I [F] had sex with the guy I hated since high school and I loved every second of it [MF]

**So a little bit of a backstory on as to why I hate Jake (not his real name)**

I first met Jake when I was 15 at a house party and I watched him take a guy’s bag of chips, spit into it and ask him to eat the chips. Looking at what he did made me despise him from that day onwards. He was the self-proclaimed king of high school, obnoxious bully and he was super proud of it. He was definitely not the type of guy I wanted to see again.

Unfortunately life doesn’t always give you what you want and as for me, Jake became one of those people you can’t avoid even though you really want to since we had a few friends in common We used to constantly bump into each other And whenever we did, he used to start calling me by the nicknames he had for me (most notable mentions are Freakzilla, Princess No Sense, Bubbles, Butter Cups, Spanky, Juciy). He always used to brag about how there’s an ‘ugly’ girl who won’t leave him alone and wants to ride him all night and how he breaks the beds of every girl he bangs. He would brag about the ridiculous things he did when he was drunk and every time he dated a girl he would brag about having sex with her everyday. So now you can see why I really really hated him.

Fast forward to 8 years, I still didn’t like him and he still kept bragging and calling me names, but despite him being a total a****le, he also was really hot. He had that whole cocky, ‘bad-boy’ vibe thing going his way and that can be, under certain circumstances, irresistible even for me.

Two days ago some of our friends decided to catch-up at a local bar since it would be nice to have some down time after everything that has been happening over the past year or so. We were having a great time when I saw Jake slowly approaching me with his swag, bad-boy walk, sat opposite of me and went, **”Damn Bubbles, you’ve become way hotter that you were supposed to, did you buy a beauty spell from a witch in the woods ?”**, Unamused I replied, “**Wow Jake, you always knew the words to a girls heart and looks like you just found mine”**. Shocked with my reply he replied with a slight grin oh his face, **”Woah that worked, I still got it…”**. With the level of cockiness he had in his reply I was getting irritated and I said, **”No.. What makes you think that works ? That would never work on a girl. I guess being that cocky doesn’t give you much of a brain”**. He took a sip of his beer and with smile replied, **”Oh you know me, I got the face of an angel and the mind of a devil. Besides you know what they say about bad boys is true…”**. Irritated I replied, **”That you are all dumb ?”**. He does a cocky laugh, smiled, took a sip of his beer and replied, **”No Spanky, they say that all good boys go to heaven but it is the bad boys that bring heaven to the bed”.**

I started smiling because lets admit it, that was a pretty good line to be honest. **”Wait a minute!! Did I just make Butter Cups smile, after all these years… Yes!!!”**, he shouts proud of his little accomplishment. **”Seriously though I can’t believe I never asked you out in all these years”**. Absolutely surprised at what he just said I exclaimed, **”You and me ??. Not even in your dreams”**, I mean I hated the guy.

**”Come on Butter Cups, you denied it for eight years. We always had great chemistry and whenever we argued it just went to a whole f***ing new level. We would have made a great pair with that chemistry and broken so many beds”**, he replied as he took another sip of his beer. If I had to be honest Jake did have a point, we did have great chemistry which had been pointed out by some of our friends over the years. Still with a smile on my face I replied, **”You know I have a name right ? Plus we would never get together”**. He took a sip of his beer and with a smile replied, **”Yeah I know but where’s the fun in calling you by your real name, besides I love when you get mad, especially now. Plus you may keep trying to deny it but how can you say no to this”,** making hand gestures at his body.

Despite all that hatred, deep down I knew he was right. We did have great chemistry and whenever we did argue that chemistry was off the charts. What started out as an usual argument banter slowly started making its turn into flirting. Jake was flirting hard with all his cockiness and male bravado while I was simply giggling and smiling, enjoying his company.

With the night coming to end we decided to head back home, saying our goodbyes while part of me wished I could spend some more time talking to Jake and listen to his stupid comments. I got in my car, got home to my apartment, slid into my PJs and was ready to call it a night but then I heard a couple of knocks on my door.

I looked through the peephole and to my surprise it was Jake standing there, hands inside his jacket pockets. I opened the door and asked, **”Jake, what are you doing here in the middle of the night ? Are you lost or something ?”.**

He gently grabbed my arms, pulled me closer to him, leaned down and kissed me on my lips. **”What are you doing ?”**, I asked surprised as I pushed him away. He again gently grabbed my arms and kissed me again, but this time I didn’t push him away, I didn’t want to push him away, I just felt like at that very moment I wanted to be with him

He started running his fingers through my hair slowly moving me towards my bed and gently laid me down on my bed. He had such a gentle yet teasing touch and we slipped each other’s clothes off as he started kissing me all over, agonizingly slowly.

I had tingles up and down my whole body as he licked and caressed my breasts while gently stroking my clit with his fingers. He trailed his tongue down my stomach and towards my inner thigh. He took his time and teased me with the flick of his tongue, and then after a good 10 – 15 minutes of oral (your girl loves a good head), he gave me such a hot and intense orgasm that I had to cover my mouth so I would scream and disturb the people in the apartment opposite to mine.

As he fumbled on the floor for a condom from his wallet, I was sweating. I couldn’t wait to have him inside me. He put on the condom and slid his sizable penis in and started thrusting urgently, lifting my legs over his shoulders so he could plunge deeper.

I was so sensitive from all the head he had given earlier that it felt like every thrust sent sparks through my whole body and I loved the sound of his moans in my ear. The pleasure was almost too much as I moved my legs lower, and wrapped them around him pulling him deeper inside. It was fast, and something about disliking him made me more uninhibited as I gasped louder and louder.

I gripped his back and buried my face in his neck to stop myself from crying out as I came and he came shortly later. Looking into each other eyes we composed ourselves and with huge grins on our faces as I fell asleep on his bare chest.

The next morning I woke, feeling satisfied after last night, only to find myself alone in my bed with a note laying on the other side of the bed. It read **”Thank you for a great night yesterday. Sorry I had to go early but you and me, we are going out next Friday. I will text you the place later. Looking forward for our first official date Butter Cups – hearts and kisses with his name at the bottom”.**

So the things I learnt from this experience : **Bad guys do bring heaven to the bed, I may hate him, but we don’t need to talk while we are having sex and I got a date with a guy I hated for the past 8 years. Who knows what will happen next….**

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mkq02t/i_f_had_sex_with_the_guy_i_hated_since_high


  1. Great story but rewarding asshole behavior is what keeps producing assholes lmao

  2. God damn that’s hot. You’re both very lucky. I can’t wait to hear what happens next.

  3. “Who knows what will happen next…”

    a) anal
    b) hpv
    c) pregnant with twins
    d) all of the above

    I am sincerely guessing D.

    Sorry love, I could not resist.

  4. Lmao sounds like Eminem “spitting on your onion rings”. I’m sorry but this is so cringe. If he really talked like that wtf lol.

  5. Yeah an attitude like that can get a guy score.

    When someone is bragging about stuff like that there’s always a clash of what he says about himself against what others say – his reputation. You said nothing about how others talk about him, possibly because there’s not many people who disagree with his bragging. Yep, you could have guessed that a lot was to happen between the two of you.

    On a side note, he doesn’t sound dumb. There are guys who are so damn absolutely dumb indeed, but this guy sounds more like he choses to act like that not because he is primitive, but because he is damn 100% aware he can support every single word he says about himself. His experience taught him a lot about himself and he uses that knowledge to great result. And deep inside you knew that, that’s why you found him hot. Aaand he knew you knew, knowing that gave him even more confidence in conversation and his further actions with you. He’s smart.

    He also surely changed from a bullying kid who does stupid shit to a confident man. I mean it is 8 years later – after such time most bullies become wrecks, he did not, so he must be doing something good with his life.

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