Blackmail 14 – Counter Offer (F, blackmail, fiction)


I sat there panting as I screamed my exclamation at my last *demand* as I listed my counter offer with *Mr Interested* aka Josef Hartman.

I looked at Josef who looked at me wide eyed.

I had just listed my counter offer as I wanted my *pay* to be an even $25k a week.

No more teasing me around **my** work especially around people who see me from my day job including if I’m at the gym. Frankly the gym is a must for me not for my *admirer* to tease me and mess up my focus to keep my body in shape plus there’s quite a few female students who frequent the gym I go to. Case in point Amia Woolley.

Though I dared not admit that the bastard did increase my focus….and form adding a level of difficulty as I tried to lift weights while the asshole turned on multiple devices hitting most of my turn on zones.

So that rule I might break again but he doesn’t need to know that.

But seriously I don’t want to get caught by anyone from my DAY life.

And seeing how my *admirer* wanted to *control* me for so long for so much money I thought it was apt that I meet my *admirer* **face to face** not through a phone or over video chat. As well at least a weekly fucking from my *admirer* as I stated or I’ll go fucking nuts.

I made this point very crucial to me meeting my *admirer* aka my *controller* aka my *tormenter* face to face. As well as having sex at least weekly was a BIG thing for me.

As I blurted out my final and last **DEMAND**…..ok I might have done more than **BLURTED** out my last demand.

Ok I practically yelled it at the top of my lungs.

The initial shock wore off on Josef as I added my last demand.

Josef smiled at me, “Well that was unexpected.”

He grabbed his phone, “And I think we can accommodate your last demand.”

I smiled suddenly excited at having a person of power being controlled by me after having my *admirer* control me for the short period they had been controlling me.


It was refreshing to finally control someone’s fucking orgasm instead of having my orgasm controlled.

I watched him type into his phone obviously texting my *admirer* my list of **demands**.

He put down his phone and looked at me, “Now we wait.”

I smiled at him coyly, “So you going to grant me my last *demand*?”

He smiled and held up his hand as his phone chimed rather quickly.

He picked up his phone and read the message as I stared at his bulge and started to lick my lips.


It’s been a minute since I’ve had dick…..ok!!!

Josef read the text for a few seconds before looking at me with a smirk, “Looks like my client, your *admirer*, really likes you.”

I looked at Josef quizzically, “Oh?”

Josef nodded, “Looks like my client is willing to agree but has some addendums to your demands.”

I sighed.

Of course my *admirer* wouldn’t fully agree to **ALL** my demands.

Josef took my sigh as my acceptance to continue, “My client feels that your request for $25k a week is acceptable for now. But seeing how you’re asking for more money the whole not teasing or controlling your actions will be whenever they feel like it but they have promised to make sure your * ahem * day job is safe and will actively help protect it.”

Of course my *admirer* would change up my demand of NOT controlling me during important times like me being at work for my DAY job or at the gym or any location where someone from my DAY job could recognize me.

At least whoever they were they were willing to help protect me.

So at least that’s a plus…..I guess.

I leaned forward trying to remain focused on the topic at hand but Josef’s bulge and my horniness was making it difficult to remain focused.

If the scrumptious man pulled out his cock I would agree to ANYTHING the man laid out just so I can feel it in my mouth…..and in between my legs.

I’m kind of glad he didn’t.

I spoke, “What about me meeting your client face to face?”

Josef smiled, “They say soon you’ll be meeting my client face to face. Apparently they have some plans for your face to face meeting that they want to be special.”

I growled, “No!!! If I’m going to do everything your client wants I demand I meet them tonight or no deal.”

Josef sighed, “You sure you want this?”

I looked at him defiantly, “Look here buster if I’m going to let your client *control* and *tease* me to no end. I want to meet them tonight before I even hand in my resignation letter to the asshat that runs this establishment.”

I looked at the camera hiding in the VIP room, “Yes you heard that right.”

I returned my attention to Josef and pointed at him, “And I will have a cock in me. Whether it be you or your client that will be happening as well.”

Josef looked at me in disbelief but recovered quickly before he nodded, “I understand.”

He quickly typed on his cell before setting it in his lap.

He looked down at his empty glass and looked at me, “Any way I can get a refill?”

I looked at the time we had remaining in our room finding that we had eaten up the majority of the time as we haggled my price to be exclusive to my *admirer* leaving us with a remaining time of 27 minutes. And the way things were going it looks like we will definitely be going over OUR hour. I spoke, “Our time is nearly up and I doubt we’ll be concluded with the remaining 27 minutes.”

Josef laughed, “You’re probably right.” He looked at the time and spoke, “How much more time do you think we need?”

I shrugged, “That’s up to you and your client,” I eyed his bulge, “and let’s not forget your buddy for my last demand.”

Josef semi blushed but quickly laughed, “You’re right.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled the same wad of cash he had used to pay me and flipped out another $3,000 before he set it down next to his empty glass as he smiled his dazzling smile letting it twinkle his eyes at me, “This should cover my refill.”

FUCK his weapons causing my damn pussy to leak more.

I really need to get over my fascination of being turned on by power.

Still I nodded as I picked up the cash and empty glass.

I walked over to the door counting out four Benjamin’s and opened the door to quickly find a burly giant of a man and handing the giant the four bills and the empty glass, “My VIP would like to extend his room for another hour and would like a refill with Macallan 18 year single malt two fingers with one cube.”

The giant, otherwise known as Josh, who stalked the VIP rooms who’s specific job was to ‘protect’ the girls who are in the VIP rooms with VIP clients and would come in to break up any disputes or stay in the room if the girl doesn’t feel safe with her sucker.  Josh and his other colleague Ed would keep us girls safe.  They of course would take any money that we hand them if the room needs to be extended like now as they would take the money to the owner’s box at the bar on the VIP floor and get any refreshments that we request.

Usually the money that gets handed over for the VIP usually covers the room as ‘rent’ but it also covers ‘some’ drinks like a couple glasses of alcohol but the moment any clients requests expensive alcohol that either comes from our price or the client pays more for said alcohol privileges.  But a glass or two of top shelf alcohol is usually included.

If I planned on getting my inner organs rearranged by a client I usually either make the client fork over another $200 and tell them it’s an extra ‘privilege’ for what was about to happen.  Something which I have never done.  If the client is REALLY scrumptious that I REALLY want to have fun with depending on how much they drop I usually hand them my *affection* services card and tell them if they want REAL fun they can request my services for guaranteed fun….of course they’re paying again.

Other girls like Angel and a few others notoriously use the VIP room as a fuck room by paying the extra $200 for their usage….mainly the extra usage was so that Josh or Ed can clean out the room after they’re done using the room before it could be re-used by another VIP.  Something I have never done.

Ok I might have let occasional slippage just so I could bait the *sucker*….I mean VIP to extend their time in the hopes that it might happen again or get them to finish the *slippage* but I never finish the job.  Yes I tease myself to no end but I’m focused on the money not on the actual act.

I have other avenue’s to scratch my lower itch so the occasional teasing at the club was no big deal.  Granted I’m careful how often I tease myself before I can’t go anymore.

If the client can afford my *affections* is when I slip the card but I can handle a little tip penetration here and there without going too crazy to where I can’t go any longer before I am foaming at the mouth and want an eventual finish.  But after my short time with my *admirer* I was beyond foaming at the mouth.

If the end of my time with Josef does get the *BIG BANG* I’m looking for I’ll just slip Josh another three bills.  Two for the cleanup and one as my goodbye to them.  Hell I might slip Josh and Ed each a benjamin.  They have ALWAYS escorted us girls to our cars at the end of the night to help keep us safe which usually each of us hand them at least $20 if not $50, depending on how much money rains down on us, as a thank you for the protection escort.  Usually when they escort me to my car if my night is good, which it usually is, I usually slip them a benjamin…..if I have a good night that is.

I know us girls rake in a ridiculous amount of money but so do the drink carriers, bartenders, DJ and bouncers.  But if you were to rate the level of cash flow that funnels through any club it usually goes *talent* then bouncer next mainly because if they escort any girl to their car the girl will usually tip the bouncer for the exclusive escort and can easily make a shit ton of money between escorting girls and accepting bribes from desperate idiots wanting to get in.  
I know for a FACT Josh by himself between VIP protection which the boss pays him $45/hr plus when he escorts us girls he usually nets over $600 with the tips that the girls give him for the protection walk to their car.

I shook my head as Josh walked off after nodding to me for my *extension* only to return a few moments later with a filled glass and waited for an *ok* look from me.  I, or course, winked and smiled at him, “Thanks Josh,” which was my confirmation that everything was fine.  The moment I added, “DOLL” or “SWEETIE” it was Josh’s formal notice that I needed help.

Something we worked out A LONG time ago.  If I used his name he knew everything was ok for me that I could easily handle myself.  The moment he heard any of those key words he would offer if I needed company loud enough to scare the VIP to remind them that any damage to the club’s talent could result in harm or possible jail time.  Once Josh saw the look in the VIP’s eyes I would add either “SWEETIE PIE” that was the cue that he needed to bounce the idiot.

We, or course, did this with the door open when we extended any time or needed help.

The moment any VIP door opened usually either Josh or Ed were quickly found.  They were good like that.  And complete sweethearts, though they were big behemoths that would scare any person.

Josh nodded to me and added, “If you need anything Mary, just let me know.”

I smiled, “Thanks Josh I think we’re good.”

Josh relaxed upon hearing his name and simply nodded before walking off.

I closed the door and looked at Josef who was relaxed on the sofa upon seeing the entire ‘display’ and looked at the door though I could tell he wasn’t worried, “Jesus he’s big.”

I smiled, “Yeah but he’s a sweetheart.”

Josef laughed at me calling him a sweetheart, “Yeah but I don’t think ‘sweetheart’ will like me very much after tonight.”

I shrugged, “I doubt that.”

I walked up and offered the glass to Josef.

Josef smiled and grabbed the glass before he held up his phone.  He took a sip before speaking, “My client says he is currently unable to meet tonight as he is otherwise busy with other matters.  But they say soon they will make a date where you can meet them.”


At least that told me something about my *admirer* but I was otherwise focused on something.

Still I sighed, “Fine if I accept they are willing to meet me so I can meet them face to face.”

Josef nodded.  I looked at him, “And when will that be?”

He looked at his phone one last time before looking at me, “They didn’t say.”

I looked at them, “Find out.”

He nodded and typed in my inquiry.

He waited before his phone chimed and he quickly read the text before he read it out loud, “They just said soon.”

I growled but finally spoke, “Fine as long as they promise that they are willing to meet along with making sure my DAY job is safe with my pay I guess that will be good enough.  Tell your client I accept.”

Josef nodded and typed in my reply.

I smiled and walked up to Josef and knelt down in between his legs.

I cooed, “Now for my last demand.”

Josef smiled as he set down his phone as I unzipped his nice suit pants and reached in to retrieve my last *demand *.

[Part 13](

[Master List](



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