[FFFFFFFMMM] Chakrasamvara’s Big Dangling Blue Balls. Balls Deep.

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To Roscoe Forthright’s great pleasure and surprise, as she is in the middle of an orgasm, sitting on his face, Kate cries out: “Thank you, Great Horned-God ! ***I want your Sacred Salty Semen in my mouth! I want your Thick Cosmic Cock, pounding my pussy from behind!***”

Roscoe said, “ I can help you with that, young lady. Please, bend over on your elbows and knees.” Kate laughed, said nothing, and changed her position to make her fanny ready for Roscoe’s modest – sized, yet gloriously enthusiastic erection. ***At this point things got hallucinogenic, even in Roscoe’s estimation of reality.*** A glowing lime-colored orb became visible, surrounding the couple on all sides.Roscoe knelt and Kate lay on a queen-size mattress, raised up by a wooden platform, in the center of Roscoe’s photography studio. The room was about twenty feet wide, and the lime-colored orb filled the room. Roscoe and Kate were positioned in the center of the orb, as the light pulsed and changed colors in a repeated, slow sequence: Lime, purple, turquoise, forest green, orange, golden yellow, shimmering silver, and dark red.

It took almost a minute for the orb to cycle through these color changes. Surprised, but not distracted, ***Roscoe continued to pump Kate from behind, gripping her soft, round fanny firmly in his strong hands. Kate exhaled small and large moans at the apex of every thrust.*** The orb was contracting around them, now only inches away from Kate’s head and Roscoe’s ass. Its texture was watery and translucent, perhaps an inch thick, and behind the first orb, a larger brighter orb appeared. The second sphere enclosed the first sphere. The second sphere also rotated through a series of colors, swirling behind the colors of the inner sphere. By now, this phenomenon became completely distracting to the lovers.

Roscoe disengaged from copulation, and both humans sat on the edge of the bed, wondering what the hell is going on. Roscoe and Kate heard a clear, male voice, in plain, unaccented English, speak the following words: “ I am Chakrasamvara. I arrive in swirling colors, as my True Form might shock and upset you. I wish to transmit One Divine Teaching. You will listen now. Pay close attention to every word. Remember every word.” Both humans sit alert in anticipation. But there is only silence and swirling colors for several minutes.

Then the voice returned. To Roscoe it sounded over-dramatic, like the deep, resonant narration of some Bollywood epics. Too manly. Exaggerated. Over-acted. Nonetheless, he pays close attention.Chakrasamvara speaks: *“Oneness is the worthy goal of your orgasms. The sacred cock and the sacred vagina exist to create the Cosmic Joy, beyond the small gates of human joy. Properly perceived, each satisfying orgasm brings you closer to God, closer to Oneness with all other humans, with all other beings, with planets, stars, galaxies, and all beings within those galaxies. To see only the small gates, to experience only the small joys, wastes many human lifetimes. Only those who look further, advance the progress of human reality. Do not waste your lifetime, filling it with small unimportant joys.*” The god stopped talking. And the double-swirling spheres faded slowing into non-existence.

Roscoe got up and went to his laptop, to Google-search: Chakrasamvara. He was glad he said nothing to piss off this particular god. Roscoe brought the laptop to Kate, to show her various high resolution images of Chakrasamvara (pronounced “Cha-kra-sum-vah-ra”.) In the traditional mandalas, Chakrasamvara sits in a proud, militant pose, firmly embracing his partner, Vajravarahi. Chakrasamvara is a powerful god (a wrathful deity or yidam) in Buddhism. ***In many traditional mandalas, Chakrasamvara’s fully erect cock is held tightly inside Vajravarahi’s vagina. Often we only see the God’s big blue balls. Chakrasamvara often appears with godly blue skin, and his consort with pink, tan or red human skin. Her breasts are large, her nipples erect. Both deities are sexually aroused, and ready for more action.*** In Tibetan Buddhist teaching, their divine sexual embrace is a metaphor for the union of great bliss and emptiness, which are one and the same essence, a Oneness, rather than a romantic couple having a good time. When looking at the detail of such mandalas, we notice the Blue God wears a garland of fifty moist human heads hangs about his neck, and he has a row of five skulls above his forehead. Clearly, this is a god no one wants to piss off.

Both Roscoe and Kate became aroused once more. Roscoe pumping Kate from behind, slapping against her ass, until he could no longer hold back. ***He pulled out, and moved to Kate’s mouth, to shoot a stream of semen onto her tongue, filling her mouth, as she moaned in full orgasmic bliss.***

[TO HELP GIRLS COME](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/ea9ddebd131fe1c363/to-help-girls-come-mp4)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mpt3nm/fffffffmmm_chakrasamvaras_big_dangling_blue_balls

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