My first femdom part 6: ending our ‘first date’ [MF]

Other parts are posted in my profile! I recommend reading them, you’ll enjoy this entry more.

An hour had passed since Claire had left me in her apartment, strapped to this chair. Saliva was running down my face thanks to the gag. Worst of all was my back. If you’re a restless person like me, sitting in one position for even an hour is hard on your back.

“Heyyy OP. How are ya?” I heard Claire’s voice.

Her google home speaker lit up to indicate that she was intercomming in from her phone. How was I supposed to respond to that? I had a gag in my mouth.

“Nod your head if you’re okay, shake your head to indicate your safe word.

Easy choice – this sucked, I was uncomfortable, bored and a little cold. But It wasn’t worth losing Claire. I nodded my head.

“Good. I’ll be home soon. I’ll check in every half hour.”

Contradictory statements… How many half hours are still considered ‘soon?’

About 90 mins later I heard the jingle of keys and the door unlock. I heard Claire’s voice through the door, she was talking to someone. It sounded like a man. What the f*ck… I immediately got scared. Not in a fear for my life kind of way, but in a way that you get scared when you’re in public naked in one of your dreams. Next to the fear was the jealousy – I knew (or at least thought I knew) what was next. Claire was going to make me listen to her fuck this guy.

For context, Claire isn’t and has never been my girlfriend, but I still felt the jealousy. She didn’t make a big deal out of this first ‘date’ we were currently on, but it felt romantic at times.

I could hear from their chatter that they had moved to the master bedroom. I listened but couldn’t make out any of the words.

Claire then opened the door to the room I was in, shutting it behind her and then hurried past me to her closet, brushing my cheek with her hand passing by me. I heard her removing clothes and mumbled through my gag to get her attention.

Claire exited the closet wearing nothing but a robe, open for me to admire her pale body. In one hand she held one of her thongs, in the other a bottle of lube and a dildo, probably 8ish inches long. She stood in front of me, placing her thong on the ground.

“I’m gonna need you to be real quiet, okay babe?”

She removed the gag from my mouth. Before I could close my jaw, she placed the tip of the dildo in my mouth. There was enough room for my to talk around it barely so I began:

“Who’s with-”

Before I could finish, Claire shoved the dildo to the back of my throat, choking me. I couldn’t breathe, tears immediately welled up in my eyes and my head was pushing against my head rest, unable to escape.

“Shhh, no talking please,” Claire said, removing the dildo, allowing me to catch my breath.

“I just-”

The dildo went straight to the back of my throat again.

“Shh, no talking,” Claire reminded me. She then removed the dildo, still holding the tip in my mouth.

I caught my breath, trying to stay as quiet as possible. My throat already hurt; it wasn’t used to being stretched like that.

“I need you to cum as fast as you can for me, okay?”

I didn’t respond – I wasn’t about to be punished again.

“Good boy,” she said. She removed the dildo from my mouth and placed the gag back in. She then knelt to the floor between my legs and immediately went to town on my cock with her mouth. She cupped my balls perfectly and went all out – she was giving me the type of blowjob that women usually worth their way up to. This was all gas no brakes for about a minute. Claire then stopped to grab the bottle of lube once I was fully erect, poured some over my cock and then jerked it a few times with her hand to rub it in.

Claire then stood up, placed one leg over my lap and then the other, sitting down to straddle me in the chair. She leaned forward, placing her hand between her legs to grab my cock and guide it into her. Side note: up until this point in my life I had never had sex without a condom. Claire and I had never discussed protection/contraceptives, so needless to say this was a new sensation for me.

Claire rode me for about 2 minutes straight, not letting up.

“That’s it, come for me. Come inside me,” she whispered into my ear.

I won’t say that that’s what sent me over the edge, since I had already passed the point of no return. I indicated I was close by increasing the pace of my breathing. I don’t know how much cum I had left in the tank since I had already came 4 times earlier in the evening, but whatever was left in there was now inside Claire.

She wasted no time climbing off of me, putting her panties on and walking over to her desk. She unlocked her laptop and began typing and clicking away. When she finished she walked over to me, bent over meeting me face-to-face, gave me a kiss through my gag and then once again licking me up the entire side of my face like she had done before she left me in her apartment. She tied her robe closed and left the room, shutting the door behind her.

I heard chatter once again in the master bedroom, but I was now focused on the contents of Claire’s laptop screen. I wasn’t just gonna listen to her fuck this guy – she had a live stream through her home security cameras for me to watch. I was filled with questions – is this an invasion of privacy? Who the hell has cameras in their bedroom? (Claire was and still is an early adopter of tech, these cameras weren’t as common back then as they are now. She’s one of those new phone every year type folks) Did Claire record us and show anyone?

My jealousy hit new levels when I realized who she was with. If you’ve read my previous stories, you’ve heard of Matt, another guy who Claire had slept with who couldn’t handle how rough she was, so she didn’t continue the ‘relationship’ after one night. I didn’t notice anything, but according to Claire, Matt has been flirting with her ever since and constantly ‘jokes’ about coming over. I was beginning to doubt anything she told me about him… was I just another one on her roster?

I sat and watched as she did the same things with Matt that we had done – she took his shirt off, handcuffed him, removed his pants, fastened his legs to her bed frame and then climbed on top of him, lowering her ass onto his face.

I won’t lie, the group of guys that Matt and I are friends with are all really close. We’ve probably all seen a few glimpses of each other’s business in locker rooms and such, but I felt super weird straight up watching this guy eat ass, with his dick out and all.

After a few minutes, Claire flipped around and made him eat out her pussy. This is where things got real weird for me, personally. Is there a word for being disgusted with yourself for being turned on by something disgusting? Shame, maybe? I dunno. It was a mix of feelings, a lot of conflict within me, but my cock still hard, even after my 5th orgasm of the day.

Claire rode Matt’s face for a solid 10 minutes. He made her cum, no doubt. When she was finished, she laid next to him with her hand on his chest. They were talking. Claire had turned off the audio on her laptop, and they were now quiet enough that I couldn’t hear them through the walls.

Before long, Claire had set him loose and sent him on his way, and I could hear them say their goodbyes through the door. She re-entered the room I was in, her robe undone. She walked over to her desk and shut her laptop before returning to me and removing my gag.

“You don’t have to be quiet anymore.”

I was still kind of in shock about the whole thing. About 40 minutes had passed since Claire had returned home with Matt, so I had been sitting here in this chair for close to 4 hours.

“Claire, what the fuck?! I didn’t need to see that!”

Claire seemed caught off guard by my tone.

“You didn’t like that?” she asked.

“No, absolutely not,” I responded.

“Well why don’t you tell that to your cock.”

She’s got me there. I was still fully erect.

“I.. Just, it’s weird when it’s someone I know. Did he know I was here? Did he know you were recording that?”

“I didn’t record anything. That was for your eyes only. And no, he didn’t know.”

“So was this your plan for our ‘date’ this entire time?”

“No, not at all. He just kind of showed up to girls night after Laura let him know where we were.” Claire answered. She tugged at her robe, pulling it from her shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. She grabbed my cock again. “I just thought that he should know what a real man tastes like.”

Claire took me into her mouth, sucking on me gently…

TBC if there’s interest!



  1. perfection! at first i was unsure how this was going to unfold but then the ending made everything 10x better! please continue

  2. I just found your stories and have binge read them all, hot as fuck and awesome writing! Gotta say, interested to hear how things ended after you mentioned this was years ago in part 5

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