My first threesome in college [FFM]

When I got into college, I felt free for the first time in my life. Free from all the rules and the “nice boy” expectations of my family, free to start enjoying life after the rough years of 11th & 12th grade (LOT of studying and worrying about my career), free to drink, smoke, party and have sex, lots of sex. By the end of my first year, I had already slept with six girls.

I had shifted out of my college hostel by the start of the second year and was now living in an apartment with six other people, who became my (and still are) closest friends. I was 19 years old at the time and for reference, my size is 9.2″ x 7″.

One of my flatmates had a pretty girl (let’s call her Tina) that used to visit him in our apartment and we all quickly became friends with her. But we also realised that Tina was, to put it nicely, not very smart and this kinda made me want to avoid her to the best of my ability. Physically though, she was very beautiful with long straight black hair, tanned skin, big piercing eyes, sharp facial features, about 5’5 tall, slender frame, B cup boobs and a firm ass. Any guy would want to date her if he could look past her below than average intelligence.

I had started smoking weed by that point and Tina was a big pothead so she used to visit our apartment very frequently and I had to somehow endure her presence every time. She used to bring her boyfriend (let’s call him Jack) and other female friends with her, often without permission, but that made her presence a little easier to endure because we all could ignore her a little while she was high and talk to her attractive female friends. This continued pretty much the entire semester.

Fast forward two months, me and my two other flatmates went to Jack’s birthday party. It was fairly average like any other college party with lots of pretty girls, drunk people, high people, dancing etc. I met a lot of familiar faces, many of them being my classmates from my batch. I also interacted with a few hot girls and got their phone numbers by the end. In our college, we had this tradition that the birthday boy and his best friend were beaten up by the other boys. And when I say beaten up, I mean kicking, punching, hitting with belts, sticks and sometimes nut shots (not on purpose). It was brutal but all in good fun. When everybody was done with hitting him and his best friend, he cut his birthday cake, we sang happy birthday, and then we drank and smoked a little more.

It was getting a little late and my other flatmates had already left so I decided it was time for me to leave as well. I reached the elevator and just when the doors were about to close, Tina shouted, “wait for me, I’m coming too.” I held the elevator door for her, she kissed Jack, they said their goodbyes to each other and then she got in the elevator with me. Then, to my surprise, Jack asked me to walk her back to her apartment as she was very drunk. He wanted to do it himself but the party, or rather after-party, was still going on and he had to attend to his friends.

We walked back to her apartment and she was getting a little flirty and touchy with me but I was trying my best to ignore it all and just focus on the task. When we reached, she asked me to come inside for a “few minutes” since it was my first time there. I agreed as I wanted to see her flatmate who I had a crush on and wanted to fuck. She showed me her apartment a little and then took me to her room. As soon as I entered, she turned me around, grabbed me and then kissed me which took me by surprise.

She confessed that she’d been wanting to fuck me since she saw my “monster dick” a few weeks ago and it made sense to me now because she had become a little flirty in those past few weeks. But then it hit me, “Wait! How and where did you see my dick?” and she showed me my dick pic on her phone that I had sent to one of the girl’s that I had hooked up with a few weeks ago. I was a little surprised to find out that Tina was very good friends with that girl and they had also discussed my sexual prowess besides sharing my dick pic.

Then, with almost puppy-like eyes and a cute smile, she said in a low voice “I kinda want to try your dick too, if it’s ok with you.” I didn’t give any reply for a few seconds so she continued, “Please, I’ve always had a fantasy to try a monster dick like yours. I thought big dicks only existed in porn. I’m glad I was wrong. No one will ever know about this, I promise. Jack and I hardly have sex these days and I’ve never orgasmed for penetration before. I’m practically begging you to rock my world as you did with my friend. Besides, it seems like you are ready for it too haha,” she said pointing at the huge bulge in my pants.

At this point, I was horny and the alcohol was making me forget that this was the girl I was repulsed by. I gave a sly smile and then removed my shirt to reveal my toned abs, “Well, what are you waiting for!” She immediately stripped down to her lingerie, grabbed me and shoved her tongue in my mouth. We made out for a few seconds as I undid her bra and started kissing her neck down to her boobs. To be honest, I didn’t like her boobs very much as I have a strong preference for big boobs so I just proceeded to kiss her stomach down to her pussy. Her panties were wet with her pussy juices and I started to tease her by kissing and tickling her inner thighs. She gave out a few shallow moans and deep breaths as I started to rub her pussy through her panties.

After about five minutes, I took off her panties and asked her to lie down on the bed with her legs spread apart, giving her a smack on the ass as she turned around. I got on top of her and kissed her for a few seconds and then went down on her again. I teased her again by tickling and caressing her thighs while rubbing her clit. She was very wet at this point. I inserted my finger in her and started licking her clit as she was moaning loudly with occasional deep breaths and “oh yes yes yes that feels good.”

She was getting close to her orgasm when I heard a loud moan from the other room which I ignored at first. But when I heard it again the second time, I stopped to figure out what was happening. I asked her who was in the other room and she said it was her flatmate (who I had a crush on, let’s call her Monica). I jokingly said that we should invite her too but Tina was a little furious (in a cute way) that I had ruined her orgasm so she refused.

She was dripping wet by now and ready to be fucked so she asked me to pull out the bedside drawer and grab a condom. Unfortunately, the condom was too small for my size so, after some pondering, we decided to go with the pullout strategy. I really liked teasing (and still do) a girl’s pussy by rubbing my dick at the opening so I did that with Tina. I could tell that she REALLY wanted me to put it in so I entered her very slowly and started thrusting gently to open up her pussy to my size. Or so I thought because she had her first orgasm of the night (as well as the first and fastest from penetration ever until that point) within a minute of me putting it in. She was quite loud and also a bit confused and surprised as to what had happened because she was not expecting to orgasm within first minute of the fucking.

I took my dick out of her and started slapping her pussy with it as I heard the door open behind me. I turned back to see Monica standing there in lingerie with a visibly dark patch on her panties. Both me and Tina were stunned and confused wondering why Monica was standing there in her lingerie and looking at us as if she wanted to join us. We realised that we were both so drunk that we had forgotten to lock the door. It turned out that Monica was standing outside the door and rubbing her clit as she heard us having sex.

To be continued….



  1. *** FAKE POSTER ALERT ***
    OP posts photos of dicks that aren’t his and makes up fetish stories about having a big dick. 20 days ago he posted a pic of u/straight-eight claiming it’s him, which suggests that his other photos aren’t him either.

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