Air is overrated, part 2 – Who is Riley?

“You have reached your destination.”
Sam put his Ford Focus in park and looked skeptically at the building. 8008 S. Forty-Fourth Street was just a plain looking building. The painted white brick shimmered slightly in the dusk lighting. Julie insisted he take an appointment today to see Rylie, whoever that was. He gave a nervous sigh, put his hand on the door handle, and left the car.

The glass front door had a small ‘FFE’ logo right by the handle. If Sam was any taller he might missed it. “4th floor, 2nd door on the right’ he repeated to himself as he pulled back the heavy door. A gust if wind almost ripped the door back shut.

Thankfully Sam caught himself. A quick look around determined that no one saw that happen. With one big breath, he stepped inside.

“Welcome sir, come in come in,” said a high manly voice as Sam entered the 2nd door on the right. A tall thin man with a grin the size of his handlebar mustache was standing behind a desk just inside the door. “How may I assist you today sir?”

Sam looked the man up and down, he was dressed in a blue suit with a stripped tie. He looked very proud and happy to be working here, almost too happy.

“Yeah, I have an appointment to see Rylie. My name is Sam Th-” Sam was cut off.

“Only your first name is necessary sir. I understand that you know Julie,” Sam nodded. “Oh she is a dear personal friend of mine. Introduced me to my husband back when she worked here. Oh but that was years ago.” The man, who’s silver Tage said ‘Kevin, almost seemed to daze off in one of those distracted far off glances you only see in the movies. “You are going to be getting the friends and family special package. Don’t you worry about the cost, Julie took care of everything.”

Sam followed Kevin down the hallway,  still not sure what he was doing.  But he promised Julie he would go with the flow and trust her.  Kevin opened the 2nd door on the left and led Sam into a nicely lit room.  At the center was what looked like an upscale doctor’s table.  There was a heart monitor set behind and to the side of the chair. That sight made Sam stop in his tracks.

The sudden stop was not unnoticed. “Just a precaution sir,  nothing to worry about.”

The chair was ten times more comfy than the orthopedic doctor’s that he saw after that bar fight on St Patrick’s day involving a drunk wanting ‘a pot of gold.’ A young thin blonde nurse had attached a few leads to his chest ‘to make sure he’s safe’ and placed an oxygen monitor on his finger. “Now remember,  keep your hands down.  If you pick them up we will assume you want to stop.”

Sam nodded,  he was too scared to open his mouth. Well,  scared and excited. The nurse gave everything another check over before walking out of the room.

Hours passed,  ok,  well only two minutes,  but it felt like hours to Sam,  before the door opened again.  In stepped the most beautiful woman Sam had ever laid eyes on. “Hi Sam,  I’m Riley.  Julie has told me so much about you. You are such a good man.  She says she can always count on you when she’s in a jam. She asked me to help return the favor. ”

Riley is easily pushing 6′ tall in her high heels.  She is wearing a short black dress the hugs her curves. And boy,  are there curves.  If ‘thick thighs save lives’ then Riley should become be in the world record books for most lives saved by a single person.  Her hips were wide and sexy,  Sam imagined how his hand would feel resting on her hips. ‘Oh, nope, I can’t do that,’ Sam thought as he remembered that he has to keep his hands down. What really stood out, physically and metaphorically were Riley’s breasts. Sam had no idea what size they were but they were massive even compared to Julie. The deep cleavage protruding from the black dress was like a beckoning cavern that Sam wanted to explore.

Riley giggled and pushed her arms together slightly, pressing her big tits together. “Julie thought you might like these,” she grabbed the straps and pulled them rhythmically. Sam followed the dancing orbs like a snake being charmed. “I am going to feed you my breasts. You can suck on my nipples,” Julie continues as she traces her hard nipples finger her index finger. “I’ll even let you bite them if you promise not to go too hard. You can kiss, lick, and nibble on my pale flesh all you want,” she slide one strap over her shoulder, “or, anywhere I let you reach.” The other side slips down. Riley black dress is being held up by the sheer force of how tight it is. “You aren’t allowed to move your hands from the chair. I’ll give you one warning before I either tie you down or we stop,” Sam nodded, ” good. We are going to play a few games as we go. I hope you,” she folds the top of her dress down slightly, “like” Sam can almost see her nipples, “games.” Riley pulls the dress over her breasts exposing them to the air. The sheer weight of them brought them bouncing down. Sam’s gaping open mouth was all the answer Riley needed.

Riley stepped until she was standing right next to Sam. Her breasts swayed as she walked. Sam was eye to nipple but he didn’t move. Or speak. Riley let out another schoolgirl giggle before starting to rub her hands all over herself.

“Do you like them?” Sam managed a qeka ‘yes’ in response. “Good,” Riley said with a smile and a big squeeze of her soft pale skin. “I used to be so subconscious about them. I mean look at them, really look! They are massive,” another big shake made Sam moan. “That was until I found this place. Now I feel like the queen I am. Are you going to make me feel like a queen Sam? Yes, of course you are,” she pinched her nipples and gave a little jump in pleasure.

“I almost forgot, do you want to know how big they are?” Riley asked as she continued to massage her breasts. “O cups! I have to get everything specially made. Do you think it’s worth it?”

Same was barely listening now. All he wanted was to worship his new queen. All of his might was needed to keep his hands down.  He needed to undo his pants for one,  his erection was getting painful large. Yet he didn’t move.

Riley looked down at his lap and giggled again. “I think you’re ready.” And with that she leaned forward and brought her left nipple to Sam’s mouth,  which he eagerly accepted
