Dating Ashley 2 [Boot kissing] [FLR] [Grounded] [Power exchange] [Slow burn]

My head burns. Did I drink? I don’t think I did. My head felt like it was splitting down the middle. Thank god it is the weekend I don’t have to work tonight. I think I did drink. What happened last night. I pulled my heavy eye lids open with all my might. It was blurry. How much did I drink god. I might just lay here for a few just till I feel better. I turned myself over to my clock. It is only 8 am. I should probably go back to sleep.

I closed my eyes. I lay for about 10 mins. Yea not happening. I heard my roommates yelling at whatever crappy video game they were trying to go pro in this week. God I have already got a head ache. I sat up putting my feet out of my bed. I am in my work uniform. I still have my shoes on. What time did I get back in? When I stood up I felt my stomach groan.

Step by painful step I walked into the bathroom on the other side of the hall. I splashed freezing cold water on my face. Why is it so cold. Why is it on the max temperature and still so cold. “Brad fucks with the water!!!” I yelled hoping I would get a reply between his overly loud voice coms. “Boiler broke last night landlord says it will be sometime next weekend he has a guy fixing it.” Fuck fuck fuck. I guess I will stink. I looked at my face. I already had stubble. What is that? Ohhhh god Ash. That was the gift. A clear as day mark with her bright red lipstick. Her lips. Fuck I nearly forgot about last night.

That is why the other bouncers got me a drink for scoring hahah. Funny guys. Guess I stayed for more than the one. I went into the kitchen with Brad to busy to even ask how I was or why I looked like I looked like I was going to get married. Got a glass and ran the tap for a few. One glass. Two glass. Three glasses of water. I felt the hangover go away almost instantly.

I needed to get these cloths off. I needed a hot shower. Fuck me man. I went back into my room. The room was dimly lit as to not wake me up. That did not work today. I slipped into something more comfortable a nice tank top and joggers. I picked up my phone one new message. From about an hour ago. Ash. “Good morning baby. Really enjoyed last night. Lets make it a Friday tradition. But I don’t wanna wait until then to see my baby boy again. Why don’t we meet up sometimes this weekend. Lets get things hammered out so we can really enjoy ourselves. Or well I enjoy myself by using you.” A smile crossed my face. “Sure I am free all weekend.”

I put my phone into my pocket not expecting a reply. Ding. I pulled my phone out. Ash. “How is tomorrow? You get over to mine at 12 and then we will see how long I need you here for.” Blood pulsed in my cock. “Yes sounds fine need to do anything like the date?” Ashley is typing… “No you’ll be fine come just casually we are just sorting stuff out and clearing things up.” She sent her address it was a date.

This was going well I thought. Very well How was I so so lucky. I just went about my day counting down the hours to go over to Ashley’s. I watched some shitty Netflix thing in the afternoon before going for an evening weights workout making very sure to shower afterword and a long cold night run. When I woke up the in the morning I done a boxing workout before showing and shaving at the gym. My gym was only a few blocks away from Ash’s house so it was not a long walk.

It was one of those classic old brick buildings that used to be the slums with a family of 12 a room before real estate grew in the 1990’s. It was a lovely looking building. I went up the small stair case leading to the door. She was in number 4. There were only 4 apartments in this building. I looked down to see were the building ended and it was quite a wide building with 4 floors including the underground floor. I was over thinking it. I rung the buzzer. A few seconds later the door was opened. I went up 2 flights of dark staircases looking barely done up were the 2nd above ground floor doors would be was just concreate making the stairs just have a large landing in the middle. I got to the top and across the landing was the door for number 4. A welcome mat nicely on the ground. I used the knocker and waited.

About 30 seconds passed before the door was slightly opened. “Hello random stranger” Ash giggled. “This building is weird. What on earth is up with it?” The door slowly sung open. Ash was wearing a pair of skinny jeans a short top that covered just about double of a bra. I saw a her lovely tattoo’s on her forearm the spiralling dragon and the skull on her midriff, the small skull tattoo on her leg and I got my best view of her upper chest tattoo. It was her name in the centre sounded by leaves and slakes. I could not help put pause to take in her beauty. Her hair was done in it’s normal way a large fringe on the left that nearly covered her eye and her hair on the right side going back exposing her ear. She had her red cats eye glasses on like she always. I looked down when she gave me a smile realising I was staring. On her feet she had blocky healed black boots on with laces.

“The building was converted in 2005 and the owner wanted to make very fancy 2 floor large flats. These 4 all have 2 floors each floor is already larger than most other flats. I got this with the money I got for getting promoted to marketing director and I got this place it is already paid for. But I know you are not interested in that now. In.” The single word was commanding. I walked in and she closed the door behind me. On her coat hanger was my jacket she took. The entry corridor was had 3 doors one went into a dinning room another the bathroom and one went to the kitchen at the end the corridor opened into a large living room with a staircase in the corner away from the street. It was very bright inside and the living room had an open floor plan.

Ash lead me over to a large sofa L shaped with a large glass coffee table it was the main sofa as it was in a corner but you were still able to walk around it. The floor was wooden but the large sofa and the coffee table sat on a large deep red carpet. I began to sit down. “No off the furniture!” Ashley yelled. I stood up quickly. “This is my house you obey my rules in here. Understand?” I nodded. Ash walked over and sat on the shinny leather of the couch with one leg over another. “Kneel on the other side of the coffee table. We need to get things straightened out” I walked around the large coffee table. I looked at Ash and she had a serious look on her face. I slowly started to kneel down.

“Don’t worry I know you did not intentionally break a rule but you always have to ask me permission to sit on furniture. Now let me tell you how it will be from now on. Got it?” I looked at the table at my reflection. “Got it.” I did not know what to think but I knew my cock was thinking this was great. “Rule 1 when you answer a question or talk to me in my house you will always say Mistress Ash at the end. For example What is for Dinner Mistress Ash? Thank you Mistress Ash. Permission to speak Mistress Ash. You know. Outside of my house it will just be Ash or Ashley. Understand?” I looked up. “Yes Mistress Ash” I said sheepishly.

“You will get used to it. Rule 2 you are not allowed to sit on furniture unless I give permission. Outside of here or if we have guests that don’t know our relationship you will look at me and I will nod yes or no to sit down. The same applies for you asking permission to speak. Outside here or with guests over you will have the ability to speak free that is rule 3. By the way rules most rules are not to be used if you have slept in my bed the night before. Just so the dynamic is not 100% permanent it will be a 60 40 split roughly. Understand?” I stopped for a second to think. “Yes Mistress Ash” She gave a warm smile. “Good rule 4 is about greeting and saying goodbye to me. You will give me 10 kisses on each shoe boot foot sock even depending what I am wearing. Rule 5 is for both of us and is a rule that will never be over turned. Your safe words are Red to stop and orange to slow it down. Rule 6 is simple you obey every order I give without question and what I say when I say it without hesitation no get out that one if permanent. Fun right?” She gave a suggestive grin.

“Rule 7 is that I am allowed to correct your behaviour in whatever way I like. Permanent. Rule 8 you must wear a collar at all times however in public I have a necklace with a ring that will act as your collar. Rule 9 is that that are to always be in chastity when not here and well when you are here you will also probably be in chastity. Rule 10 no cumming without permission permanent. Rule 11 always be on all fours except guests that don’t know and public you get the drift by now. Rule 12 you are not allowed to touch me without permission. Rule 13 is that you must give me access to your phone at all times and as this goes on it will increase. If we get engaged I will have access to your mail and married everything. Rule 14 you are my property and mine alone so I can add rules at any time I want and I basically control your life. Rule 15 the second last. You must be nude in this apartment at all time baring the bed opt out or we have guests over.” She smiled at me.

She paused to see what I would do. I looked at her. My hands moved I was starting to take off my shirt. “Stop. Dear stop I did not give you permission to move. I am also not done.” She smiled. “Your going to hate rule 16 but I am going to love it. You are not allowed to see me naked until the night of our wedding if we have one.” She giggled.

“Well I still have a few more things to go over and then I will ask if this is all ok. Ok the protocol. You will have to learn a few poses and be able to snap into them in under 10 seconds. Kneel. Bow. Inspection. Dog. Wait. You will learn these positions. Next when you enter this apartment the first door to the right is the bathroom you will enter and strip leaving all of your cloths on the cabinet. You will then wait in the Bow position facing away from the door for me to let you leave. When you cook dinner you will present it to me here and then you will wait in the corner of the room for me to decide how you will eat. If the plate of food is on the coffee table you will eat there with cutlery if not your food will be in a dog bowl in the kitchen. You will send me texts saying you arrived safely at the gym and at your work as well as good morning and good night texts. And that is it I think. I will send you a file or something with all this Boring information. I will just teach you the positions then I think we will just leave it. Don’t want to though you in the deep end yet. That is next weekend.” Ashley smiled and stood up. She walked around to my side of the coffee table.

She lifted a part of her foot up and shook it. I bent down and gave it the customary 10 kisses on her boot. She then pulled her foot back and put the other forward. I also gave the 10 kisses I loved this kissing her boot it was like ecstasy. I let a single figure on my chin as it was brought to look into Ash’s eyes. “Fuck your handsome. Lets get these positions done fast so I can snuggle up next to you on the couch.” I laughed. She smiled a cute innocent smile.

“Straight back, hands face down on your thighs. Thighs closer together.” Ashley was in a squatting position using small touches with her hands to put me in the right position. “There this is Kneel. Spread your legs, keep your back straight hands other way up like your washing. There keep them on your thighs.” It was kneeling with my thighs spread apart with my palms facing up. Ashley smiled when I done it properly. “Good job that’s wait. Dog I am sure you can guess.” I got on all fours like a dog and I well nothing complicated. “Good boy this is dog. Right bow is a bit more complicated. Keep your feet and knees together. Good bring your body forward with your arms outstretched and your forehead touching the ground. Good this is bow.” Ashley stepped back. “Stand.” Such a simple word sounded so commanding. My blood kept rushing to my cock. I obeyed standing up.

She patted the wall next to her very large TV. I walked over. “Hands wider than shoulder width apart. There we go. Legs apart as well. Good that is inspection. That is you done. You can talk freely that’s it. What do you think is all of that ok or do you want to leave that stuff a while?” I got out of the position. I stood thinking for a second. “I think lets give it a run next week and see what happens.” She gave me a hug around my neck as well as a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t worry you don’t have to pay be back for that. ” She giggled.

For the next few hours we just sat on the couch and watched old 80’s action films trying to see who could do the best Arnold impression she lost. We talked and talked. She works from home and make 7 times more than I do with is fair enough she has a real job and is not responsible for beating up drunks that try to rape a girl or start fights. We talked about having kids. She said she wants 3 girls and a boy. I wanted a boy and a girl. She told me that she would be the one that decides the number. We both laughed. We ordered in Chinese food and had a filling dinner when we were not flicking spoonful’s of rice at each other.

As the last lights from sunset we slow dances around her apartment listening to the best power metal had to offer. As darkness dropped I had to get back to my house. Ash offered to let me stay the night and maybe rule 16 could be ignored as we had not started but I had a fitness regime to return to. As I was walking down the corridor Ashley stopped me. “Were do you think your going? You really think you can leave without getting a kiss? Get back here.” She smiled. I walked back and Ashley practically jumped on me wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck forcing me to hold her up giving me the best kiss of my life. When she got off. I went on my knees and kissed each of her boots 20 times to make up for the quality of the kiss. Then I left messaging Ash that I got home safe.
