The naughty gothic alt girl friend turns into the naughty gothic alt girlfriend

Getting back home from a long day of uniwork and a little side trip to my friends apartment before finally making my way back home. I would probably have been a bit scared walking alone back to my apartment this late but I guess the liquid courage brought me home safely. I closed the door behind me as I entered my apartment. Taking the time to untie my black platform boots, “I declare you done for the day.” I let out before stepping out of them and turning back down to my short statue of only 158cm (or 5’1feet if you prefer). Letting out a soft sigh before I head off to the bathroom to wash my hands, letting the soap cover my hands properly before washing it off. Looking in the mirror inspecting the makeup I did this morning, giving myself a soft smile before I turn the sink off and dry off my hands on a towel before heading into the apartment finding myself surprised as I find you, my now 5 month old housemate. We hadn’t really been able to talk that much, not that we saw each other much either. I usually spent 80% of my day doing uni stuff these days. I looked at you a little taken aback as I found you sitting on the couch in just a towel having gotten out of the shower probably just a few moments before I got home, but atleast long enough for you to have started playing on my old Xbox 360 in the living room.

“What are you playing?” I asked slightly offhanded as I walked over towards the open designed kitchen.

“Ugh… booo. I have beaten that game like 8 million times. Just play Minecraft like any other real adult male~ You better not have deleted any of my saves, I would have to kick you out you know.”

“Me drink? I would never…. Okay maybe just one shot… every time my friend’s phone went off… Hey it wasn’t my idea it was just the drinking game okay? speaking of which I’m thirsty.” I let out before opening the fridge and pulling out a monster energy drink.

“Yeah I’m fine… Dad~” I let out irritation when you asked if I was okay. “You like that? Me calling you daddy? Daddy~” I added with a forced fake moan as I look at you with a teasing yet drunk smile and a giggle.

“You perv, don’t pretend you don’t like being called that. I heard that girl you brought back last week. She had needs and you filled them… loudly.” I giggled thinking back at the moans and daddies I heard through the wall and hallway.

“Naw, are you blushing? OMG we have pretzels?” I let out, as I saw the bag in the kitchen cabinet getting totally distracted.

“It was a fucking wild party, you should have joined.” I let out as I walked over to the couch and slump down beside you.

“I know you don’t like David but he is supposed to be my boyfriend and you are my roommate, you are kinda supposed to get along so we can fuck right?”

“I was safe! How dare you? I didn’t drive at all.” I pause “How did I get home? Well I kinda stole that uber card in your wallet.”

“Oh… shit really? Well then I’ll take you to the airport instead. When are you doing that… that thing?”

“Oh perfect! I’ll drive you then I’m not even working that day.” 

I placed the monster on the table before bringing my hand down into the pretzel bag shoveling a few in my mouth. “Munch, munch.” I let out playfully giggling softly to myself with my mouth full.

Taking a deep breath in I pause looking over at you. “Why does it smell like weed in here? You said you had nothing left.” I gasp looking at you. “ Did you take the last of my stash?! Dude I needed that tonight! No we arent square me stealing that stupid uber card is not the same as you stealing the only hope of me feeling better about my shitty life…”

“It is shitty, you don’t know.” I let out followed by an irritated huff as I crossed my arms at you. I swallowed the last bit of prenzels before I let out a sigh.

“Well… ONE thing, these pretzels taste like garbage. For two things… I left the party early.”

“Well, I found David making out with Tamy on the fire escape, YEP”

“Ugh… fucking Tamy~” I let out under my breath before I open the monster and take a sip from it washing away the taste of the pretzels. I sit there in silence for a bit before letting out an irritated sigh.

“I hope she likes guys who push rope, because that’s what she signed up for. David haven’t given me a good fuck in like… 8 weeks. I’m like… ugh like so pent up. My body is like minesweeper and my thighs are like fucking fives right now.”

“What are you covering your ears for?! I’m not allowed to talk about my lady parts but you can sit out here freshly showered in a towel, ugh my towel! Practically flashing me with your oh so popular set up.”

“Double standards dude… not cool.”

I sit there for a moment just watching the TV as the muzzle flashes light up the room every time you fire.

“Did you really finish off my last bag?”

“Awwwww Yeahhhhh, thank you.” I let out smiling up at you as I took the bag from your hand.

“Ask me about shit.” I let out as I started making a blunt but before you could ask anything I let out. “Wait is that a weed? I’m calling the police.” I let out looking at you with my drunk smile before I brought out my black zippo to light the blunt and taking a long drag from the blunt before letting out a thick cloud of sweet relief, letting out a long sigh before taking another drag in silence.

“You know what David said the problem was?” I let out softly in a strangely sad mumble.

“He said it was how I look….” I let out looking into the deep nothingness in front of me totally spacing out hard already.

“That girls with tattoos and piercings aren’t femmenine… It’s… a turn off.”

“Turn off… more like fuck off… Whatever” I mumble mostly to myself. 

“I mean that hurt like… Like a lot… Like I kinda feel like super ugly right now but… Why did he date me in the first place if I wasnt his type?” I let out, turning towards you shifting slightly not caring much as my skirt rode up my thigh revealing a lot more than usual as I face you.

“Like I never pretended to be someone else… Why would he say he wanted a fun sized goth girl only to go for… bland, breed bitches like Tamy?”

I took another drag from the blunt letting it out into the room.

“I’m wasting my time…”

“It’s a real bummer… and now they are perfectly happy together… and you have daddy girl… Everybody got somebody…”

“Wash… tell me I’m pretty.”

“What do you mean what is that from? Did you just seriously miss a firefly reference? Oh we cant be friends anymore, pack your things and… and feel free to take that one towel cuz it’s tainted. And just leave me to wither in singledom.”

“Where did you find that girl anyway. Sir hot bod, handsome face?”

“She… she’s Jason’s little sister?!” I let out looking at you wide eyed in disbelief. “You are soooooo screwed. That was dumb, I have done some stupid things but that was next level stupid. He’s literally going to pull you limb by limb apart, like really just perform a mortal kombat finisher at you. Well it was nice knowing you… really nice… you are like super awesome. After he kills you, you can come back to haunt me if you want, I wouldn’t mind.” I let out before taking a few more pretzels into my mouth.

“I like having you around, you are just soooo nice… so nice…… I need another drink… I saw some beer in the fridge.”

“What? I’ll replace them okay? You won’t live to drink them all anyways no matter if you paid for them all… I’m just really sad you know and I don’t know how to feel better… I act tough and shit but I have a heart… I’m still just a girl who got cheated on that nobody wants… sucks…”

“I can’t believe I baughtered dressed up tonight, I even put on my best lingerie… You know? I’m sure Daddy girl wears those types. Like the blouse type material that basically doesn’t cover anything but look really cute with frills and shit…. That shit is expensive you know?”

“Wow… Why are you getting up?”

“Ugh… It’s fine… I don’t need a hug… besides the.. Um… The towel is slipping…” I chuckled to myself.

“You better adjust yourself or my virgin eyes will never be the same.” I let out jokingly.

“Unless you are trying to show me your mr.Goodbar.”

“Yeah that’s what I thought” I let out as you adjusted the towel.

“God these fishnets itch… I tend to grow tired of these babies.”

“Why do I wear them? Uhhh because they are guaranteed to make all people even a dumbsterhuman like me look at least 69% hotter. The catch is that when you take them off…” I let out as I let my hands wonder down under my skirt and pulled them down revealing the red marks from them. “You got criss cross marks all over your legs.”

“Um… eh… no they don’t hurt… you… you don’t have to rub at them or anything the marks will fade quickly on their own….” I let out with a little surprised chuckle. “But um.. Thanks anyway… I mean… you don’t have to stop~ My shoes were pretty uncomfortable so my thighs are all sore from tiptoeing up the stairs as the elevator is still out of order.”

“Your fingers are really strong… Must be all the time you spend fiddling with that controller?”

Your hand keeps working on my thigh but soon both your hands are working against my skin.

“Mmmm right there below my knee.”

“Thanks~” I let out as you worked on the spot that ached the most.

“Oh god!”

“No nothings wrong its just that well… um… is that towel a boy scout… because its pitching a tent.”

“Just here, take this pillow and put it like there” I let out, placing the pillow over the tent that had formed in your lap.

“It’s fine… I’m sorry I pointed it out… I didn’t mean to embarrass you…”

“Iii… have to admit that’s a reaction I haven’t seen in a while… it’s nic~ flattering you know?”

“That… you find me attractive… especially tonight.”

“We… we could use it… if you want… No that’s not the beer talking.” I let out with a scoff.

“I tease you for being a good looking guy because I really think you are and I can’t say that I haven’t thought about it… you and me… I mean we are living alone here… together…. Why couldn’t something happen…. For fuck sake… you wouldnt be taking advantage of me for fuck sake… no substances or poor self esteem is clouding my judgment.“

“What about David? Look I was just dating him because… Well… you were never available… I mean… you are still not… I guess… with Jason’s sister and all…”

“Just a one night stand? Are you sure?” 

“Jason… Jason really won’t like that then… but I guess that really turns out great for the two of us right now?”

“Would you like to see this lingerie that I paid way too much for?”

“Of Course it’s black…”

“But there is something different about it…” 

I stand up not even waiting for an answer as I pull down my skirt revealing the black panties, the “frame” of it made from the same blouse like fabric only folded with frills hanging out from it around my waist like a super short skirt so it wasn’t completely see through like the part “covering” my clean shaved pussy. I slowly manage to undo the leather bindings on my top to reveal a bra in the same type of frame work with frills and the same type of see through material hugging my small perky pink nipples.

“You should be plenty dry now… why don’t you loose the towel…. It’s a shame you are all squeeky clean… cus I have a feeling that we will get really dirty.”


“Hey I’m back. Did yo~ You son of a bitch… How… How could you do this to me?! How could you play the Nyakuza section without me?! There are two things you can’t do without me, what are they?”

“Uhuh, watch the boys on amazon prime and play through the Hat in time… No, I said I wanted to see all the DLC’s. Okay let me see now.” I let out as I walk over to you and sit down beside you watching the TV screen.

“Wait, you are in Tokyo but all cats and neon, that’s amazing. It’s like black velvetopia and watch dogs had a baby.”

“Ugh… I just love this game man… Almost as good as Minecraft.”

“You played any more Overwatch btw? I just love Macree, he’s soo hot… Ugh yeah a cartoon person can be hot. I just like voices okay? You probably wouldn’t understand.”

“Like certain tones just do something to me…” 

I scoff. “Me thirsty? Only on days of the week that ends with Y…”

“Anyway I’m just going to sit here and watch you play so go on.”

“Oh yeah… did you get that rent check I left on the counter? I definitely didn’t spend my money on clothes or anything…” I let out trying my best to hold back my laughter only for it to burst out.

“I’m such a piece of shit… Why do you even bother to stick around? Like how do you even put up with me?”

“Is it cuz my winning smile? Or… because I entertain you with stuff like.” my voice trails off as I gently lick your neck.

“No, no don’t stop playing…You got this I believe in you.” I let out before kissing your neck passionately. It doesn’t take long before you die.

“Oh no you died… you must suck at this game huh?”  I let out teasingly followed by a giggle. “No don’t get angry at your roommate, It’s against the contract.”

“Now keep playing, it’s easier for me to catch up now.”

“Eh… Um so I hate to ask… but what are we at this point?.” I chuckle. “ you look terrified. It’s just… you haven’t slept in your own bed for like a week now and I just want to make sure I get your expectations for this whole thing going on between us… look im super… like all for us two showering together… speaking of which… why do you take so long showers without me? Oh… I bet you are getting lost in those showerthoughts jerking off. But seriously if Jason asks why you smell like my shampoo… or ups… why I’m wearing your shirt right now… Look here are my thoughts on this… I. don’t. want. to. be. your. girlfriend. That is not a dig… there is nothing wrong with you. You are such a catch… like catch of the day. Up on a midwest dads shopwall catch okay? You’re awesome… but… I don’t want the girlfriend label right now… The idea, the implications, they hurt you know?”

“Every time I have been quote on quote girlfriend, I have been cheated on or… or well dumped. So I just have really bad association with that thing. I’m not planning to sleep with someone else! We can be informally exclusive to each other… but if I meet that voice actor guy for Mccree it’s game over for all other men. I’m kidding! Shh shh i’m still making my point. I just. I don’t want all the relationship baggage right now… I’m not strong enough… If you ended up leaving me… or did something like David did. And I’m not saying you would! Because you arent some fucking asshat. But just… I’m like some wounded animal that you picked up on the road and it’s really pathetic and it needs some time to heal… so for the time being can we just be…”

“Roommates yes,” I let out agreeing with a little nervous laugh. “But also… friends… with benefits?”

“Like still fucking… around, still hanging out, but not facebook offical for the actuall three remaining friends who actually have and uses facebook. Does that work for you? Like secret riding lessons in my room when we feel like it but out in public… we are like nothing. No strings attached.”

“But our MO will be… I’m not in love with you… you’re not in love with me… and you promise not to say anything even like that… unless its a joke to piss off our moms who hate each other and that’s the deal. The total deal right? I think that will work right.”

“We don’t steal food from the fridge, no loud noises after midnight, we occasionally… okay, very often have mind blowing sex… I mean I can do that… I can do that right now…. What you are wearing right now is nice… but I think it would look better on the floor.”

“Oh… but you are in the middle of the mission… too bad. So sad.” I let out teasing before feeling your lips against mine.

“Alright you come here and don’t hold back or I’ll leave hickies in places you can’t hide.


“Um… did you see where I threw my bra?” I let out walking into your room.

“Oh there it is, on top of your computer… oh wait thats the bra that went missing, Jesus, how much of my clothes did i leave here? Sorry about that, I’ll make sure to pick them all up before I go to this job thing with my cousin.”

“Very funny I’m sure you don’t want my trash all over the room.”

“Fuck dude you cant just say that to me with that look on your face like you adore me~”

I pause as your phone rings and you quickly dismiss the call.

“Yeah… you did not dismiss that call fast enough buddy… so Jason’s little sister still calls you? What was her name again? Ashley… yeah… right. What… ehhh, what does she want?”

“Sorry… that was a stupid question… It’s obvious what she wants. Another merry go round with daddy. I guess… I can’t blame her… like at all…”

“Why did you reject her call then?”

“Just being courteous to me?”

“How kind of you but I don’t…. I don’t care…who you hook up with, it’s none of my business, it’s not like we are actually together or anything.”

“Just don’t bring anything bad home to me…”

“Wait that sounded like such a 1950s line… i’m sorry.”

“I don’t care…”

“No I’m not repeating myself.”

“I don’t own you and you don’t own me.”

I let out a little chuckle clearing my throat.

“What is wrong with my throat… God this is your fault doing that one move… shoving…” I let out softly before taking a sip of my tea cup.

“No nothing is wrong… I’m just going to find my clothes and not be here right now.”

“What? Sometimes I just want to be alone, okay? It has nothing to do with you or that little littell prime Ashley that you are probably going to marry someday because she is perfect for you right? The right height, those curves and those adorable green eyes. And has probably her real daddy paying her rent on time…”

“Perfect wife material…” 

“Unlike yours truly.” I let out under my breath. “Like I mean who would want to marry a girl who insists on buying a black wedding dress? Like that’s weird right?”

“But I always picture myself getting married in a black wedding dress next to… Um… whatever… you should call her back… sounds like a good time…”

“Where are my fucking thong?” I let out under my breath.

“Well fuck it I’ll just move across the apartment naked… not like the neighbor hasn’t gotten an eyeful before.” I chuckle to myself.

“Stop what?”


“What do we need to talk about?”

“We said… I said. We were just friends with benefits and no strings attached.”

“Cuz I probably wasn’t going to sleep with someone else doesn’t mean that you can’t… maybe that’s the problem… I’m getting too wrapped up…” 

“I should call Jason… yes… He always said, quote, he wanted to try me out…wait never mind… No that’s fine… He was probably kidding…”

“But… why are you grabbing my hand like that?”

“I can call him If I want because we… We are nothing… We said… yes… I said… Why do you keep correcting me on that? Are you trying to say that you didn’t agree to that whole thing? Because you have been sure as hell a more than willing participant…”

“Am I jealous? Did you seriously just ask me that?

“Zero fucks me? Especially when it comes down to zero fucks like plastic dolls like Ashley and Tamy…”

“You better get your head back on straight boy… If you think that I would be jealous of you…”

“I’m not crying… It’s just this new eyeliner… It’s just not vegan cruelty free as I’m a leach who can’t even pay rent this month remember? I just put too much on and now it’s just attacking my eyes or something… I don’t cry over you… I don’t ever… It’s not like I have these grand ideas of actually being with you walking down the street holding hands and seeing the face of our mothers when we told them we were dating and how they would kill us. Or how I want to have your dumb face as the background on my phone… or… knowing that you were… mine…”

“Those things are stupid… because this is what I wanted… I wanted to be free and never be tied down to anyone who would hurt me again.”

“No one can hurt me if I don’t care.”

“So I don’t care”

“Sleep with Ashley, it’s not my business.

“I’m strong enough, I can give myself all the love I need.”

“You always look at me like that… Why?”

“Are you pitying me? Your eyes get all big and you get that all concerned look on your face… Like you are zeroing in on me and I’m the only girl that exists and the only one you care about.”

“Fuck… Jesus, projecting much…” I mumble underneath my breath.

“What? What are you? What do you mean that’s what that look means.”

“Hey… We promised not to say gushy stuff remember? You know rules are rules and… To make us happy…..”

“But you’re right… I’m not happy like this…”

“I don’t understand”

“This is what… modern women are supposed to do… be empowered and shit, just use a guy to get off and move on. Not get tied down with feelings and shit.”

“I have never been like a girly girl… but why does being with you make me all giddy?”

“Why do you make me smile?”

“Why does being in your arms knowing you’re the only person I have slept with in months make me feel like this… soft little butterfly.”

“Like if i’m choosing you i’m not losing anything…”

“I’m supposed to be hard, a goth bitch with a stiff upper lip… but with you I just feel like I’m going to melt…”

“Like what am I supposed to do, dude?”

“Tell me what to do…”

“Be yours?”

“Be your girlfriend?”

“It’s not that simple… there has to be… be yours? Just like that and we are just this traditional thing like anyone else and then down the line you get tired of me and just toss me to the side… Like anyone else?”

“I… I won’t survive that… not if it’s you.”

“We have been friends for so long, we live togheter for fuck sake… If I loose you… I loose everything…”

“I know… I’m just not good at all of this… I just don’t want to be here crying in your room.”

“No, I don’t really think you would do bad stuff to me like that… Literally the best person I know… I wouldn’t just fall in love with anyone~ Shit!”

“Oh… No… that’s not what I meant… obviously… see now i’m just saying words.”


“What did you want to show me?”


“Well okay what do you want me to see on your phone?”

“A text from Ashley? Seriously right now? You want me to read that… Okay, you know fine.”

“I heard that you are Dating Mia now, Jason said you were super excited about it and I think that’s amazingly cute! I’m just calling to see if you are interested in a double date with Brad and I, so let me know OwO xoxoxoxoxox”

“She is dating someone named Brad… Oh god…”

“Wait… What the fuck! You told Jason that! You really did!?”

“Wait… you were excited about it… that’s soo sweet… I mean Im so pissed… it like totally ruins my street cred… bro…”

“But I mean… you are excited about… well little ol me…”

“I’m exited about you too… okay?”

“I really like you too… you know… like a lot…”

“Yes I know I said something stronger a moment ago just give me time…”

“Now… that I’m… your girlfriend like officially and stuff and we will be… together… we can say all sorts of stupid stuff in private. You know?” 

“Alright my little pookybear… that doesn’t work for you… what about squishy muffing… I’m kidding okay.”

“Just know If I find out you’re cheating on me I’ll cut your balls off and make you eat them. Yeah. okay cuz im so over that shit.”

“I mean… I till have some time before I have to go in so we should have like a super stupid cute icecreem date or something? Oh you wanna go over to that place that sells waffle cones?”

“YES! Okay let’s walk over there… I’m… I’m not going to ask you to hold hands… I’m just not going to put mine in my pockets.Like i usually do so if you happen to grab it, I wont take that away from you…”

“But seriously did you see where I threw my bra?”



  1. I really enjoyed this. It captures the stream of consciousness as someone falls really well.

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