[F]riend from High School gave [M]e a special birthday present

During my first year at community college I was still living at home and partying on nights and weekends with my friends from high school. I had been texting a lot with this one girl named Allie who was a part of our friends group.

Allie was kind of quiet in group situations. She was never the “it” girl of the group. She was good friends with the girl who got the lead roles in the school play and all the solos in choir. We were friends all through high school. Allie had long light brown hair and she had always been skinny. Sometime between junior and senior year she hit the genetic lottery and low key developed what my guy friends and I had agreed was likely to be one of the hottest bodies of all the girls we knew, though none of us had concrete proof.

We had been flirting a lot over texts. I let slip that the guys in our group had all agreed that we suspected she had the hottest body of all the girls we knew. She laughed it off and told me to shut up. I insisted it was true and that we all suspected her boobs were perfect.

“I am self conscious about my boobs,” she admitted.

“What is to be self conscious about? I’d kill to see them,” I insisted.

“Sure you would, you perv!” she replied.

“I’d be happy to give you a second opinion on them ?” I offered.

“Lol, maybe someday ?,” Allie’s teasing alone got me super turned on.

“I dare you to send me a pic,” I said, hoping.

The next thing I knew I had received a pic on my phone. She had pulled her tank top down to accentuate her cleavage. She was smiling with her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth.

“That’s all you get,” she added.

“Ugh no fair! You are such a tease!” I said in frustration.

“Maybe a little. Be happy with what you get ?” she answered.

A few weeks went by and we continued flirting via text. She was waiting tables most weekend nights and we would text throughout her shifts. The week of my birthday a bunch of us were planning on hanging out.

“So what do you want for your birthday?” she texted.

“To never have to go to class again,” I whined.

“Well I can’t help you with that, silly!” she answered.

“A million dollars?” I replied.

“If I had a million dollars I wouldn’t be waiting tables right now. That’s for damn sure!” she shot back.

“Ok I’ll settle for you flashing me your boobs ?” I said.

“Yeah I bet you would, perv ?” she said.

“I mean, you ASKED. I’d happily settle for a million bucks ?” I texted back.

“Well, I mean, you’re going to have to choose, a million bucks or seeing my boobs ?‍♀️” she replied.

“Boobs! I choose boobs!” I immediately shot back at her.

“Omg, you’re SUCH a dork!” she answered.

“I mean isn’t it a little flattering that I’d choose your boobs over a million dollars?” I asked

“Maybe a little…” she replied shyly.

“Well it’s settled then!” I insisted.

“Hmm maybe. We’ll see,” she said.

Fast forward to the night of my birthday a bunch of friends and I are congregating in the driveway outside my house. It’s about 11pm and I get a call from Allie. Allie had just gotten her first car and this was before everyone had gps on their phones. She had just left work and was on her way to meet up with us and had gotten lost a few neighborhoods over from where we were. I told her to sit tight and that I would walk to her ride back to my house with her.

I stayed on the phone with her while I walked to her.

“Thanks for coming to get me,” she said.

“This will be a good opportunity for you to give me my birthday present,” I teased.

“Uh huh, suuuure,” she said dismissively.

I turned a corner and saw her car sitting at a stop sign a few yards ahead.

“I see you,” I said as I waved.

“There you are! Ok hanging up now,” she said as she leaned over to unlock her passenger side door.

I got in her car and gave her a hug.

“Ok I’m ready for my present whenever you are,” I said as I turned the overhead light on.

“Ugh you have a one track mind!” she feigned annoyance.

“I mean, you promised,” I replied.

“I never promised you anything,” she shot back.

“But… it’s my birthday,” I said pitifully.

Allie rolled her eyes, “fine.”

I felt a sudden rush. I didn’t think she would actually do it. Allie lifted her work polo shirt exposing her bra.

“Happy?” she asked.

“Almost…” I answered.

“Greedy… Tell anyone and I’ll kill you,” she threatened.

“I won’t,” I insisted.

She stared at me for a second before she reached behind her back, unsnapped her bra, and pulled her straps down her shoulders. I felt a crazy rush through my body when she let her bra fall away. Allie’s boobs were more incredible than I could have imagined. They were full and round with pale pink, ghostly nipples, stiff with excitement. You almost couldn’t tell where her areola ended, they blended so close with the rest of her skin. I honestly don’t know why she wore a bra, her boobs were so perky they didn’t even drop when she took it off.

Allie watched my face as I stared in awe.

“Good lord! How could you be self conscious about those?!” I asked.

“I don’t know! I just am!” she said defensively.

“In all seriousness, they are fucking perfect. Don’t ever feel self conscious. You literally have the nicest boobs I’ve ever seen,” I insisted.

“Oh shut up! You’re so full of it,” she replied.

“I’m serious!” I said emphatically

“Mhmm sure,” she dismissed.

Not to make it weird but I’m, like, super hard right now,” I told her.

“No you are not!” she said incredulously.

“You think I’m lying? I’ll show you if you don’t want to believe me,” I insisted.

“For real?” she asked.

“Dead serious,” I answered.

“Ok. Show me,” she replied.

I sat back in my seat, unzipped my fly, and pulled out my dick.

“Oh wow. You weren’t kidding!” she said as she stared.

“I told you! Do you want to touch it?” I offered.

“Just for a second,” she answered as she reached over and took my cock in her hand.

Without prompting she started to stroke me. I started to squirm and tense up and she seemed to like that reaction.

“You ok over there?” she asked teasingly.

“Oh I’m just fine,” I answered breathlessly, “You can’t just tease me like that.”

“Oh yeah? What do you want me to do?” she asked.

“Do you want to give me a little head?” I suggested.

She considered for a moment, “Hmm… maybe just a little.”

My heart was racing with anticipation. Allie adjusted in her seat, tossed her hair over her shoulder, leaned forward and took my rock hard cock into her mouth. The wet warmth of her mouth was incredible. I flexed in my seat as she bobbed up and down for about 20 seconds.

“Oh shit. Allie, I’m gonna cum,” I warned her.

“Nope, there will be none of that,” she said as she abruptly stopped sucking my dick.

“What?! Omg I was so close,” I said in frustration.

“You’ve had your fun. That’s all you get,” she said firmly.

I was stunned. I didn’t know what to say. She just stopped cold right as I was about to cum. She started gathering up her bra.

I was frantically thinking of what to do or say and all I could think of to say was, “Wait. Can I at least touch them?”

She paused for a moment, “Ok fine.”

She watched me as I leaned over and fondled her perfect boobs, my dick still wet from her sucking me. She seemed to enjoy the horny mess she had made of me.

“Ok, show’s over,” she said after a few moments of groping.

“Ugh. You are SO mean,” I complained.

“I know. I’m the worst!” she teased.

“Ok well… say goodbye,” I said as I stuffed my stiff cock back inside my jeans.

“Bye bye!” she said, giving a playful wave.

Allie put her shirt back on and we drove back to my house. I never told anyone. I don’t know if she told anyone. I tried to get her to finish what she started but it never happened. She ended up meeting some guy and getting married super young and we just drifted apart.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mpgp4k/friend_from_high_school_gave_me_a_special


  1. This is kind of cringey that you keep persisting and asking her to do things, then whining when she doesn’t do it. It’s a no from me dawg.

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