Clementina, Part X [erotic horror, body horror, monster, tentacle, anal, lactation, MF, incest(m/s)]


As with the previous installments, if this sort of thing is not your cup of tea, please do not read any further. I want readers to have fun – not be disturbed. Please heed all warnings!

This story assumes you have read all previous nine parts. If you haven’t you will probably find some of this bewildering.

I appreciate all your comments and feedback in the comments section and read every one of them. Thank you!

This story begins immediately after Part IX ends.


Clementina, Part X

Chapter 2: Symbiosis (continued)

The sun was sinking in the west as we made our way back to the house, tired out from our explorations in the caves. Nobody said anything, I think we all were still processing what had just happened. I was still feeling pensive and uncomfortable about the statue. I kept glancing over surreptitiously at my mother. She had lost her suit in the scuffle in the well, and was naked as she walked down the path in the late afternoon sunlight. But she looked just like she had that morning, and like she had ever since she took the phallite on and adopted the usual phallite female body – large, heavy, milk-laden breasts; wide aureoles and long nipples; thin waist, wide flared hips, thick labia, and heavy clitoris. In her case, being a gym rat, she coupled that with toned muscles that meant she had fewer curves than Clementina or Ona, but she was not the lithe woman she had been before she took on a phallite.

But she looked just like she had before she had gone into the caves that day, there was nothing outwardly changed about her. Still, some internal radar – maybe my phallite – detected something about her that left me nervous.

We returned to the house and Clementina and Ona went inside, but my mother and I hopped into the pool for a dip. After swimming around a little, my mother came next to me where I stood leaning against the side of the pool.

“So how was your night out with Clementina?” she asked. She asked so casually, so normally, as if she hadn’t just taken three huge tentacles up her ass courtesy of the friendly cave monster from hell.

“It was nice,” I said, trying to match casual with casual. “We had a nice dinner, then went back to the hotel and had an incredible night.”

“Do you feel more attached to her now?” she asked. I noticed she didn’t use the “L” word.

“I do, I really adore her,” I said. “But nowhere near as much as I adore my mother.”

I meant it as a casual throwaway complement, and followed it up with a peck on my mother’s cheek. I hadn’t expected anything to come from it, especially since we had expended all that libido in the cave. But my peck on the cheek was followed by a full kiss on the lips from my mother. She positioned herself in front of me, pressing her heavy, firm breasts against my chest, then kissed me again, even harder, forcing her tongue into my mouth.

I pulled back slightly, and she looked at me quizzically.

“Aren’t you at least a little worn out after taking six tentacles inside you just a few minutes ago?” I asked. “You were pretty stretched, I would think you would be sore as hell right now.”

“No, not at all,” she said. “I feel great. I think I’m hornier than I was before.”

She reached down into the water and pushed my swimtrunks down to my feet, then began running her hands along my cock, stroking it. No man with a phallite on board can keep his cock soft when a woman with a phallite on board starts rubbing it. And I was no exception. Even though I was still troubled by my mother’s behavior and disturbed by the whole set of events in the cave, my cock had a mind of its own, and a moment later I was at full attention, standing out over a foot. My mother pressed her body against mine, pushing my cock against her stomach and up into the cleavage between her breasts. She squeezed the milk-heavy globes together, squishing my cock between them as the first surge of slime squirted from the tip, and creamy golden milk trickled from her long brown nipples into the water.

My nervousness slipped away, overcome by the surge of desire that raced through me. I bent down, running my tongue over her wide, pebbled aureole and sucking the long, brown nipple into my mouth. The sweet, intoxicating milk flowed across my tongue and I swallowed greedily, sucking another mouthful and carrying it up to my mother, where I passed it to her when we kissed, some of it trickling down our chins. I bent back over, squeezing the other breast, squishy with the milk inside. I pointed the nipple at my mouth and squeezed, spraying some into my mouth, some across my face. My mother pulled my face into one of her breasts and I suckled greedily as she dribbled a streamer of slime from her lips across her other mound and massaged it, squirting milk across my shoulders.

She lifted her body up and slipped her slit down, devouring my waiting cock. Her motions immediately became passionate and frantic. My back was pressed against the side of the pool and she held onto the lip and pressed her knees and feet against the side as she pushed her body up and down my shaft. Thick slime oozed from the tip of my cock into her cunt, mixing with her own and adding even more lubrication as the flesh of my cock rubbed against the walls of her slit.

She pushed herself all the way down on my cock and I felt her thick lobes pressed against the base, her hard clit pressing against my abdomen above my member. I squeezed her breasts as I felt my cock tighten and the first salvo of juice shoot inside her.

My mother leaned forward and hugged herself against me as our orgasms ran their course, my seed filling up her pink, deep, waiting pussy. I leaned back against the side of the pool and closed my eyes. I felt like my very life was draining out of me as my semen surged into my mother’s body.

My mother kissed me on the lips.

“Did mommy do good?” she asked.

“Mommy is always the best,” I said, kissing her back. She pulled herself off my flagging, erection and hopped up onto the deck nimbly, while I still lingered in the pool.

“Are you coming in?” she asked. “There’s more where that came from if you want it.”

“I’ll be in eventually,” I replied. “But I think I’m done with fucking for now.”

“If you change your mind you know where to find me.” She winked and disappeared into the house.

I leaned my head back against the side of the pool and closed my eyes as the setting sun turned the back of the house burnt orange. The past 24 hours I had done nothing but fuck. Even with a phallite, I was worn out. Even more worn out than I would have thought I should be. And that last quicky with my mother had been the last straw, I was done.

The back of the house opened and Clementina came out. She was still in the thong bikini she had worn into the caves earlier. As she approached I looked at her, noticing how beautiful and desirable she was with her curvy, sultry phallite body. But I hoped she wasn’t looking for any hanky-panky because I was just about spent.

She sat on the edge of the pool next to wear I sat, dangling her feet in the water.

“Hey, lover,” she said.

“Hey yourself,” I replied.

“You look beat,” she said, looking me in the eyes. “I think we wore you out.”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “I can barely stay awake.”

“You need to be careful with that phallite in you. Men especially can get worn down quickly.”

“Is that one of those things that make it ‘not to simple’ to recruit male phallite hosts, they get tired too quickly?”

“That’s…part of it,” she said, twirling her legs in the water.

“Can you tell me the rest of it?”

“I guess I owe it to you, don’t I?” she said, and sighed. “I’m not sure how to say this.”

“Is it really that bad?” I asked.

“You know how I came home after my phallite died and didn’t take on another parasite until Ona put a dark phallite in me? And you know how Ona came home when hers died to take on another? It works that way for women, but not for men.” She trailed off.

“So…how does it work for men, then?” I had turned and was looking straight at her as I said that.

“Every man I know of, and every man I have found records of the old journals – except one – all died when their phallite died.”

“What?!?!” I exclaimed. “So I die when my phallite dies? How long do they live?”

“Usually eight years, give or take. It depends on the phallite, the host, and how old the phallite was when it entered your body. I’m so sorry Russel, I really am.”

“And that one guy, the one who lived, what did he do differently?”

“Nothing that I can see in any records I can find. It seems on the surface like dumb luck. He went through a bunch of them before he died at a really old age, like 140 or something like that.”

“So if it doesn’t kill me, it makes me stronger.”

“Seems like it.”

“Then we have eight years to figure out what made that guy survive when all others failed.”

“I’m sorry I had to tell you this, and I’m sorry I dragged you into this in the first place,” Clementina said. “I look back on that night you came over to fix the plumbing and I cringe.”

“I know, Clementina. It’s not your fault, it’s another black mark against Ona. She killed my father and now she may end up killing me.”

“Thank you. I will do anything I can in my power to help you. So will Ona, I know. You were saving us when you put yourself in this situation.”

I climbed out of the pool. I wanted to talk to my mother. Despite the fact that she was a complete sex fiend tonight, I needed her guidance, her steady hand. She was usually a calming influence.

I walked inside, heading over to the wing where my mother and I made our home. I walked into our living room and came up short. Ona and my mother were on the floor, wrapped in a passionate sixty-nine, slime and milk covered their bodies. They looked up as I came in.

“You can slide in anywhere you feel like it,” Ona said, pointing her ass in my direction. My mother put her hands on Ona’s hips and cheeks and stretched both her pussy and asshole wide. Gaping chasms of pink beckoned. But even though my phallite poked me, I wasn’t in the mood and only felt the slightest stirrings in my cock.

I shook my head.

“Jesus mom, you’re a fucking tornado tonight. Wow. Anyway, when you guys are done, I need to talk to you. I’ll be in my room.”

I climbed the stairs to my room in the attic, stripped off my bathing suit and turned on the shower hot as I could stand. I let the water run over me for a long time before I finally got to work with the soap, washing off the dried mixture of semen, slime, and milk that still coated much of my body. I rinsed, dried myself with a towel, then lay down on the bed in a pair of pajama bottoms, trying to stay awake until my mother came up to talk.

I didn’t have long to wait. She appeared about ten minutes later.

“Are you planning on putting on any clothes or are you going to just walk around the rest of the day naked?” I snapped.

“It’s after 9:00, so there’s not much of the day left. No use getting any clothes dirty at this point is there?” she shot back tartly, crossing her arms over her chest and squinting at me.

“Sorry,” I sighed. “I just…ugh.”

“What’s the matter?” she asked, sitting next to me on the bed.

I filled her in on what Clementina said about men and phallites.

“Oh, shit,” she said softly when I had finished. “That’s rough. But look, don’t panic. We’ve got eight years to figure this out. There are all those journals that we still haven’t gone through, plus we can look into this one guy who survived. There has to be a solution somewhere. I know Clementina and Ona will do what they can – they are so grateful we saved them. We can get through this, I promise.”

She sat on the bed next to me and I cried onto her shoulder.

“Shhh,” she said. “It’s going to be okay. I promise.”

We disconnected and I lay back on the bed.

“Do you want a massage?” she asked, running her hand up and down my stomach and chest. “I can make it good for you.”

I shook my head.

“Mom, any other night I would say yes, but tonight I’m just not in the mood for any more sex. I am exhausted, so I think I am going to turn in and try to get some sleep.”

She nodded and kissed me on the forehead.

“Sleep tight, and if you change your mind, just let me know. You don’t even have to ask for permission, just come down and take what you need.” She winked, stood up, and swayed her hips as she walked to the door. She glanced over her shoulder to see if I had been watching, then smiled as she left. I listened as her footsteps padded down the steps from the attic, closing the door at the bottom.

Even with that display, I still didn’t feel like sex. I just felt like sleep.

I rolled over, flicked off the light, and tried to go to sleep. I was so tired, I should have dropped off right away, but instead my mind whirled. Thoughts of my impending demise, of the tentacle monster in the cave, of my mother’s insatiability since she had been fucked by said tentacle monster, and my own absolute exhaustion. I was scared, disturbed, and I didn’t know what to make of my situation. Eventually, fear gave way to boredom, which gave way to that invitation my mom had made as she walked out of my room an hour before.

Out of pure frustration I threw off the sheets, tossed off my pajama bottoms, and padded down the stairs naked, my fifteen inches hard and ready in front of me, dribbling slime and pre-come from the tip. My mother had just come out of the tub and was wrapped in a towel. She smiled when she saw me come in.

She must have seen the look in my eye because she didn’t even bother to ask if I wanted that massage. She just tossed the towel aside and climbed onto her bed, perching on the edge on all fours and pointing her pink, perfect asshole at me. She didn’t need to say anything more.

I didn’t waste any time. Her asshole was gaping and trickling slime, and just underneath it her cunt was hanging wide open. My purple, throbbing cock was pointed skyward with my own slime trickling down the shaft. I used my thumbs to force open my mother’s already gaping asshole. Pink flesh pushed out. I planted my lips around it and sucked her ass flesh into my mouth, licking and sucking more of the crumpled flesh from inside. I leaned back and pushed my meat inside of her, sliding all fifteen inches into her waiting, puckered pink, gaped asshole. Slime sluiced out around my cock as I forced into the sphincter. My mom moaned.

I leaned forward, roughly squeezing her milk-engorged breasts, running my hands over her stomach and feeling my cock inside her. Slime rose in my mouth. I pulled out a few inches, spat the slime on my already slime-covered cock and slid it back in.

I picked up the pace. I wasn’t going for technique, I was going just for a good, hard fuck. My balls slammed against the thick labia around her slimy slit. More slime slid from her asshole with every stroke of my cock into her waiting cavern. Slime poured from my mouth and ran down my chin and my chest, and still more slipped from my asshole.

Every time I stroked out of my mother’s ass, her flesh clung to my meat like a pinkish-red sheath, sliding inches out of her hole, then sliding back down my cock and slipping back inside her until I forced my way back in then pulled back out.

I leaned my head back and pushed myself harder. Around my cock I felt my mother climax and a fresh wave of slime poured from all three of her holes, but I didn’t slow down. Instead, I pulled all the way out, and slid all the way back in repeatedly – re-penetrating her puckered asshole again and again. I felt her back arch as another orgasm washed over her, her ass flesh coming further and further out of her with each stroke.

Fuck it, it was my turn. I leaned forward and sped up, working my cock in and out of her ass in a frenzy. Suddenly, my mother reached back and stopped me, putting a hand on my chest.

“Don’t come yet,” she said. “I want that load in my mouth, baby. Fill mommy’s mouth with your slime and come.”

Before I let her move that beautiful ass out of my sight, I bent down and planted my lips onto her pink – now red – asshole. I knew she was full of slime, both hers and mine. I was right. I sucked and pulled a huge load of slime into my mouth.

She spun around and sat cross-legged in front of me on the bed, siezing my foot-plus and stroking it. I took her hair and pulled it, stretching her head back and opening her mouth. Opening my own mouth I slowly trickled the slime out, letting it slip down my chin and dribble down into her mouth. Her ass slime and my cock slime combined that I had sucked out of her asshole slithered into her open lips. I reached down and kissed my mother and we swapped our slime back and forth as I gagged and added more to the mix.

I pulled back and some of the slime slipped from her lips, dripping down my mother’s chest. I slid three fingers into her mouth, teasing the back of her throat until she retched. A huge wad of phallite slime shot out of her mouth into mine. I sucked it down and swallowed it, as my own body retched up a glob. I dribbled it back into her mouth and across her tits.

I finally let my mother pull back and return her attention to my cock, kissing the tip and sucking the sensitive spot under the head. I groaned and the tip of my cock gapped as a fresh load of slime poured forth. Another load of slime rose up into my mouth and I let it trickle down on my mother’s hair, still wet from the shower.

My mother was sucking almost a foot of my cock into her mouth, working it in and out, tickling the underside with her tongue. Streamers of slime from her mouth down her chin and across her milk-engorged breasts.

I pushed my cock forwards, pushing it into her throat, forcing the entire fifteen inches down her maw, making her spit up thick streamers of slime. My mother took it though, letting her son force feed her cock, face fucking her into a frenzy. Slime shot out her mouth and nose as she retched, and I could see more pouring from her ass and slit. I think my mom came as I shoved my cock down her throat.

My balls tightened and I knew it was almost time to come. I took her hair and pulled her head back so her face was just inches from my huge purple head. She stroked my cock, opening her mouth and smiling up at me. My balls convulsed and a thick stream of come shot from the end into her mouth and across her face. A second and a third surge of semen and slime rocketed out, filling her mouth and trickling down across her mountainous breasts. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes as my mother stuck out her tongue and began licking my cock, teasing out ever last drop she could manage.

I could feel her tongue working over my cock, running around the sides, teasing the tip, flicking across the underside, wrapping all the way around…

Wrapping all the way around…?

I opened my eyes. My mother’s head was perched at the end of my cock, but her tongue came out and was wrapped several times around, extending out an impossible length – just like the statue in the chamber with the tentacle monster. She pulled it back, sucking the come it collected into her mouth with relish, then flicked the long, sinewy organ down across her breasts, licking the come that had fallen there before she finally pulled it all the way back into her mouth.

I looked down in horror and took a step backwards, pulling my cock free from her hand.

“What the fuck…?”

She smiled and leaned back, spreading her legs. I reeled in shock. Her labia had been replaced with six slimy, tentacles reaching, grasping for my cock.

I froze. I wanted to turn and run, but now I was frozen in place. Her long tongue and her six, soft slimy tentacles reached for my cock. As soon as the first sucker touched the tip, a shiver went up my spine. They were soft, supple, slick, smooth, with gentle suckers that grasped and teased my shaft. The fact that I had just come into my mother’s mouth was lost in this new sensation. A surge of lust shot through me and my cock began to stiffen up again.

Her tentacles slowly slid up and down my fifteen inches, teasing globs of slime from the tip, making me moan. Her long tongue teased her breasts, squeezing her long brown nipples and sending squirts of milk across my cock. Her labia tentacles massaged the milk into my meat, teasing my cock until it was fully at attention. More slime slipped from the tip.

I looked down at my mother’s tentacled pussy. At the center of the ring of six appendages, her snatch gaped – pink, slimy, open waiting for my cock. I could see inhuman-looking muscle contractions ripple through the pink tunnel that opened before me, making the walls quiver and my mother arch her back in an orgasm. A fresh load of slime sluiced from her open hole, and more poured from her mouth across her tits that were pointed skyward, arcing milk across her stomach.

Her tentacles pulled my cock towards her vagina. I wanted to fight, I wanted to resist, but it was as if she was sucking my will from me. My cock throbbed towards her pussy, my cock tip purple and engorged, the aperture at the end gaping in anticipation, sliding slime out that the tentacles rubbed along the shaft.

I leaned forward, grabbing my mother’s legs and pulling her cunt closer. Her tentacles wrapped around my legs and my balls, slipping one up into my sliming asshole.

I was horrified by the pussy that awaited my cock, but I wanted it more than I had ever wanted anything before.

I slipped my hands down between the tentacles and stretched them apart, gaping her pink cunt even wider. The tentacles slithered and grasped at my fingers, pulling my hands even further apart, stretching my mother’s slit even more.

The widening of her slit pushed her asshole wider too. Below her tentacled labia I could see her asshole gaping, slithering slime out, pink flesh beyond.

“Slide your monster cock into your mommy’s pussy,” my mother whispered, her voice hoarse around the slime in her throat. “Make me feel it, baby. Make mommy come.”

I couldn’t resist her, I couldn’t resist the insistent pull of her tentacled labia. I slid my cock into her waiting, gaping, rippling cunt and began pistoning in and out of her. Her tentacles grasped my legs as I worked her over, feeling ever inch of my meat as it slipped past the rippling walls of her alien vagina. I was horrified but unstoppably aroused. The terror made the turn-on even more intense. I had to come, I had to come inside this tentacled monster my mother had become.

I pushed in and out harder and harder. I closed my eyes. Her tentacles slipped up and down my legs, teased my balls, and made rings around my asshole.

Finally I felt my balls contract. Thick loads of semen and slime shot into the tentacled maw that was – or had once been – my mother’s cunt. Her tentacles ran thick with the combination of slime and come.

As my ardor cooled, I looked down at my mother and her body. What had I done? What was she? What had I just fucked?

I turned and fled back to my attic room, locking the door behind me.

What the fuck had I just seen? What had I done? I had seen a tongue like that and tentacles like that before earlier today. It was on the statue in that chamber with the tentacle monster – the monster that had so thoroughly fucked my mother.

What was happening?

I fell down onto the bed, exhausted. Any resistance to sleep seemed to have been drained out of my by my frantic fuck with my mother and the subsequent moment of terror. I rolled over, closed my eyes and sank deeply into sleep.

