Extracurricular Learning (ch. 1)

Most small towns have certain things in common – small schools, small talk, small minds… Eric Jackson was a teacher is one such town. In rural Virginia, the school was as small as it got – there were 84 students in the high school where he taught science. All of the sciences, or at least what he could . As a teacher at a small school in a small town with small minds, he was under the strict rule of the school board. Anything other than Creationism was a theory, and anything related to sex was taboo.

He was lamenting this as he looking at the Sex Ed books lining a dusty shelf in the storage room. Issued by the state, and “mandatory” per the State Board of Education, they sat untouched. His thoughts were interrupted by a quiet voice on the floor.

“Mr. Jackson, did you hear me? I asked if you thought there were any more English books? It seems there aren’t as many Composition books, but I don’t know…” her honey-thick drawl faded. Ella Kirkpatrick was a senior, and a star pupil. Eric reminded himself of such as he looked down at her long, shapely legs that she had stretched out in front of her. Ella wore a white floral skirt that hit just above the knees, with a lilac silk blouse whose buttons strained at the secrets beneath. Smart outfit for the student council pictures earlier that day, but not exactly an outfit to wear while working in a musty storeroom. He had fantasies about taking her outfit off, so she wouldn’t get “dirty,” and in his daydreams she often wore a similar outfit. They had worked on organizing the workroom for a week. Each night he pleasured himself to fantasies involving the student council president and team captain of the science bowl. He swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry.

“Oh, there may be more. We’ll leave the rest of that shelf open, in case we find more.”

She smiled at him, then gracefully pulled her legs underneath her, kneeling near his ladder and returning to scanning and shelving the school’s text books. He sighed, disappointed that she was adept at the maneuver without showing more skin, then disappointed in himself for his impure thoughts. He glanced down, her new position offering a perfect view of her cleavage. She didn’t seem large-busted, but perhaps she was filling out, as people said. Her breasts strained against the fabric of her top, then her cleavage became deeper as her breasts were pushed together as she picked up books. This process repeated, and her chest looked as though it were heaving as she moved. He imagined feeling those breasts beneath him as she breathed heavily, both lost is the heat of lust. He shook the thought, physically shaking his head as though it were a gnat buzzing in his ear.

“Are you okay?” Ella asked, face full of concern.

He continued to frown.

“Let’s take a break and get some water,” she said as she stood, placing a hand on the ladder to steady it.

Eric did not even realize the ladder had been shaking. Too flustered to talk, he climbed down. As Ella handed him a bottled water, he managed a sheepish grin. “I think you’ve been up on the ladder too long. You’re getting altitude sickness,” she said with a mischievous smile. Eric chuckled.
“My turn next,” she said, so matter-of-factly that Eric didn’t argue. They chatted about colleges and summer plans as they drank the cool water from the teacher’s fridge.

Ella kicked off her shoes. She began climbing the ladder, reaching the third rung before pausing. “Maybe I should change into my gym clothes,” she frowned, looking down at her legs.

“Oh, well, we are almost done,” Mr. Jackson almost stammered as his heart raced. “We can quit here for the day.”

“No! There isn’t much left; if I hurry…”

“Or,” Eric interrupted, “I can work over here on supplies. No one else will be in, so you don’t have to worry about your skirt.”

Ella blushed and Eric’s heartbeat quickened. “That would work,” she smiled tightly. Mr. Jackson noted she waited for him to turn his attention to the far wall before she ascended the ladder. She worked on the upper shelves while he inventoried pens, printer paper, and other supplies. Counting and tallying supplies was a far better task to keep his mind off of young, supple breasts, and the work passed quickly.

Ella cleared her voice behind him and he jumped at the sound. Instead of being greeted with a mischievous giggle at his expense, he was greeted with silence and he knew something was wrong. “Mr. Jackson,” she said quietly, a book tightly held to her chest, “do you think I could borrow a text book? Just for a day?”

He glanced at the book she held to her bosom and raised his eyebrows. The back of the book was hidden by her arms, but he had a sinking feeling in his gut. “May I ask why?” He matched her quiet voice.

She bit her lip and looked away, then down, then away again. She sighed to steel her resolve, the answered, “May I ask why we have sex education books but aren’t taught any sex education!” Her voice grew in volume with the accusation, and Eric was surprised. His quiet, perfect A+ student was suddenly fiery and passionate. He knew he should feel indignant, but instead he felt aroused. She mistook his hard stare for anger, and quickly continued, “Do you know what the girls are talking about for Prom? That they all are going to lose their virginity together; they all want to have sex after the dance? And I, I…” she sobbed.

He gently placed a hand on her shoulder and she turned away, hiding her face. So that’s why she hadn’t been her cheerful self, he thought. He pursed his lips at the information about the other senior girls. The fact of the matter was he could care less about them. Ella had lost trust in him. “The truth is I want to teach you everything, but I’m not allowed,” he said. “But I don’t think the school board forbidding me to teach that stuff is what’s bothering you…” he put both hands on her shoulders, closing the gap and standing behind her, close enough to smell her hair. He caressed her arms carefully and he felt her relax.

“No one wants to ask me because they know I won’t do it,” she managed. Eric stood silent, frozen in place. “I don’t know how to do anything, even if I wanted to,” she began silently sobbing. “There’s something wrong with an 18 year old gi-, woman,” she corrected, “that doesn’t know how to at least make out!”

“There’s nothing wrong with you!” He wanted to add ‘You’re perfect,’ but continued, “The system is broken. People are afraid that if we teach this stuff, you’ll want to do it more.”

“I don’t even know if I want to do anything,” she whined, turning into his arms. He held her for a sweet second and she suddenly pulled away. “Oh, god, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened,” she stammered,” I should have never unloaded on you like that,” she said as she wiped her eyes.

“I’ve known you for three years. You should know you can unload on me as much as you need to,” he smiled. “I think you’re stressed out and I want to help.” He shifted his weight and took a breath. “I’ll teach you. The stuff in that book. Or something along those lines.” He shifted his weight again, wanting to grab her and keep her from running away. She didn’t move. “I mean, I can’t have you stressed out for the State Science Meet,” he added. “Besides,” he finally met her eyes, “it will help me.” Ella’s eyes went up with interest. “Maybe it will give me courage to talk to the school board about adding Sex Ed to the curriculum,” he said, smiling slightly.

“You’d teach me? About sex?”

He nodded, wondering if she would bolt, screaming about her perverted science teacher.

“And the other stuff?” she asked.

“What oth… oh. Other stuff. Well, yes, that goes with it,” he said, hoping he sounded encouraging.

“Good,” she sighed, gracefully sitting on the floor. She opened the book and pointed to a page as she looked up at him expectantly. “I want to learn about this,” she stated, pointing at the title of the chapter.

Mr. Jackson sat down with her, not the see the page better or to get on her level, but because he feared his knees would buckle if he didn’t. He stared at her slender, pink tipped nail tapping the page. The chapter was titled ‘Masturbation.’

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mj2alu/extracurricular_learning_ch_1


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