first business finale

“Seriously?” her husband replied after only seconds.

“I can’t believe it. Tell me everything. Did you get pics? Did you cum? Where did he cum?”

“Slow down”, Chrissy replied. I’ll answer these, then I am going to sleep for a few hours. I have the conference in the morning still.”

“Yes, there are pics. I will send them in the morning. He used his phone for them. I came non stop for over two hours. Seriously, not exaggerating. He came in me. Here I’ll show you.”

Chrissy took a pic of her pussy to send him. It was very red and abused looking. His cum was still visible, some leaking out a little, and some spread all around from where she used it to masturbate. Her hole was stretched and gaping open.

“Jesus! He fucked the shit out of you.”

“You have no idea honey. Now I am going to sleep, I am worn out. I will tell you everything tomorrow I promise.”

“Good night my slut wife. Love you”

“Good night my pervert husband. Love you too.”

Chrissy simply laid back in the bed, not bothering to clean herself up. Her hand gently stroked her pussy as she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Chrissy started her day as she normally would. Phone call with her husband, telling him some details as she got ready, shower, dressed, breakfast, then down to the conference room a little early to get a good start to the day.

Chrissy walked into the conference room, and as she walked in she hear the unmistakable sound of her own voice from the videos David took last night, begging him to use her like a whore.

There was a group of about eight people, mostly men, standing around David watching the video on his laptop, and laughing.

When they saw Chrissy standing there, mouth open in horror, they all laughed and started clapping.

“Congratulation Chrissy!” that was Ted, the regional manager for the entire Midwest, smiling broadly and obviously checking her out from head to toe.

“Well, everyone, I think we have this year’s winner”, Ted continued. There were scattered applause and a few cat calls, from both men and women.

“What’s going on here?” Chrissy asked, still in shock.

“It’s just a little tradition we have here”, Ted told her. “Every year at the conference we find the biggest office slut, preferably a new employee. Don’t worry though, if everything goes as planned it is a great bonus for you. Isn’t that right Ann?”

A very sexy lady, only a handful of years older than Chrissy spoke answered. “That’s right.”

“Don’t worry dear,” Ann continued. “It can be a bit rough to start, but two years later I am a district manager, and in three more I will be a regional manager. Trust me Chrissy, you really want to just go along with the everything. You can easily make six figures this year.”

“What are you talking about?” Chrissy asked. Still reeling from her video’s still being played loudly with everyone watching them and commenting.

Ann put her arm around Chrissy’s shoulder and walked her to the corner of the room where they were somewhat secluded from the rest.

“listen honey, here is the deal. You decided to slut it up last night. No big deal, everyone does at these conferences, but you took it way over the top. Not judging, like they said, I was awarded biggest slut a couple years ago. You can fight it, and threaten to sue, or refuse their requests, or whatever you want, but remember, they have all those videos and pics. I have seen them. Hell, everyone has seen them now, the link went out in a mass email to all the attendees announcing you as the winner.”

“Wait. Everyone has seen these?” Chrissy asked, tears now filling her eyes. She simply could not believe what was happening to her. “this was just supposed to be a little harmless fun. A fantasy for my husband and I.”

“Stay with me sweetie,” Ann said. “now, like I said, you can fight it, but word gets out quick, and videos like that go viral ever quicker. You will be embarrassed in front of the world, and good luck finding another decent job.”

“What?” Chrissy stammered.

“Or”, Anne continued. “You can simply go along with it. Like I said, the title comes with a huge promotion, and a nice raise. Your salary will double starting tomorrow. Your client list will triple, and the commissions too. You will be traveling more, and you will move up the ladder faster than would otherwise be possible.”

“What do you mean, go along with it?” Chrissy asked, still in shock.

“Well,” Anne replied, “You wanted to be a slut, so now you will definitely be used as one.”

“By who?” Chrissy asked, still sounding confused.

“By whomever wants to this conference. After this conference, just a select few managers and of course clients.”

“So, I would just be a whore for everyone? I can’t do that. My husband would never allow it, I don’t think I could make myself do it,” Chrissy answered, tears running down her face.

“Well, the other option is to pack your shit, go home today, and pack your office. Not to mention the whole world will see your video. Friends. Family. Potential bosses. As I said, your profession career will be over.”

“Why are you doing this to me?” Chrissy cried quietly.

“I think you did this to yourself by being such a whore last night. Don’t you?”

“So, Chrissy”, Ted called to her, “Has Ann explained it all to you?”

“Yes, I guess so,” Chrissy answered in a shaky voice.

“So, what’s it going to be Chrissy? Do you want the award? Or would you prefer to go the other route?”

“I can’t le those videos out. It would destroy me”.

“I am so glad you understand the situation,” Ted replied to her in a condescending tone.

“So, I need to hear it from you Chrissy. Are you accepting the company slut award for this year?”

“Yes”, Chrissy answered quietly, staring at her feet.

“Sorry, but you need to answer as clearly as you were begging for David’s cock.” Ted told her in a laughing voice.

“Yes, I accept the office slut award” Chrissy replied in a stronger voice, looking straight ahead at Ted.

“Good girl.” Ted replied.

There were cheers and clapping around the room.

“Now, as guest of honor, you get to sit here at the head of the table, so everyone can see you.” Ted said, patting the chair in front of him.

As Chrissy sat down, everyone was smiles, and was chuckling at her. She felt totally humiliated and helpless.

“Play”, said Ted. Someone dimmed the lights in the room.

On the screen behind her, the pictures from last night, and then the videos played. Chrissy sat there red faced as everyone in the room critiqued her performance, and talked about what a sexy slut she was like she wasn’t even present. Like she was just a toy, and not a person. Chrissy didn’t understand why, but her pussy was getting very wet.

As the video stopped, and the lights came back up there was a round of applause.

“OK Chrissy,” Ted said, looking at her. “let’s have a look, go ahead and stand for us.”

Chrissy stood up, looking around the room.

“Strip for us like a good slut.” Ted ordered.

Again, being ordered made her pussy twitch a bit.

Chrissy looked around the room at everyone, very embarrassed. She figured that everyone had seen the video, so they knew what she looked like. She slowly striped until she was standing there naked at the head of the table.

“Now, on the table and spread those legs, like you did in the video” Ted ordered with a wolfish grin.

Chrissy wanted more than anything to say no and run from the room, but it was like her body was on auto pilot, she simply did as told.

Chrissy sat on the table, nude, with her legs spread and pussy still gaping a little from last night.

She could hear people talking about her. It was completely humiliating. The comments on how her pussy looked like it was used hard, about how she was already wet, about what a slut she is, and the worst were hearing the talk about what they were going to do with her.

Chrissy could feel herself blushing, and much to her chagrin, getting wetter.

Suddenly her hair was grabbed, hard, at its base and her head was pulled back.

“Lie back slut”, she heard Ted say and she was pulled back roughly until she was flat on her back, her head hanging off the end of the table.

“let’s see if that mouth is as good as David claims.” Ted said to the room.

Ted simply unzipped and pulled his semi erect cock out and shoved it in her mouth.

Chrissy started sucking without even thinking, and Ted started fucking her mouth, easing it down her throat.

Chrissy could make out people talking in the room. Saying what a good cock sucker she was. How sexy she was. How they couldn’t wait to try her themselves.

There were hands all over her now. Squeezing her tits, pinching her nipples hard enough to hurt, fingering her pussy and ass. Chrissy couldn’t keep track of all the sensations, but then the unimaginable happened to her. She came. Very hard.

Chrissy couldn’t understand how she could cum from this. She was being black mailed and basically raped. Humiliated and abused. And she came.

Ted pulled his cock from her mouth and simply said “next”.

Chrissy didn’t even look, she simply took the next cock shoved into her mouth and sucked, like the slut she apparently was now.

This continued until everyone in the room had done the same. They had all sampled her mouth, even the three women in the room had straddled her face and made her lick them.

“OK everyone,” Ted said. “Down to business”

“Chrissy, have a seat.” As Chrissy got off the table and reached for her dress ted continued, “Stay naked”.

Chrissy sat in the chair, still nude. Her face covered in her own spit from the drool as she sucked all the men. Tears from her crying as she gagged, and pussy juice from where the women had ridden her face. She was a mess.

“Now, as I was saying,” Ted continued. “This is the small group conference. Chrissy, you will report to us every day. We are all regional managers and directors. We are the ones who make the real decisions.” Ted continued, obviously for Chrissy’s benefit.

“There are nearly three hundred people here at this conference. We obviously can’t have you be a free use slut for them all, it simply wouldn’t be practical, or safe.”

“But, the people in this room, all eleven of us, you will submit to us completely, without question. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir.” Chrissy replied meekly.

“Now, that doesn’t mean that you will only service those of us in this room. You will also service whomever we instruct you too. Understand?” Ted asked her.

“Yes sir, I understand” Chrissy replied meekly. Tears running down her face now as the reality of what her life turned into set in.

“Ann, do you have the trophy for young Chrissy here?” Ted asked.

“Of course, I do Ted,” Ann replied. Anne approached Chrissy and fastened a collar around her neck. I was black leather, and fit snug, but not uncomfortably so, and it had the word “SLUT” in silver across the front for all to see.

Ann looked Chrissy in the eyes and told her in a low voice, “Listen sweetie, I know this is a shock, and is a tough situation for you. You need to own this or it will tear you apart. Trust me, I have been there. Like I said I won the award a few years ago, and it was no better for me than it is for you, but I made the most of it. Wear the collar with pride, and always perform your duties with enthusiasm. You will be most of these men’s boss in a few years if you play your cards right.”

Chrissy held her head higher at hearing those words. She looked Ann in the eye and silently mouthed the words “thank you”, before turning around to face the rest of the room.

“So,” Chrissy said cockily, “Who does a girl have to fuck to get a cup of coffee around here?”

“That’s the attitude” Ted told her. “Now, the rule is, you wear the collar for the entire conference, no matter where you go, or who you are with. It is to be visible at all times. Understand?”

“Yes sir”, Chrissy replied with a smile.

“Good girl” Ted told her with a grin. “Now head up to room. We have a suite there for some festivities. We will be up shortly, but until then there are a few star employees there waiting to be rewarded for their hard work. I know you will be very accommodating.”

Very late that night Chrissy finally got back to her room. Exhausted, sore, and emotionally drained. She needed a shower and some rest, but first she needed to talk with her husband, especially since there were a number of unanswered texts and calls from him.

“Hello?” he answered sleepily. “Is everything alright?”

“Yes, no not really. I don’t know,” Chrissy answered, starting to cry a bit.

“What’s wrong sweetie?”

“I don’t even know where to start”, Chrissy answered him.

“First things first”, her husband said. “Are you OK? Are you hurt?”

“I’m not really hurt, no. I am very sore though”.

“OK. So, take it slow. Tell me everything”

“Remember how sexy and fun it was for me to fool around with David? How much you enjoyed hearing about it and seeing the pics and video?”

“Yes, I loved it.”

“Well so did everyone else at the conference. He shared them with everyone. Every picture, every video, even video I didn’t know he recorded. The whole company here has seen them.”

“I am so sorry baby. Don’t worry about the job. You will find another one, and I can support us in the meantime.”

“I wish it were that easy,” Chrissy replied. “I didn’t get fired. I actually got promoted.”

” Wait, what?”

“It turns out they have a little competition at these conferences every year to see who the biggest slut is. I won.”

“I don’t understand”, her husband replied.

“Maybe this will help”, Chrissy said as she took a selfie and sent it to him.

In the picture Chrissy was obviously tired. Her make up was gone, her air matted, her tits were bruised and the collar was very visible.”

“Oh my god” her husband said in disbelief. “What happened to you? Did David do all of that?”

“Oh dear, it was not just David. I am now free use for the entire conference. I honestly don’t know how many men, and a few women for that matter, have used me now.”

“Is that what has your hair all matted down? Cum?”

“Mostly cum, yes.” Chrissy replied. “They were nice enough to try to wash it off of me with piss though.”

“They what?” her husband asked incredulously.

“Yes, after a few hours of being used and covered, inside and out, with cum, they put me in the tub and all pissed on me to clean me off. What a nice bunch of gentlemen to help a lady out like that, right?” Chrissy replied with a sarcastic laugh.

“Jesus Chrissy”, her husband said. “Why don’t you come back in the morning. To hell with that job. We can sue for sexual harassment.”

“That’s not how things work honey,” Chrissy replied. “Yes, I may win the case, but I will never find a job in my field again. Everyone will know. Everyone will see the pictures and video. They were very clear on that point.”

“So then, what do we do?” Her husband asked.

“Well, you like the idea of your wife being a slut, so now I have the collar to prove it. A nice lady here named Ann won this a few years ago. She told me to do everything they asked with a smile and enjoy it as much as possible, like she did, and in a few years, I will be most of their bosses, like she is.”

“Seriously?” Hubby asked.

“Yes, seriously.” Chrissy replied. “I will triple my salary this year alone, and at the end of my year as the company slut I get a huge promotion, with a huge raise. If I work hard, I will literally be a regional manager in 2 years. That is really big money.”

“Wait, company slut for a year?”

“Yes, a year. The free use is only for the conference, after that I am only available to executives, and preferred clients. There will be travel involved. Your wife will definitely be a slut, just like you have wanted me to be.”

“Is this something you honestly want to do?” Her husband asked. “We can work something out and I will be with you no matter who finds out.”

“I appreciate that baby, I really do. I love you, but yes, I want to do this. Truth be told as humiliating as this all is, I am really getting turned on by it.”

“If you are sure, then I support you baby” her husband told her.

“Just keep in mind sweet husband of mine, that I don’t think I can ever go back to being a monogamous wife after this. I have a taste for being a slut now, and there is no turning back.”

“Good, I wouldn’t want it any other way,” her husband replied. “Please keep me updated as much as you can.”

“I will baby, but they are going to be keeping my busy, so you may not hear from me often.”

“I understand my slut wife.”

“I have to shower and sleep now baby. This was only day two of the conference. Three more to go.”

The end {for now)
