I seduced a married woman [MF]

***This doesn’t end with anything sexually gratifying — I just think this was an interesting story worth sharing.***

As several of my other stories have mentioned I spent most of my time in my early 20s working in a restaurant/bar and studying martial arts. This was at the tail end of my time working in the restaurant business as I had finally gotten a “big boy” suit and tie job and was winding down this part of my lifestyle before I moved to the city and made more time to play.

It was early summer, a Friday or Saturday night, and it was beautiful outside. Business had been really good that night and I had a lot of cash in my pocket, nowhere to be, and free drinks coming to me as part of my shift. The other servers and bartenders I worked with that night who closed with me were my favorite ones so we were going to hang out and party until late.

The college town where the bar was located had a few other spots nearby, one of which was owned by the same people where I worked. The server crew and I headed there for a bit to grab some drinks for a slight change of scenery. We got the same discount so it made it nice to hang out in different places and this one had a cool outside bar area. We headed out there, being ridiculous, and were playing around a bit too loud. For whatever reason I thought it would be fun to do a split — I was probably just showing off — and the other customers at the bar were really surprised. I’m a big guy, 6’2”, probably 220 at the time, big frame, didn’t ‘look’ flexible; but then all the sudden there I am doing the unexpected.

There was a group of ladies in their 30s or early 40s having a night out without their husbands and my act of bravado really caught their attention. Several of them came over to me and my friends and started to talk to me about why I was so flexible, how strong I must be, how handsome I was, etc. I was feeling particularly cocky at that stage in my life. Just having gotten the new job, moving soon to a cool apartment, having had some really fun sexual conquests, etc. So I started to show off more and flirt with these women pretty hard. My co-workers thought this was funny at first, so they were joining in and escalating the crap out of the situation. Eventually, my friends got annoyed and they wanted to peace out so we paid our incredibly small bill and headed back across the street to the bar where we worked.

We sat down, got some more drinks, played darts or something like that and just began to unwind. A few minutes later two of the women we had met at the other bar wandered in and came up to me to talk — apparently we had mentioned where we worked and they wanted to flirt a bit more. They were pretty tipsy but they ordered a few drinks, got served, and then started to flirt with me hard. I played into it and was absolutely throwing whatever game I had at them just for laughs. They talked about their kids, their husbands, their lack of sex life. I talked about how I had no girl, no attachments, and that I got to fuck anyone I wanted anywhere I wanted.

Their thirst was palpable. The conversation became intensely sexual as they started to ask me about the things I had done. I recounted many of the juicier bits of the exploits I have shared in my earlier posts and they were very excited to hear about them. One of the bartenders — a complete and total player — was listening in, gave them a few more drinks on the house, and he joined our conversation. One of the women left her focus on me, the other gave in to his charms and they began to chat it up independently.

The woman I was with was very pretty. Blonde hair, blue eyes, sexy curves, total MILF. The restaurant side of the bar was closed and empty, the bar side was winding down, so I gave her a little tour. She grabbed my arm, squeezed my muscles, and I showed her all the empty spots of the restaurant as I talked about sex and asked her what she liked and why her husband wasn’t fucking her like she deserved. I was amusing myself to no end as I ratcheted up her horniness. I won’t lie, I was horny too, but this was more a game than anything else for me.

Eventually I took her back to the server station near the kitchen, pulled the privacy curtain closed, and pushed her up against the wall. I got really close to her — my body pressing into hers — and I brought my lips down to her neck; breathing gently on it as a tease. She gasped and I laughed to myself.

“Do you want me to kiss you?” I played with her.

“Uh huh.”

“Where? Your neck… your lips… your pussy?”

“My neck… kiss my neck!”

I moved in as though I were going to do it. “But what about your husband?”

“Just kiss it.”

I moved to the other side of her neck and teased again, “Are you sure? You really want me to kiss you. To touch you?”

“Yes.” She was panting a little in anticipation.

I was turned on like crazy and was getting really hard. I pushed my hips forward so she could feel my cock brush up against her. “Is this turning you on? It’s turning me on. Can you feel?”

“Oh my god, yes.”

“Should I do it? Should I kiss you. Even though you have a husband at home waiting for you?”

“Yes, just kiss me, touch me, fuck me.”

“Oh no, I can’t do that. I don’t want to ruin your marriage.” I started to pull away and she grabbed my waist and pulled me back. She moistened her lips with a flick of her tongue and waited for me to go in for the kill. “You really want this. You want me — this young man you met at the bar — to kiss your lips, finger your pussy, and fuck you until you cum?” She nodded and thrust her crotch onto my leg and began to grind her hips into me.

“That’s too bad.” I was being an absolute shit. “I’m not that kind of guy.”

She reached out and put her arms around my neck; I believe she was thinking that all I needed was a push to continue. If it had been me now… I would have just done it. Hell, if it had been me a year from that day I would have done it. There was just something in me at the time that was against cheating — in the vein of her being too drunk to make good decisions — I had been with a married woman once before. I’ve been with several since. They had all been able to make the decision to be with me without the influence of alcohol though — and as much as I wanted to fuck this woman for the story and to bust my nut — I wasn’t going to do it.

I teased her a bit more, then I finally turned and walked away. She followed me like a lost — and incredibly horny — puppy. My bartender coworker had already gotten bored of the other horny MILF and had decided she was too drunk to have any more. My MILF, likewise, tried to get a drink and was cut-off, which led to them getting a little upset and storming out of our establishment to go back to the other bar.

I relayed the story of what I had done to my peers; they gave me a rash of shit for being an asshole — deservedly — then we locked up, finished our drinks and started to disperse. It was just me and the two bartenders left — probably 1:30 am — when we suddenly heard a pounding on the front door. The two ladies were back, they had been cut-off at the other bar and everything was shutting down. We went to the door and they begged us to let them in. We said no, it was against the law, and then my MILF flashed us her tits and told us she would fuck us both if they gave them another drink and let them in. We knew we were in for trouble then.

They stayed out front, pounding on the doors and screaming for us to give them drinks, fuck them, etc. Alternating between that and telling us we were assholes for not doing it. We told them we would call the cops if they didn’t leave and eventually they wandered off. A few minutes after that they drove by the bar — drunk — and crashed into a building across the way. The police came, detained them, questioned us, it was a whole crazy thing. We were able to prove that they had been cut off and we had denied them entry after hours so we didn’t get in any serious trouble. It was a crazy night.

Sorry, again that this confession didn’t end in fucking, but… I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/mkl8su/i_seduced_a_married_woman_mf