My innocent roommate was actually an obsessed nymphomaniac [Part 2] [MF]

This is part 2 of the original story posted on my profile. Check out the 1st part if you haven’t already because the story picks up right where we left off. Otherwise, enjoy!


I didn’t sleep that night. Too many thoughts were rushing through my mind. I overheard something I really shouldn’t have, but it made feel a certain way, made me want to get even closer to Amy. I certainly didn’t expect to overhear something like that, but I guess she is a girl after all, it’s only natural she’d have… *desires*. She didn’t know I overheard her thankfully, but I couldn’t even imagine looking at her with a straight face after knowing how she felt. Was this why she was so shy, why she couldn’t even keep eye contact with me? I didn’t even say anything crazy. *”You’re cute”* was the line I believe. Thoughts like these distracted me from sleeping all night. I jerked off but that didn’t help. I’d just have to hope my head would be straight by the morning.

I tossed and turned all night but eventually light peaked through my shutters and it was about time I got up and ready for my morning lecture at campus. Amy had class later in the morning so I didn’t see her while I was having breakfast. The whole day I was going through the motions. I spent the time between periods either in the library or around campus with friends and while I was going about my day I nearly forgot about what had happened last night. But sure enough after all my classes were complete for the day and I returned to room 112 on the 4th floor of my residence, all my senses returned and I stood outside the door with a million and one thoughts flowing through my brain. Amy was definitely home, in fact if I listened closely I could hear some lo-fi pop music coming from the dorm. I stood outside by the door and was about to use my keycard to enter when I decided against it as I’d rather have her greet me at the entrance. I gave two knocks and patiently waited. “It’s me Amy” I said from outside. Within an instant, the music stopped and I heard her rummaging around, followed by the sound of soft footsteps running towards the other side of the door. With a creak the heavy door slowly peaked open and her little figure was standing on the other side.

She was almost hiding behind the door, her head poking out to make sure it was me. She was wearing a lot of makeup today strangely, a layer of foundation on her face which covered over her freckles and her lips were shiny with lip gloss. It wasn’t a bad look but I think she looked better naturally. I gave her a smile and said “what’s up?” She tried to give her best response but like always it came out as a series of stutters and even with all the foundation on, I could tell she was blushing red like she always did. She didn’t know what I overheard last night. She was still standing in the doorway awkwardly and her outfit as usual was a baggy sweatshirt, this time with some black leggings under it. It was colder today so no shorts I guess. “Could you move over so I can get in” I joked. “Sorry!” she said all flustered and quickly stepped backwards in an embarrassed manner. I couldn’t help but laugh. I made my way in and noticed her papers and her backpack were on the sofa. “Do you have an exam?” I asked. “No, just some light studying”. She had good work ethic but was pretty disorganized seeing as her papers were always spread out incoherently. “Alright, I’ll join you then” I instantly replied. To be honest I never really studied unless I had a test coming up but this seemed like a good chance to hang out with Amy so I made an exception this time. Amy agreed and she tried her best not to look at me while I unpacked my bag. Even though she was staring at the ground, I could see she was hiding a grin. I wish she would look at me face to face and make that smile because I’m sure it would be cute as fuck.

She sat down on the couch and put a cushion in her lap with her textbook on top. I was still getting my stuff out from my bag. I pulled out a random textbook I had which I probably had never opened since the day I got it. I think she expected me to sit in the arm chair next to the couch she was on, seeing as there was more space there. Instead, I moved her backpack to the side and sat down next to her on the couch, centimetres away from her. This really wasn’t anything special, but Amy practically froze up. She was originally leaning back into the couch but she quickly straightened up her posture and her shoulders locked up. Her whole body seemed to get tense. *Yikes*, I thought to myself. She tried her best to be discreet, but I could tell she was uncomfortable. I noticed she subtly tugged her sweatshirt downwards between her legs as if to hide something as well. She tried to scooch over but she was already in the corner of the couch and couldn’t move further to the left. I simply let out a nervous chuckle. “I can move to the armchair if you’d like” I said passively, starting to get up. “No!” she replied almost immediately. She reached out to grab my arm but she stopped herself before she could, and pulled her arms back to her book. “It’s okay” she said nervously. “I-I don’t mind”. I was thrilled to hear this but kept my composure. I sat back down. She was still stiff as a board, but at least I knew she was alright with me being there. At first we kinda just sat there and studied together, each with our own textbook. We didn’t make any real conversation. I tried to spark something by asking her the occasional physics question which she tried to answer, but for the most part we just sat in silence. It was painfully awkward to say the least. I decided to take matters into my own hands and go for a more direct approach this time.

“I like the makeup today” I said nonchalantly. Amy practically flinched after I said that. The whole time before this she repeatedly changed her gaze from the textbook to the wall and then back to the textbook, trying to avoid eye contact with me. But on this instance, I was shocked to see she actually looked at me for once. I saw my reflection in the lenses of her round glasses and wished I had fixed up my hair before I sat down. Amy’s dark brown eyes stared into me for a brief moment until she realized and quickly looked back down at her book. A series of stutters came out her mouth. She was more or less whispering, but she managed to get her point across. “Th-thanks… I’m glad you noticed”. “Was there a special occasion today?” I asked. She was about to say something but then she went silent for a second as if she realized she shouldn’t say it. Instead she shrugged her shoulders and said “I just felt like trying something new…”. I was glad she was at least talking to me so I really pushed it this time. “I like the makeup, but I don’t think you need it to be honest, you’re already cute as fuck”. I probably shouldn’t have been trying to flirt with her. She clearly wasn’t used to much social interaction. She immediately look down at her book once again. She didn’t even say anything. Her short black fair fell down and covered her face. She was flustered, but for some reason she also seemed… *dejected?* Like a lot of things, I instantly regretted saying that.

“You don’t need to be nice to me just because we’re roommates…” she said softly, holding back tears. Hearing that genuinely made me angry, she had no idea how much I really liked her. She began packing up her things, and stood up to go back to her room, all the while hiding her face. I couldn’t have her leave like that. She completely misunderstood my intentions. I needed to stop her. Seeing as words were going nowhere I stood straight up and acted on instinct. I grabbed her shoulder, pulled her towards me and embraced her tightly. I didn’t hesitate. I leaned into her body and wrapped my arms around her, pushing her head into my chest. She dropped her backpack and her books spilled out onto the floor. Her thin arms remained at her sides, frozen in fear. I felt her heartbeat against me, it was fast and her body felt warm to the touch. “I’m not doing this just because we’re roommates” I whispered. This was risky, I could be making Amy really uncomfortable right now. “Sorry…” I said as I loosened my grip, starting to let her go. To my surprise, Amy reached her arms up from her sides and grabbed me, pulling me back into her. She was small, but her grip on me was so tight, she wasn’t letting go. I felt tears running down her cheeks and I heard her wheep. She was a mess. Neither of us said anything, we just held each other and kind of took in the moment. It was silent, only the sound of Amy’s sobs were present in the room. Eventually her tears dried up and she loosened her grip on me. Her makeup was smeared from her tears and it ran down her face. “Don’t look at me!” She cried out in embarrassment, trying to hide her makeup smeared face. Her glasses were in her hand and she frantically tried to wipe the mascara out of her eyes. “I don’t care, you look great” I said in reassurance. Amy still tried to look away like she always did but I wasn’t having it. I grabbed her by the hand and leaned into her once more, bringing my face towards hers. I wanted to dip her neck and lock lips with her, but she definitely wasn’t ready for that. Instead I gave her a little peck on the forehead and a smile. Amy stared at me, and once again her eyes filled with tears but not for the same reason as before. Her legs were shaking and her body was trembling. She wanted to say something, but she couldn’t find the words. Instead she began playing with her hair and stuttering. With my hand I combed her short black hair over her ear and wiped a tear off her cheek with my thumb.

“I-I need a moment to m-myself…” she managed to blurt out. I let her go this time, as she made her way to her room. Her legs were shaking and she stumbled as she moved, bumping into me and multiple pieces of furniture as she walked to her room. I noticed she kept a hand between her legs as she made her way to her room, which made me laugh. A stupid smile was plastered across my face and I practically collapsed on the sofa. The night had started and it was dark outside, we must have been in the living room for a while. I shut my eyes and I passed out on the couch with the feeling of butterflies in my stomach thinking of Amy.


The story isn’t done yet, there is still much more to happen. It’s getting kind of long though so I’ll leave off here for now. I just wanted to thank everyone for all the support on the 1st part of this story, I really appreciate all the kind messages and I read all of them! I hope you enjoyed the 2nd part and the story so far. I apologize for releasing it a bit late, I’ve been a bit busy so I haven’t had time to sit down and write. If you’re enjoying the story so far let me know and don’t be afraid to leave feedback (positive or negative) if you have any.



  1. i came here to get turned on and now i’m crying, i blame you writer

  2. Sounds like she has avoidant personality disorder: A persistent state of self-loathing and yearning for a relationship, but feeling like she’s nothing and doesn’t deserve to be loved (romantically or platonically). Also, avoidant people tend to be *very* sensitive to criticism. And, as is the case here, usually nobody hates them; they just wonder what their problem is, like you did.

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