Of a Lust explored [M] [F]

This is a long one. I have written a few of my encounters, more than a decade ago. But I revisited this yesterday and decided to pen it down. If you don’t want to read how it all began, you can go down to the last three paragraphs, I suppose. Enough of the intro and onto the tale.

‘P’ one day, out of nowhere, told me I am very addictive. That one line alone, coming from ‘P’ made me realise she took a long time to think and tell me in all honesty about something she felt about me. I instantly wanted to have her and make her moan while calling out my name. I was in New Zealand at this time and she was back in Bangalore, reporting to me as part of a project I was handling. There were three projects I handled at that time and she was among the few people that I spoke to casually and not as a boss. Maybe because I always found ‘P’ to be sweet and naïve. This was in 2010. I first met P when in 2005 when she joined a project I was working. She was beautiful to look at and I asked her if she knew Kannada because I was going to swear in it and I’d rather not do it in front of someone who might be offended. She laughed at it and said she would be offended. That was it. The only interaction we had. I remembered her because I saw her again sometime in between in a red sarree and she was looking beautiful again. We didn’t ever meet or talk till I was in NZ and she joined a project I was handling and was directly reporting to me. She doesn’t remember our first interaction and why should she? While she started in the project, our conversation were usually on the office communicator (which is a messaging platform). I used to write lengthy comical Do’s and Don’ts to the team. One day, I get an email from her about how much she enjoyed reading them. We started talking from that day and mostly our conversations revolved around small talk and nothing more. Occasionally, we would discuss ideas and preferences. She was engaged to be married to her college sweetheart, whom she’d been dating for 8 years by then. As our interactions became frequent, we started opening up to each other about our likes and dislikes, preference in the opposite sex, but it was never sexual in any manner. She was a shy girl and extremely formal. She knew her boundaries and would never cross any of them. She once asked me to not tell a joke because she knew there was going to be a sexual innuendo in it. But our conversations, no matter how simple and normal they were, continued on a daily basis and moved onto text messages. She was very interested in reading my poetry. And loved them. She used to tell me that she is yet to meet someone who made her laugh like I did, and how un-indian I was in many ways.

You are very addictive was how she started the conversation that day. It came out of the blue, all the more surprising that it was P who said it. But in that one line she told me more about what she thought about me than in the last 6 months that we started knowing each other. In that instant I wanted to fuck her. For the first time I saw her as a sexual person. I could understand that she had kept this within her for some days and deliberated on it, given the personality she had. I told her I am surprised and said I can’t be addictive at all. I was trying to be modest, and being so because it made her more relaxed and open up to me. It was a month before she was getting married and I knew she might be feeling restless. I might be the small distraction she indulged in and maybe I was. I took this opportunity to probe her more and know more about her sexual inclinations. It was difficult and the progress was slow but I made her more open towards discussing her sexual needs, which I am sad to say, were not many. Like most Indian women, she thought knowing and exploring her own sexuality will make her a bad person and she didn’t want to entertain any thoughts that delved into her own sexual needs and desires. Our conversations were more intimate as the days went by. She told me how her first time was and how she couldn’t get to see her husband’s penis because she felt it was too awkward and ugly. She discretely shared her honeymoon photos. All the while, I knew I was saying the right things to seduce her more. Placing the right ideas in her head that she can speak about sex as easily with me as she wants to. Every time I explained a sexual concept, I gave examples of her and I instead of generic examples. The first time she corrected me but from the second time, I knew she liked the examples I gave. I liked her a lot. We were becoming close friends. It never started sexual till the day she said I was addictive. While the desire to seduce her had taken me over, I was quite fond of her, growing more affectionate of her every day. Yet, at the same time, I wanted to seduce her. I wanted her to lose her self-control and give herself to me. Isn’t the way we respond to seduction an interesting thing to see? I have not met anyone in my life who didn’t like seducing or being seduced, albeit in a safe and mutually trusted environment. And when you have the right environment, our minds can soar when being seduced or when seducing.

‘P’ got married, had a good honeymoon and back to work. I was back in Bangalore. I was assigned another project to handle and P stopped reporting to me. We started meeting for coffee and lunch daily. When we walked, we would walk closer than usual, making sure our arms touched and the smile that left her lips at such small gestures was exquisite. I used to take session in my company, on some evenings for people interested in Astronomy. After every session, we would go out and do a basic constellation search while looking at actual constellations that were out there. P attended one session and came out to check the constellations. She was close to me. Everyone was looking up. I took a leap of faith and held P by the waist, squeezing her right above the hips and showed her Cassiopeia. I could see the shock on her face, the fear that someone might see us. The trepidation she had manifested into sharp breaths, her hand digging into my thighs. She couldn’t believe how calm and collected I was while I made small soft arcs with my fingers while I squeezed her waist even more. Time slowed down to a crawl and the forty odd seconds seemed longer than it ever does. When it was time to get home, P walked closer to me than she ever did. She texted me a good night with a little smiley that night. The rush of blood I had that night with the such a mild yet overwhelming sexual gesture made me want her even more. Our conversations turned more sexual in the coming days, and my examples more wild. One day while having coffee, knowing P’s preferences, I made a assumption and told her that I like her even more because she keeps her vagina unshaved and as natural as it can be. I never had mentioned her pussy ever before in a conversation. She was shocked to say the least. But she quickly composed herself and asked me how do I know? I said I know everything there is to know about her preferences because I know her enough to make an assumption. She smiled but didn’t correct me. Seeing her smile I took another leap and said that when I lick her pussy, I will make sure I spend a good amount of time taking in her scent because an unshaved pussy gathers the best pheromones. Her immediate response was to counter me and she said she will shave before that. The realisation that she unconsciously accepted the fact that we will one day fuck each other dawned on her some seconds after she finished her sentence. She smiled, her mind filled with excitement that she is able to explore this playful sexuality. I had a boner so hard that I couldn’t stand up without the entire cafeteria noticing the pole vaulter walking among them. I am near eight inches when hard and though I was oblivious to my own decent size, the women I slept with made sure I know it and start being proud of it too (which makes no sense because why the fuck would someone be proud of something you had no control over). We sat for some more minutes in silence, both our faces exhibiting smiles that showed the sexual excitement we had. This also helped me get soft. Right before we left, I said she should wet enough that I can quench my thirst by putting my hands between her thighs and licking them. She playfully hit my hand and we walked back to our work place.

It was a Friday, I distinctly remember it. P, I and some of our other common friends decided to meet for lunch and then call it an early day. We met at twelve noon and were done by two. I decided to drop P and go home. Even though I was seducing P and wanted to fuck her brains out, I never really thought of it ever materialising that day. Halfway to her home I decided to go for it. But not that soon. I waited till we were two minutes before we reached her place and I said I could kill for a coffee. There was no coffee place from where I said it and her place. She knew I loved filter coffee and don’t like any other kind. She invited me over and said she would make coffee so good that I wouldn’t like the coffee we get at the work cafeteria. She didn’t even think of sex when she said that. I know her well enough. I was always the one who lead her into sex and everything sexual. She was submissive without even knowing what it means. Once in, I follow her to the kitchen and let her put the kettle on. I was standing behind her. I told her that her hips seem perfect in the dress. She, without turning, asked me to not stare at her like that. I didn’t stop. I told her she knows exactly how to dress because she wants her wide hips and lithe waist to be noticed. That is why she loves wearing a sarree. I heard her swallow. This was the closest she ever had been to having such a massive sexual tension build up with anyone. I could see her sweat ever since we got into her home. I saw her taking shallow breaths, just like the day I held her close to show her the constellation. I walked close to her, she heard my footsteps. She didn’t turn around. She was trying to focus on the coffee in front of her and not think of what might happen and if anything does happen. The first touch was of my bulge through my jeans, on her arse. My hands followed soon and rested on her hips. I said there is no way someone can hold these hips and not worship them. While saying it I squeezed her hips firmly enough that she drew the deep breath. I gave five seconds after this. If she pushed me back, I knew she was not ready for anything this concrete and I’d rather not have my desire to fuck her jeopardise the friendship we have. In such a situation, five seconds can be achingly long. She didn’t move. She tried to open the kettle. Her silence told me more about her sexual desire more than people who’ve verbally told me they are horny. Her neck felt the first moist kiss from my mouth. My hands moved to her front and pushed her arse further to my bulge. I left long trails of my wet kisses on her neck while I moved her dress towards the sides of her shoulder. I started sucking her shoulder slowly, her head falling back on mine. I turned the gas off with one hand, and then made her face turn towards me so I could finally get to taste her. She kissed me without opening her lips. I kissed her the same. She was waiting for me to open her lips with mine. That was how she was always kissed. I obliged. Her mouth was dry. I was surprised that it was this dry. She tasted less sweeter than I thought she would which only made me like her more.

There are times when this raw instinct takes over me when I am highly aroused. Not every time but there are times when I almost become an animal. Every scent, every taste is heightened and I have a ferocious expression. I explore that person’s body, and when I say explore, I really do get into every nook, make sure I leave trails of my saliva and kisses and take in everything that they are. The first sense of this she got was when I asked her to give me her tongue. She was confused so I pried her tongue out and started sucking it hard. She never had done this before; given she had kissed only one more person in her life. The moan from her brought a pure rush of lust in me. I thought I sucked her tongue hard but she loved it the harder I sucked. I have to say, I never did it as hard as I did to her. This only made want to try something new. I didn’t want to lose the momentum we have and without turning her around towards me, I moved my hand under her dress and pinched her nipples really hard. He nipples were long. One more surprise because I always thought she would have larger areolas and smaller nipples. As I pinched them, she pulled her mouth away from the kiss and moaned louder, a deep guttural sexual moan and almost instantly felt embarrassed that she moaned in this manner. Her eyes were wide because this was the first time she experienced such pain and sexual gratification through that pain. As I said, I was instinctive and didn’t have enough blood anywhere near to think about the new revelation and explore it more. I wanted her. The next two minutes were spent undressing both of us, she giving herself up to me, and we were on the kitchen floor. She was in a trance. I didn’t lose a second and didn’t even stop long enough to admire her body. My mouth was everywhere. Leaving long trails of my saliva across her entire body as I lapped up her sweat in long licks. Our bodies instinctively moved to the missionary position with me going all over her beautiful sexy body. I love the natural scent of a woman and in the current state I was, it fuels me more. Her armpits had a stubble and I was licking them like a dog. The scent was heady and I was as hard as I could ever be. And then I bit her nipples. Harder than I should have and left a red mark. She moaned with equal ferocity and bit my shoulder. She drew blood. I didn’t know she did till after. She loved biting. I was giving her pain, making her realise how much this made her wet. She was dripping, her pussy a soppy wet masterpiece. I sucked her breasts as hard as I could, leaving both of them pink. In hindsight, this was something I shouldn’t have done but I was not in any position to think. But I did stop here. I wanted to take a look at her naked, finally. She was beautiful. She had a thick bush. It glistened with her wetness. She had full wide lips. I could smell her sex even as I was appreciating her body. It was a struggle to keep her hands from covering her. She wasn’t used to this. Wasn’t used to the room being that bright and having herself seen in all her glorious nakedness.

I stopped doing anything, mesmerised by her beauty, transfixed at little beads of sweat and saliva that covered her whole body. I was as hard as I could ever get. Any harder and I would have burst open. I was rubbing my penis over her pussy lips, in this rhythmic fashion, her long pubic hair brushing against the tip. Her eyes were that of anticipation, waiting for the eventual plunge to happen. The scent was extremely erotic and I didn’t want to give her the eventual thrust yet. I wanted to taste her sex in the purest form. I went in. The first lick was with my whole tongue spread wide and it was a long lick, tasting her as much as I could. She stopped me right then and was confused. She was expecting me to get into the motions she was used. I realised she never had her pussy eaten out. She could see the raw desire my eyes had. I told her to trust me and licked her again, this time deeper and letting my tongue go inside her pussy and come out. She moaned my name louder and then closed her mouth with her hand. I followed it up with smaller brushes of my tongue on her clit. Her clit was bulged and was certainly bigger than most women I have had the pleasure of going down. I went down for about only two minutes before I felt an orgasm welling inside her. I wanted this moment for so long. I wanted to see her thrash around in pleasure that was given by me. She instinctively closed her legs around my head and I left my tongue go as deep as I could. Her orgasm subsided while I still kept licking her pussy. Her wetness was over my beard, her thighs and all over my neck.

She still was coming around from the orgasm when I took my dick and brought it up. This was the first time she had the opportunity to see my dick in its full iron hard form. Her eyes were wide. This was the second penis she ever saw in her life and she didn’t know it was this big. I slowly rubbed it on her pussy. Her face was a mixed expression of pure lust and trepidation because this was it. This was something she never thought would happen, though later she did tell me that she fantasised about me many times before. I was rubbing my penis on her outer labia and she was writhing and squirming. The prospect of being rammed, make no mistake that she knew that was what I would do given my ferocity so far, made her even more anxious. Her submission was fueling me like never before. Before I could go down for one more lick, she spread herself, got her hands to grab my arse and pushed me inside her while she moaned. I groaned at the way she took charge. I took it out and rammer her again. She wasn’t as tight as I thought she would be but she loved me ramming myself into her. And I went on ravaging her pussy, first with deep penetrations and hard penetrations, thrusting into her till I could feel my balls hitting her arse hard and hurting. And then slowing myself to a rhythm while I kissed her deep, licked her armpits and bit her nippled. She came again while I stopped myself from cumming and took it out. She never liked giving a blowjob and never had given any before. I didn’t want to make her do something intrinsically never liked. She liked my dick but she never liked the act of blowing a dick. I didn’t make her. I rubbed my dick on her now dripping wet pussy some more and rubbed myself to cum. I was sorry to see her kitchen floor being made a mess with my cum and her squirting but I was immensely turned on seeing the mess we made. We smelled of sex. We helped each other get dressed but kept sitting on the kitchen floor, in each other’s arms. We kissed deep and the affection we had for each other shined bright. It never waned. I left after ten minutes because she wanted to shower up. I didn’t shower till the next day because I loved the smell of sex, her smell on me. Of course I didn’t talk to anyone because my mouth was the smell of her pussy through and through.

She said she needed the next two days to herself. I said I will wait. I did wait and respected her decision to be away from me. Two days later, I get a long letter where she thanked me for giving her an experience she would never have had the chance to feel and showing her some of her own sexuality that she had no idea was within her. She said we will never do it again because she isn’t comfortable having sex with me and then getting back to her life. She isn’t that person though she loved every moment we spent. I agreed and told her I will always support her no matter what she wanted to do. I went down on her one more time, during a moment of weakness from my side and that is for another time. For now, she still is among my closest friends and still among the very few people I go to when I am troubled.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5yljlj/of_a_lust_explored_m_f