Another [MMF]

I wrote about my first MMF previously [here]( It was a fun experience so I was always looking for the opportunity to repeat it. That opportunity came a few years later.

My last MMF happened in 2014, just before I met my wife. I was managing a music venue at the time and had made good friends in the local music scene. 2 of these friends were Jerry and Claire. Claire and I had a little bit of history with a brief 2 month flurry of passion followed by a peppering of one night stands. That all stopped when she started seeing one of the chefs, Donal, from the venue I was managing – a relationship that had very recently come to an end.

Claire was a classic Irish beauty. Tall for a girl, brunette, wavy, almost wild hair. Great body from her love of surfing and situps. She looked excellent naked! Jerry was a strong looking version of a young Bruce Springsteen. Always in leather on denim, he had that “look” but he also had a strong gym routine and was a tall, well built man. I, at the time, had lost a little definition following an injury so carrying a few extra but you wouldn’t notice it. Both Jerry and I were classic Irish in our looks, hairy faces and big smiles but no Adonis!

It was just after Christmas when this happened, in that week where you don’t really know what to do after Christmas and before New Year. Jerry had been living in Berlin and was home for Christmas, hence the night out. There were others out with us too but I was closest to these two. As we got drunker, Jerry told us a couple of stories of his visits to KitKat in Berlin which got us all talking about group sex. The stories had just started when Jerry was called on stage (we were in my venue) to guest on a song with the band. Claire and I carried on the conversation.

“What do you think of Jerrys stories? Mad, aren’t they?” I asked.

“Crazy! But sexy crazy! Seeing all those people having sex, having sex in front of others. The smell, the sweat, the rubbing of bodies, the raw sexual nature, it all sounds euphoric!”

“I know! I’d love to go there! Have you had group sex before? Sounds like you’re into it!”

“No, never, had but I’d love to. I tried getting Donal to bring one of his bi friends home but it just never worked out”

“Oh, Donal is bi? I didn’t know. Is that something you’d like to see? 2 bi guys together”

“Oh yeah, big fantasy of mine, probably my number one fantasy!”

“Huh, I didn’t know that about you. What about you and another girl? Are you into that?”

“It’s on the list but a good few down to be honest. I way prefer the idea of 2 guys and I. What about you? Have you had group sex?”

“Yeah, actually. I’ve had an MMF once.”

“Oh really? Did you and the other guy touch?”

“Yeah, it kind of led into that, although it wasn’t planned”

“Really!? Oh wow, I didn’t expect that from you! How far did you go?”

“That time I sucked him, he sucked me, then I fucked him. Obviously we also both had sex with the ‘F’ there too! Ha”

“That time? Was there another time?”

“Well, yeah, myself and Dermot had our own fun a few months after and he fucked me then”

“Fuck, Dave, that’s so hot!! Wait… Dermot… your old housemate? His cock is HUGE! You took that up your ass?”

“Haha, it IS huge, I KNOW!”

Just then, as we were getting juicy, Jerry came back from the stage and he just knew that we were in the middle of something.

“What are ye guys up to?”

I really wanted to see where this conversation led so I just blurted out to Jerry “After hearing your Kit Kat stories we started talking more about group sex and I was just telling Claire about the MMF I had with my roommate and a girl he brought home from the bar” sparing the juicy bi details until Claire exclaimed “And they fucked! And it was Dermot – with the huge cock!”. It was fairly well known that Dermot had a huge cock, he was fairly proud of it and loved to show it off!

Jerry just started laughing and turned to me and said “really? I didn’t know you swung both ways!” (Now, Jerry had caught me wanking before, buck-arse naked in my own living room when he called up to borrow my car, it’s a whole other story but he ended up joining me for a wank. Nothing happened between us then but the whole situation was quite homo-erotic so he must have had an inkling that I swung both ways but he wasn’t letting on to Claire, not then!)

“Yeah, I do sometimes, sex is sexy you know, it doesn’t matter the gender. If they are naked, attractive and turned on, it’s all good!”.

Jerry laughed at that and said, “Haha, yeah, I know what you mean! Can’t say I didn’t have a little dabble on the dark side when I was in Kit Kat!”

“What! You too!?” screamed Claire “Ye are both bi?”

“Haha, looks like it” I answered.

“Ok, so ye are both bi, ye have both had experience, I have had sex with both of ye, my number one fantasy is a three-way with 2 bi guys… are we wasting time here? Should we go somewhere and have a threesome?” Claire asked.

Jerry and I looked at each other and at Claire with a little inquisitive grin, almost a silent “should we? Are you up for it?”, I decided to put some words to it “Jerry? You in? I’m cool with it. Sure, I’ve seen your cock before!”

“WHAT!!!??” screamed Claire “Ok, we are going!”

Part 2 on the way
