Step Sister Corruption Part 106 – Day 71 The Wicked Witch Pt. 1 (fiction, M/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I sat at the dining table in Gabe and Kelly’s house, for how much I’m here might as well be added to the listing that I live here as well. At least I don’t have to pay rent, just chip in for food. And a fuck ton better than living under my parent’s strict and shitty roof.

Still it would be nice to have a room to call my own but Kelly and Gabe had been so nice to let me live with them in their new house. Kelly shares her closet space with me and Gabe shares his bed with me. The extra curricular activities are a nice plus.

And for a long time I don’t know how long since college started I had a morning to myself. No fun filled lessons with Gabe or Kelly. No training my pet, though I should arrange another exercise for her. No drama with the whole experiment and us agreeing to be lab rats. Just me and my tea….at least until 3pm when I had to be at work until midnight which means I’m there until 1am doing paperwork for the night.

Unfortunately instead of spending my morning draining Gabe and playing with Kelly, I’m waiting on the wicked witch of the west to show up. Or as she calls herself Sabrina.

A few nights back I may have scared the poor girl but in my defense it was justified because she was a being a major bitch if not a major C-U-N-T. And I felt better laying into the girl’s attitude in the brief conversation I had with her. The extra bonus was taking out my extra frustration on Gabe….or was he taking out his frustration out on me? Either way it was amazing.

Still can’t believe he soiled his mom again. Guess she had been very suggestive and hard to ignore.

After hearing the entire night that I missed as I was dealing with the bitch I was kind of intrigued wishing I was a fly on the wall when it happened instead of being called a slut.

And why not, his mom was definitely do-able.

After my chew out on the man-hater, I was surprised she called me last night after pulling a double shift wanting to apologize and wanting a do over on our meeting.

I sighed as she asked but thought I had agreed to helping Dr. Braxter….dammit. Plus Sabrina was kind of a looker in her own way if she broke out of her current snob style.

Mainly because I promised Dr. Braxter and everything she was doing for us that I reluctantly agreed.

I first tried a neutral area like a different Flying Bean but she refused saying that she would prefer alone for some odd reason.

Maybe she was out to get me or have a reason to defend herself. What better place than out in the open.

Then I suggested her place but once again she refused saying she lived in the dorms and her and her current roommate don’t get along due to obvious differences.

If I had to live with a bitchy girl I’d tell her to leave or leave myself. So that made sense.

So without really thinking of other NEUTRAL ground, I suggested Gabe and Kelly’s home.

She was reluctant at first but I assured her it would be just me and her. No Gabe and no Kelly.

Then she finally agreed.

When she agreed I convinced Kelly to go do one of her long strenuous workouts where she’ll be gone for at least three to four hours. Really don’t want Kelly’s bitchiness and Sabrina’s bitchiness to clash and an actual fight happening because no offense to anyone Kelly would win.

Not to say my own bitchiness wasn’t as bad just that it takes a lot more to really piss me off though Sabrina’s snarky attitude sets me off fast for some odd reason.

And I convinced Gabe to hide in his room with his door locked but not completely hidden just in case. So he reluctantly agreed saying he had some much needed videos for his channel that need to be done so his sponsors don’t drop him.

What? I didn’t trust the bitch and needed some type of backup just in case her attitude sets me off.

So I sat here waiting while I drank a calming tea because I needed to be calm if I were to deal with this bitch.

We agreed for her to be here at 9:30am mainly so I could sleep in a little bit and get a good morning orgasm in so I was nice and relaxed for what I was sure was going to be very very stressful.

I dreadfully counted down the time until right at 9:30am the doorbell rang.

At least Sabrina was proper enough to be exactly on time. I lightly wondered how long she had been out there before she rang the doorbell because I heard her shitty ass car drive up roughly ten minutes ago but she didn’t ring the bell until exactly now.

Makes me wonder. Still I got up in my booty shorts and a light tank top with my hair up in a ponytail ready for anything, and I answered the door.

I opened the door to find Sabrina standing at the door in a proper skirt and a proper blouse with her high ponytail and her makeup looking so bland.

Jesus is this how this girl always dresses is in bland colors?


You would think for a girl who dressed so uppity she would be driving an equal nice car instead of a beat up shitty car. And wouldn’t be living in a dorm on campus at the college rather being living in some high class loft or something like that. But you could tell her clothes weren’t exactly high dollar clothing items….more like off the rack three or four seasons out of date off the clearance aisle.

Her whole being was a constant contradiction. It was as if she was putting on this facade to hide something about her.

Maybe she came from lower living or from a shitty living condition much like my broken home before I moved in with Gabe and Kelly. Sure as shit explained a lot.

But what was she hiding exactly behind her pompous exterior?

I lightly wondered if she was something completely opposite under her rough outside. Maybe Dr. Braxter was right that she was some timid shy little girl who never fit in anywhere.

I honestly had no idea. Most of my thinking was just assumptions.

I tried to be charming, “So glad you could make it. Please come in.”

Sabrina with her nose held up high barely bowed her head and in a monotone voice, “Thank you.” as she strode in.

I lightly chanted *Don’t kill the bitch* *Don’t kill the bitch*. I breathed in and slowly exhaled as I closed the door.

I watched as Sabrina looked around clutching her purse tight to her body. She turned to look at me, “You live here?”

I shrugged, “More or less. Gabe and Kelly have been very generous.”

Sabrina spoke very flatly, “But you’re fucking them, yes?”

I tried to not growl ready to kill her. I slowly exhaled again but in an equal authoritarian voice, “Yes.”

She looked around again as if trying to figure out exactly my living accommodations though I was slightly happy that Gabe made Kelly clean to entire place before she came over. She continued to look around as I half expected her to pull out a white glove and wipe it along something to see exactly how clean the place was. She just stood there looking around before she finally strode over to where I was having my tea. She looked down at the tea before returning her gaze to me, “What are you having?”

I walked up and passed her, “Peppermint tea. Would you like some?”

Sabrina actually smiled at me, “Yes that’s very kind.”

I nodded and headed over to where I made my tea with my *extras* laying out ready for just this occasion. I was being mean but what I had out would help loosen the stuck up bitch and might make her easier to deal with….I hoped.

Yes that’s right I had Lilith’s Elixir out, though not out in the bottle with where you could see the label, more like a clear mini bottle with it’s own dropper. And mixed with Lilith’s Elixir was Veritas. An unremarkable solution but had one major benefit….it relaxed the person who took it so much that most people who took it had a hard time lying. Usually it’s not out on the market only available for psychiatrists, **doctors**, physicians and other individuals with the right access to such a lovely item.

Thank you Dr. Braxter for your contribution.

I watched Sabrina properly fold herself on to the chair while I made her some tea and I asked, “Do you take yours with honey?”

Sabrina looked at me, “Usually when I have peppermint tea I have it mixed with green tea and ginseng. But honey will do. Thank you.”

I sighed at her suggestion thinking that only someone with a fake high class knowledge would know something as intrinsic as the proper way to drink such a tea.

I rolled my eyes but still smiled at her while I had my back to her.

I picked up my pot where I had the peppermint tea in. I put in a spoon of honey and took out my nasty concoction.

Not knowing the strength of either nor knowing the proper dosage for such a small girl and I honestly wanted this bitch relaxed and using my own usual consumption of Lilith’s I dropped four drops of my mixture before I started stirring the honey in. Normally when I or Kelly consume four drops of Lilith’s elixir within twenty minutes we’re usually ready to rape Gabe of his fluids until he can’t go any longer.

I lightly smiled thinking *this should get this bitch nice and relaxed*.




  1. Finally!!! You spoiled us a few weeks back with like daily chapters that now I’m constantly checking to see if you uploaded one haha

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