Blackmail 11 – Negotiation (F, blackmail, fiction)

I got my reply from my *admirer* after trying to up-sale myself with a ridiculous amount of money to supplement my income if I were to **give** up my night jobs as my *admirer* requested.

*Unknown: come now Bella you and both know that you don’t always get $75k a weekend.  on average you earn $12k just on your dancing job alone.  your modeling is so infrequent you’re lucky to get more than one date a month.*

*Me: let me guess you researched me*

*Unknown: for a while before I made contact yes*

I growled.

I was right.  This asshole whoever they were had been keeping an eye on me for them to get as much dirt on me as they had.  

The photos were only the tip of the iceberg that they had on me.

*Me: ok I’ll admit that I don’t ALWAYS have a client for my weekend affection services but still I do get clients enough to where my claim should be valid.*

*Unknown: ok I’ll give you that.*

*Me: so as I said unless you’re willing to supplement the loss I’m not giving up either job.  the most you can do is be added as a client to my affection services*

*Unknown: guess I’ll just share what I have to…..what’s his name Mr. Hileman is the principle….correct?*

I smirked.

*Me: the most he’ll do is stroke himself to the photos.  I have my own dirt against him to where I could counter that threat*

*Unknown: but not if I add Ms. Sonya Byrd who is your superintendent.  along with the Mayor Frank Solis and the Governor Arnold Denumbrum*

Crap he had me.

If my photos got to either of those people my job and future was in deed fucking dead.  Or at least my *honest* jobs were dead.

*Me: ok fine you got me there.  but still my point is made about losing on extra income.  if you’ve shadowed me long enough you should know that my income as a simple educator isn’t enough to pay for everything*

*Unknown: i’m not the one who decided to use their body to inflate their income.  I’m simply using that decision you made on your lonesome to benefit me.*

*Me: ok if you really want me to give up both gigs and have you as my only client I think negotiating is only appropriate*

Just then my devices turned on causing me to start moaning out loud but get instantly pissed as my devices turned off just as quickly.


I quickly got a shock to my girls and sensitive button making me instantly double over.

Yep.  I enjoyed that even though that hurt like a son of a bitch.  Only their fault for getting me turned on before they shocked my ass.  

Is it bad I want to chew whoever this person is just so I can receive more?

*Unknown:  remember what I said language*


*Me: fine!!!*

*Unknown: so you’re asking for more money more than me giving you an expensive gift and paying for your cell phone service*

*Me: you damn right I am.  **You** bought the gift to torture me.  and **you** paid for my cell phone service to get **your** enjoyment.  I didn’t make you do any of that.  You’re making me give up income.  Either you pay for my services and I do as you ask or you don’t and I keep my jobs.  that simple*

I quickly typed.

*Me: you better hurry in your decision I have to be at the club in an hour.  this bitch has various man’s stick shift to grind and tease*

*Unknown: if I were to supplement your income what do I get out of it?*

That was a good question.

I hadn’t met this person so I couldn’t show them exactly what I could do to them.  But this person could easily just command me to do private shows for free and has done so so far.  

But they weren’t interfering with my job….at least not my night jobs.  My day job I was sure I was going to get caught more than once the first time.

I decided to be up front.

*Me: you’re the one who has remained a mystery this entire time so I’m not sure what I can do beyond all the teasing you have done to me*

*Unknown: so you’re saying if you meet me then you might agree to giving up you’re side jobs?*


*Me: and pay me to be MY only client as well.  you forget this is a simple financial transaction.  You want to be MY only client.  Those are my demands.  You pay me to offset the difference and I finally meet you.*

My *admirer* remained quiet long enough to where I had to get ready.  So I text them.

*Me: You’ve taken too long to answer.  So I’m going to get ready meaning my devices will be removed.  You turn on either of my devices that I leave on while I’m at work and make me lose money your gift will be trashed never to be installed again*

My *admirer* remained quiet and I took their silence as an agreement.

I went into my room and removed said devices and dried them off before plugging them in to be charged while I was gone.

Then I went into my bathroom and started getting myself ready by removing my DAY makeup and put on coconut oil all over my body before I put on my simple jump suit.  Then I grabbed my dancing bag before heading out the door.

Before I left my house I quickly changed my license plate so if anyone were to see a similar car driving to my night gigs see a different license plate.

Yes getting a second identity was a major pain in the ass.

And yes getting a second license plate for the same car was equally a major pain in the ass.

Some might consider my current actions as paranoid but it’s better than driving to work and someone from your day job finding YOUR car with YOUR license plate at a club.  That kind of thing raises questions.  However if someone finds a car LIKE yours but with different license plates than it’s just coincidence.  

Plus I don’t put silly stickers on my car like my alma mater or the school I was teaching at out of pride then that just adds a certain level of difficulty of trying to hide.

Though I guess I could buy a different car one for my DAY job and one for my NIGHT job.  That would make more sense.

Or I could do the spy thing and have a rotating license plate on the front and back like a spy but I don’t know where to get that.

Thankfully one of my clients is shady enough to help with said identity and licenses along with a few other things he provides as his payment that he gets from me every six months.  So for everything he provides it only costs me one ‘girlfriend’ package every six months.  A nice little trade off if I say for myself.

Roughly 30 minutes later I was at Cheeks, the club I am employed at.

It was your stereotypical strip club with some variations like special VIP rooms with optional karaoke and other items.

And there was of course the occasional * ahem * girl’s whoring themselves to clients.

I parked in the back where all the *talent* parks and opened my bag to put on my mask as I got out of the car and headed into the back room.

I get into the backroom where all the *talent* is already getting ready for their acts by dolling themselves up at their own individual stations.  I walk over to my locker where I house my *outfits* for the night, choose one, grab my tackle box of makeup and head to my shared designated mirror and start getting ready.

I walked out onto the floor and my first few dances went off without a hitch and gathered the raining money that landed on the aisle for me.

Then I did my rounds on the floor where all the customers were trying to convince a willing fool to take me to the VIP room for a private show only to get a few poor pathetic fools for a regular tease session.

God after my weekend and week I was the desperate one.

If I don’t get a bite for a VIP room soon I’m just going to say fuck it and give EVERYONE a show just so I can scratch my itch.

But I had to stay focused and not lose my job….nor the free money that rained down.

Half way through the night I found a mark that was too good to pass up.

He was perfect in my eyes.

Nicely dressed….well more so than the other single lost souls who dress nice to come into here.  He had a chiseled jaw or at least I think a nicely chiseled jaw that was hidden by an overly thick maintained beard that went down to his chest.  His hair looked freshly stylized and freshly cut with light peppering of grey on the sides.  His white shirt and grey vest made him look like he kept himself in shape.  His sleeves were rolled up to show his sleeve tattoos on both arms.  HIs pin striped slacks.  His fair complexion and his piercing eyes.

Everything screamed power about this man.  The only question was it GOOD power like a politician or banker or BAD power like a gangster?

And as he stared at me as I danced made me feel like those eyes were penetrating into my soul.  Like I was dancing for him and no one else cared.

I finished my dance and made my way onto the floor to find another girl had marked him….DAMN IT!!!!

She was obviously whispering sweet nothings into him.

But as soon as I walked onto the floor his eyes found me and I felt like I could melt.

I walked over to the mark and smiled at the girl who was going by the stage name ‘Angel’, “Is everything here alright *Angel*?”

Angel, or her real name is Helen Edizoul, stood roughly my height, had the bimbo thing going with wide hips, narrow hourglass body, large curves in the obvious areas that screamed **I’M FAKE**.  You know the perfect look of a toy that all men gravitate towards.

Oh and a huge prima donna thinking she was better than everyone but last time I looked she didn’t do adult films, she didn’t have merchandise modeled after her, she didn’t have a side gig with any rich clientele, she hadn’t modeled.  Her only real rise to fame was being on a site that catered to the bimbo lifestyle where she had her own page with a list of other mentionable models before you got to the real stars in that world.

The only reason she got a mentionable on the website was because the developer of the site visited EVERY club and talked to EVERY girl who fit the bimbo looks. Naturally Angel got interviewed by the developer.

Something she rubbed in every girl’s face that she was on a heavily hit site that was geared to the bimbo lifestyle and sneered at all of us girl’s for failing to follow that same lifestyle she herself devoted her whole self to.

Me, I just ignored her because of my background and the way I was raised.

Angel looked at me with her fake smile, “Everything’s fine here Mary.”  As she went back to coaxing her new ‘mark’ as she tried to whisper into his ear.

The man was obviously ignoring her as he looked at me, “Mary what?”

I looked at him, “Mary Tasty.  And you would be?”

He smiled at me, “Interested.”  He looked at ‘Angel’, “Why don’t you be a dear and get myself and Mary here a drink.  Two fingers of Macallan 18 year one cube of ice and whatever Ms. Tasty here wants.”

Angel instantly got pissed but pretended to smile as Mr. Interested pulled out a C note as he exclaimed, “Keep the change.”

Angel walked off in a huff as I watched her leave before I looked at Mr. Interested, “You do realize you just gave up a perfect chance to be with a bimbo right?”

He looked at her as she approached the bar before he looked at me and shook his head, “I prefer real over fake any day.”

I looked at him with a small smile, “What makes you think I’m real?”

He looked me up and down before he padded the open chair next to him, “Call it a hunch.”

I sat down and crossed my legs a little happy to be off these extreme high heels that ALL of us dancers wear.

I looked at him, “You do realize my time isn’t cheap Mr. Interested?”

He smiled at me, “I imagine not Ms. Tasty.  I do have one question.”

I looked at him, “What’s that?”

He smiled, “Are you the same Tasty as in the videos?”

I nodded, “That’s right.”

A female walked up, “Your drink sir.”

Mr. Interested looked up at the server, “Thank you darlin’.  I take it Ms. Angel was too busy to bring it herself?”

The girl smiled, “Yes sir, Ms. Angel is in the back with another client.”

He smiled at her before pulling out a small bill and dropping it on her tray and removed the glass of alcohol, “Poor fool.”

The girl smiled and winked at me before retreating.

I tried not to scoff at his words of ‘Poor fool’ and I noticed Ella, the girl who served Mr. Interested’s drink, tried to not laugh as well.

He returned his attention to me, “So Mary what brings you down from your stardom to here?”

I smiled at him, “Personal reasons.”

He raised his eyebrow at me, “Do you still perform in front of the camera?”

I nodded.

He smiled, “Good girl.”

He looked around but quickly dismissed the next girl dancing as I spoke, “Listen whoever you are unless you’re willing to pay for my time I have other guys to try to fleece before I have to go back on stage.”

He smiled as he took a sip as he eyed me causing me to want to melt.  He put down the glass, “Ok I’ll bite.  How much?”

I looked at him, “$200 for a 5 minute dance.  $1500 for a 30 minute VIP private show.”

He raised his eyebrow but I spoke, “Famous name gets you a higher price.  And I promise to be better company than Angel.”

He chuckled, “Alright let’s go to the VIP room so we can talk.”

[Part 10](

[Master List](


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