Katie and Kellie have their way [Dubcon] [Public] [FF] [FFF]

I was walking home from school one day when I was ambushed by the twin sisters of misery, Katie and Kellie. Of course they weren’t really related, but they stuck so close as to make you think they were. One stepped out in front of me and the other behind, effectively cornering me on that sidewalk.

“What do you want.” I say through gritted teeth. I’ve heard stories about what happens when these two take an interest and I wasn’t interested in having one of my own to tell.

The one in front, Katie, steps towards me. I back up, fearing what she has planned before almost touching the other and having to stop. Katie grabs my arm viciously and begins pulling me in a new direction while Kellie stays close behind. They say nothing but I catch Katie smirking.

Finally we take a turn and stop in a dark alley in a part of the city I don’t know. Katie slams me into the wall on my left and they press in, trapping me.

Kellie smiles before asking “So what’s the plan?”

“Same as usual, with a bit of a twist at the end.” Katie responds before moving her hand to my knee, just under my skirt. Sensing her intent my heart races and I immediately try to break free, pushing at the gap between the two in the hopes of escaping and getting away. I almost make it, but seconds from freedom one of the smiling girls grabs my thin arm with a grip like a steel vice. I am slammed into the wall once more and dazed at the force of my head hitting it. Before I can recover the other girl has her hand around my throat, pushing me back with a seemingly insurmountable amount of force.

“Don’t try that again, sweetie.” The leftmost girl says with a sultry tone.

Katie replaces her hand and starts creeping it higher. I squirm at first, but eventually begin to run out of energy and start to give in.

Kellie moves her face towards me as Katie’s hand finally reaches my panties. Katie slips a finger, then two, into them before ripping them off. I start to shake from the exposure as Kellie kisses me with a burning passion. Eventually she pulls away, flashing a smile.

“I’ll go get the supplies Kat, keep her entertained while I’m gone.” she says before slipping off deeper into the alley.

“Will do.” Katie says, moving in front of me, and taking full control. She moves the front of my skirt up and does nothing for a minute, admiring it, before dropping it and going to unbutton my shirt with the hand that isn’t around my neck. I try once more to escape but her grip is too tight and I hardly get anywhere.

“Tsk tsk, I told you not to try it again honey.” She says as I sag into her grip, defeated. She pulls apart my shirt before caressing my torso, trying to make me anxious. Finally she finishes and pulls at the back of my bra, undoing the latch and letting in drop the ground. She stomps all over the fabric, mixing it in with the mud and ruining it forever.

I’m still stunned at the sudden absence of clothing when she pulls down my skirt. She orders me to lift one leg, then the other, so she can pull it out from under me. I’m worried she’ll ruin it like she has my underwear but she merely tosses it aside. I’m now nude, cold, and shaking from the embarrassment.

I close my eyes, waiting for it to get worse or stop. Finally she pushes me into a sitting position, and I open my eyes in shock to see her naked pussy approaching my face.

“Lick it.” She commands. I obey. I lap at her wettening pussy, conflicted. I had little choice being here, but I think I’m starting to enjoy it. She starts to moan and presses herself into me even harder, eeking out all the pleasure she can. Her moans are loud as she finally cums, fluids going all over my face. She doesn’t bother cleaning me off or letting me do it as she pulls me back up, forcing me against the wall once more. She smiles at me while laying a finger on my pussy and rubbing, forcing me to bite back pleasured noises. She’s soon pressing a finger in, but gets interrupted by Kellie’s approach.

“Looks like you had fun.” She says, slightly out of breath from running with the backpack. She sits down and undoes the backpacks zipper before pulling out an assortment of items, most of which have a clear use. When she’s finally done starts with a red ball gag, rendering me unable to speak, before moving on to the rope. First my hands are bound, then my feet, before finally a blindfold is slipped over my eyes. I panic at what’s coming before feeling myself being moved by the two girls, though I have no idea where and if my skirt will come with me.

We seem to be moving through alleys, judging by the lack of car or people noises beyond us. I was doing all I could to go along smoothly when one of them started groping me lightly, distracting me and making walking that much harder.

Eventually we come up on a noisier area and I’m sat down by the girls, my breath quickens in panic at the thought of people seeing me in this state. They each grab a leg and pull them apart before quickly tying me so that I can’t close them. I’m now in a permanent state of panic, wondering what they’ll do, or who they’ll show me to.

Finally, they pick me up and move me a short distance onto what feels like a park bench before tying my hands and feet loosely to it.

“We’re going to go now little one, good luck.” One of them whispers into my ear with a kiss on the check. I squirm as I hear their receding footsteps, hoping to god I’m not in too public a place.

I’m starting to get an angle on freeing a hand as I feel something press against my exposed sex. I gasp and wonder what it is, before feeling it start to vibrate. Hard. I can hardly bite back my moans and my escape attempts are made infinitely harder by the distraction. Though, eventually, I free my hands and rip off my blindfold before untying my feet and removing the rest of my bindings. I hesitate to remove the vibrator someone left, before shaking my head in embarrassment and pulling it out.

I’m in a wooded area, though I can see a nearby alley entrance, and I believe I recognize this area of the city. I make my way home through back alleys, not encountering any more incidents.

Hi, I hope you enjoyed my story! I’m really new to this so any critique is appreciated. I might or might not write more of these, who knows tbh

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mojoh0/katie_and_kellie_have_their_way_dubcon_public_ff