Birthday Weekend [MF] [FF] [first time]

Camryn Chance watched as Lindsey put her bag in the backseat of Camryn’s cherry red 1967 Camero. The long tan legs of her roommate looked perfect next to her custom hot rod. Camryn had a thing for fast cars and hot girls. She was glad her shades hid her leering eyes.

Lindsey beamed at her college BFF. “That’s everything!” She was naturally perky, even at the ungodly hour of 5am when they started prepping for the road trip. It was now 6 and the gorgeous blue eyed brunette showed no sign of slowing down. Camryn shook her head.

“Not everything. Coffee…need…coffee,” she groaned, causing her friend to giggle. They stopped at the local coffee house where Camryn ordered an Americano and flirted with the guy at the counter. Linsey watched, grinning and shaking her head. Her blonde friend was amazing. She knew just what to say to make everyone around her feel like a million bucks. Lindsey paid for a bag of coffee for the weekend and a coconut milk latte. The trip to Lake Tahoe was always so boring to Camryn as a child, but Lindsey made the time fly by. Lindsey talked about past family vacations and discussed plans for the weekend activities at Camryn’s family cabin. Lindsey was normally quiet and shy, and Camryn wished she could take credit for bringing Lindsey out of her shell. But the truth was Lindsey was always warm and fun once she got to know someone. While Lindsey talked about cooking meals and exploring Tahoe and Reno, Camryn thought of her own plans for the long weekend. Plans that started forming once she learned her roommate shared a birthday with her dad, and plans that solidified when she learned Lindsey was still a virgin.

Camryn was an only child and very close to her father. Her mom passed away when she was three and her dad raised her alone and, Camryn admitted, spoiled her rotten. He built custom cars, and was sought after by celebrities as well as the rich and otherwise famous (or infamous). His classic cars had paid for their vacation home in Tahoe and Camryn’s schooling. When they pulled up to the 3 story a-frame style cabin, Lindsey gushed. “It’s gorgeous!” She hopped out of the car and stretched.

Camryn tried to play cool, but was happy it impressed her friend. The cabin was too rustic for her liking, but her dad loved it. She got out of the car and went to the door, disabling the alarm and checking the house was empty. “We beat him here!” she exclaimed. Lindsey and Camryn got to work putting away their things and the supplies they brought. Lindsey was busy making a list for groceries when Camryn came down in a black bikini. Her pale skin contrasted with the black fabric perfectly, and her size D bust was barely contained in the thin piece of fabric. “Let’s go tan!” her friend exclaimed, leaning on the counter to show off her ample cleavage. Lindsey rolled her eyes.

“There’s a lot to do, and we don’t even have a cake!” Lindsey admonished. “What time will he be here?”

“He won’t get off until 5, so I’m guessing 8 at the earliest! Come on!” she whined, taking her friends’s hand. Her plans all hinged on her roommate getting horny and grocery shopping was not going to do it. “We’ll order online! Go get your suit!”

Lindsey reluctantly obeyed. While she changed, Camryn ordered groceries online and selected to have them delivered. “Let me pay for the groceries,” Lindsey said as she came down the stairs from the loft. “I want to earn my keep!”

Camryn looked up at her friend, stunning in a red one-piece that was very retro – halter styled neckline that plunged to show her cute cleavage. Camryn smiled, her little B-cup tits always made Cam happy. “Too late, it’s all ordered!”

Lindsey huffed. “You need to at least let me help!”

“Oh you will, you’re entertainment!” Camryn giggled.

Lindsey rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I’m real entertaining. Quit ogling me you perv!” she laughed as she threw sunscreen at her friend. “Put this on or you’ll turn into a little bisexual lobster,” Lindsey quipped , sticking her tongue out at her friend.

“The better to pinch you with,” Camryn said, bringing her fingers together like a claw. She giggled but lathered sunscreen on her arms and neck.

“Good, I like it rough,” Lindsey muttered as she helped rub sunscreen onto her friend’s back. Camryn loved Lindsey, and thought opposites really did attract. While their friendship was totally platonic, Camryn often used her vibrator and imagined it was Lindsey’s full lips stroking her clit. Lindsey accepted Camryn completely without judgment, which was remarkable for a sweet little virgin Catholic girl, Camryn mused as her friend rubbed her shoulders. Her dad would love Lindsey, too, and with any luck, they’d both love their “presents.”

The cabin was near Dollar Point, where there was a little beach and chairs. They laid out quietly, enjoying the sun. It was Friday, and in 30 minutes the beach began getting busier. There were mainly older couples, some singles. Lindsey noticed the men looking at them, Lindsey assuming they were looking Camryn’s curvy body. Camryn was 5’6, a full 6 inches shorter than Lindsey. She had head-turning proportions. Where Lindsey’s body was long and slender, Cam had a tiny waist, but full breasts and hips, and a perfectly round bubble butt, which she showed off now laying on her stomach. Lindsey was olive-complected, with a flat chest and small bottom. Her hips flared out slightly, but she always thought she had a boyish figure. If she were a guy, she’d look at Camryn too. She thought of such things as she turned over. Her friend was snoozing, and looked so cute with her lips partially open. Lindsey imagined men looking at both of them. She maneuvered her hand over her covered vulva and began stoking.

“Naughty naughty”, Camryn said sleepily, laughing at her friend’s startled reaction.

“You were asleep!”

“No, I was doing the same thing, I just have better access to what I need,” she purred. She had in fact been fingering herself , lazily circling her clit as she tanned her back.

“I knew those guys were looking at you!” she whispered.

“They were looking at both of us!” Camryn said. “You are way hotter than I am!” Lindsey blushed. “I’ll prove it.” Camryn sat up and got the lotion. “Stay put”, she whispered as she came over. She straddled Lindsey’s backside, and began rubbing lotion between her hands, then sensually on her friend’s back. She untied her friend’s halter, slowly pulling it down. “Guys are stopping and staring,” she whispered as she massaged her back. She moved down the her toned thighs, rubbing her hands up and down her outer legs, then running her hands under the suit, pulling it up slightly. “They love your ass,” she hummed. Lindsey flinched.

“I can’t see anything; I don’t believe you. They’re probably looking at a hot girl rubbing lotion on her friend!” she breathed as she pushed up onto her forearms.

“They are watching one hot girl rub lotion on another hot girl. I count three boners.” Lindsey giggled at her friend but strained to see if she could see any guys sporting hard-ons. “If we kiss, these old men would die happy.”

Lindsey huffed. “I like older me, don’t kill any of them”. She turned to lay on her back and the front of her suit was loose, but still covering her. Camryn stayed straddling her, becoming turned on by her friend’s boldness. “Do my front,” she dared.

Camryn grinned mischievously and squirted a big glob of white cream directly onto her friend’s chest, laughing at her shocked expression.

Lindsey sat up in shock at the cold cream that hit her, dumping her friend off of her lap. Camryn laughed even harder. “You bi…shit that’s cold!” She exclaimed. Camryn couldn’t stop from laughing more at her straight laced friend trying to cuss. Lindsey huffed and folded her arms, noticing one breast had snuck out of her suit. Indignant, she quickly pulled her suit up them tried to scoop the sunscreen off of her chest and out of her cleavage.

“It was in the cooler,” Camryn laughed out of breath. Lindsey pouted at her friend, but noticed the stares now. Not angry or annoyed, but curious stares. And one hot, nicely tanned gentleman with gray at his temples was sporting a nice tent in his black shorts.

“Come here you cunt, take your punishment,” Lindsey teased quietly, holding up her cream-covered hand.

“Ooooo, yay, punish me!” Camryn teased, jumping up and down and clapping her hands, breasts bounding in her bikini top. She knew her friend would never publicly do anything too embarrassing so she bent over the side of her lounger and presented her ass to Lindsey. She jumped when Linsey smacked her ass with the same sunscreen-covered hand.

Smack! Camryn was shocked when she spanked her opposite cheek. Lindsey marveled at the red marks she had made. She spanked her once more as Camryn stood, mouth slightly agape. She met the eyes of a younger looking gentleman who was smirking at her. She smiled back as the fourth and final thwack landed. She moaned, turned on by the action and making a mental note that she might have a public display kink.

Lindsey then began rubbing the sunscreen into her thighs and ass cheeks. “You’re getting red,” she tisked. “And wet,” she whispered.

“That’s not exactly how I used to spank her,” a deep baritone voice interrupted. Lindsey looked up in surprise at the attractive gentleman with gray temples in the black shorts. Camryn stood and climbed over her friend to hug the man as Lindsey watched confused.

“Daddy! You’re already here!” Camryn exclaimed. “I wanted to surprise you,” she pouted.

“Well I certainly am surprised,” he gasped as Camryn squeezed him. He smiled sheepishly at Lindsey. Lindsey felt like she could die, and would have disappeared into the chair if she could. Her friend’s dad watched the whole thing. She turned as red as her suit, and barely registered that Camryn had introduced them. She held out a limp hand and smiled meekly; “Nice to meet you Mr. Chance,” she managed. They walked together back to the house, Camryn’s dad carrying the small cooler. He listened as Camryn talked on and on about classes, work, and life at San Jose in general. Lindsey carried the two towels, trying to hide in them.

“You girls must be starving, it’s almost lunch time” Tony said as the walked up the gravel drive to the house. The groceries lay waiting in bags on the porch, and he frowned at them.

“We ordered the essentials!” Cam explained happily. “Steaks, burgers, milk, bacon, eggs.”

“The essentials,” Tony agreed. “I’m so happy you’re here,” he gushed as he hugged his daughter. “You too,” he added as he turned to her guest. “Surrounded by two beautiful women on my 39th birthday, what could be better!”

“You’re 40 dad,” Camryn giggled.

“Spank her again,” her dad smirked, looking at Lindsey with a “Can you believe this girl?” look.

Lindsey just grinned and blushed wildly, hiding her face in the towels. Tony looked at his daughter and raised his eyebrows. She didn’t usually go for the shy type, and this one was certainly shy. Tony was enamored by her awkwardness.

Tony treated them to lunch at a local brewpub. Lindsey and Tony shared flights of beers, the brunette getting over her embarrassment with the help of a few IPAs. Camryn always preferred mixed drinks, and was nursing a Chilton. Tony was glad to have someone to share his love of microbrews with, and there were several they agreed were the best. To his surprise she bought a growler of his favorite, and pushed it toward him, sayin, “Happy early birthday!”

“Wow, I know just who to share this with,” he smiled. It had been a long time since he flirted, and everything felt like it was coming off as a dad joke. It earned him a sexy smile, though, and he thought he might be getting something right. It was hard to get a read on his daughter’s friend, but he definitely wanted to learn more.

They spent the day together in and around the cabin. Lindsey made a cake while Camryn and her dad got bedrooms and bathrooms set up. Camryn smiled at Lindsey using an old apron. Her tank and short shorts made it look like she had nothing on besides the “World’s Okayest Griller” smock. “Isn’t it sad Lindsey has to make her own birthday cake,” she cooed as her dad came in. His confusion showed. “Her birthday is tomorrow, too,” Cam explained.

“Oh, wow!” Tony nodded. “We share a love of Hefeweizen and a birthday! I’ll tell you what, you make the cake and I’ll decorate it.”

“That sounds perfect, Mr. Chance,” Lindsey blushed. “Just so you know I love frosting. Lots of frosting.” She locked eyes with him, then turned away quickly, feeling warm as she busied herself pouring the batter into the round pans.

Camryn rolled her eyes from the sofa where she was doing her nails. They were both so helpless. “Oh, you like icing?” she said in a sultry voice. “Thick frosting? Big thick globs of frosting? Do you like licking it?” she said in a sultry voice. Lindsey’s ears turned red and Camryn’s dad cleared his throat and left, mumbling some excuse about checking the boat.

Once he was gone, Linsey turned on her friend. “Don’t talk like that in front of your dad!” she chided.

“Yes, mommy,” Cam pouted playfully.

“I’m serious!” Lindsey stomped. “It makes him uncomfortable.”

“Are you sad he left? ‘I have a thing for older men,’” she mimicked. Lindsey rolled her eyes. “Lindz, if you want to fuck my dad he would jump at the chance – literally.”

“Oh my god, Cam, not everything is hot sex. He’s cute but I’m not boning my best friend’s dad.”

Camryn laughed. “Boys bone.”


“You won’t bone my dad because boys bone.” Lindsey looked down, pursing her lips. “It so cute when you’re clueless.” Lindsey looked angrily at her friend, glaring. “It is,” Camryn continued. “You are so sexy and don’t even know. My dad would be lucky to hook up with a girl like you.”

“That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said,” Lindsey said, joking as her ire faded. She put the pans in the oven.

“Plus you’re hot in that apron. He wanted to bend you over the island,” she breathed huskily. Lindsey hid her face. “Put a little cake in your oven.”

“Oh my god! You’re terrible!” Lindsey laughed, throwing an oven mitt at her.

“Girl, don’t mess up my nails,” Cam laughed.

Tony returned to the smell of strawberry cake as Lindsey pulled it out of the oven. She put the pans on the island to cool, smiling up at him. This cute little domestic hottie was giving him serious attention, and he liked it. He looked around for his daughter.

“She’s napping,” Lindsey said. “She’s definitely not an early riser!”

“Aw, you lost the apron,” Tony lamented. “It looked way better on you than it ever looked on me.” She laughed, and Tony relished the sound.

They chatted about menial things like her major, favorite classes, hobbies. She asked about his work. She was far more interested in the process of bringing a classic car back to life than the famous celebrities he’s met. He was sure that Camryn name-dropped, so it impressed him even more that she was sincere in her interest.

“I have a ‘54 Nash Metropolitan,” she said.

“You’re kidding.” She grinned, nodding.

“Not the Hudson, the Nash. It was my grandfather’s and he left it to me. It’s at my parents farm and needs some TLC.” He nodded, his mood souring. She wanted him to do her car. Of course, he thought. She then surprised him. “Maybe I could watch you work someday and learn how to fix it.” He looked at her. She was serious. A hot girl, not wanting something free, not wanting to meet a famous Hollywood-ite, just interested in what he did.

“They had trailers, you know,” he began.

“I have it!” she exclaimed happily. “Sunshine yellow,” she said, “but I love the turquoise ones.”

“I have a paint guy. He’d probably do it at cost, if you’d allow him to show it a few times.” They talked for a while, flirting lightly. She liked it when he touched her leg and he loved it when she threw her head back and laughed.

“Has Camryn shown you the hot tub?” Mr. Chance asked. She shook her head. “I thought about heading that way before I started supper. Do you want to join me?” She nodded excitedly.

They met at the door of the kitchen that led out to a large outdoor kitchen on the deck. She marveled at the pizza oven, large grill, mini fridge and sink. “This is beautiful, Mr. Chance.”

“I built the deck myself. I wish you would call me Tony. I already have a complex about turning 40,” he said as he walked down the steps to the lower deck where the hot tub sat bubbling invitingly. “I’ve always wanted an outdoor kitchen. Especially since the only thing I can do is grill,” he laughed, easing into the hot tub. He watched as she climbed in behind him, and his breath caught as he glimpsed her cleavage. She looked so young for 21, 22 tomorrow. He was getting hard and tried to distract himself by looking out at the lake.

“This place is perfect.” she sighed. “I’ve never been here, but the lake is so pretty.”

“You can see it from over here,” he said moving over. “Look between the red house and that tree” he indicated across the road, where the lakefront homes stood. She brushed his leg as she moved next to him and he exhaled slowly.

She relaxed into the water, her leg against his. She rested her chin on the edge of the hot tub and enjoyed the view while Mr. Chance enjoyed the proximity of the young woman.

She turned and let the jets hit her back, putting her hand down quickly and brushing his cock through his shorts. He jumped as she did, startled. “Sorry,” she mumbled, “it was blowing me off…”

She didn’t finish, because at that time Tony pulled her to him and kissed her deeply, lifting her onto the seat again. She sat sideways and looked down, reaching out her hand for his trunks. She found he was as hard as she imagined. She ran her hand over the front of his trunks and he began kissing her neck and chest. Her breathing became irregular and she bit her lip. She had never been kissed so sensuously before and she liked it. She brought his head back up to kiss her lips, but began falling off of the seat again. He grabbed her hips and moved under her so that he blocked the jets, her straddling him.

They kissed and groped one another in the warm water, and he growled triumphantly when he finally untied her halter top. He pulled her suit down and looked at her firm round breasts. “They’re little,” she started apologetically.

“They’re perfect,” he growled. He attacked them greedily, enveloping her breast in his mouth and playing with her hard nipples with his tongue. She moaned, searching his shorts. She found the drawstring as he began nipping at her, then pinched her hard with his lips. She gasped as her hand found his hard cock, and he let go of her hips. As he lifted his hips to pull down his trunks, she held onto his neck and wrapped her legs around him. He grunted as she landed on his cock, and the moaned in unison as she moved her pelvis to allow her to touch his cock again. She straddled him once more, working his cock with two hands. He fondled her breasts, pinching them and palming one breast while tugging the other nipple, pulling and twisting roughly. She was getting hot from his rough hands, gripping his cock and stroking more tightly in response. She gripped one hand around his 7 inch staff while she used the other hand to rub the tip. Then she began using her thumb and forefinger to rub under the head of his penis, using circular motions to play as she pumped her hand. He grabbed her neck, pulling her to him and kissing her deeply as he came under water. He leaned back and caught his breath as Lindsey shyly looked down at his lap. “You’re amazing,” he slurred.

She wanted to kiss more, but Tony was obviously out of breath. She pulled away and began tying her swimsuit top. “My turn to do you,” Tony growled as he moved toward her. He gripped her firm ass from underneath, his thumbs on the seams of her crotch.
“Hey you kids, no horseplay,” Camryn sang, bounding down the stairs. Tony and Lindsey moved apart quickly, both blushing. “Daddy, do you want me and Linsey to get your meat ready?”

“I, ah,” Tony stammered.

“The steaks, Dad,” Camryn prompted. “Do you want us to get them ready while you heat up the grill?”

“Ah, yeah,” Tony said, glancing at Lindsey. “That would be great.”

He watched as Lindsey and Camryn went up the deck, Lindsey glancing toward him a few times. “Am I really going to fuck my daughter’s girlfriend?” Tony thought, watching her firm ass clench as she went to the next deck. “Happy Birthday to me,” he muttered as the girls giggled and walked out of view.



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