’d started. There seemed to be little reason not to tell her. You seemed to be enjoying yourselves, she said. We admitted we were.

The three of us proceeded to have a discussion of dick-sucking. It was one of the weirdest conversations I’ve ever had. We sat there and calmly discussed what we liked and what made a good blow job. It was more technical than sexy for the most part. How you do it is important, I said, but what’s most important is if you’re into sucking dick. Nothing’s worse than someone who obviously doesn’t want to be doing it. Yeah, Scott said, you can always help someone get it right, but a bad attitude ruins it, I don’t even know why some girls bother. Well, our new friend said, sometimes it’s like that. Women are sorta expected to suck dick in some situations, it’s kind of a formality. I’ve done it myself more than once. But, she said, I must say that when I really want please a man I like and find attractive, I absolutely love sucking his dick, I’ll push him up against the wall, pull his dick out, and suck it as much as he wants. It’s one of the hottest things there is. We’re really liking it, we said, it is a lot of fun.

Eventually we walked out to the dock to go back to our boats. Her friends were elsewhere and she was by herself this evening. She pulled out a joint to share with us. I’ll tell you what, she said. How about I give you guys the night off? You guys are both really hot and I’d love to suck your dicks. Sure, we said, that’d be great. So she joined us on our boat.

You’re first, she said to me. We got up on deck, I sat on the cabin, she got on her knees, and she gave me a really good blowjob. See, she said, you’re the kind of guy who makes me want to suck dick. Can you tell? You’re into it, I said, and I’m loving this. I have done this a lot more than you guys, she said, and I’ve been told I’m pretty good at it, making us both laugh. Now, she said looking at me, I want your cum. I groaned and came in her mouth. Yum, she said. Your turn, she said to Scott, and sucked the cum out of him. We smoked a little more weed as she told us again how much she loved sucking hot guy’s dicks. This made us both hard again. Oh yeah, she said, you young guys are the best. She sucked both our dicks again. I gotta go back to my boat, she said, this has been fun. My boat mates won’t be back till noon, then we’re leaving. The coast is clear for the morning show, I’m really looking forward to it.

When the sun came up, the three of us did, too. She was sat at the rail of her boat, feet dangling over the side. This time we stood on the cabin leaning against the mast while getting our dicks sucked so she could see better. I’d learned a few years before that I really like someone watching while I have sex, so this was really good fun. She waved at us when we’d finished. As she and her friends sailed away, she waved again. A couple days later, after one last morning dick-sucking session, we pulled the anchor up and sailed off to the boatyard.

I saw Scott now and then till he and his girlfriend moved away a couple years later. I think he told his girlfriend what we’d done because she began to seek me out, confide in me, and seek my advice. It’s the only explanation I could come up with.

I wondered if I were gay. I wasn’t upset by the idea at all, I just wondered. In those less sophisticated days, I’d never heard the word bisexual or the idea that there’s a spectrum of these things, it was just gay or straight as far as I knew. The beach I most frequently went to was where the gay men went to the beach. One day a short time later I was at that beach and looking around me at the crowd of gay men, some of whom were friends. Nope, no interest I realized, and never really thought about it again.

But I had really enjoyed those 4-5 days, no question. I’ve masturbated to those memories many times over the years, especially that slutty moment when I spread my legs dying for a man to suck my dick. It also opened me up to a couple awesome experiences, MMF threesomes in which I got so super fucking horny that a man and I sucked each other’s dicks and fucked each other while our woman took a break and watched. Haven’t even had the slightest interest in sex with a man before or since, but those experiences were really awesome.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mru2ku/i_get_my_first_taste_of_dick_mm_mfm


  1. more please! A really hot read!

    i would consider myself as straight, but nonetheless this excited me a lot ;-) And i would lie if i would say i would never give my best friend a good bj…

  2. I love the simplicity and the nonchalance of the story. Two guys just working, being friends, reciprocating blowjobs. It’s sexually idyllic.

    I also appreciate the non-predatory/non-prey MM stories, and this was excellent.

    Thank you for sharing.

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