This is my first requested story, so feedback is appreciated!
Liz felt incredibly frustrated at herself as she dashed across the parking lot from her car to her boyfriend’s apartment complex. Her boss had told her weeks ago about the seasonal reports that were mandatory for her department. He had sent emails, posted reminders, and nagged her to death and she somehow still forgot them. They had to be submitted by 12:00 AM Saturday- which was today.
As Liz pressed the elevator call button repeatedly she checked her phone.
*11:38, I can still make it!* *All I have to do is send the email and it’ll be fine!*
The assignment had simply slipped her mind until a few hours ago, luckily she had it completed and loaded to a thumb drive, she just needed to submit it and she was safe. The only problem being that she had left her laptop at work on Friday. “I’m so stupid! Why did I wait this long?” Liz muttered as she stepped into the thankfully empty elevator, selecting the correct floor.
As she rode the elevator up she couldn’t help but think about how lucky she was to have James. That beautiful, *beautiful* man was a savior! She had called him in a panic, practically begging to borrow his laptop to submit her report. She knew James would love to help, and while she felt bad for troubling him for it she knew it was an emergency. Luckily James was very understanding and had said of course she could borrow it, but asked if they could have a ‘movie night’ afterwards.
Although she knew that really meant they would let a movie play while they had sex.
At this point it was a common occurrence between them, although she’s not sure how it started. It was a near weekly thing for them, sure they had casual sex other times as well, but this was a safe and reserved time for just them, which she found really cute. So when they had a long day and wanted to unwind they would casually bring up movie titles as their own secret innuendo, one time on her birthday James made the comment that he was going to ‘sit through the whole movie and stay for the credits’, and boy did he ever!
He laid a blanket on the couch, having her sit naked atop of it while he stimulated her for the entire movie. He had alternated between methods, each causing a different reaction from the her as James switched from slow curling fingers, to fast licks, to high speed toys. All of which caused her moans and cries of pure pleasure to fill the apartment. When he finally fucked her himself Liz honestly though she was going to break. She couldn’t remember how many times she came that night, but it was absolute euphoria! So any time he wanted to have a movie night, she wasn’t about to complain, she loved every second of it!
Before her mind could drift a bit too far with that particular thought the elevator stopped. As soon as the elevator dinged and the doors parted she was already jogging down the hall, checking the time on her phone as she knocked on the door to James’ apartment.
*11:42, I have plenty of time!*
James opened the door a few moments afterwards, a smile graced his lips at seeing her.
“Hey Liz, out of breath already? We haven’t even started the movie yet” He said teasingly. The comment made her feel a small tug of anticipation for what would come later tonight, her eyes glancing over him. He wore slacks and a button-up shirt that nicely complemented his muscular physique, while still being stylish. *He must have just got out of work, he’s normally off by 10:00, they must have kept him late.* She realized, although she didn’t have time to chat.
“Where’s your laptop?” Liz said with urgency in her voice as she tried to catch her breath.
James seemed to ignore her as his eyes roamed her body. She gave him a small glare that screamed ‘I don’t have time for this’ Though that didn’t stop James from taking a moment to admire her stunning features.
Liz was a bit shorter than him at 5’6 and a half- (and she claimed the relevancy of that half-inch with every breath). She was a bit thin, her active lifestyle doing wonders for her body. Her legs were perfectly highlighted by the tight, form fitting gray jeans she wore. Her cute, perky B cup breasts were sadly covered well with that doctor who T-shirt she still insisted on wearing. Although he could see to faint imprints of her pierced nipples through her thin shirt. Another advantage was it left her arms uncovered, showing off her great tan that he knew covered almost every inch of her.
His gaze finally reached her face as he met her eyes and noticed the small fire in her them as he realized just how pressed for time she was-
…and that he may have taken a bit too long enjoying the view…
What? He was only human.
James almost had the decency to look sorry as he stepped aside to let her in, which she took advantage of as she burst in the room looking for the device. James couldn’t help but glance at her firm, toned ass as she passed him.
“It should be in the bedroom I think.” He said gesturing towards the hallway to the left even though she knew right where it was, having been there quite a few times before. “and it’s so great to see you too.” He added with a touch of dry sarcasm.
She paused, taking a deep breath she approached him again, she couldn’t help a laugh as she took his hand. “It *is* great to see you. Sorry, my boss is breathing down my neck for these reports, and needs them submitted by midnight-” she gestured to the analog clock next to the Tv that read 11:44. “and I kinda gotta hurry. However… I’ll do my *absolute best* to make it up to you when I’m done?” She said with a playful smirk, which only grew as he smiled and nodded.
“I’ll get a movie on, you have a suggestion?” He asked, knowing full well they wouldn’t watch the first half at least.
“Nope, it’s your pick!” She replied, leaning closer and adding in a soft voice, “You can have whatever you like, okay?”
His eyes narrowed as he tried to tell if that was another innuendo or not… Probably.
After giving him an almost teasing kiss on the cheek she turned and dashed to the bedroom to search for the laptop. She knew James could understand why she was so stressed. She had a lot of small problems that were slowly, but surely felt like they were overwhelming her.
The car’s needs to be taken to the mechanic, something with the AC had broken. James is having his 24th birthday in three weeks and she had absolutely no idea what to get him. Then to top it off her jackass of a boss kept breathing down her neck for her to submit her seasonal report- it wasn’t even on a time sensitive issue and he was flipping his shit over nothing.
*Damn I want to quit.*
Liz walked into the bedroom, relieved at seeing the laptop open on the end of the bed. Taking the opportunity to lay across the bed. She as her body sank into the mattress, resisting the urge just to say fuck it and go to bed.
Honestly she would feel worse about leaving James hanging than her boss throwing a fit.
She pulled the laptop closer and was happy the device was already on, and there was even an internet tab open! As she pulled out the USB drive she took a quick glance at the page, which looked like Reddit. So this was where he was getting all of those cool videos and dumb memes he kept sending her! To think just a few months ago *he* called *her* a nerd for having a Reddit account, there was definitely gonna be payback!
She was about to enter her email in the search bar when something on the page caught her eye. She paused, and actually read the sub-reddits posts on the home page as her eyes widened.
*Oh… those… definitely aren’t memes*.
As she scanned each post she quickly noticed this was not only a account specifically for porn, but… hotwife porn? Most of them followed the theme of a man letting other men have sex with is wife/girlfriend, mostly among friends, with the man knowing and… encouraging it?
*I didn’t know James was into that! We had already discussed our kinks, but James had never mentioned anything even close to this!*
She shook herself out of it, she had a report to submit! Deciding to sort this out later she was careful to open a new tab, leaving the Reddit tab untouched in the background. Quickly plugging in her USB she sent the emails to her boss in record time, making the deadline with ease. With that finished she minimized the work tabs, keeping them at the ready if James were to come back to check how it was going.
Switching back to the Reddit tab she checked the account info, finding the account was almost six years old. *This must be something he is really into.* She realized as she looked at the page with nervous unease, her curiosity winning out and she clicked on the first post.
Then the next.
Then the next.
Again and again scrolling through his saved feed until eventually she found herself pouring over a video of a young brunette who seemed like she was trying to give a slow, blowjob. However, it was near impossible as she was being absolutely *railed* by the man behind her. His cock repeated slamming deep between her now-pink lips, electing a series of muffled moans and squeals from the beautiful girl as she tried taking more of the cock in her mouth.
She could see there was another man waiting for his turn beside the bed, as he waited he squeezed and teased her large breasts. At one point he decided to move to her nipples, and gave one a soft pinch. He was rewarded for his efforts as she let out a sharp cry as her legs shook. Eventually they all traded places, each getting to fill the lucky girl.
Liz was enraptured.
She had had her fair share of sexual adventures, even a threesome once before she met James. It was one of the best things she had ever experienced, having two men pleasuring her at once was ecstasy!
Her mind slipped to James’ best friend Eric, and her resolve cracked a little.
*That would never happen, she’s with James and Eric knows that, just because he’s single, handsome, athletic… with his toned abs… he wouldn’t want to…*
Her mind started to derail with traitorous thoughts as she watched the video hungerly, her eyes glued to the screen as the girl’s moans became higher and higher. Liz squirmed a little as she laid face down on the bed, her legs slightly parting as she watched, her mind beginning to drift as she saw herself in the girl’s position…
*-slowly taking James’s cock in her mouth, eagerly sucking while using her tongue to pleasure very inch of his length, happy to draw small moans from her lover…*
*-Her breasts and nipples being played with, fueling the fires of her arousal even further as she shuddered…*
*-Eric fucking her so hard, his cock slamming into her pussy repeatedly. She could feel her orgasm on the horizon as her deep moans and pants filled the room. He didn’t let up in the slightest as he reached in front of her, his hand first squeezing her breast, then trailing downward moving achingly slow as he made slowly reached for her sensitive-*
Liz was startled out of her thoughts as she let loose a soft, involuntary, and almost desperate whine.
It was then she became aware of a few things. The first and most noticeable was her heartbeat pounding in her ears, her breasts ever so slightly bouncing as she took deep, fast breaths as her body flushed.
Then Liz was very aware of her hand that had traveled seemingly on it’s own, and into her panties and was barely brushing her sensitive bud in an attempt to satisfy the burning need deep in her core. A furious blush dusted her cheeks from both arousal and shame.
*What the hell am I doing?* She frowned as she sat up, gently scooting the laptop away from her and she tried not to look at the screen. Taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself; she began to think on what she should do.
*Should I talk to James? Should I just close it and pretend I never saw it?*
No, definitely not. This must be something he is interested in. So… she would talk to him about it, tell him she accidentally came across his alternate account and… then what? Would they ever actually try something like that? The thought felt vaguely exciting to her. She wasn’t sure how to feel about that.
*Would that really be something James would want to do?*
*Would… would that be something… I would want to do?*
Although with how much there was saved on that account she knew he must have thought about it. She opened Reddit on her phone, quickly creating an alternate account of her own. She made sure she copied all the subs he followed before closing the browser and the laptop.
With that done she tried to gather her thoughts as images still played in her head of what could be. She couldn’t take it anymore, she couldn’t be this horny over a stupid video!
*Why was she-… James. The movie.*
That was it! She was probably just really excited from thinking about him, the movie, not Eric! Not being fucked by his friends! That would be ridiculous! The video must have been the last straw, just seeing the girl getting fucked like that was all it was, those thoughts just came from what she was looking at, not what she wanted! That couldn’t be why she was so worked up… could it?
*No way!* She thought as her mind was spinning, *I have never even thought about fucking other guys since I met James! I love him, that would be cheating*! She frowned as a new possibility came to her.
*Unless… unless James was okay with it? or… if he wanted me to?* She tried to stamp out that notion quickly, but it had already taken root. *There was no way, that wasn’t something he’d ever want. but… I didn’t know he was interested in any of this either… maybe this was just a internet fetish, not something that he would ever consider doing for real, it’s basically porn! Everybody looks at porn!*
As Liz continued to wrestle with her thoughts, she realized she was still just as worked up as before, the burning in her core had not stopped at all as her mind continued to fuel her desire. *Okay, I’ll have sex with James, cum my brains out and then this will all seem absurd! I’m just so worked up I’m not thinking straight!*
She knew James would be very happy to help her with that. She turned, about to walk out of the bedroom confident in her plan. She was already thinking of how she could bring it up to him gently when a very… *different* thought struck her that made her stop in her tracks.
*I still needed a birthday gift for his 24th that is in a few weeks. It would make an amazing present for him…* She thought of the night he had made her cum over and over again until the credit’s played. *-and an incredibly fun way to pay him back…*
*No… no that’s nuts, I’m just horny. That’s all it is.* She thought as her mind played images of James letting all of his friends fuck her senseless as she turned and exited the room, taking a deep breath she pressed her fantasies and questions down.
That would be for later, right now she needs relief.