The Starjumper Chronicle – Ch 8 (OC, Star Wars, Ahsoka, Shower Sex, Rough)

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**Alright, onto the chapter :)**

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**Chapter Start**Kiiran slowly rose up from the bed. His body was slick with cum and sweat from his recent intense bout of carnal play. As he ascended from the bedchamber, he was careful not to wake up the exhausted bodies of Mara, Ahsoka and Nova. When the operation that had fully integrated his mind with the ship’s systems with his body had ended, he had been infused with an immense source of power. With this surge of energy, he had laid claim to Nova and then to the rest of the girls after finishing off the blonde. The process had gone on till the end of the day and into the following morning as Kiiran constantly slammed his cock into mouths, pussies, and asses before finally running out of fuel. Oddly enough he could already feel the energy building up within his veins, but it would be some time before he’d be at the level he was after the operation.

When he arrived in the cockpit, he did a quick check on their progress. They were on schedule to return to Mara’s home galaxy and time period but as he settled into the captain’s chair, he couldn’t but feel something was off. His hands reached out and he input a string of commands as he did a sensor sweep of the area. As his eyes scanned over the results, he suddenly felt his head start to spin. He fell forward and only kept his head from banging off the console by reaching out with his hands to stop. Even then his head continued to feel like it was being drummed on by a hundred different hammers. His mind was swarmed with a hazy white light as he felt his mind leaving his body. Through the haziness he just managed to see various images forming before him. Most were just flashes but one set started to resolve into something more distinguished.

Kiiran watched as suddenly the images became a woman standing fierce and defiant before him. Her skin glowed the shade of a warm emerald gem and her hair was black as night. The Starjumper watched as she reached a hand out towards him and Kiiran felt his own body forming around him. He reached out his head and felt a powerful surge of warmth when their flesh connected. While their hands remained connected Kiiran watched as the green woman’s clothing dissolved from her form, exposing her full breasts and sex to him. Kiiran reached out to grab onto her body with his other hand when suddenly a large dark specter appeared and grabbed the green girl in its mighty grip.

The girl screamed and was jerked away from Kiiran and then he felt himself falling. As he fell, he saw a field of stars as he was lost in his descent, he watched the stars start to blast each other. One star cut through the field of war and a group of others followed after it. Eventually the Starjumper noticed that the stars following the one star were actually Hunter ships. Before he could do anything, he found himself on the bridge of the Qonavis. He realized he wasn’t in the command chair, instead a dark finger was in command and when he noticed Kiiran he rose up from the chair, raised a weapon and blasted the Starjumper apart.

“What?!!” Kiiran shouted out as he awoke. He found himself in his chair with Ahsoka nearby. She gave him a warm smile and a fierce hug as she held her body to him. The Togruta was wearing a skimpy black one piece and the Starjumper could feel her nipples rubbing against his own bare skin as she comforted him. Kiiran almost swore that she had tears in her eyes when she pulled back a bit.

“What happened Ahsoka? Is everything all right?” He asked quickly as his hands rubbed over her shoulders.

“Yes… now at least Starguy. IP came to me saying you were in a coma. When I came, we couldn’t even get you out of the chair. You were locked in place, like you were in some kind of a trance.” As if by the mention alone IP appeared floating around the Togruta’s shoulder.

“I am so glad that you are feeling better my Master. The ship is secure but oddly enough it appears as though you set some coordinates before you …. Well before whatever happened. Do you remember anything?”

Kiiran shook his head at first but when he rested his hand against his temple some of the vision returned. He still didn’t remember setting any coordinates, but he recalled fragments of the vision. “I saw…. a girl and someone else. Someone surrounded by darkness and death. But there was someone else. I think he was one of the Hunters.” Kiiran turned around and looked over at the coordinates. They didn’t stand out to him in any way but in the back of his mind Kiiran knew that they were not headed home yet, and that those coordinates had to be important. He turned to Ahsoka and then opened up the main com channel and sent out a message throughout the entire ship.

“Mara, Nova listen up. I think we’re headed for trouble. Estimated time to arrival is an hour. I need you ready and geared up by then. Kiiran out.” The Star-Jumper said before he rose up and looked over his body. His form was bare except for a simple pair of undershorts that hung loosely around his knees. He was still quite sweaty, and he knew he probably reeked of sex. Slowly he turned to the Togruta and gave her a smile.

“I don’t think I should go into battle smelling as I do.” He moved and around her back and gave her ass a playful squeeze.

“Come join me for a rinse.”

“You’re impossible Starjumper.” Ahsoka said before giving him a warm passionate kiss before she pulled him out of the room by his arm. When the two returned to their main bedchamber, Ahsoka had already pulled her arms and body free of her little nighty. Kiiran watched as she giggled with playfulness before she pulled down the rest of the garment and exposed her tight orange pussy. It still glistened with cum from the last time he had been inside of her and when Ahsoka noticed him looking down she smiled and closed her eyes sexily as she inched her fingers down and parted her sweet lips.

“See something you like naughty man?” She asked before she laughed and turned around to skip into the refresher. Kiiran grinned and moved after her as he removed his pants and then entered into the refresher.

Ahsoka was already inside of the shower. The nude Togruta pressed her full breasts to the shower door so that her entire body was smooshed up against the class. Water drizzled over some parts of her body as she moaned out and squeezed her fingers in between the glass and her flesh till she was playing with her pussy once again.

“Mmmmmmhmmm… I’m getting so hot….” She said quietly against the pouring of hot water as Kiiran opened the door and stepped in. The Togruta smiled and immediately pressed her warm wet body up against his. He could already his length stirring as her flesh rubbed against his. The human’s hands slowly crawled down the Togruta’s supple ass and squeezed her right where her smooth full cheeks met her legs. The movement caused her pussy to rub against his hardening cock that much more and soon enough he was fully extended and rubbing even more intimately against her orange folds.

Ahsoka smiled and looked up at him before she grabbed a hold of his cock and then closed her eyes as she teased him and herself with his hard manflesh. She nudged his crown up and down over her labia occasionally pushing apart the taunt curtains of her sex even as he felt his own inner warmth rising higher and higher. Kiiran grinned and then leaned in gently and nibbled on the flesh of her neck while he reached his hand down and poked at her tight little asshole. This caused Ahsoka to gasp out as she had only recently been shown the pleasures of anal sex.

“Kiir… I’m still sensitive there… Hehe…” She said as her eyes looked up at him.

He grinned and nodded before he pulled her off of his body and then spun her around. He moved her back on his cock roughly and started squeezing her full breasts as he leaned in close. “I know Ahsoka…I just wanted to stop the foreplay. If we had more time, I’d let you tease me for days but since we’re in a rush… well there’s no time to waist.” The Star-Jumper said before he grabbed a hold of his cock with one hand and parted her pretty tight nether lips with the other. Ahsoka cooed before moaning out right as the Starjumper thrust his entire length deep inside of her tight little pussy.

“Niagghh… so rough… but it’s so fucking big….” Ahsoka cried out as Kiiran continued thrusting hard inside of her body. Soon enough as the two fucked the sound of the shower was being completely overridden by the clamor of their bodies rocking hard against one another. When Kiiran started feeling Ahsoka’s pussy tightening up around his cock he reached the underside of her legs and whispered to her to spread her arms. She nodded when she realized his intent, but her mouth never stopped opening with the occasional pleasure filled scream before Kiiran suddenly lifted her up. With a firm grip on her legs the Star-Jumper lifted her feet off the ground and pulled her legs open wide as his full hard cock continued pounding away inside of her as her hands grasped the side of the shoulder. She managed to hold on barely with one hand when she found the recess for shower products but by then it hardly mattered as her entire body was being routinely shaken by Kiiran’s rough thrusting. The Togruta girl loved every inch of it and eventually she used her free hand to play more with her clit before she started to cum.

Kiiran felt the rush of warm wetness exploding out of her pussy before he himself started to cum. Growling with the outpouring of bliss he buried his mouth against Ahsoka’s shoulder as he came. His seed rushed out to fill her every inch while his hips continued to pull back and then rush up forward to slam his cock up inside of her as they both came. When they finally relaxed Kiiran could feel Ahsoka’s inner muscles nuzzling his hard cock up until the moment he pulled himself free of her aching pussy. He set her feet down gently and then reached around to squeeze her breast. As he did the Starjumper managed to kiss her lips when she turned back to face him. Soon enough the two untangled themselves and set to actually cleaning off before they left the shower and geared up for the mission ahead of them.

Kiiran strode back into the cockpit with a brisk pace. His vestments now included a shiny suit of banded black armor with dark green accents at the shoulder, stomach, and hip. A heavy repeating blaster pistol was holstered on his right hip while a sharp vibroblade was set across his back. With the shaggy that had formed from being on the run so much growing a day fuller the Star-Jumper looked every bit like a pirate of old as he strode onto the control room of his vessel. As he stood there for a moment Kiiran let his hand wonder over his jaw and realized that it would have to go, it didn’t fit his new sense of energy and purpose.

As he looked around, he saw the girls were waiting for him. They were all dressed in outfits of the same material as his, but the cut of their outfits was quite revealing as far as their waists, hips, breasts, and shoulders were considered. After giving them each a warm smile he settles into the command chair. When the space outside the cockpit reverted to real space everything seemed quite for a few peaceful moments before the sensor unit squawked in alarm.

“Master 3 ships about 1000 kilometers out.”

“I see them IP.” Kiiran said. His mind was not permanently linked to the ship’s systems and when he concentrated hard enough it felt like the entire ship formed a powerful suit of armor around him. He saw two ships striding back and forth behind one ship as they prowled through the blanket of stars. Periodically the following ships fired away with heavy weapons at the oval ship flying ahead of them. Its stubby wings waved up and down as it banked; trying to avoid the fire of the predatory ships behind it. Taking direct control of his ship he pushed more power to the engines strictly by mental command alone. IP looked back and forth from his newest master to the control console as the distance between the larger ship and the 3 smaller ships started to dwindle.

“IP I want you to take over the main guns while I pilot. I’m not going to take any chances. Open fire on the tailing ships as soon as we get in range.”

“Are you sure we should be joining into another conflict Master? We don’t even know whose firing at who?”

“Check the scans again. The ship getting blasted only has one heat signature and I’ve got a feeling that who I’m looking for. Now blast them!” Kiiran ordered the droid as he pulled the ship off to the right and then back towards the enemy pair. Looking out not through his eyes but through the ship’s forward sensors he angled the ship in and allowed IP a firing path on the closest pursuing ship. The heavy cannons stirred awake and unleashed a punishing onslaught of plasma fire at the ship that Kiiran was aiming for. The lances of energy hit the wings of the enemy craft. He noticed a flash of shields on the ship before IP fired with another volley. The heavy discharges rent through the exterior of the ship. Under the continued assault the ship splintered and broke apart. The other ship peeled away from tracking the damaged fighter in front of it and went off on a direct path for the Qonavis.

Seeing the incoming fighter angling right for him Kiiran almost winced as the starfighter opened fire. The enemy starship didn’t last long enough to threaten him much as it was suddenly reduced to a spinning fireball before it dissolved right before Kiiran’s eyes. As he blinked and started to unfocus his connection to the ship’s systems he slowly took a deep breath when he was completely withdrawn. Slowly he turned towards the girls and IP and noticed that his forehead was covered in sweat. ‘Perhaps connecting for the first time in the middle of a battle wasn’t a good idea.’ Kiiran thought as he gently ran his fingers over his forehead and relaxed for a moment before finally standing up. “Don’t think I’ll be doing that again anytime soon. IP where is the other ship.”

“It appears that they’re waiting patiently for us, Master. Actually, they’ve just sent out a hail. I can put it up on the main screen if you’d like.” The ball droid said at it floated before the main console of the Qonavis. Kiiran spent about a moment more to recover before he nodded to the droid and straightened himself up as he looked at the main screen. Ahsoka, Mara, and Nova took their places behind him. Slowly he turned around and looked to the three companions of his.

“Why don’t you just let me do the talking.” When the screen turned on, he saw the green girl from his vision. It looked like her ship had taken some severe damage during engagement. Behind her he saw something seem to pop before a shower of sparks covered the floor of her vessel.

“Greetings. My name is Kiiran Sorar. Most people know me as the Starjumper, and I promise you that I am a friend and pose no threat to you.” Kiiran said as he held his hands clasped together hoping that he didn’t appear to be looking for any trouble with the mysterious green woman.

“Quite the introduction, the names Gamora. You have my thanks for the assistance. You’ve got quite a ship there; unlike anything I’ve ever encountered. Who made it? Humans? Skrull? Atlantean?”

“It’s a one of kind design actually.” Kiiran said before his eyes turned over to IP for a moment as if to quietly ask what the blazes a Skrull or Atlantean was. “Who was that you were attacking you Gamora?”

“Those men… well they work for my… Well let’s just say former employer. For a long time now I’ve been on the run from Thanos and his agents. Keeps things interesting.”

“I see. Well, if you don’t mind, I actually have a proposal for your Gamora. And it appears that your ship needs some repairs. My droid will be happy to assist in any way he can.”

“I will?” IP piped in from Kiiran’s right side. The Starjumper quickly turned over and gave the droid a scowl before he realized Gamora was still talking.

“Droid?” Gamora asked before Kiiran quickly turned back towards the screen.

“Yes robot, artificial intelligence. Anyhow you should come aboard, and we can talk then.” He offered though he could feel Mara and Nova inching up closer behind him. What are they doing?

“Very well… Starjumper. I’ll move my ship into position at one of your airlocks. See you soon.” Kiiran nodded and then rose up out of his chair after the vid screen went dark. When he turned back around, he found himself looking at two angry looking girls. Both Nova and Mara had their hands crossed over their breasts as they looked at the Starjumper.

“What? What’d I do?”


Thanks for reading. That’s the end of this story for now. If enough people like it, I might do more.

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