Fire on her Tongue [Fantasy] [Magic] [Demon] [MF] [Part 1]

Content: Violence (non-sexual), blood

The taste of blood exploded in Abigail’s mouth and she felt her back impact with the corrugated metal wall of the warehouse. Without stopping to blink the stars from her eyes, she ducked sideways and raised the shard of silver in her hand, pointing it rapidly between her adversaries. In front of her were three creatures, two of which still looked mostly human while the third was snarling as its body regressed to its monster state. They had her surrounded now, and their attack slowed as they realised that they had her completely trapped.

‘Well little hunter, you seem to have really fucked this one up.’ One of the more human ones said with an air of forced civility. The condescending tone of his voice was undercut by the distorted form of his mouth as his teeth began morphing into those of a predator. It matched his appearance, a once fine suit that was now dirtied and torn from time spent living in places like this. How long had it been since these vampires had fed, had been able to pass as people?

Abigail considered her options. They couldn’t get to her past her silvered weapon, but they were faster and stronger than her and it wouldn’t take them long to overwhelm her if they attacked as one. Each breath was accompanied with a bright stab of pain, definitely cracked ribs. Why had she done this alone? Pride was going to get her killed, she had known she wasn’t ready.

Now or never then.

Her tongue fizzed as she spoke the words, drawing up as much power from her chest as she could. The sounds were strange, eldritch, and her mouth felt like it was full of sparkling water. Her left hand shot up and the energy of magic coursed through her muscles as she completed the incantation. Fear flashed across the vampires’ faces, before quickly fading to confusion, and then to amused contempt. Blue sparks flew from Abigail’s outstretched arm, fizzing and flitting, before skittering harmlessly over the faded dinner jacket of the male creature. Cold terror trickled down Abigail’s spine as her spell failed, and she felt the magic recede from her as if in shame, leaving her weak and defenceless.  The monstrous one’s laughter started again, but it quickly became a snarl and its legs coiled to spring.

The blue bolt almost completely decapitated it. Abigail watched the creature’s body snap sideways as the magic took it in the neck, spinning it away like a toy and cutting off its growl. The other two vampires whirled around as their companion fell, and the female one was almost immediately struck in the abdomen by a golden ball light which detonated and blasted half of her torso to ash. To Abigail’s astonishment the vampire didn’t fall, but instead turned and fled in a blur of motion that she could barely follow, fleeing into the night after the male that had run the moment she was hit. Abigail’s knees gave way and she slumped to the ground, tears pricking at her eyes.

‘What in the seven hells did you think you were doing?!’ Came a voice from above her. Forcing herself to look up, Abigail met the steely gaze of Matron Lister, second witch of the local coven. She began to answer, but faltered under the stare of the older woman and hung her head.

‘I told you it was a good idea to follow her.’ Said a second, younger witch, who was examining the body of the slain vampire. ‘There was no way she was going to take our rejection.’

‘There are rules, Ms Loftford. Rules which are there for a reason. We have acceptance and training criteria for a reason.’ The Matron emphasised words in her clipped tone, and Abigail flinched with each one.

Abby wanted to argue to defend herself, but the pain from her ribs and jaw made her grimace and drained her energy. Matron Lister looked down at her and tutted, then spoke a few words. Immediately Abigail’s ribs began to itch furiously before the pain suddenly ebbed and was gone, though her jaw still twinged.

‘This is not the way to join our coven, Ms Loftford.’ Then to the other witch, ‘When you have cleaned up, Sister Frank, we shall leave.’

‘All done Matron.’ Came the reply. Without another word, Matron Lister nodded to Abigail before turning on her heel and marching away. Sister Frank came after her, though knelt down and spoke to the younger witch quickly. ‘Chin up love, it took the rest of us years to join the coven. You’ve got plenty of time, you’re barely out of uni.’ She patted Abigail on the shoulder before disappearing into the night, leaving the girl alone without even the vampire’s body for company.


‘I’ll give them no shortcuts…’ Abigail muttered to herself as she stomped around her flat. ‘We have rules Abigail. We have reasons.’ Pettily mocking the Matron, she downed her last of her tea and winced as it burned the cut in her mouth. ‘What does that old bat even know. I can get power if I want it.’

It was true as well. There was a book on her coffee table, leather-bound and heavy. Runes and incantations were scrawled on its surface, alongside burns and marks from generations of heavy use. She eyed the book from her kitchen, and poured herself another mug. Power could be bought if there were demons willing to bargain, and an incubus was always willing to negotiate. Butterflies in her stomach now. Fear, apprehension, excitement? Lust? She shook herself and tried to focus.

Annoyance and anticipation made the ritual more difficult than it had to be. Abigail had pushed back the rug on her living-room floor and one of her candles was giving off the scent of cheap vanilla, but the components were there, the words were spoken, and Abigail waited. It did not take long. The area over her circle began to wave and distort as if with a blazing heat, and the hot smell of ash and smoke filled the room even though the air remained clear. Slowly a figure formed in the centre, a gap in the world in the shape of a being. She blinked and the strange manifestation. Even though the thing was about a metre away, her eyes had to focus as if seeing something at a great distance, tricking her vision and making her blink. The thing stood tall, about a foot taller than Abigail herself, and turned to face her with a steady gaze.

‘Do you summon me mortal?’ The words bypassed the air in front of them and arrived directly in Abigail’s mind. Glowing eyes held her, though she could see no mouth. The creature had the shape of a man, tall and broad, though it was covered in smooth unbroken skin that was a pure black that her eyes could not lock on to, like the silhouette of a human. For a moment she was stunned, her jaw moving but no sound escaping as her brain took in what had happened. Deep down she had not expected the ritual to work, and was now sharply aware that she was wearing only a pyjama top and boyshorts in front of this otherworldly presence.

The apparition took a step forwards, moving right towards the edge of the circle on her floor. Abigail could see the outlines of curved muscle on the thing’s shoulders and legs, a broad chest and slim yet powerful waist. It seemed to be gaining form the longer it stood here, becoming more solid in the areas she examined. Moving her gaze back up to its face, she saw the outline of angular features and again the two glowing eyes that seemed to look right into her.

‘Mortal, why have you brought me here?’ The voice said again, deep and commanding in her mind. ‘You have taken me from rest, I expect an answer.’

‘I…I require power.’ Abigail tried. She swallowed, rallied, and spoke again. ‘I have summoned you, demon, to bargain for power.’ The thing was still, and Abigail realised that the motionlessness of its chest was unnerving her. Of course demons didn’t breathe, but still. A scent was in the air, similar to the amber used in aftershaves, but almost physically hotter in her lungs. ‘I am…aware of the costs.’ Abigail’s arms had subconsciously crossed over her chest, and with an effort she lowered them to her sides and raised her chin. ‘I wish to have power, the power over magic, to wield it as skilfully as any other witch.’
There was another pause as the being studied her, and Abigail felt her breast rise and fall, willing her hands to stop shaking. Not with fear, she was not scared of this thing. Once during her second year she had gone skydiving, just once, but standing here in the company of a demon she was offering herself to was like standing at the door of that plane. Adrenaline and trepidation, excitement and apprehension, a new world to throw her body into that may end badly if things didn’t go right, but at the same time knowing that this was something that she wanted.

The incubus in front of her stretched out a hand, offering it to her palm-up. ‘You must be aware of the deal mortal. An agreement may not be reached without full knowledge and agreement to the terms. Power may be granted, but it must be given and awakened. I offer you a taste of what is to come.’
Abigail hesitated, staring at the outstretched hand. Her research had told her that touching demons was an invitation, that their interactions were limited without contact, but then she thought of what she was prepared to do for the power of magic. Before she could change her mind, she took the demon’s hand. It was warmer that she had expected, and solid, but then it closed gently around hers and she realised she was truly touching a creature of the Other Planes. Abigail looked into its glowing eyes as bravely as she could.

‘Be prepared, this is what you must agree to for the power you seek.’ The voice was louder in her head now, clearer. And then suddenly there were images, scenes and feelings in her mind’s eye. It was like nothing she had experienced before, like memories of sight and touch, but ten times stronger. Abigail saw herself kissing the demon, her mouth on his, felt the ghost of his lips and tongue pressing on hers. Then the scene shifted and she was naked, caressing the strange firm flesh of the incubus as he touched her back. She gasped out loud as shadows of hands drifted over her body, the visions so vivid that she could almost believe she was there. Goosebumps broke out over her skin as his touch, like the afterfeeling of contact, roamed her, caressing her waist, her thighs, her breasts, her neck. Her real body was still, holding the unmoving form of the incubus, but behind her eyes he was holding her close and slowly stroking her inner thigh. Almost involuntarily she parted her legs just enough, both in her living room and in her imagination. A feeling as substantial as a thought touched her sex, and she gasped into a mouth that wasn’t really there.

‘Is the deal acceptable to you mortal? For this is just the beginning.’ The deep voice of the creature spoke to her, and she wasn’t sure which version. She could feel the flush in her cheeks, the weakness in her knees, and struggled to gain control of herself. 

‘What about your side of the bargain?’ She gasped, as wisps of pleasure, reflections of reality, played up her body. ‘What about my power?’ Scenes shifted in front of her, layering now. She saw what came next, how he moved his body with hers. Warmth flowered inside her as she saw the many things she would be required to perform. It was good.

‘You will receive power mortal.’ The voice was different slightly, speaking faster. If it was possible for a creature that didn’t breathe to sound slightly breathless…

A new illusion now, on top of the others. Energy began to crackle inside her, blooming in her chest and spreading out through her limbs. Faint sparks traced the veins in her arms, rushing to her fingertips when they arced to the ground among arcane flame. Ethereal words of spells flowed through her mind like water before fading away like dreams. The power that she felt, even this false power, was incredible!

‘This is what I offer you witch.’ The voice sounded distant now, barely registering against the maelstrom of Abigail’s mind. She was aware of a building excitement in her body, and building of energy both magical and sexual.

Then the demon let go of her hand, and the thoughts and feeling faded. The visions and feelings receded slowly, like the afterimage of light in closed eyes. Abigail squeezed hers shut and took deep breaths as she came back to herself, feeling her limbs shaking with adrenaline backwash. Looing down, she saw she was indeed clothed and had been the entire time. The demon did not seem impatient, and waited for her to collect herself. Walking around the kitchen counter, she filled and drank a glass of water before moving back to the creature.

‘I…the bargain is acceptable…I think. How much of that will be required from me?’ The demon had shown her many things, and she could commit willingly to the acts of lust, but she had no idea of the strength of the incubus compared to her mortal body. If she had to stop, would the deal be off?

‘Your power will grow as we progress. There is no requirement to continue past where you want to witch. You were the one that summoned me, I cannot act without your authority.’ The words surprised her, but it was welcome news. ‘Physical contact shall seal our pact, and then we shall begin.’ That deep voice again, powerful and confident, things she wanted from him. The outstretched hand was still difficult to see directly, a hole in the world that her focus fell into. Before she could reconsider, she reached forwards and grasped the offered hand, wrapping her fingers around the creature’s larger palm. The change was immediate. As if drawing forwards through the gap between worlds the empty blackness of the incubus was filled out, ethereal space becoming solid ash-grey flesh. The transformation began at the hand that held Abigail’s, spreading down the otherworldly form. Within seconds there was a solid man in front of her, smooth and grey with pulsing rivers of glowing red beneath the skin. 

He had an athlete’s build, lean and strong and latently capable. Abigail’s eyes raked over the form in front of her taking in the curve of muscle, the powerful chest, the v of muscle leading down to the pelvis. Helplessly her eyes lingered on his cock, then she caught herself and looked at the hand holding hers. Masculine, deceptively human though coloured like something from another world, the hand that held hers led to a chiselled arm that she could imagine wrapped around her. And then the face; an angled jawline and striking nose, a mouth held neutrally, patiently, with lips that cried out to be kissed, all crowned with two curving horns that spiralled mesmerisingly away from its head. The eyes were the same, glowing as they had from between worlds but much more solid now, halfway between a man and a fox though with the fires of the Other Plain flickering inside them. Eyes that captured hers. Drew her in. The moment lasted, with Abigail simply staring at this beautiful creature that stood in her room. Her plans had worked, and she was  about to make a deal with a demon. Sweaty palms now, a wild heart and quick breaths. Abigail fought to keep herself under control.

‘Does this form please you, witch? I took it from your mind, a mixture of memory and fantasy.’ The demon spoke properly now, the same deep voice but using that wonderful mouth. ‘I can change if it is not to your liking. I am unable to change the horns or other demonic features, some things are fixed.’
‘I. No it’s good. Very good.’ Stuttered Abigail, licking her suddenly dry lips. ‘I just wasn’t expecting you to be…’ She gestured at his naked body.

‘Clothes are not familiar to me mortal.’

‘No, of course not.’ Abigail fidgeted, excitement mixing with apprehension. It was one thing to be taken by a sex-demon in your mind when it was just you and a closed door, but it was another thing to have a tall, broad creature standing in your room and offering carnal, intimate acts in exchange for power.  She was aroused, very aroused. Without even realising she was stealing glances at his body, tracing the lines of his form with her eyes. There was a reason she had worn light clothing after all, things that could be removed easily, and the promise of power was too good to pass up here. ‘So, how does this work?’ She asked, her voice as steady as she could make it.

Without warning the demon pulled her in, embracing her in strong arms and holding her chest to his. Abigail gasped involuntarily at his touch, the creature’s body much warmer than she had been expecting.

‘We kiss, we join, and we continue as long as you wish to grow your power.’ He said, more quietly now, his face leaning now towards her. She was sure he could feel her heartbeat through her ribs, and was wildly aware of his hand holding her back. ‘We may begin when you are ready.’

‘I’m ready.’ She said.

‘Prove it.’ 

The taunt surprised her, and sparked something inside her, similar to the feeling after being left by the coven witches. Before the incubus could react Abigail stood on her tiptoes, reaching up and pushing her lips into his, kissing him with the energy and frustration and anger that she felt. The creature hesitated before returning the kiss, holding tight with his arms and leaning into her. The difference was immediate. Power crackled in the kiss, sharp and electric. The passion was hot, stinging like spice on her tongue, alive! The heat was energy, tasting of char and savour and smoke. After some moments of pressing her lips to his she opened her mouth fully, causing him to open his at her invitation, exchanging a wordless moment of furious ecstasy as the witch poured her anger and desire into this otherworldly creature and felt it return tenfold in scorching sparks that set her nerves alight. As she felt she might boil over they pulled apart, stepping slightly back so that she could look into his face as he held her elbows. Her chest was heaving and she felt heat radiating from her cheeks. Without a word, the demon laid a hand on her waist, a satisfied smile tugging at the corner of its mouth.

‘Are you ready for the full deal now?’ The demon asked. Abigail asked, gasping in breath. A smile played over her face as she felt energy rush through her body. It was intense! Like every nerve was buzzing, goose bumps were breaking out all over her skin and she felt like she could have run forever. 
‘Wait, give me a second. Is this the power you promised?’ She asked in wonder. The demon stepped back and indicated the wall across the room.

‘Try it, witch.’ he said, no hint of annoyance at the interruption. Abigail turned and did as he suggested, summoning the fizzing power from her limbs and forming the spell in her mind. Tongue alight with sparks she spoke the words, arcane syllables coming effortlessly to her mouth. A bolt of energy shot across the room and embedded itself in the wall, leaving a spectral trail in its wake. It stuck unmoving in place, glowing blue-silver and spreading shining energy around the point of impact before fading slowly away. Abigail let out a whoop of laughter, remembering how she had failed the spell before, how easy it was now. She still hummed with the eldritch power.

‘There is more, a lot more mortal.’ The demon said, stepping towards her. ‘I could give you power to set nations ablaze.’

Abigail turned new eyes on him, a witches eyes. His lean frame excited her, and now she not only knew she could perform this exchange, she wanted to. Wordlessly she pulled her top over her head and let it fall to the floor. ‘Show me what you have, demon.’ She said.

The creature strode forwards and swept her into his arms, lifting her and placing her pelvis against his waist. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around him and leaned in to kiss him, meeting his lips again with the same buzzing energy while held against him. When they pulled apart again he spoke.

‘Mortals usually consummate in the bedchamber, yes?’ He asked. Abigail smiled at his archaic speech and gave him another fizzing kiss.

‘Bedroom is that way.’



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