[F] 21 Spring Break Scavenger Hunt The Update

Ok buckle in friends cause this is gonna be a long one…

So to recap this weekend I went to Spring Break with my Roommate E and our other really good friend S2. My casual FWB S was supposed to come with us but ended up in quarantine and due to a bunch of political things within her sorority couldn’t come. Now I owed her a punishment as part of our FWB agreement and she gave me a “Scavenger Hunt” to complete during our weekend away in Florida.

The List:
1. Get Some Good Dick
2. Get Ice from the Ice Machine. Completely Naked.
3. Naked Ding Dong Ditch someone else’s Hotel room
4. Skinny Dip in the Ocean AND the Hotel Pool
5. Go Streaking somewhere Outside of the Hotel

The Rules:
1. All of the tasks need video or photo proof of completion. With the exception of taking a picture of the dude who I have sex with I can’t be the one taking the video or photo (aka E or S2 has to do it)
2. I can’t multitask (i.e I can’t count running into the ocean naked to skinny dip as my streaking outside of the hotel or I can’t ding dong ditch on my way back from grabbing ice)
3. For ever task I don’t complete is an additional punishment I get from her when I get back.
4. If I do complete all 5 I get to give her a 5 item scavenger hunt to be completed in town/on campus…
5. I have to disclose to both E and S2 on the drive there the scavenger hunt and offer for them to join in but I can’t tell them it’s a punishment or to gain a punishment. I have to make it seem like I want to do it if my own volition.
6. If E or S2 participate (E most certainly will) rules 1 and 2 both apply to them as well. And if either of them “beats” me my punishments from S get doubled in number.

Ok so on the ride there I brought up the Scavenger Hunt to E and S2 and tried to make it out to be this casual thing that S had come up with for me to do since she couldn’t be there to join us. Of course they both thought it was hilarious and we’re definitely on board to watch my ass do them. E was all for participating while S2 was less interested (she has a boyfriend) but said even she might do one or two items on the list.

Since item 4 was really two things we decided that in order to keep pace with things we would at least have to check two things off the list a night.

Now we get to the hotel and it’s beautiful. Right on the beach and something like 12 floors tall. Now as we check in I clock two things: the first being that the pool is on the ground level in a courtyard on the way to the beach that half of the hotel can look directly into. The second is that all of the ice machines were on every other floor (the evens). We were on the 5th floor…

But of course I decided to put all of that out of my mind. We’d been in the car for hours and all of us needed a drink/wanted to go to the beach. Now I’ll spare you all of the little details from here on out and cut to the chase.

Friday Evening:

We were in the ocean since we got to the hotel so late in the day and after a few drinks at this tiki bar down the street from the hotel we figured we’d go swimming and watch the sunset before dinner. Surprisingly there weren’t a lot of people out on the beach and almost zero people in the water so I just decided to go for it. We were already about chest deep in the water when I told S2 to go back and grab her phone as I slipped out of my bikini. I went bottoms first since that was already covered and swam out further so that I could still stand but crouch low enough to keep my tits covered. E not to be out done joined me. Believe it or not I thought this was gonna be one of the harder ones to pull off but we hadn’t been in town 6 hours when boom checked off the list.

Friday Night:

We get back to the hotel room at like 1:30 and all three of us are pretty drunk. Now E and I were both feeling bold enough to do the ice machine but S2 said she’d do the ding dong ditch if we did that one and I was secretly figuring that if we started there she might participate in some of the others. So that’s what we decided to do.

So our room was basically at the end of the hall with the elevators in the middle and the stairs at the far end of the hall. We decided and S concurred that it wouldn’t be sporting to just knock on the closest door and run back so we said that we had to go at least 3 doors down, knock and run back.

I of course went first. Now at the time I was drunk and my biggest concern was that the elevator would open or that the person whose door I knocked on would answer it. Hindsight being 20/20 there were probably cameras all over the hotel so the three of us probably made some poor security guards night.

Anyways E stood in the hallway to video as I dropped the towel I was wearing in the room and took off down the hall buck ass naked. I started by covering myself one arm on my tits the other between my legs. I decided to be bold and instead of 3 doors ran down to the 5th door knocked in what I hoped was a soft manner and ran back. On the run back both wanting to move faster and knowing that S was going to get this video I dropped my arms to my side. E and S2 were cheering “silently” as I burst back into the room.

My heart was pounding as I threw back on some pjs and E stripped to go next. I ended up the videographer for this round as E casually as if she were just walking to the pool strolls out of the room not covering a damn thing and just walks down the hallway. She goes even further than I went almost all the way to the elevators when she knocks on the door and turns around and this time runs back just in case the person opened the door to catch her tiny naked ass in the hallway (they didn’t).

Finally it was S2s turn. Now she’s not a prude in any sense, but she definitely stalled and took some convincing. Eventually though I was in the hallway phone at the ready as she took off running. Now I like to think I’m pretty thin and E is basically a toothpick so when I say S2 was the curviest of the three of us don’t take that to mean she’s unattractive in anyway. In fact quite the opposite I’ve always been jealous cause her ass is phenomenal. And I definitely thought to myself how it took me so long to realize I was bi as I watched that thing jiggle as she ran down the hallway.

For how nervous she had been she didn’t want to be outdone by either of us so she went the same distance I went and knocked on the door on the opposite side of the hall before turning around and running back. And like both E and I whomever was in that room didn’t wake up to answer the door. Unlike with E and I the elevator chose that moment to open and three very drunk frat dudes to walk out.

She was halfway back when they realized and the cheers started. With how fast she was running they couldn’t have seen her ass for more than 2 seconds but I’m positive based from their reactions on the video that they all at least saw a glimpse of her and one of them got a really good look.

E and I thought it was hilarious and after the initial shock wore of S2 thought it was funny as well though I think it played into her decision not to participate the rest of the weekend in the hunt lol.

Saturday Afternoon:

So the easiest item to check off on the list was number 1. We got to the beach around 11 and almost immediately this group of frat guys also there on spring break started hitting on us. I was immediately attracted to this guy who we will call D (both for his first initial and the reason you think…). By 3 I was joining him on a “beer run” to refill the cooler we had started to share.

Now the three of us had agreed that if E or I wanted to bring someone back to the room or go to their room it had to either be outside of normal sleeping hours. Both cause S2 has a boyfriend so could participate in hooking up with strangers and just for general safety to make sure none of us got kidnapped overnight.

We end up in their room which was several floors above us and pretty much abandon all pretense. The longest pause between him closing the door and being inside me was when I made him pose for the picture I needed as proof. Now this is already a long post and I’ve got more to get to lol so let’s just say that he definitely checked the Good Dick box.

Saturday Night:

E despite the fact that she normally outslutties me when it comes to the hook ups was striking out pretty hard (I think it’s cause we came to town pretty late in the spring break cycle so a lot of people had already left or were leaving the next day). So when we got back to the hotel she was ready to keep checking off boxes. I was really nervous about the pool so I decided to put that off one more night and to do the ice machine (which after finding out it was on a different floor I was the second most nervous about).

Now luckily the ice machine was right across from the staircase but that still meant running the length of my floor, up a flight of stairs, and across the hall and then back. I could tell E was nervous about this one too but she volunteered to go first this time. Of course one of us had to be the camera person and the third didn’t want to be left out so a fully clothed S2 and I followed her naked ass all the way down the hall to the staircase giggling like fucking middle schoolers trying to make sure we didn’t miss anything.

She decided to go to the ice machine a floor up and of course encountered no issues getting there and back. Then it was my turn.

Having been behind E the entire time I didn’t get to appreciate how there really isn’t a good way to cover yourself While holding an ice bucket let alone to run with one. So I basically ended up speed walking with it clutched to my chest not actually covering anything. I made it to the staircase and down to the floor below ours ice machine. Now if you want an adrenaline rush go use an ice machine butt ass naked while trying not to get caught. Cause they are so loud it sounds like the entire building is gonna come out of their rooms and yell at you for using it.

Now I get the ice and make it back to our floor and the coast looks pretty clear so I start making my way back down the hall when I see a door start to open. Immediately I spin on my heels and practically spilling ice all over my naked ass run back into the staircase (thankfully I was only three or four doors down the hall at the time. I don’t know if I was seen or not but according to S2 who stayed in the hallway the woman who left her room got into the elevator with only a small Nod to her so I may have escaped. All I know is that the minute the elevator doors closed I booked it back down the hall and had to painfully wait while E and S2 dicked around trying to get the key card out to open the door.

Sunday Night:

E has basically given up on finding some dick which means at the very least I’m in the clear for her beating me I think but this ended up being the most challenging night of all. Even with a lot of people having checked out of the hotel (or at least we assumed) the pool still made me really nervous and despite our many travels during the day we hadn’t located a very good place to go streaking outside of the hotel. Plus while our previous nights the tasks had happened post 2am we had to get up at 5am in order to make the drive back so at least one of us was going to have to get some sleep…

We had basically decided that we were going to go streaking on the beach and then jump into the pool to go skinny dipping on our way back to our room but we got back from a more subdued night of drinking at like 10pm and Packed. It was around midnight when we decided to walk down to the beach. Both E and I were just wearing baggy t-shirts and shorts so it was really easy to get them on and off to run down the sand hand in hand almost like we did during that first naked mile through our parking lot that basically started this whole thing for me.

So that was done. Super easy. I was almost sad that we hadn’t done something more exhilarating at the time compared to all of the other things we’d done. Little did I know I was about to be in for a lot of exhilaration…

Now comes the big one… the hotel pool. The last item between me and making S do 5 things just as ridiculous as these but with me there to watch…

Now in theory the pool closed at 10pm and the door to it locked but the card reader on it had been broken all weekend so it was easy for us to sneak in. We huddled in the corner away from the door to the inside and hopefully away from the view of most of the windows. My heart pounded as both E and I stripped down hoping no one was looking out of their room windows right now and down at the well lit pool.

Now it’s a quick naked run to the pool edge where we slide in and start to swim while S2 takes the video. Originally we had planned to just be super quick about it and just be in and out and done, but the exhilaration of the moment plus the warmth of the water was really nice that we actually started to swim around alittle bit. We even went as far as to start teasing S2 to come and join us which was our mistake.

Because she was standing with our clothes by the door that lead to the boardwalk and the beach she was out of sight of the hotel door and because we were teasing her we weren’t watching the hotel door…

I don’t think I’ve ever heard E scream as loud as she did when we heard the “Pools closed ladies time to get out and go back to your room” or something to that effect. This burly hotel security guard had basically appeared out of nowhere and was standing on the edge of the pool…

It was E who found the words before I did and I’m not sure exactly what she said cause I’m pretty sure I was in shock but it was something like “ummm we can’t cause we’re naked”

Naturally that excuse didn’t fly on this middle aged white security guard who made us get out of the pool butt ass naked. Luckily S2 was right there with towels for us as we climbed out of the stairs. Both E and I did our best to cover up our fronts but he definitely got a good look at our asses. Then still naked save for the towels we got a huge lecture about public indecency and about how he could have us arrested if he called the cops. Luckily all he did was take down our names and our room number to pass along to the front desk.

Appropriately mortified we all tried to go to bed. S2 who had agreed to drive the first leg and who hadn’t just been caught in all her glory (thank god for her getting caught that first night so at least all of us lost a bit of dignity) went to sleep pretty quickly. Now because there were three of us and only two beds we took turns each night with who got to sleep alone while the other two cuddled. I was with S2 while E had the solo bed. Now I was far to worked up to get any sleep and I know for a fact E was too cause I definitely heard her getting herself off in the bed next to us…

So I realize that was really long so if you stuck with me this far congrats lol. Moral of the story is that I guess E gets just as turned on by potential public exposure and getting caught as I do… and I now get to come up with 5 things for S to do when she gets out of quarantine later this week…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ml6125/f_21_spring_break_scavenger_hunt_the_update


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